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09:13:23 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Bell: *has one of the charcoal sticks from one of the camp's fires and is sketching

on a large rock on the beach, trying to get the eyebrows right in a drawing of Jenner, humming to herself* 09:15:08 PM ** ToastBusters has joined 09:15:58 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi *Lalala, walkin' down the beach. He is just in SUCH a good mood today, practically oozing joy as he goes along and hums* 09:16:50 PM <prupelallitraitor> Addy: *coming up the beach in the opposite direction from Sibbi. He spies Bell up ahead and goes over to see what she's up to* Oh... J-Jenner? 09:16:53 PM <Golly-chan> ALSO HE HAS A BASKET WITH HIM OK * ) 09:17:55 PM <SunnyMcFaceShovel> Cillian: -Just jog jog jogging along because exercise is good, man. And he had finished up his chores for the day running right past Sibbi not really paying the man with lesser hair any mind09:17:55 PM <cutieringtail> Samie: She's got some rabbit on a stick, probably about a couple minutes behind Sibbi. 09:19:40 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Bell: *looks up at Addy, smiling* Yes! I am glad you can tell who it is, I cannot get is eyebrows quite right. *tilting her head, looking at Addy's basket* What are you carrying? 09:19:43 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi *Glances up as Cillian jogs by. OH SNAP, it's his rival. He quickly tries to get his attention* Cillian! 09:21:41 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Scratch the basket, I can't read]]] 09:22:15 PM <SunnyMcFaceShovel> Cillian: -He heard his name and shook his head as he slowed down looking for who called when his eyes land upon Sibbi- "Hey." 09:22:46 PM <prupelallitraitor> Addy: *peers down at it* Th-they're kind of hard to miss, even if they're not, uh, exact. *an ear twitches and he turns to look in the others' direction before returning his attention to Bell* 09:23:08 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi *He sticks his chin up proudly* Going for a jog? That's nice. Exercize is good. I would know, because personally, I am an elite athelete. Did you know that? 09:24:00 PM <cutieringtail> Samie: CREEPER MOMENT. "Really now? I thought you were just a swimmer," She nibbled on her rabbit, leaning from behind Sibbi 09:24:31 PM <SunnyMcFaceShovel> Cillian: -He glanced side to side before sneering at him slightly- "...I did not?" 09:25:02 PM ** wonderwart has joined 09:25:15 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Bell: *frowns a bit* But I want them to be just right. *sees Addy's ear twitch and looks down the beach* Oh dear, here comes Sibbi. 09:25:33 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi *Jumps and lets out a terrified shout when Samie appaears. But he quickly gets it together again, trying to play it off all cooly* Oh, I am a swimmer. But I've discovered that I'm even more of a warrior! 09:26:21 PM <SunnyMcFaceShovel> Cillian: -He glanced at Samie like "what is he saying?" He looked back at Sibbi- "Come again?" 09:26:34 PM <cutieringtail> Samie: "Warriors don't scream about short girls who're eating." She smirked. "And they know when they've been followed for an hour." 09:26:55 PM <prupelallitraitor> Addy: *his ear's all twitchy now* Yeah. Uh, Cillian and Samie too. 09:27:36 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi ...You have been following me for an hour?

