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PEARMAN family

P. O . B O X 8 2 8 N O B L E S V I L L E , I N 4 6 0 6 1

What a blessing it is to serve and reach the students all across Indiana! We cant say THANKS enough, for your continued support!

An AWESOME Autumn!

Family Spotlight!
Harper had the chance to hang out with one of our fav CMs that hold a special bond with her! Hannah Burr from Owensville shares the same birthday with our newest Youth Alive Missionary!

Wow! We have had some amazing encounters and heard some really encouraging stories recently from our Campus Missionaries across Indiana! We also hosted 150 students and youth pastors from across Indiana at our rst ever CM Training Conference in September! It turned out to be a HUGE success and we cant wait for the next one! Thanks for helping us make it happen!!!! I want to share with you a couple of those stories from CMs that I had received to

show you that your support is making a difference! CM H.J. checked in with us from Central Indiana. She shared a story about how after SYATP she was called in to her principals ofce. Once there, her principal began to tell her how proud he was that she was BOLD about her faith in Christ at school! He encouraged her, and that conversation made possible an opportunity for her and her friends to use the high school track to raise money for missionaries this coming Spring!

(Above Center) Josh welcomes 150+ attendees to our 1st ever CM Training Conference in Noblesville! (Right) Students at the CMTC stretch their hands in prayer towards their schools! (Far Left) Josh helping feed the football team at Noblesville HS! (Left) An altar service taking place in Owensville

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