Arts & Artifacts Paper

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PM World History Mrs.

Waters Importance of Art & Artifacts in History For homework, due Saturday October 27th, you will write a paper no more than 2 pages in length. You will research, formulate a thesis stating your own opinion, and then support your argument with evidence. The subject of your academic exploration will be whether or not art and artifacts are important to history, and to be specific to what degree you think they are, or are not, relevant. Consider the following: What constitutes art? What is considered an artifact? How does a scholar differentiate as to what is art or an artifact and what is not? Does time or place play a role? Does the discovery have to be of a certain age or in a certain location to be important? Does it matter who discovers it or how they find it? Is art or an artifact more or less important or reliable than written record? Than biological remains? Are fossils artifacts?

This assignment is building off of your reading on the cave painting at Lascaux. You may use that as an example, along with anything else in your textbook, but try to use at least one other outside scholarly source. Include a bibliography as a third page attached to your paper. Remember to categorize your sources (book, internet etc.), alphabetize you entries, and to indent the second line on of your citations. Consult your MLA guide for help, and check out the websites listed there. Please create a citation for your textbook. Also, make sure your paper formatting follows the guidelines outlines on your course expectations sheet. Good luck! *A block will be in the library 1st period, and B block 4th period, Monday October 22nd. The librarians will help you learn how to best research this topic!

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