09:28:23 PM <cutieringtail> Samie: She raised her eyebrow at him. "Duh." 09:30:44 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Bell: *sighs a bit* I need to spar with that boy more- I started to the other day, but it goes so slowly with him. Should we go say hello? 09:31:01 PM <SunnyMcFaceShovel> Cillian: -He blinked at Sibbi09:31:55 PM <prupelallitraitor> Addy: If-if you like. *makes a face* Thanks for-for reminding me about sparring. 09:33:00 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi O-oh. Well! Regardless of that. I beat one of the council members in a spar the other day. *SMIRKS, waiting for them to be impressed* 09:33:51 PM <SunnyMcFaceShovel> Cillian: -He raised an eyebrow- "What did they do? Blindfold themselves?" 09:34:00 PM ** PockiiChuu has joined 09:34:01 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Bell: Reminding you? Who do you need to spar with? *hopping down from her rock, wiping the charcoal off of her hands* We probably shouldn't spar again so soon, Brother is still miffed. 09:35:17 PM <cutieringtail> Samie: "Who?" 09:37:34 PM <prupelallitraitor> Addy: :I Still? I wasn't even hurt for-for that long... And, uh. No one in particular, but I-I should practice fighting more. 09:39:34 PM ** wonderwart has left [connection closed] 09:40:06 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi No. We fought on equal terms. I did not even have to use my powers! *Smiles, all the prouds* With Eztli. 09:40:11 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Bell: He seems to think I hurt you out of malice. *shrugs* As long as you are not upset with me, I will not concern myself with it. He will come around. What about your partner? I am sure she would spar with you. 09:40:48 PM <cutieringtail> Samie: "So it was under the covers?" Her eyes widened. "Oh! I wouldn't've figured you for that position." She grinned. "You hungry?" She offered the rabbit meat on a stick. 09:41:09 PM <SunnyMcFaceShovel> Cillian: -Dead serious- "Who?" 09:41:44 PM <prupelallitraitor> Addy: No. She refuses to-to practice. *sighs* Sh-she seems to think that she can do just fine without using her powers until she-she's in danger and has to, and that they'll work just fine. 09:43:34 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Bell: Oh dear. I am sure you have had no luck convincing her otherwise? *starts walking towards the others* 09:45:37 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi What-- under covers-- no! No, nothing like that. *His face instantly goes red* I mean a real fighting match and I beat him! *Then looks at Cillian* Eztli. My boyfriend? He is the blood using human on the council. 09:45:51 PM <prupelallitraitor> Addy: *shuffles alongside her* Not... not really, no. 09:46:12 PM <SunnyMcFaceShovel> Cillian: "Well. Of course he let you win." 09:46:24 PM <cutieringtail> Samie: Since he didn't take the rabbit, she just took it back and nibbled, nodding. "Yup." 09:46:38 PM <SunnyMcFaceShovel> Cillian: "I would have done the same thing..." 09:47:01 PM <cutieringtail> Samie: "I wouldn't." 09:47:04 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi He did not let me win. I am just so skilled that I beat him! *Puts his hands on his hips and frowns*

09:47:52 PM <SunnyMcFaceShovel> Cillian: "Right." 09:48:32 PM <cutieringtail> Samie: *eyeroll* "You're still red." 09:48:46 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Bell: *huffs a bit* Perhaps we should just put her and Sibbi in a pit with Flint. Then they'll have to learn. *overhears Sibbi as they walk up* Beat who? 09:49:23 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi I mean it! I-- oh, Bell! *Beams a smile once he sees her* I was just telling them the good news! Because of your training, I was able to beat Eztli in a sparring match. 09:50:35 PM <prupelallitraitor> Addy: *watches Sibbi and snorts in obvious disbelief* 09:51:27 PM <SunnyMcFaceShovel> Cillian: -He gave Bell the same look09:51:56 PM ** wonderwart has joined 09:52:19 PM <cutieringtail> Samie: *sighs, then looks over at bell and addy and smiled, then waved* 09:53:05 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Bell: *is almost excited for a moment, then the disbelief sets in* Sibbi, I taught you one thing. 09:53:47 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi Yes, you did! But it was so helpful and amazing that it has already transformed me into a warrior. *Superman pose, shining brightly* 09:54:29 PM <SunnyMcFaceShovel> Cillian: "....Sibbi. I don't think it that...." 09:54:43 PM <prupelallitraitor> Addy: ...Winter is-is more of a warrior than you are. :I She-she punches harder. 09:55:13 PM <SunnyMcFaceShovel> Cillian: "Winter is also more of a bitch." -That statement just sort of came out of his mouth naturally09:55:20 PM <cutieringtail> Samie: "Warriors don't scream like little girls, Sibbi," She shrugged, picking at her rabbit some more 09:55:23 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi That was before I trained with Bell. Now, I am so amazing that I beat a centuries-old Aztec warrior in close combat. *Smirks* 09:55:46 PM <SunnyMcFaceShovel> Cillian: "...I still think he let you win." 09:55:55 PM <cutieringtail> Samie: "Ye-up." 09:56:34 PM ** ToastBusters has left [connection closed] 09:56:39 PM <prupelallitraitor> Addy: *glares at Cilli but nods* I-I agree with Cillian on this. You also said that-that you won against Gilbert, a-and I know that's not ever true. 09:57:09 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Bell: *staaaaaaaaares at Sibbi* What exactly happened? 