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Faithful Fourth Graders

CAJ: Equipping students to impact the world for Christ

Language Arts: Spelling:
This weeks spelling words have the /s/ sound that is spelled with a c before e or i. The /j/ sound is spelled with a g before e or i: ceiling, citizen, gem, citrus, cereal, genius, certain, cement, center, general, century, genuine, cinnamon, and geography. Students should practice their words on


We will begin learning about the four divisions of the Old Testament and the names of the books in each division. Memory work: Psalm 51:10-11 Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me.

Students will learn to locate places with the use of the latitude and the longitude. We will also use some of the units time to get ready for the student-led conferences.

We will finish reading the Lit. Circle books this week. Please make sure your child is keeping up with their reading so that they can participate in group discussions.

Days to Remember:
10/26 memory work test 10/29 Photo Retake Day 10/31 Half day (Students are dismissed at noon.) 10/31-11/2 Student-led conferences 11/5 3-minute test 11/8 Parents in Prayer meeting (8:30-9:30) Picture retake day will be on Monday, Oct. 29 in the mini-gym from 8:00am to 12:00 noon. If a student purchased pictures, the pictures must be returned on that day to the photographer or otherwise they need to pay again. Students can bring their picture packages to school sooner.

This week, students will begin writing a paper that focuses on the use of one of the 6 writing traits.

We will continue with unit 3. Using a globe, students will measure and calculate air distances between Washington D.C. and several cities around the world. Also, students will gather some information about Egypt in the Student Reference Book. Use of parentheses in number sentences will also be introduced.


Do Hard Things
Dont let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity. (1 Timothy 4:12)

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