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Kartu Data

Butir Soal No. 1 1. What does the text mean? a. We can connect the device anytime without installation b. We have to install the program first before connecting the device with computer c. We cannot install the program into our computer d. We cannot use the device if we do not have any computer. Jenis Butir Soal Tema Jenis wacana/teks Keterampilan berbahasa Indikator/kompetensi : Pilihan Ganda : Electronics : Announcement : Reading : Menemukan informasi tersirat dalam teks

Kartu Data
Butir Soal No. 2 2. Rani congratulate Yani because she a. Achieve better way b. Is good at telling story c. Has tried her best to tell story d. Becomes the best participant in the contest. Jenis Butir Soal Tema Jenis wacana/teks Keterampilan berbahasa Indikator/kompetensi : Pilihan Ganda : Story Telling Contest : Congratulation Letter : Reading : Menemukan informasi yang spesifik dalam teks

Kartu Data
Butir Soal No. 3 3. What is the purpose of the text? a. To congratulate Yani on her success b. To inform people about the best participant in Story Telling Contest c. To announce people to give praise to Yani d. To invite people to come to the contest Jenis Butir Soal Tema Jenis wacana/teks Keterampilan berbahasa Indikator/kompetensi : Pilihan Ganda : Story Telling Contest : Congratulation Letter : Reading : Menemukan informasi tersirat dalam teks

Kartu Data
Butir Soal No. 4 4. When will the meeting be held? a. On Monday 31st Jan 2011 b. On Tuesday 1st Feb 2011 c. Tonight d. Will be canceled Jenis Butir Soal Tema Jenis wacana/teks Keterampilan berbahasa Indikator/kompetensi : Pilihan Ganda : Announcement : Memo : Reading : Menemukan informasi yang spesifik dalam teks

Kartu Data
Butir Soal No. 5 5. Where will the graduation party be held? a. At OSIS room b. On Karang Street c. At School d. At Art Room Istana Hotel Jenis Butir Soal Tema Jenis wacana/teks Keterampilan berbahasa Indikator/kompetensi : Pilihan Ganda : Graduation Party : Invitation Letter : Reading : Menemukan informasi yang spesifik dalam teks

Kartu Data
Butir Soal No. 6 6. What is the purpose of the text? a. To congratulate people b. To inform people c. To announce people d. To invite people Jenis Butir Soal Tema Jenis wacana/teks Keterampilan berbahasa Indikator/kompetensi : Pilihan Ganda : Graduation Party : Invitation Letter : Reading : Menemukan informasi tersirat dalam teks

Kartu Data
Butir Soal No. 7 7. What can we conclude from the text? a. The announcement is made by Mr. William b. The announcement is targeted only for SMPN 19 students c. There are more than two judges for the competition d. Both of the judges are native speaker Jenis Butir Soal Tema Jenis wacana/teks Keterampilan berbahasa Indikator/kompetensi : Pilihan Ganda : Story Telling Competition : Invitation Letter : Reading : Menyimpulkan informasi yang terdapat dalam teks

Kartu Data
Butir Soal No. 8 8. Who is the committee of the competition? a. Mr. George and Mrs. Shally b. The teacher of SMPN 1 c. OSIS of SMPN 19 d. All students Jenis Butir Soal Tema Jenis wacana/teks Keterampilan berbahasa Indikator/kompetensi : Pilihan Ganda : Story Telling Competition : Invitation Letter : Reading : Menemukan informasi yang spesifik dalam teks

Kartu Data
Butir Soal No. 9 9. The word in the text means a person who decided or justify the winner. a. Competition c. Judge b. Participant d. Junior Jenis Butir Soal Tema Jenis wacana/teks Keterampilan berbahasa Indikator/kompetensi : Pilihan Ganda : Story Telling Competition : Invitation Letter : Reading : Menafsirkan persamaan kata dalam teks

Kartu Data
Butir soal nomor 10 10. What is the blowfish? a. The trade mark of shoes. b. The name of a pet. c. The style of shoes. d. The writers favorite toy. Jenis Butir Soal Tema Jenis Wacana/Teks Keterampilan Berbahasa Indikator/Kompetensi : Pilihan Ganda : Stylist : Description : Reading : Menemukan informasi spesifik dalam teks.