09:59:10 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi He didn't, you can even ask him. *Beams a confident grin at Bell* Well, it was a long, hard-fought battle. But in the end I managed to knock him down and I pinned him. He gave up after that. And if I need to, I can always demonstrate my greatness to one of you in a spar. 09:59:50 PM <cutieringtail> Samie: "I'll cook something for the show." She piped up a bit 10:00:47 PM <SunnyMcFaceShovel> Cillian: -He leaned in- "Right. Just like the hair thing." 10:02:29 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Bell: No no no. Tell me what exactly happened. 10:02:52 PM <prupelallitraitor> Addy: *rolls his eyes* Right. Sure. 10:03:02 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi *LOOKS AT CILLIAN. He frowns, and leans in also with a serious look on his face* That 'hair' contest was a fluke. Everyone knows that I am

the most gorgeous person on this island. And now I am the strongest, too. *But then looks at Bell* Would you all like me to detail the entire battle~? 10:03:53 PM <SunnyMcFaceShovel> Cillian: -He shook his head- "No. There is no need." 10:04:48 PM <cutieringtail> Samie: :/ 10:05:02 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Bell: I just want to know if there were any stray rocks involved in this whole 'pinning' process. 10:06:27 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi No stray rocks. I remember it very clearly-- *Starts making hand motions, sounding all dramatic and actiony* I dived down and grabbed him by the ankle to cause him to loose his balance. And once he fell back, I did not give him the chance to recover before getting on top of him and pinning him down. He was completely helpless once I had him pinned~ 10:07:36 PM <prupelallitraitor> Addy: Y-yes. Of course. :I 10:07:53 PM <SunnyMcFaceShovel> Cillian: "Uh huh." 10:08:01 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Bell: Sibbi. He is a blood demon. He could have torn you to shreds. 10:08:39 PM <cutieringtail> Samie: "Also a lot older and stronger... like if bell tried to sit on you to pin you." 10:10:20 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi *Laughs at that* Do not be silly, Bell! He would not have done that. In any case, I was the victor in the end. And-- *looks at Cillian to single him out* I'm sure I could beat any of you again. Anyone. Especially those who claim to have nicer hair than me when they don't. *Looks at all the others* You all agree that my hair is nicer than Cilian's, don't you. 10:10:40 PM <prupelallitraitor> Addy: I like Cillian's hair better. 10:10:47 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Bell: * a little offended at that* I can most certainly pin Sibbi. I am three hundred years old, and have killed humans double his size, thank you very much. 10:11:21 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Bell: *sighs* Sibbi, no one cares about your hair. 10:11:41 PM <cutieringtail> Samie: "... Well, a person the size that you appear, sorry." She nodded, ducking her head a little at Bell. "And your hair is just blonde. BELL'S hair is nicer than yours." :I 10:12:08 PM <SunnyMcFaceShovel> Cillian: "Heh heh." 10:12:29 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi ......... *Looks at Samie like she's just said something absolutely terrible and outrageous* *GIVES BELL THE SAME LOOK* 10:13:40 PM <SunnyMcFaceShovel> Cillian: "I do believe I'm winning." 10:16:21 PM <prupelallitraitor> Addy: No one here likes your hair much, I-I think. 10:17:25 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi *OAIHG. OAIFHAOFH!!! He's so shocked and ashamed that Cillian is winning. He scowls and points at the other man* You... you... let's have a sparring match! Right now. I'll show you who the winner is. You, too! *Points at Addy* I will take you both on! 10:18:21 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Bell: *frowning* Sibbi. Your hair is not a good reason to fight someone. 10:18:42 PM <SunnyMcFaceShovel> Cillian: -He raised an eyebrow at Sibbi staring at him for a while. He then shrugged- "Fine. I haven't sparred in a while anyway." 10:18:46 PM <cutieringtail> Samie: She smirked. "Oh hush, let him be silly for a moment. Bell, would you like the rest of my roasted rabbit while we watch this? Should be fun," She nodded, smiling

10:20:04 PM <prupelallitraitor> Addy: I-I'll sit this one out. :I Cillian's more than enough for-for you to fight. 10:20:50 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi It certainly is, Bell. *Rolls his neck and shoulders, trying to look all cool as he stretches* It will be a short match. 10:21:55 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Bell: *siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiighs* Fine. And no thank you, Sammie. I do not liked cooked things. Though at this rate, I am about to have a cooked partner. 10:22:07 PM <SunnyMcFaceShovel> Cillian: -He stretched his arm- "Powers or no?" 10:23:22 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi *Laughs confidently* I am almost afraid to! I don't want to hurt you... but if you insist, then sure. We can give powers a try. *HAHAHAHAHHA ALL THE OVERCONFIDENCE* 10:23:27 PM <cutieringtail> Samie: "Alright." She nodded, then looked over at Sibbi. "The med hut isn't that far away, is it?" 10:24:07 PM <SunnyMcFaceShovel> Cillian: -He blinked at Sibbi and then stared at Bell"If I injure your partner, I apologize now." 10:24:19 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Bell: *groans* Not close enough. 