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The Music Industry.

(Article by Tim Wall) Elyssa Rey

Digital Distribution
Delivery of media content through different digital forms.

Patrik Wikstrm
The Music Industry: Music In The Cloud

What does this book say?

Production, Promotion, Distribution, Consumption

Music Transformation
a. Availability within the internet b. Use of Web 2.0 technologies

Music = Service Music Product

Wikstrms Thesis:
Music is now supplied by A copyright industry.

Studying Music
a. Music = industrially produced artifact b. Examine the package and how it is sold

Music and Economics

Wikstrms Concerns
a. People handling changes regarding music b. Certain music corporations sources of income

Chapter 5: The Creative and Social Music Fan

Economic Matters Rejected.


Should be adopted as a core text Points are clearly made Second edition Curiosity Presented in an abstract fashion


Discussion is based on the point of view Better discussions Cultural Studies Philosophical approach Easy studying Widens the debate


We are reminded that there is still so much to learn regarding these issues, and these insights should be fully available to us students.


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