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By Mark and Jordan

The Knight
One of the three types of fighting men. They were like tanks. Covered in several layers of armor Everyone was afraid of them.

Upbringing (Page)

Lived 7 years with parents.

Games were played mimicking the knight.
Toys could be wooden tools.

Age 7: Page
Lived with an uncle or great lord Learn manners and about knights.

Upbringing (squire-knight)

Age 14: Squire - apprentice to a knight

Taught how to handle weapons and care for armor.

Even went in to battle with knight. Attend jousts, tournaments and much more.

Learned how to shoot a bow.

Age 21: Dubbing

The squire was made into a knight. He was tapped on the shoulder with a sword. Celebrations followed where he could show of

his skill.

Practice Makes Perfect


Armed and armored to the teeth.

Chainmail: metal rings that protected from

arrows, and swords. Heavy pads under mail. Uncomfortable, heavy, and was very hot.

By the 15th Century knights were protected by full suits of plate armor.
Suits could weigh from forty to sixty pounds.

Armor (chainmail)

Arming for the fight (steps)


Knights needed to know different skills

Fighting with sword and buckler
Fighting with quarterstaff Wrestling

Throwing javelin Acrobatics



A knight could have many different weapons and shields.

Shield (wood or metal) Sword (about 32 lbs.)

Dagger (knife)
A lance or long spear. Metal axes.

Battle hammers


Siege Warfare
First the knights ask for a formal surrender. If denied they would try and take the castle.

Strategy 1: Surround and wait.

Strategy 2: Take by force. Use ladders to get in. Tunnel under wall Break the walls

In and After battle

Caltrops Victors would keep treasure

10th to 12th century had moats. 11th and 12th had walls surrounding it. 13th Century did not have a moat but was surrounded by two walls. Keeps or Donjons was like a mini fort.



Practice for war

Two teams fight
Winner takes all

Jousts and combat on foot

The Crusades

Pope Urban II launched military.

To get the holy land

Wanted to take Juresleam. 1118 Knights protected pilgrims

Given quarters to live in

1291 Lost control of holy land.

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