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Sample Lesson LESSON NINE- TRADITIONS A tradition is a specfic method of action, attitude, or craft that has been handed

down from one generation to another. The Truth About Witchcraft Today; Cunningham, Scott; Page 85 In chapter one we talked a little bit about Gerald Gardner and how he was the first documented to publicize Wicca. In this lesson we are going to talk about the tradition that he founded, along with the many other traditions that many others have founded. Gardnerians This tradition was founded by Gerald Gardner in the 1950s. Gerald professed to have learned all of his knowledge from the New Forest Coven (an alleged group in southern England during the 1930s and 1940s), from which he was initiated in 1939. Those in this tradition meet in covens that, by tradition, are limited to 13, though sometimes more, and are lead by a High Priestess and High Priest. As they are a Mystery Tradition (one who keeps many, if not all, things secret, known only to its members), a number of things happen: 1. membership is only available through initiation, 2. rituals and coven practices are kept secret, and 3. maintain their secrecy of being in the Craft. In Gardner's Craft, there are two main deities: the Horned God and Mother Goddess, more specifically Cernunnos and Aradia. The original rituals used by Gardner at the start of his tradition were fragmentary at best, as Gardner admitted this himself. Because of this he had reconstructed these as the basis of his tradition, applying his skills as a folklorist and occultist (he worked closely with Alester Crowely). Homework: Research the tradition that speaks out to you. Sample of Lesson Quiz 1. By tradition, how many members were limited per coven in the Gardnerian Tradition? _______ 2. Name two initiates of Gardner who started their own major tradition? _____________________ and ________________________. 3. What two skills did Gardner draw from to reconstruct his rituals? _________________ and ___________________ 4. Based on your own research , name the tradition that speaks most to you and explain why. Write at least two paragraphs explaining who stood out to you, what principle of the tradition made you feel connected with it and why.

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