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Developing Revolving, Evolving, Recycling

Campus Funding Revenue Sources

Carousel Base Format Infrastructure In Level 1

1 A

1st Level Interested Staff Positioning (6)

1 B

1 C

1 D

1 E

1 F

1st Level Interested Staff Positioning (6)

LEVEL 2 Scheduled Group Development

Ultimate Parent/Staff Shows

2 A

2 B

2 C

2 D

2 E

2 F
Director Building upon 2E

Ultimate Parent/Staff Shows

Director Building upon 2B

---------------LEVEL 3A

3B LEVEL------------



As you can see the flow chart start-up structure exudes start-up possibility with a minimum recruitment of seven. (7) With a properly assembled group (staff and parent) __________school could create a phenomenal fund raising partnership. Note: Level one (1) are staff, Level (2) are parents; this program are for those who believe they have the ability to promote this developing funding infrastructure, and knows that it takes an effort to see funding resource evolve. The funding also starts to evolve, paying revenue immediately, paying forward from all flow-chart levels, and through any recruited partnerships. The chart conveys how Campus Shows, Home Shows, and Affiliate Shows could become a major tuition incentive for parents. Providing interested parents an opportunity to create a Tuition Fund for themselves. As parent and staff paths reach out to more than family and friends the infrastructure launched will begin to create revolving revenue sources from both inside groups, and from outside colleague participation. And, as affiliate programs are launched their overall path adds to this all inclusive funding format, and will continue to achieve revenue annually from consistent product purchases.

Revolving Revenue



Director Level Interested StaffCampus-Home Shows Level 1 Selected Directors Development Level




Parent-Staff Home Shows Structuring -Competition Incentives -


Fund Raiser Revolution

Group 2

Classroom Campus-- Parent Tuition -Outside ColleaguesPre-School- Charter Schools Social Groups & Associations


Level 1 and Level 2 Scheduled Shows Individual Shows - Product Sales



Recycling Fund Raisers (Colleagues)

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