M E 455 Midterm I Fa12 Sol

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M E 455 Automatic Control Systems

(Fall 2012)


September 24, 2012

Student Name: ______________________________________ READ THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES BEFORE YOU START WRITING THE EXAM. 1. This is a CLOSED BOOK examination. Read all 5 questions carefully before attempting to answer them. 2. Your solutions must clearly answer the questions. Highlight, underline, or circle your answers. 3. All problems must be solved for full mark, and each questions worth is given. 4. This exam has 5 pages (including this one), students must count the number of pages in this examination paper before beginning to write, and report any discrepancy. Transient Response Q1) The figure below shows the output response x(t) recorded from an independent physical 2nd order system that was subjected to a unit step input f(t), initial conditions are all zero. (20 Marks) (i) By conducting analytical calculations, determine the transfer functions X (s) F (s) of this system. (ii) Sketch the position of the roots or poles on the s-plane.

Q2) On the figure below, draw the response (on the right hand side) corresponding to the position of the poles. (20 Marks)

You can do any required drawings on this sheet.

Block Diagram Reduction Q3) Reduce the system shown to a single transfer function, T ( s ) C ( s) R( s) . (20 Marks)

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4:

Applying the feedback formula,

C ( s) R( s) C ( s) R( s)

G1G2 G3 1 G1G2 G3 H G2G4 G1G2 G3

G1G2 G3 1 G2G4 H G1G2 G3

Masons Rule Q4) Find the transfer function, T (s)

y7 (s) y1 (s) , for the system shown in the figure. (20 Marks)

Forward paths:

T1 T2

G1G2G3G4 G1G5

Gain loops:

L1 L2 L3 L4

G1 H1 G3 H 2 G1G2G3 H 3 H4

Non-touching 2-loops: L1L2, L1L4, L2L4, L3L4 Non-touching 3-loops: L1L2 L3

1 2

1 1 G3 H 2

y7 y1



Block reduction with transient response Q5) A feedback control system has a structure as shown in the figure below. (20 marks)

Determine: (a) The close loop transfer function Y s R s (b) The value for K1 and K2 if the system is critically damped ( = 1) with two equal roots at s = -10. (c) The time the process will settle within 2% of its final value, i.e. ts 2% Solution: (a)

Y s R s s

K1 1 K1K2 s K1
1 , the roots at 10, means

(b) Critically damped means

10 rad/sec.


2 n


1 K1 K 2

2 0.19



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