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thought Hitler had a funny accent. Communist party, against Hitler After World War II, still supported Nazis. Whoever did well during the Nazi regime- which was recollected as Germany greatness, but it just went a little wrong during the war. School systems in Munich good at coming to terms with the past. In Munich, very in our face, showing off Jewish culture: museum, synagogue. Germany strongest economy in Europe. Munich is the cultural center of Germany, not Berlin. World War II it was all Hitlers fault, and he was already dead. World War I was much more contentious. Concentration camp, workers just worked for the war efforts and lab experiments for chemicals. Produced nothing of benefit. Even tried experimenting with using peoples feces for electricity/kitchen. Law in Germany that you cannot deny the Holocaust. Mistake to think all Germans hated the Jews. General anti-sentacmism Weight issues because of the sausages and beer, but more obese people in Gainesville than in Munich. Munich third largest synagogue. Had a large population of Jews

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