Kartu Data
Butir soal nomor 11 11. Why do all her friends admire her as a smart woman of the day? a. Because she is a beautiful girl. b. Because she has beautiful shoes. c. Because she wears mens shoes. d. Because she has perfect appearance. Jenis Butir Soal Tema Jenis Wacana/Teks Keterampilan Berbahasa Indikator/Kompetensi : Pilihan Ganda : Stylist : Description : Reading : Menemukan informasi tersurat dalam teks.

Kartu Data
Butir soal nomor 12 12. What does the text tell us about? a. The writers favorite pet. b. The writers favorite shoes. c. The favorite shoes of the writers friend. d. The favorite fish of the writers friend. Jenis Butir Soal Tema Jenis Wacana/Teks Keterampilan Berbahasa Indikator/Kompetensi : Pilihan Ganda : Stylist : Description : Reading : Menyimpulkan informasi tersirat dari sebuah teks.

Kartu Data
Butir soal nomor 13 13. What did they enjoy along the journey? a. Big cities where they passed. b. The view along the road. c. Bali island. d. The bus which they got on. Jenis Butir Soal Tema Jenis Wacana/Teks Keterampilan Berbahasa Indikator/Kompetensi : Pilihan Ganda : Holiday : Recount : Reading : Menemukan informasi spesifik dalam teks.

Kartu Data
Butir soal nomor 14 14. What does the text tell you about? a. At Bali island. b. A trip to Bali. c. Crossing the strait oeadingf Bali. d. The experience to travel by sea. Jenis Butir Soal Tema Jenis Wacana/Teks Keterampilan Berbahasa Indikator/Kompetensi : Pilihan Ganda : Holiday : Recount : Reading : Menyimpulkan informasi tersirat dari sebuah teks.

Kartu Data
Butir soal nomor 15 15. The word harbor has the same meaning as the word .... a. City c. Road b. Strait d. Port Jenis Butir Soal Tema Jenis Wacana/Teks Keterampilan Berbahasa Indikator/Kompetensi : Pilihan Ganda : Holiday : Recount : Linguistic Competence (Vocabulary) : Menentukan persamaan kata yang ada dalam teks

Kartu Data
Butir soal nomor 16 16. What is prohibited to do avoid travelling sickness? a. Having a light meal and take ginger. b. Eating fatty food during the travel. c. Having sweet and enjoy the view of the road. d. Have a circulated air and seating well. Jenis Butir Soal Tema Jenis Wacana/Teks Keterampilan Berbahasa Indikator/Kompetensi : Pilihan Ganda : Travel : Tips : Reading : Menemukan informasi tersurat dalam teks.

Kartu Data
Butir soal nomor 17 17. From tips above, we can conclude that wed better .... a. Let the window open during the travel. b. Let the windor close during the travel. c. Reading some books during the travel. d. Standing during the travel. Jenis Butir Soal Tema Jenis Wacana/Teks Keterampilan Berbahasa Indikator/Kompetensi : Pilihan Ganda : Travel : Tips : Reading : Menyimpulkan informasi yang bisa diambil dari sebuah teks.

Kartu Data
Butir soal nomor 18 18. As a preventive, take ginger tablets prior to departure. the underlined word means .... a. Before c. During b. After d. When Jenis Butir Soal Tema Jenis Wacana/Teks Keterampilan Berbahasa Indikator/Kompetensi : Pilihan Ganda : Travel : Tips : Linguistic Competence (Vocabulary) : Menentukan persamaan kata dalam teks

Kartu Data
Butir soal nomor 19 19. Why did Rama thank Hanoman? A. Because Hanoman found his wife B. Because Hanoman found Shintas Crown C. Because Hanoman killed Rahwana D. Because Hanoman was his best friend Jenis Butir Soal Tema Jenis wacana/teks Keterampilan berbahasa Indikator/kompetensi : Pilihan Ganda : Folk Tale : Narration : Reading : Menentukan informasi spesifik dalam teks

Kartu Data
Butir soal nomor 20

20. It was the clue (Paragraph 2). The word it refers to A. the bushes C. the monkeys B. Hanoman D. Shintas crown Jenis Butir Soal Tema Jenis wacana/teks Keterampilan berbahasa Indikator/kompetensi : Pilihan Ganda : Sentence : Narration : Reading : Menentukan makna kata rujukan sesuai dengan konteksnya

