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Study Guide Unit 6

I. Important people of the New England Colonies:

Anne Hutchison a Puritan who was forced to leave Massachusetts and founded Portsmouth, Rhode Island Roger Williams a Puritan minister forced to leave Massachusetts and founded Providence, Rhode Island. He believed in freedom of religion. The New England Colonies: New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut

II. Important people of the Middle Colonies:

William Penn Quaker leader who founded the colony of Pennsylvania. He believed the land belonged to the Native Americans, and even paid them for it. The Middle Colonies: New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware

III. Important people of the Southern Colonies:

Lord Baltimore founded Maryland as a refuge for Catholics; established freedom of religion in Maryland (similar to Pennsylvania and Rhode Island, but not quite...) James Oglethorpe a British military officer who founded the colony of Georgia

The Southern Colonies: Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia

IV. Vocabulary
Covenant a special agreement Tolerate to allow people to have different beliefs from your own Proprietor a person who owns property or a business Debtor a person who owes money Confederacy a group of countries, states, or people who join together for a common purpose Indigo a plant that produces a blue dye used for cloth

V. Questions:
Some Puritans rebelled against their leaders once they settled in North America. One such man was Roger Williams. Explain how his personal beliefs differed from that of the Puritan leaders of that time.

Why did the Middle Colonies prosper?

Why were the Southern Colonies started?

VI. Essay Question

Choose a specific colony from one of the 3 regions. Write a letter to a friend back in Europe describing what your new life is like in the colony. Please include at least 4 historic facts from your reading and studying.

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