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IRSP/RUSFAD-Phase-III/ Haripur KPK /10/2010


Handover of Community Incentive Scheme Village: ___________ Union Council_____________ District Haripur

The Incentive scheme Hand pump has constructed under the RUSFAD program phase-III by IRSP with the support of Plan Pakistan & UNICEF Pakistan today dated: . and .handed over to community benefited (VSC Chairman/ Community Representative) in presence of Village Sanitation Committee and other community members. CNIC photocopy of beneficiarys representative is attached. Name F/Name... Village.UCDistrict Haripur. The standards of the Hand pumps properly followed and made it sure that it fulfills the criteria of WASH set by the IRSP/implementing partners of the project. The beneficiaries of the scheme or community representative will be held responsible for its maintenance. As it is community scheme, so all the concerned community has the right to access and get benefited from this scheme. Signatures and Dates: ______________________ Contractor Name & signature: _____________________ Engineer Name & Signature ________________________ Checked by: Name & signature: ______________________ Beneficiary Name & Signature _______________________ VSC Chairman Name & Signature

Integrated Regional Support Programme (I R S P) House # 121-A, Street # 2, Sector A, Sheikh Maltoon Town Mardan, Khyber Pukhtoon Khawa, Pakistan Phone: (+92-937) 880283 - Fax: - (+92-937) 880284

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