10:24:34 PM <prupelallitraitor> Addy: *flops onto the sand and curls up to watch the fight* 10:24:39 PM <cutieringtail> Samie: "Should we encourage them down the beach?" 10:25:06 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi You needn't worry, Bell~ I will be fine. *Looks back at Cillian and grins* You can even make the first move. 10:26:29 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Bell: *sits down with a huff* Oh it hardly matters. Just let them get this silliness out of the way. 10:27:15 PM <SunnyMcFaceShovel> Cillian: -He spread his feet crouching slightly- "....I really think you should go first...Or this will be over rather quickly..." 10:28:30 PM <cutieringtail> Samie: She plopped down next to Bell, and leaned back on one hand to watch them. "Rah rah fire type," She rooted a little 10:28:33 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi What tough talk. *mings, setting his basket down to get it out of the way* I mean it. Come at me with all that you have. *Opens his arms like 'come at me bro'* 10:28:45 PM <prupelallitraitor> Addy: *hugs his knees* He's just going to-to explode him. 10:29:17 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Bell: *facepalms* I can't watch this. 10:30:05 PM <SunnyMcFaceShovel> Cillian: -He sighed a little- "Alright...." -He stared at the sand in front of Sibbi like as if that area would be a space he would stare at when his thoughts would drift elsewhere10:33:35 PM <cutieringtail> Samie: She grinned and took a nibble of that rabbit, grinning. "Poor Sibbi..." 10:34:29 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi *Gets into boxer-fighter position. And then he waits* ........ Cillian? *Squints, snapping his fingers* Hello? 10:35:25 PM <prupelallitraitor> Addy: It-it won't matter. I doubt he'll learn from it. 10:36:18 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Bell: *still not looking* Just tell me if I need to put out flames. 10:36:27 PM ** wonderwart has left [connection closed] 10:37:51 PM <SunnyMcFaceShovel> Cillian: -He slowly lifted his fists in front of him as he looked like he was getting ready to run towards Sibbi. He then snapped them open and the sand, with a dull flash and bang and some smoke, blasted towards Sibbi's face as he began to rush at Sibbi-

10:39:37 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi *OAIOAHOAG* *YELLS* AUGH! *He was not expecting that, not at all. He tries to use both arms to shield his face, stumbling backwards and nearly tripping over his own foot* What was that! 10:40:30 PM <cutieringtail> Samie: "That was his fear, Sibbi, use it against him!" She called, waving the rabbit a little 10:41:13 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Bell: *grrroooooooooooaans* 10:41:26 PM <prupelallitraitor> Addy: *stares blankly at Samie a moment before turning back to the fight* 10:43:32 PM <SunnyMcFaceShovel> Cillian: -He quickly made fire around his hands and tossed a fireball at Sibbi as he continued to advance10:44:39 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi *OQIHAOGH!!* *Moves his hands away just in time to see that fireball, and he drops down to the sand to avoid it* Be careful!! Do not singe my face or hair! 10:46:07 PM <cutieringtail> Samie: Smirking, nibbling on rabbit a bit. 10:46:59 PM <SunnyMcFaceShovel> Cillian: -The fireball exploded loudly. He tossed another one towards Sibbi getting closer10:48:19 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi *Shouts, rolls out of the way, and scrambles to get back up again. He's all freaked out but he tries his best not to show it! Getting an idea, he draws from his shadow and makes himself a little circular shadow shield* Aha. Ahaha! Try throwing those at me now!! 10:49:23 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Bell: Sibbi, don't encourage him. He will set you on fire. 10:51:56 PM <SunnyMcFaceShovel> Cillian: -He tossed another one at Sibbi but it slowed to a stop in front of him and as it did, Cillian stopped moving as well10:53:02 PM <cutieringtail> Samie: "Get his eyebrows," She took a bite. 10:54:37 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi *WHen he tosses that thing, he holds up his little shield all ready to block it. But then nothing hits him. He peeks over the top of his shield to see what's goin' on* Give up? 10:57:56 PM <SunnyMcFaceShovel> Cillian: -He slumped slightly and his arms fell to his side giving Sibbi a look"..." -He lifted his hands back up and the fireball split into a few fine tendrils that began to curl around outside of Sibbi11:00:11 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi *DOESN'T KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON SO HE SCREAMS* *And decides to try to dive right into his shadow asap to get away from those things* 11:00:51 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Bell: *finally looks up* No Sibbi don- Just go- Oh for the love of the Old One. 11:01:34 PM <cutieringtail> Samie: omnomnom LOL 11:01:43 PM <SunnyMcFaceShovel> Cillian: -He tries to whip one of those tendrils at Sibbi as he escaped into the Shadows. It makes a nice cracking noise11:04:01 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi *OMG SCARY CRACKING NOISE. He gets himself into the safety of those shadows, pausing while he tries to figure out what to do even* 11:04:05 PM ** wonderwart has joined 11:04:40 PM <wonderwart> Dalton: *derps his way to the beach, scratching at his chest and looking dazed* ....

