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Some Sweet Words

Some Sweet Words

This morning Lola woke up with some sweet words in her mouth.

They are here she says. I can feel them growing under my cheeks.

Lola would like to say her sweet words to daddy. But its too late, daddy is leaving.

Lola would like to say her sweet words to mummy, but mom is in a hurry.

Mom, Id like to tell you... Lola Mumbles. Later sweetie, answers mom quickly, youll be late for school.

On the bus theres too much noise for sweet words.

On the school playground Lola approaches the teacher.But the teacher has already a little one up on her arms.

She doesnt think too much of her desk mate. He wont have her sweet words.

At lunch time in the dinning room everybodys chewing. Lola says nothing. Sweet words, she thinks,are not for chewing.

Its break time. Everybodys playing in a ring. Lola couldnt utter a single word, not even a sweet word.

Going out of school, theres Frankie, the king of the skateboard. Hes rolling down the street.
Lolas in love with him. It is to him that she wants to offer her sweet words the sweetest.

How rude! He passes through right in front of her nose without stopping, without saying anything, without waiting for her sweet words.

On the bus theres still too much noise. However Lola, now, frowns.

At home, while she goes to and fro the living room Lola frowns.

When their parents arrive, Lolas still frowning.

She doesnt feel like saying any sweet word anymore.

At dinner time, she finds meat disgusting, the salad looks bad, the apples are rotten and the soda is tasteless.

Whats wrong with you Lola? Tell us! say mom and dad.

Lola is completely decided: I wont say a word its not worth it. I wont say my sweet words.

But her cheeks grow and grow and all of a sudden Lola cries...

Mom, dad , I love you! I love you! I love you!

Lola has finally managed to say her sweet words. As sweet words are gone they really work. Immediately, everything turns in cuddles and kisses for Lola...

But as shes climbing up the stairs to her bedroom she feels a little bit worried: What if tomorrow the sweet words dont come back?

As soon as Lola turns the light off, she calms down, tomorrows sweet words are already in her bedroom

This morning Lola woke up with some

sweet words in her mouth.


A story of a squirrel called Lola who wakes up with her cheeks swollen. This is because she has words that she can not say, until in the night she says the sweat, caring words to their parents I love you a lot.


A story of a squirrel called Lola who wakes up with her cheeks swollen. This is because she has words that she can not say, until in the night she says the sweat, carins words to their parents I love you a lot.


Tell story and discuss it with group. Express, through gestives different emotions (angry, happiness, sadness) in various situations. Verbalize and represent different times of the day thar appear in the story. Demonstrate feelings for others (kisses, hugs, cuddles..etc)

Express, orally or through gestives feelings. Identify the typical activities of our day to day life and our attitude towards them. Discuss and evaluate the importance of good social relationships with others.


Tell the story discuss it with all the group. Drama on the story. An activity thar involves acting out the story step by step what has happened in the story. Express, through gestives, various feelings and emotions (anger, happiness, sadness..)

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