Citu Support DTD 13-01-09

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prot us cist ENB LEA O aon MAHADEY e sscuscven DAE enISEN mone ne aE In {RAJYA SABHA) voen empuyrouree ofegeactctsvo mouse Eh OS = ES te hie a ee 23" January 2009 oe Ton ecking £0 note that around 69 officers of ONGC and LOC have been dismissed (Seo Se Zummatly for partipaton In stke calles by Oil Sector Omtcers Assenanes (OSOA), Around 12 officers have also been put under suspension cere as Per my information, termingtionleters were served upon the conce:ned Baars ater the strike was called off by OSOA, although they were al Gates && January 2008. Sipe te sssuesInvaives are open for scssion, serving order for summary d'smisa| onthe concerned officers without giving them the apportunty to explain tra conducts, Tre one Ke W25 calle off, tantamoumt to woltion of prinaipla of natural ose the officers concerned which 15 unbecoming of a PSU management, Eeeetinn'e Upon TO please appreciate that vindictive action agains: the collectve Sees eon Of resentment as demonstrated by the mass scale termination) suspeten may aarnet be the solution m te present situa, On te contrary such #nseereee Senos era Rurvene, so that the orders for summary clsmissols are. withdrew ey Satgae Ors are made to sort out the Issues invelved through meaningial wos dialogue. With regards, ered eu : ¢ AN SEN ) Shri Mur Deora Minister of Petroleum & Natural Gas » Govt of India f PL. Rded cpg tis te ‘Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi, __ Om Dabesh 0. TOC, Haldio Refinay BP Coes Stompen Giemguty, 00, net, gy LOC taba a | Sy Sam. Chancton Keo , FRE Kotkeh — Com, Amat Rete ctansf © Gm. Mabodeb Bob, crme G-1, Prateekeo Abasan. 109 UNtadanga Man Road, Koala - 700 067 we mee aot SS FAX 913924293265 BPCL war: ATS EAST aha BS BAA Hn CENTRE OF INDIAN TRADE UNIONS ' MK. PANOME We. Adit, WLP, President General Secrelay Preas Release January 09, 2009 CITU CONDEMNS THE REPRESSIVE MEASURE ON STRIKING OFFICERS OF OIL PSUs Centre of indian Trade Unions (CITU) condemns the repressive measures, taken by the Government against the atriking officers of the 14 oll PSUs in the country. CITU strongly opposes invoking of ESMA against the peaceful agitation of the officers who have been pursuing their tongstanding demands with the Government for more than two yeare. CITU deplores the lackadaisical approach to the demands and false assurances by the Government which has ted to the present impasse, causing tremendous inconvenience to the people because of disruption in supply of pettoloum products. : CITU demands that the Goverment should immediately release aN amesied officers, withdraw all punitive measures ahd immediately start fruitful negotiations to end the present Impasse in national and public interest. Issued by, t AC Anion (MK PANDHE) President RANADIVE BHAWAN, 13, Rouse Avenue, New Dein 110 002 Phang : 2322 1288, 2322 1308 Fax : 2322 1264 E-mol :clu@bol nel in Website : ww wciveentie org Tee 418/01 2009 11:48 FAX 913924200265 DPCL MATS EAST Bova anda @s ahr CENTRE OF INDIAN TRADE UNIONS MWK, PANDHE ‘Md. AMIN, MP, President General Secretary January 13, 2008 | write this letter seeking your Immediate intervention on the reported jarmination of services of 69 executives of oll sector PSUs along with suspension of 12 others after the uncondi{ionel withdrawal of strike by the striking officers. | recall that on several occasions during last few years, Ihe Government had officially negotiated with Oil Sector Officers’ Association (OSOA), the apex body of the officers associations of oi PSUs on several issues, thus glving OSOA a de facto recognition i not de jure, This can be substentisted by the fact that the tepresentations of OSOA on the unsettied issues, which led to the strike, was forwarded for sympathetic consideration by none other ther, the Addi Secretary, Ministly of Petroleum & Natural Gas to the Secretary. Department of Pubtc Enterprises (OPE) on 17.10.2008. On 47.11.2008, tne officials of Petroleum & Natural Gas Ministry and the Chairmen of oil PSUs had inconclusive discussions. with OSOA representatives and an official note was sent egain by Shri S ‘Sunderashan, Addl. Secretuyy, ‘OSOA for consideration by the Government. The negotiations hed failed as the Government did not accept the demands which were recommended by menagemente of oil PSUs and Petrolaum & Natural Gas Ministry and the OSOA members exercisad the democratic form of right to strike under competing circumstances. MOPANG to DPE enclosing the demands of (On the request of the Government, when the strike was withdrawn unconditionally, it was expecied that Govemimant would ensure normalcy in operation of the ‘companies and in fostering healthy industrial re'ations In oll PSUs in the nalional interest. It Is therefore shocking that Governmant has instead embarked upon a indictive action which iv an outright denial of natural justice to any individual | whatever may be one’s offence, real or notional, Moreover, removal from service je tne harshest form of punishment that can be given to an employee which In other. term can be called 8 capital pu’ democratic govemance such punishments can be given only after the due process ‘of law and not by arbitrary flat even by the highest constitutional authority. ment In all accepted principles of caper sate near 3E meamanns 3B. T. RANADIVE BHAWAN, 13 A, Rouse Avenve,Now Delhi» 110 002 Plone - 2322 1288, 2322 1908 Fax : 2322 1284 E-mall: etu@bo! nel in Website :

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