11:06:10 PM <SunnyMcFaceShovel> Cillian: -He sighed- "Well then..." -He extinguished the tendrils and looped fire around his ankles trying to eliminate the shadows below him as much as possible. He was not going in there again11:06:24 PM <prupelallitraitor> Addy: *glances towards Dalton a second before returning his attention to Cillian, tail swishing lazily behind him. What a good fight* 11:08:00 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Bell: *oh look there's a Dalton. Wonderful. Someone else to witness her shame* Sibbi, get back out here and fight. 11:08:08 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi *Cillian has ruined his only attack plan. NOW WTF IS HE SUPPOSED TO DO? He stays in there, waiting and holding his breath. He's not going to be able to stay in there much longer, though* 11:09:20 PM <wonderwart> Dalton: *shuffles toward Addy and looks at the two fighting, mumbling to himself* ...I can't remember the last 48 hours, but it looks like Sibbi has somehow skipped right into trouble. *smirk* 11:09:25 PM <SunnyMcFaceShovel> Cillian: -He looked around at the spectators and the jungle line to see where the bork would pop up11:10:13 PM <prupelallitraitor> Addy: Wh-what do you mean, "somehow". .__. 11:11:09 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi *Okay, need air. He decides to come out of the ground via Bell's shadow, trying to be sneaky about it to not catch Cillian's attention. SO STEALTH* 11:12:08 PM <cutieringtail> Samie: Glanced back at Sibbi coming out of Bell's shadow, and whacked him with her rabbit stick. "No. Go be a man." Dalton: Is there ever a reason why the twit gets into these things? I've come to the decision his 'fight or flight' instinct is stuck somewhere in the middle at 'flail' *crosses his arms* 11:14:25 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Bell: *turns around to glaaaare at Sibbi* Sibbi. What are you doing. 11:14:42 PM <prupelallitraitor> Addy: *hears something pop out next to Bell and flails in surprise before he realizes who it is, falling right into Dalton* 11:15:30 PM <SunnyMcFaceShovel> Cillian: -He slowly looked over at Bell and Samie and the rest blinking at Sibbi just waiting11:15:33 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi Ah-! *Gets whacked by Samie* Shhh! Shh! Stop it! You have ruined my sneak attack. *Then, looks at Dalton!* Oh, hello, Dalton. 11:16:22 PM <wonderwart> Dalton: *almost topples over before he catches himself- and the over-excited demon*Addule, it's too early to be this fri---*stares at Sibbi, then looks back to Addy without saying a word, righting the other again* There you go. 11:16:58 PM <cutieringtail> Samie: "Sibbi, you're losing. You're not being a warrior." :I 11:18:46 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Bell: *trying to be a good sport about this* Sibbi, do you remember what I taught you? About simple movements? 11:20:02 PM <prupelallitraitor> Addy: lasdkfj--*jumps away from Dalton and curls back into a little ball* Hate it when he does that... Th-thanks. 11:20:13 PM ** assbuttbatteries has joined 11:22:29 PM <SunnyMcFaceShovel> Cillian: "Are you going to stop hiding over there already?" 11:24:25 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi I am not -loosing or hiding-. *Nods at Bell* I remember. *Stands up, heading out towards Cillian again*

11:25:27 PM <SunnyMcFaceShovel> Cillian: -Fire wrapped around his hands as Sibbi approached11:26:15 PM <wonderwart> Dalton: *looks down at Addy and lifts a brow* You haven't caught anything from me, darling. *laughs and then moves to take a seat to watch the fight* 11:26:57 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Bell: *huffs a little* All right, remember and do, Sibbi 11:27:33 PM <cutieringtail> Samie: She scooted back a bit, frowning at the two. 11:29:48 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi *Tries to mimick Cillian, by wrapping shadows around his fists. And then he comes at the other, trying to get up close to make a punch at him* 11:29:51 PM <prupelallitraitor> Addy: *looks briefly at Dalton again, puzzled* What? 11:30:20 PM <wonderwart> Dalton: The way you just reacted. As if I had cooties. *chuckles* 11:31:51 PM <SunnyMcFaceShovel> Cillian: -He had sort of expected that but let him hit him11:32:48 PM <cutieringtail> Samie: She leaned back a bit more, putting both hands on the ground behind herself. "That's neat..." 11:33:27 PM <prupelallitraitor> Addy: Cooties? 