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PERSONAL DETAILS Academic Qualifications: Age: Gender: Date:

This is a simple survey regarding adolescence and the problem faced by them. Below are given certain statement based on the have mentioned theme. All you have to do is give your responses either by tick marking ( ) or by writing your answers as per your requirement of each item. Kindly cooperate because your severe response is expected. Your response should be kept confidential. There is no right and wrong answer and no time limit. Please give your response according to your opinion.

Q1. What would be your first preference for spending your free time? a. Attending a party.
b. c. d. e. Engaging in your hobby. Spending time with friends or talking to friends. Spending time with your family If any other activities please mention. b. No c. Uncertain

Q2. Have you decided you carrier goal?

a. Yes

Q3. Do you think your parents understand you?

a. Yes b. No c. Cant Say

Q4. While choosing your carrier what would be your first priority among the following: a. Parents choice b. Our interest c. Prospectus of earning (good salary) d. Opportunity of self-development Q5. Do you feel anxious about your future carrier?
a. Yes b. No c. Cant Say c. Teachers e. None

Q6. Whom do you turn to for your emotional support?

a. Parents M/F b. Friends d. Some other person

Q7. What strategies you use to cope with stress? Put a mark on the one you use. Please rank the strategies according to the frequency of your use. (Tick Rank) a. Talking to someone e. Being destructive b. Planning and working it out f. Asking for help c. Being creative g. Keeping silent d. Trying it out h. If any other way, please mention. Q8. Mention any five problems that you face, being an adolescent. Write them in order the severity for you (biggest problem on first and so on). a. Sacrifices b. Discrimination c. Restriction

Thank you for the cooperation!

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