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Brownian Motion Prelab By M.

Browniean Motun Brownian motion was discovered by a lowly botanist named Robert Brown, who was doing what botainsts do best, and watching pollen oat around on water. He didnt know what to make of it, so he pretty much forgot about it after writing in his lab journal. Well, folks, Einstein has done it again, because he dug this lab book out of some rubble after the three sixteenths war in Soviet Ireland and wrote some papers about it. RT 6NA r



K = 6rv


2n 1 n = 2 x D t
x2 n e 4D 4D


n(x, t) =


x2 = Equation six

1 n

x2 n(x, t) d x = 2D


comes from the clusterfuck. RT 3NA r

x2 = Avagadros Number A really big number.


Particle Tracking and Holography You watch things really closely and dont blink so you can look at it in three dimensions, but this piece of crap doesnt work anyway.

[1] Ronald Newburgh et al. Einstein, perrin, and the reality of atoms: 1905 revisited.

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