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this kind of humorous talk chips recollected his golden school years.

It might be an effort to make life, happier after his wifes death. Similarly, Chips could joke on all occasions even in horrible wartime, there appeared a thing on the menu of the school hostel, which was called (abhorredum) quite humorously, by Mr. Chips. This meant (a thing to be afraid of) & made everybody laugh whosoever listened to it. In fact Chips felt happy as his listeners laughed at his jokes. According to the writer of the novel, wherever he went & whenever he said, there was laugher . Even at the time of his death, Mr. Chips did not lose his sense of humor. For instance, a remarks that Mr. Chips has no children Mr. Chips said that he has hundred of children, and all of them are boys is a first rate reply. Mrs. Chips always looked at the funny side of a thing and people admired his remarks. 14. Can we look upon Mr. Chips as an institution of Brookfield? We can look upon Mr. Chips as an institution (longestablished person) of Brookfield. He had served at Brookfield from 1870 to 1918, except a break during his sickness. Even after his final retirement from the school after 1918, he remained at Mrs. Wicketts house, just across the road in front of the school. When he lived at the school, he worked with excitement and zeal. He became very popular among the teachers as well as the students of the school. His popularity became quite apparent when he had a row with Mr. Ralston. Mr. Ralston had failed to realize this point and had to surrender. The new head, Mr. Catteris, realized the fact that Mr. Chips had got a position of Brookfield institution. Thats why he asked Mr. Chips to join the school after his first retirement, during the hard times of World War. He regulated his life with the help of School and Hostel bells. He was seen at School playground whenever there were matches. The teachers as well as the old and new students of the school came to see him there regularly and talked to him and got his advice on all topics which they liked. They asked him strange questions and got satisfactory and funny answers to their surprise. He made tea for them especially with his own hands & particularly with his own technique of mixing tea leaves of different brands & blends. In this way he enjoyed life of school even after coming out of that. 15. Describe the death scene of Mr. Chips. Which is the most pathetic scene in the novel? Describe it. Describe the last scene of Good-bye, Mr. Chips . Write a summary of the last chapter of Good-bye, Mr. Chips . The last scene refers to Mr. Chips deteriorating condition for the reason that he had suffered from Bronchitis. He became quite weak and old. It was the end of November 1933, a small boy Linford, came to meet Chips at his house, Chips talked to the boy for quite a long time while leaving the boy said, Good-bye, Mr. Chips. When Chips heard these words, he at once remembered his wife who also had spoken these words to him just before their marriage. He also wept while remembering her and fainted in his chair. When he woke up he found himself lying in bed. Dr. Merivale was bending over him and smiling Well you old ruffian feeling all right? (Means if he was feeling all right). Chips asked doctor in a low voice what had happened. Dr. Merivale replied that he had fainted and that it was good for him to sleep. Again chips opened his eyes & saw Mrs. Wickett, the new headmaster, Cartwright and an old man Baffles were also standing near his bed. He could not easily speak to them due to his weakness. His eyes were close but he was not sleeping, it was a sort of in

between state. He began seeing old faces and hearing old voices, some cheers, and laughter, Brookfield bells in a kind of dream. He remembered the jokes which he used to make to the boys. He also remembered his wife, Katherine & the way she played a musical instrument. Chips heard that Cartwright asked something to Dr. Merivale about Chipss unmarried life. Dr. Merivale said that Chips had married but his wife died afterwards. Cartwright said that it was sad to think that Chips never had any children. When Chips heard this he opened his eyes with great difficulty and said that he had thousands of children all his students at Brookfield. Then Chips again began remembering his old students but soon he fall a sleep never to get up again. Thus he died remembering his students. This scene of the novel is very pathetic and makes us sad when we think that Chips had passed most of his life lonely and death took away not only a great teacher but also a nice man from this world. 16. What do you learn of the national character of England or the English people from the novel, Good-bye, Mr. Chips . After reading the novel, Good bye Mr. Chips by James Hilton, we come to know that the English people are very much interested in keeping the old things and old traditions. The English people are entirely against any quick or sudden changes in anything. This aspect of their lives is clearly shown in the outcome of the quarrel between Mr. Ralston and Mr. Chips. Literally Mr. Chips accept equally old. So much-so that Mr. Chips is always seen wearing an old and worn out gown but even then he is loved and respected by all. Mother example of like nature comes to my mind that when Mr. Ralston quarrels with Mr. Chips, every one is seen supporting him. Even the Board of Governors of the Brookfield school, provide him safety. The Chairman of the Board of Governors pays a visit to the Brookfield school; one openly assures Mr. Chips that the Governors are on his side. As a result of this traditional element of support to Mr. Chips, made Mr. Ralston to leave the school. The next apparent quality of English people is their love for maintaining class distinction. The people of Brookfield have established Mission School at London. These people of Brook field used to send money to this school, but they did not want to invite the students of Mission School for they were the sons of poor and needy parents. To their own opinion, these students were rough, uncivilized and ill-mannered. Anyway, through the efforts of Mr. Chips, those boys from Mission School London were invited by the people of Brookfield. This novel of Mr. James Hilton reflects that the English people have a great love for their motherland. When the World War First broke out, many boys and teacher left the school and went to fight on the front Moreover, the people of England are seen not to feel afraid of the War but they are seen doing their daily routine of life without any disturbance. The English people have also a store of appreciating humorous tales and jokes. Mr. Chips is seen enjoying his teaching by putting one joke or the other during his lecture in the class. The boys liked him most for his old fashioned way of teaching of Geek and Latin languages.

The End

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