Kartu Data
Butir soal nomor 21 21. What is the moral value of the text? A. Kidnapping is a bad action B. One should love ones wife C. The goodness defeats the evil D. The battle makes people wounded Jenis Butir Soal Tema Jenis wacana/teks Keterampilan berbahasa Indikator/kompetensi : Pilihan Ganda : Social Life : Narration : Reading : Menentukan pesan tersirat dari sebuah teks

Butir soal nomor 22 22.How long didnt Rama meet Shinta? A. 2 months C. 4 months B. 3 months D. 6 months
Jenis Butir Soal Tema Jenis wacana/teks Keterampilan berbahasa Indikator/kompetensi : Pilihan Ganda : Folk Tale : Narration : Reading : Menentukan informasi tersurat dari sebuah teks

Kartu Data

Kartu Data
Butir soal nomor 23

23. How many soft gels does someone take everyday? A. 1 gel C. 200 IU B. 15 mg D. 600 mg Jenis Butir Soal Tema Jenis wacana/teks Keterampilan berbahasa Indikator/kompetensi : Pilihan Ganda : Drink : : Reading : Menentukan informasi tersurat dari sebuah teks

Butir soal nomor 24 24. Daily value has not been established. (line10). What is the meaning of the established?
A. B. Ordered Determined C. Carried D. Helped

Kartu Data

Jenis Butir Soal Tema Jenis wacana/teks Keterampilan berbahasa Indikator/kompetensi

: Pilihan Ganda : Healthy : : Reading : Menemukan persaman kata dari sebuah teks

Kartu Data
Butir soal nomor 25 25.Tourist can get the information of the history of the army in A. the Port Dickson Fest B. the International Port Dickson Ironman Triathlon C. Malaysian Army Museum D. the Malakan Sultanate build Jenis Butir Soal Tema Jenis wacana/teks Keterampilan berbahasa Indikator/kompetensi : Pilihan Ganda : History : Descriptive : Reading : Menentukan informasi spesifik dari sebuah teks

Kartu Data
Butir soal nomor 26 26. the Port Dickson town that shows . (paragraph 2 line 6). The underline word means A. Exhibits C. Seems B. Appears D. Looks

Jenis Butir Soal Tema Jenis wacana/teks Keterampilan berbahasa Indikator/kompetensi

: Pilihan Ganda : History : Descriptive : Reading : Menafsirkan makna sesuai dengan konteks

Kartu Data
Butir Soal No. 27 27. The text mainly talks about. A. Everybody is laughing and singing B. Waiting for the New Year under the Town Hall clock C. To stop people who shouted D. Someone is shouting at the owner of the Town Hall Jenis Butir Soal Tema Jenis wacana/teks Keterampilan berbahasa Indikator/kompetensi : Pilihan Ganda : New Year : Narration : Reading : Menentukan topik yang sering dibahas dalam bacaan

Kartu Data
Butir Soal No. 28 28. The main idea of the first paragraph is.. A. to see the newly bought clock B. to strike the laughing people C. the writer was going to Town Hall one day D. people were moving near the Town Hall Jenis Butir Soal Tema Jenis wacana/teks Keterampilan berbahasa Indikator/kompetensi : Pilihan Ganda : New Year : Narration : Reading :Menentukan pokok pikiran utama dari paragrap pertama pada bacaan

Kartu Data
Butir Soal No. 29 29. On what day was the New Year? It was on. A. Thursday C. Saturday B. Friday D. Sunday

Jenis Butir Soal Tema Jenis wacana/teks Keterampilan berbahasa Indikator/kompetensi

: Pilihan Ganda : New Year : Narration : Reading : Menentukan informasi spesifik dalam teks

Kartu Data
Butir Soal No. 30 30. The passage is about the .. of humpbacks A. classification C. clarification B. Definitions D. characteristics

Jenis Butir Soal Tema Jenis wacana/teks Keterampilan berbahasa Indikator/kompetensi

: Pilihan Ganda : Animal : Expository : Reading :Menentukan tema yang dibahas dalam teks bacaan

Kartu Data
Butir Soal No. 31 31. Which of the following is fed on by humpback? A. Fingerprints C. Big fish B. Plankton D. Water Jenis Butir Soal Tema Jenis wacana/teks Keterampilan berbahasa Indikator/kompetensi : Pilihan Ganda : Animal : Expository : Reading :Menentukan informasi spesifik dalam teks

