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Evaluation Question What were the trends in minor and major referral instances for Kindergarteners who were

students in the NCSD in the 2009-2010 school year?

Activities to Observe -NonCompliance & Disruption -Verbal Behaviors -Physical Behaviors -Other (theft, truancy, etc.) -Students with multiple referrals

Data Source -Minor Referral s -Major Referral s -Infinite Campus

Population Sample Design Students who attended Kindergarten in the NCSD from 2009-2010 and TJ from 12/31/12present

Data Collection


Data Analysis


Data was already collected and entered by staff during that school year.

-Staff (fill out referrals) -Specific building individuals assigned to making HEART system entries (secretary, principal, guidance counselors)

Analysis of specific behaviors: NonCompliance & Disruption, Verbal, Physical, Other (theft, truancy)

-evaluator -certified and classified staff -administration -PBIS team

What were the trends in minor and major referral instances for 1st graders in the 2010-2011 school year? 2nd graders in 2011-2012? 3rd graders through October 2012?

-NonCompliance & Disruption -Verbal -Physical -Other (theft, truancy, etc)

-Minor Referral s -Major Referral s -Infinite Campus

Students who attended the NCSD from 2009-2010 and TJ before 12/31/10 and have remained in attendance at TJ up to present

-Enter current data into HEART system -Data must be culminated into areas outlined under activities to observe

-certified and classified staff (fill out referrals) -Denise Townsend (logs minor referrals) -Josie Carter (logs major referrals) -evaluator helps log current referrals -evaluator (determine info under activities to observe and attendance) from 12/31/10 -present

-Analysis of increase/ decrease in behaviors -Analysis of behavior types

-certified and classified staff -administration -PBIS team -district staff

How have behaviors of habitual offenders changed since their kindergarten year?

Students with 6+ -HEART referrals of any System type in any school year from 2009present

Students with 6+ -Data can be found in -evaluator referrals in any the HEART system. school year from 2009-present

Analysis of specific behaviors: NonCompliance & Disruption, Verbal, Physical, Other (theft, truancy) Analyze changes in behavior occurrences from year to year

--administration -PBIS team -district staff

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