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The effect sleeping too late Name : Hendra Saputra NIM : 201010201027 Class : PSIK 3A

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb Good Morning ladies and gentleman What time do you sleep everyday? Do you like sleeping too late? How many hours you sleep? Ok, I will talk about effect sleep to late. It can causes liver cancer. I will describe about the definition of liver cancer, causes and risk factor and the prevention. First is the Definition DR RAVISHANKARK DIDDAPUR who is Consultant Surgeon Liver Transplant Program in National University Hospital Singapore says Liver cancer is a form of cancer with a high mortality rate. Liver cancers can be classified into two types. They are either primary, when the cancer starts in the liver itself, or metastatic, when the cancer has spread to the liver from some other part of the body. Second is the Causes and risk factor Cirrhosis Cirrhosis is scarring of the liver and poor liver function as a result of chronic liver disease. Alcohol use and abuse Ethyl alcohol, or ethanol, is the most commonly used drug in the world. Pharmacologically, alcohol is classified as a central nervous system depressant. Smoking Smoking is the inhalation of the smoke of burning tobacco encased in cigarettes, pipes, and cigars. Besides tar, nicotine, and carbon monoxide, tobacco smoke contains 4,000 different chemicals. More than 200 of these chemicals are known be toxic. Then the Prevention There are no useful strategies at present for preventing metastatic cancers of the liver. Primary liver cancers, however, are 75% to 80% preventable. Current strategies focus on widespread vaccination for hepatitis B, early treatment of hereditary hemochromatosis (a metabolic disorder), and screening of high-risk patients with alpha-fetoprotein testing and ultrasound examinations. Lifestyle factors that can be modified in order to prevent liver cancer include avoidance of exposure to toxic chemicals and foods harboring molds that produce aflatoxin. Most important, however, is avoidance of alcohol and drug abuse. Alcohol abuse is responsible for 60% to 75% of cases of cirrhosis, which is a major risk factor for eventual development of primary liver cancer. Hepatitis is a widespread disease among persons who abuse intravenous drugs. To sum up, Ive talked about the definition, causes and risk factor and also the prevention. If you do the prevention act. Your chances to stay away from cancer will be increase. Thank you. Wassalamualaikum Wr Wb

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