11:40:16 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi *WHAO he actually hit Cillian!! He immediately thinks he's a boss and now he's winning. He grins triumphantly, trying to aim another hit towards Cilli's stomach* 11:42:50 PM <SunnyMcFaceShovel> Cillian: -He grunted and had to take a few steps back as that next one hit. The fire around his hands went out. That one actually hurt. He then took a swing of his own at Sibbi with a very hot hand11:43:37 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Bell: Simple moves, Sibbi! 11:43:58 PM <wonderwart> Dalton: Germs. *sighs as he watches Sibbi* He's over thinking, for once... 11:44:25 PM ** wonderwart has left [connection closed] 11:44:40 PM ** wonderwart has joined 11:45:21 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi *Tries to block it the way Eztli did, via swiping at Cillian's arm to attempt swatting it away.* 11:47:44 PM <SunnyMcFaceShovel> Cillian: -He tried to maneuver his own hand to grab Sibbi's arm11:49:02 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi *Yup gets grabbed. And he realizes how hot Cillian's hand is* Ow! Ow, ow, ow! Stop that! *He angrilly reaches up to smack his palm onto Cillian's face, just trying to shove his head away* 11:49:55 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Bell: Aaaaaaaand we're back to the slapping. Wonderful. 11:50:29 PM <SunnyMcFaceShovel> Cillian: -Smack. He leaned back but he took it as he slowly began to transfer heat up to his face11:50:52 PM <cutieringtail> Samie: She clicked her tongue. "Silly Sibbi the princess..." She sighed to Bell. 11:51:10 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi OW! *Is like 'GAWD" and he decides to just fuq everything and attempts to body-slam Cillian and tackle him directly to the ground* 11:53:33 PM <SunnyMcFaceShovel> Cillian: -And that Sibbi is considerably taller than Cillian, down he went but he latched onto Sibbi with the hot hands. He tried to use the momentum to get on top of Sibbi but not like that-

11:55:45 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi Ow!! *All the complaining grunts and groans. He struggles to wrestle and pin down Mr. Hot Hands, even trying to bite the other's shoulder* Stop -burning- me! 11:55:50 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Bell: Sibbi- you have the upper hand, do not lose it now! 11:59:30 PM <cutieringtail> Samie: And she just sat there quietly for a moment, before standing and brushing herself off. She sidled off, because while this was interesting, coon had not slept since ten in the morning on the fifteenth, and it was already the eighteenth. So bed. Byee! 12:02:44 AM <SunnyMcFaceShovel> Cillian: -He spoke through his teeth- "Then stop getting too close." -He tried to push Sibbi's head away as fire from his finger tips crept towards his face12:03:34 AM <prupelallitraitor> Addy: Oh. Okay. N-no, I just don't like you touching me. *returns his attention to the fight and watches Sibbi get burned with some satisfaction* 12:04:57 AM <Caity-Mayhem> Bell: Flame needs oxygen, Sibbi! Think! Think and then fight! 12:06:20 AM <wonderwart> Dalton: I didn't -actively- touch you, prat. You -fell- on me. *frowns for a moment, then continues to watch the fight, watching the pair closely* 12:07:25 AM <prupelallitraitor> Addy: *sighs* Right. S-sorry. Then, uh. I don't like me touching you. Wh-whatever works. 12:07:49 AM <Golly-chan> Sibbi *nONONONONONONO* *Panics when that fire starts comin' at his face, releasing Cillian to barrel roll away from him. Sorry Bell* 12:08:20 AM <Caity-Mayhem> Bell: *facepalms* 12:11:35 AM <SunnyMcFaceShovel> Cillian: -He popped up to his feet rubbing the place that Sibbi bit him singeing his shirt slightly before tossing another fireball at Sibbi12:15:09 AM <Golly-chan> Sibbi *Shouts when that fireball goes over his head, too close to his hair for comfort* Stop! That is enough! 12:15:27 AM <SunnyMcFaceShovel> Cillian: "Are you finished?" 