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Name: Age: 19 Level/XP: 1 (0/1000XP) Race: Changeling Class: Avenger Height and Weight: 57 and 120lb Alignment and

Deity: The Raven Queen and Neutral Good Initiative: +1 Defences: AC: 10 Reflex: 11 Fortitude: 11 Will: 12 Speed: 6 Ability Scores: Strength: 10 Dexterity: 13 Constitution:12 Intelligence: 18 Wisdom: 18 Charisma: 16 Senses: Normal Hit Points: 26 (+6 Per Level) Bloodied: 13 (8 Healing Surges Per Day)

Action Points: 1 Race Features: Change Shape, Changelings Bluff Bonus to Atk Rolls: Trained Skills: Religion Stealth Streetwise Intimidate Skills Acrobatics - 1 Arcana - 4 Athletics - 0 Bluff - 5 Diplomacy - 4 Dungeoneering - 4 Endurance - 1 Heal 4 History - 4 Insight - 6 Intimidate - 9 Nature - 4 Perception - 4 Religion - 9

Stealth - 6 Streetwise - 9 Thievery - 1 Class Features: +3 to AC, Known Languages: Common, Abyssal, Dwarven, Supernal Feats: Linguist Powers: Eldritch Blast Hellish Rebuke Vampire Embrace Armour of Agathys Equipment: Leather Armour, Dagger, Standard Adventurers Kit Rituals: Inventory: Appearance:

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