Azygos Vein

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Azygos vein Azygos means unpaired Definition- this is vein which is present in posterior mediastinum which drains thoracic

wall Formation- it is formed by union of lumbar vein and posterior intercostal vein or subcostal vein below T12 Course- it enters in thoracic wall at the level of T12 through aortic opening in diaphragm Course in thorax- it ascends upwards in posterior mediastinum on the RT side of midline .it comes up in superior mediastinum and arches round root of RT lung to open in SVC It receives blood from tributaries of 11,10,9,8,7,6,5 posterior intercostal vein 2,3 and 4 form common vein to open in azygos vein 1st intercostal vein opens in tributaries of SVC known as brachiocephalic vein or directly in to SVC It also receives tributaries of hemiazygos vein and accessory hemiazygos vein These are mirror images of azygos vein on LT side of body

Hemiazygos vein is formed by union of lumbar vein and subcostal vein on LT side it formed in abdomen Course- it enters in thorax on LT side of midline it goes upwards in posterior mediastinum up to the level of T9 at this level it goes towards RT side and opens in to azygos vein Accessory hemiazygos vein- it is formed by upper posterior intercostal vein on LT side Course - it goes downwards and changes its course to RT side and opens in to azygos vein The posterior intercostal vein 1, 2, 3and 4 intercostal vein opens in brachiocephalic vein Lumbar vein directly connected with IVC so azygos vein is connection bet SVC and IVC Applied anatomy - if one of vena cava is blocked the blood will returned to heart through azygos venous system this maintains co-lateral venous circulation

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