12:16:26 AM <Caity-Mayhem> Bell: *standing up- she can't take any more of this* Yes, he is. You both are. 12:17:07 AM <wonderwart> Dalton: *glances back at Addy for a brief moment, then lays back against the sand, sighing* 12:19:16 AM <Golly-chan> Sibbi *Looks at Bell* <: I 12:20:53 AM <prupelallitraitor> Addy: *looks disappointed. Well. It was nice while it lasted* 12:21:42 AM <SunnyMcFaceShovel> Cillian: -He nodded and the fire went out brushing himself off before moseying over to Sibbi going to help him up by offering him a hand12:25:44 AM <Golly-chan> Sibbi *Is embarrass. He takes Cillian's hand and stands up, brushing himself off, but casually avoids looking at anyone* 12:26:50 AM <SunnyMcFaceShovel> Cillian: -Blinks at Sibbi- "Sorry about the burns..." 12:27:48 AM <Caity-Mayhem> Bell: *going over to Sibbi and looking up at him, sighing a bit* We need to work more, just you and I, before you fight with anyone else. 12:30:11 AM <Golly-chan> Sibbi I'm fine. *Rubs one of those spots, trying not to whimper like a little babbu. Then he looks at Bell and slumps his shoulders* But--;;... Maybe you're right... 12:33:09 AM <Caity-Mayhem> Bell: Of course I'm right.

<Golly-chan> Sibbi *Gently rubs at his burn spots* Perhaps I should find a healer... oh! But Bell! I almost forgot. I've made you that toy! 12:47:02 AM <prupelallitraitor> Addy: Y-you should clean up those burn--oh. *looks around and soon sees Sibbi's abandoned basket* 12:50:38 AM <Caity-Mayhem> Bell: *face lightening a bit* A cat? 12:55:30 AM <Golly-chan> Sibbi Yes! *Beams a delighted smile. He quickly goes over to his basket, going through it until he finds a very, very shoddily made stuffed cat, created out of leather* Ta-da! 12:56:00 AM ** PockiiChuu has left [connection closed] 12:56:08 AM <Golly-chan> [link] see that bird it's like that but a cat lmao ) 12:59:37 AM <wonderwart> Dalton: *sees the cat*...He didn't pay attention in the slightest to what I taught him, did he? 01:00:48 AM <Caity-Mayhem> Bell: *confused for a moment, but takes the thing gently* Thank you, Sibbi. It is. . . very nice. I know you worked hard on it. 01:01:48 AM <Golly-chan> Sibbi *Aww yea, she likes it! Confidence restored* Of course I did! It is my special gift to my darling Bell. *Reaches down to cup her face, giving her a smooch on the forehead* 01:02:05 AM <prupelallitraitor> Addy: Sorry I-I didn't finish the one I was doing in time Bell. 01:02:38 AM ** assbuttbatteries has left [connection closed] 01:03:35 AM ** huina has joined 01:07:28 AM <Caity-Mayhem> Bell: *oh god kisses. She pulled back a little from Sibbi's hold on her face, still holding the cat slightly away from her body. She looked up at Addy with something that might be hope* You made a kitty too? 01:11:08 AM <Golly-chan> Sibbi Ahhaha. No, he didn't. *Pulls Bell a little closer to himself, giving Addy a warning look* 01:12:36 AM <prupelallitraitor> Addy: *shrugs* Am making. *frowns* Or was. I-if you like Sibbi's then I-I don't know if you want mine. 01:14:28 AM <Caity-Mayhem> Bell: *glancing down at the cat, then back at Addy. Then back at the cat-thing. Then at Addy again* Well, I do not see why I could not have two cats. Ham would always dissapear- perhaps it was because he was lonely. That way the cat Sibbi made could have a friend. 01:15:08 AM <prupelallitraitor> Addy: A-are you sure? Sibbi was very, uh... adamant about me not making one for-for you, so... 01:15:52 AM <Golly-chan> Sibbi .................... *DOES NOT WANT BELL TO LIKE ADDY'S MORE!! All the brat jealousy* 01:17:59 AM <Caity-Mayhem> Bell: *giving Sibbi a look* Sibbi, what a rude thing to say. Addy was kind enough to do a favor for me, and that is not the way you treat a friend. *looking back at Addy* I would be honored if you would finish your kitty. 01:26:04 AM <prupelallitraitor> Addy: *blinks* Um. O-okay, sure. That... that'd be great, then. I, uh, I will try and finish that for you. 01:26:14 AM <Golly-chan> Sibbi *Stares at Addy like 'you better not!!!'* .... 01:28:21 AM <Caity-Mayhem> Bell: *elbows Sibbi in the ribs* I would love that, Addy. Now my new kitty will have a friend. *holding up Sibbi's cat* Now, I suppose he needs a name.