Kartu Data
Butir Soal No. 32 32. Why are humpbacks called as noisy whales? Because.. A. they come to the surface to breathe B. they have individual markings C. they produce a wide range of sound D. they are an endangered species Jenis Butir Soal Tema Jenis wacana/teks Keterampilan berbahasa Indikator/kompetensi : Pilihan Ganda : Animal : Expository : Reading :Menentukan informasi spesifik dalam teks

Kartu Data
Butir Soal No. 33

33. ..Whales are large mammals (paragraph 1 line 2) The underlined word means . A. Fingerprints C. Big fish B. Plankton D. Water
Jenis Butir Soal Tema Jenis wacana/teks Keterampilan berbahasa Indikator/kompetensi : Pilihan Ganda : Animal : Expository : Reading :Menafsirkan makna dengan konteks


Kartu Data
Butir Soal No. 34 34. Which one is TRUE? A. It spends Rp 740,000 for TRIBUNE 1 B. The money services are different for each category C. Each category is for same people D. Each category is for different people Jenis Butir Soal Tema Jenis wacana/teks Keterampilan berbahasa Indikator/kompetensi : Pilihan Ganda : Selling Ticket Concert : Announcement : Reading :Menentukan informasi spesifik dalam teks

Kartu Data
Butir Soal No. 35 35. Which category do the people have to spend Rp 500,000? A. Tribune 1 C. Festival 1 B. Tribune 2 D. Festival 2 Jenis butir soal Tema Jenis wacana/teks Keterampilan berbahasa Indikator/kompetensi : Pilihan ganda : Concert : Description : Reading :menentukan informasi tersurat dalam teks

Kartu Data
Butir soal nomor 36

36. For reservation call The underlined word means A. Promise C. booking B. Accomodation D. ordering
Jenis butir soal Tema Jenis wacana/Teks Keterampilan berbahasa Indikator/kompetensi : pilihan ganda : Concert : Sentence : Lingustics competence (vocabulary) : Menafsirkan makna sesuai dengan konteks

Kartu Data
Butir soal nomor 37

37. Where is Faiz going to spend his summer holiday? A. Kansai C. Bali B. Osaka D. Jakarta

Jenis butir soal Tema Jenis wacana/teks Keterampilan berbahasa Indikator/kompetensi

: pilihan ganda : travel : e-mail : Reading : Menentukan informasi spesifik dalam teks

Kartu Data
Butir soal nomor 38

38. What time does the plane take off from Kansai?
A. 04:54 a.m. B. 11:00 a.m. C. 09:00 p.m. D. 05:10 p.m. : Pilihan ganda : travel : E-mail : Reading : Menentukan informasi spesifik dalam teks

Jenis butir soal Tema Jenis wacana/teks Keterampilan berbahasa Indikator/kompetensi

Kartu Data
Butir soal nomor 39

39. Thanks so much for picking me(paragraph 3) What does the words me refer to? A. Ulfa B. Faiz B. The writer D. Ulfa and Faiz Jenis butir soal Tema Jenis wacana/teks Keterampilan/berbahasa Indikator/kompetensi : Pilihan ganda : travel : Letter : Reading : Menafsirkan makna rujukan dalam teks

Kartu Data
Butir soal nomor 40

40. at Bali and will arrive (paragraph 3) What does the word arrive mean? A. Go C. Occur B. Visit D. Come
Jenis butir soal Tema Jenis wacana/teks Keterampilan berbahasa Indikator/kompetensi : Pilihan ganda : Travel : Letter : Reading : menafsirkan makna makna kata sesuai dengan konteks

Kartu Data
Butir soal nomor 41

41. How many ingredients are needed to make Tikka Kebab?

A. Three B. Four Jenis butir soal Tema Jenis wacana/teks Keterampilan berbahasa Indikator/kompetensi C. Five D. Six : Pilihan ganda : Food : Instruction : Reading : menentukan informasi spesifik dalam teks

Kartu Data
Butir soal nomor 42

42. What does the writer write the text for? A. To inform how to serve Tikka Kebab B. To explain how to make Tikka Kebab C. To tell how to make Tikka Kebab D. To discuss how to make cubed of lamb
Jenis butir soal Tema Jenis wacana/teks Keterampilan berbahasa Indikator/kompetensi : Pilihan ganda : Food : Instruction : Reading : Menemukan informasi tersirat dari sebuah teks

Kartu Data
Butir soal no 43 43. How does Tikka Kebab cut inions into quarters A. By Razors B. By Knife C. By Blade D. By Hack saw Jenis Butir Soal Tema Jenis wacana/teks Keterampilan berbahasa Indikator/kompetensi : Pilihan Ganda : Food : Instruction : Reading : Menemukan informasi tersirat dalam teks.

