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6__ number of members present

Date: 2nd March, 2012 Time: 10 am Location: Green Shades, parking area, CUST Guests: Nil Objectives of this Meeting: The objective of the meeting is to discuss the summary of one topic of the article written by each group member and then the leader has to finalize the main points in the presence of the group members.

Read and approve previous meeting minutes: Previous minutes of meetings are approved. List old business discussed: previously, we discussed three headings of the article.

Describe how the objectives of this meeting were accomplished? All the group members brought their summaries of the topic which were assigned them as a home work and we finalized the main points. The point which we discussed is; Collaboration Antecedents and Project-Collaboration Quality

How do we feel about this meeting? All the group members did their work with full concentration and participated at the time of final discussion. What will we do different next meeting? In next meeting we have to discuss the remaining portion of the article.

Schedule the next Meeting, List Objectives, List Assignments. Date: 09th March, 2012 Time: 11 am Location: Green Shades, parking area, CUST Objectives: to finalize the summary of the article

Prepare the summary of remaining article

Responsible Party
All group members

Due Date
09th March, 2012

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