01:28:36 AM <wonderwart> Dalton: *laughs and looks between the three* Name it 'Oops'. 01:29:21 AM <Golly-chan> Sibbi *oaihga elbow'd. He rubs his ribs and pouts for a moment, then LOOX AT DALTON* What is that supposed to mean? 01:32:21 AM <prupelallitraitor> Addy: *frowns* Erm, right. If-if you say so. Otherwise II could just, uh... give it to Winter, or... or... uh.. 01:33:18 AM <wonderwart> Dalton: *NOT TALKING TO SIBBI* ...But Addy, you intended it for Bell. *looks at the female demon* I would have made you one, but it looks as if you'll have your hands full. 01:33:32 AM <Caity-Mayhem> Bell: *giving Addy a bit of a pleading look* No, I really think this kitty needs a friend. *holding it by one of it's legs* Oops is a strange name. 01:34:00 AM <Golly-chan> Sibbi *Huffs when Dalton doesn't answer, then looks back at Bell* The matter of naming him... well, he is like the spiritual successor of Ham, yes? What goes good with ham. Er... Beans? Potatoes? 01:35:28 AM <prupelallitraitor> Addy: Um, okay. 01:36:49 AM <Caity-Mayhem> Bell: *is going to build a kity ARMY* But Dalton, I would like to have lots of kitty friends. *looks up at Sibbi* I do not think either of those names are right. 01:37:32 AM <wonderwart> Dalton: Call it Frank. Frank is a good name for that doll. *laughs and looks up at Addy* You should make something for Winter to put into her hair-- I think she would love that more than a doll. *drops his gaze to Bell* Three kitties? Oh my, you really will be busy! 01:39:44 AM <Golly-chan> Sibbi Frank? Hmm... I suppose I could see it. Something like Frank or... Esteban... but of course it's Bell's choice. What do you think of those names, Bell? 01:39:54 AM <prupelallitraitor> Addy: *frowns* Something like what? 01:43:12 AM <Caity-Mayhem> Bell: *smiles up at Dalton* Maybe these will not run away like Ham did. *she doesn't really like any of those names, still looking down at the cat, holding it different ways so she can look at it* I think. . . I will call it Munch. 01:44:10 AM <wonderwart> Dalton: A shell hair comb. Something to tuck her hair back from her face during the day... *stretches, on his feet* Ask Flint for a knife to help you with carving, and then use a little wax and such to attach small shells to the comb. 01:45:30 AM <Golly-chan> Sibbi *Beams a smile* That is a perfect name! 01:45:52 AM <prupelallitraitor> Addy: I-I gave her a comb once. It, um, it was kind of plain, so should I still? 01:47:46 AM <wonderwart> Dalton: Little gifts every now and then go a long way to help relationships. Even if you don't think she appreciates it, the thought will come across. *gives a little nod to Bell* But it's up to you. As far as myself, I will return home and work on a new doll to accompany Munch. *smiles* 01:49:08 AM <Golly-chan> Sibbi *Omg frowns at Dalton. FROWNS. Trying to convey his disapproval* 01:49:34 AM <Caity-Mayhem> Bell: *Finally hugging Munch* I like him. Thank you, Sibbi. And thank you Addy and Dalton, too. 01:50:31 AM <prupelallitraitor> Addy: Oh. Th-that might help, then. I-I try and do things for her anyway, but, erm, yeah. *nods to Bell* Uhh, welome. Dalton, would it work since she has short hair now? 01:50:50 AM ** huina has left [connection closed]

01:52:11 AM <wonderwart> Dalton: Come by and I will show you one day. I ...could use the company. *smiles and then gives a small wave* I'll see all of you soon! *heads back to his own home!* 01:53:04 AM <Golly-chan> Sibbi *His jealousy is temporarily forgotten when he hears that Bell likes it! He beams a smile and paps her on the head*

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