Kartu Data
Butir soal no 44 44. Forest are very important for their products. They are also important to the soil fertile and to prevent food A. Give C. Put B. Keep D. Protect

Jenis Butir Soal Tema Jenis wacana/teks Keterampilan berbahasa


: Pilihan Ganda : Nature Life : Narration : Linguistic Competence (vocabulary) : Menemukan kata yang sesuai dengan teks.

Butir Soal No 45 45. The fallen eaves and decayed plants become humus, which makes the soil rich and holds the . A. Rainwater C. Rainy Season B. Rainfalls D. Water Pump Jenis Butir Soal Tema Jenis wacana/teks Keterampilan berbahasa Indikator/kompetensi : Pilihan Ganda : Nature Life : Narration : Reading : Melengkapi kalimat dengan kata idiom yang sesuai pada sebuah paragraph narasi.

Kartu Data

Kartu Data
Butir soal no 46 46. They have been been cutting down the forest trees . As a result, thousands of hectares of land have become worse. A. careful C. careless B. Carefully D.carelessly

Jenis Butir Soal Tema Jenis wacana/teks Keterampilan berbahasa Indikator/kompetensi

: Pilihan Ganda : Nature Life : Narration : Reading : Melengkapi kalimat dengan lexical item yang sesuai pada sebuah paragraph narasi.

Kartu Data
Butir soal no 47 47. Arrange these sentences to make a good paragraph. Five under children dont unattended leave years. 1 2 3 4 5 6 A. 4-3-6-2-1-7-5 B. 4-5-3-2-1-6-7 C. 4-6-3-2-1-7-5 D. 5-3-2-1-7-6-4 Jenis Butir Soal Tema Jenis wacana/teks Keterampilan berbahasa Indikator/kompetensi 7

: Pilihan Ganda : Prohibition : Sentence : Writing : Menyusun kata menjadi kalimat yang utuh.

Butir soal no 48 48. Arrange these sentences to make a good paragraph. A movie last night alone I went out had I to do nothing so to see A. 4-5-9-11-8-10-7-5-1-3-2 B. 7-6-9-11-8-10-4-5-1-2-3 C. 7-6-9-8-2-10-4-5-11-1-3 D. 4-6-9-8-2-10-7-5-11-3-1 Jenis Butir Soal Tema Jenis wacana/teks Keterampilan berbahasa Indikator/kompetensi : Pilihan Ganda : Experience : Sentence : Writing : Menyusun kata menjadi kalimat yang utuh.

Kartu Data

Kartu Data
Butir soal no 49 49. Arrange these sentences to make a good paragraph. 1. the princess , together with one hundred soldiers, set sail for Borneo in twelve sailing junks. 2. the emperor of china heard this and wanted a pearl 3. long ago on the top of mount Kinabalu in Borneo there lived a dragon 4. he sent two sons, Wee ping and Wee san to Borneo to steal it 5. He owned a large and beautiful pearl. 6. People believed tat he controlled the weather with it. A. 3-1-2-5-6-4 B. 1-3-4-2-5-6 C. 2-4-3-6-5-1 D. 3-5-6-2-4-1

Jenis Butir Soal Tema Jenis wacana/teks Keterampilan berbahasa Indikator/kompetensi

: Pilihan Ganda : Legend : Sentences : Writing : Menyusun kalimat menjadi paragrap yang utuh.

Kartu Data
Butir soal no 50 50. Arrange these sentences to make a good paragraph.
1. next, we went to eat. 2. I liked the toys best. 3. on the weekend I went to the shop with my family. 4. I got a big green tennis ball. 5. We went to the toy shop last. 6. We looked at the shoes first. 7. Dad got black ones.
A.3-6-7-1-5-2-4 B.3-5-7-1-5-4-2 C.3-6-5-1-7-2-4 D.5-4-2-16-7-3

Jenis Butir Soal Tema Jenis wacana/teks Keterampilan berbahasa Indikator/kompetensi

: Pilihan Ganda : weekend : Sentences : Writing : Menyusun kalimat menjadi paragrap yang utuh.

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