Demonstration of Bernoulli's Equation

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Bernoullis theorem which is known as Bernoullis principle, states that an increase in the speed of moving air or a flowing fluid is accompanied by a decrease in the air or fluids pressure. Swiss scientist, Daniel Bernoulli (1700-1782), demonstrated that, in most cases the pressure in a liquid or gas decreases as the liquid or gas move faster. This is an important principle involving the movement of a fluid through the pressure difference. Suppose a fluid is moving in a horizontal direction and encounters a pressure difference. This pressure difference will result in a net force, which is by Newtons Second Law will cause an acceleration of the fluid. Bernoullis theorem states that the total energy (pressure energy, potential energy and kinetic energy) of an incompressible and non-viscous fluid in steady flow through a pipe remains constant throughout the flow, provided there is no source or sink of the fluid along the length of the pipe. This statement is due to the assumption that there is no loss energy due to friction. This theorem deals with the facts that when there is slow flow in a fluid, there will be increase in pressure and when there is increased flow in a fluid, there will be decrease in pressure. If the elevation remains constant, velocity and pressure, energy to or from the system can be calculated by this equationStatic pressure + dynamic pressure = total pressure = constant Static pressure + 1/2 x density x velocity2 = total pressure = constant

Fig 1: Bernoulli Equation 1

So the main objective of this experiment is to justify the validity of Bernoullis theorem for water flow through a circular conduit. The converging-diverging nozzle apparatus is used to show the validity of Bernoullis Equation. It is also used to show the validity of the continuity equation where the fluid flows is relatively incompressible. The data taken will show the presence of fluid energy losses, often attributed to friction and the turbulence and eddy currents associated with a separation of flow from the conduit walls.

Clearly stated that the assumptions made in deriving the Bernoullis equation is: The liquid is incompressible. The liquid is non-viscous. The flow is steady and the velocity of the liquid is less than the critical velocity for the liquid. There is no loss of energy due to friction.

Derivation of Bernoulli equation from Newtons second law:

The Bernoulli equation for incompressible fluids can be derived by integrating the Euler equations, or applying the law of conservation of energy in two sections along a streamline, ignoring viscosity, compressibility, and thermal effects. The simplest derivation is to first ignore gravity and consider constrictions and expansions in pipes that are otherwise straight, as seen in Venturi effect. Let the x axis be directed down the axis of the pipe. Define a parcel of fluid moving through a pipe with cross-sectional area "A", the length of the parcel is "dx", and the volume of the parcel A dx. If mass density is , the mass of the parcel is density multiplied by its volume m = A dx. The change in pressure over distance dx is "dp" and flow velocity v = dx / dt. Apply Newton's Second Law of Motion Force F =mass . acceleration and recognizing that the effective force on the parcel of fluid is -A dp. If the pressure decreases along the length of the pipe, dp is negative but the force resulting in flow is positive along the x axis.

In steady flow the velocity is constant with respect to time, v = v(x) = v(x(t)), so v itself is not directly a function of time t. It is only when the parcel moves through x that the cross sectional area changes: v depends on t only through the cross-sectional position x(t).

With density constant, the equation of motion can be written as

by integrating with respect to x

where C is a constant, sometimes referred to as the Bernoulli constant. It is not a universal constant, but rather a constant of a particular fluid system. The deduction is: where the speed is large, pressure is low and vice versa. In the above derivation, no external work-energy principle is invoked. Rather, Bernoulli's principle was inherently derived by a simple manipulation of the momentum equation.

Fig 2: Flow of water through Bernoulli Apparatus

A streamtube of fluid moving to the right. Indicated are pressure, elevation, flow speed, distance (s), and cross-sectional area. Note that in this figure elevation is denoted as h, contrary to the text where it is given by z. Another way to derive Bernoulli's principle for an incompressible flow is by applying conservation of energy. In the form of the work-energy theorem, stating that the change in the kinetic energy Ekin of the system equals the net work W done on the system;

Therefore, the work done by the forces in the fluid = increase in kinetic energy. The system consists of the volume of fluid, initially between the cross-sections A1 and A2. In the time interval t fluid elements initially at the inflow cross-section A1 move over a distance s1 = v1 t, while at the outflow cross-section the fluid moves away from crosssection A2 over a distance s2 = v2 t. The displaced fluid volumes at the inflow and outflow are respectively A1 s1 and A2 s2. The associated displaced fluid masses are when is the fluid's mass density equal to density times volume, so A1 s1 and A2 s2. By mass conservation, these two masses displaced in the time interval t have to be equal, and this displaced mass is denoted by m:

The work done by the forces consists of two parts: The work done by the pressure acting on the areas A1 and A2

The work done by gravity: the gravitational potential energy in the volume A1 s1 is lost, and at the outflow in the volume A2 s2 is gained. So, the change in gravitational potential energy Epot,gravity in the time interval t is

Now, the work by the force of gravity is opposite to the change in potential energy, Wgravity = Epot,gravity: while the force of gravity is in the negative z-direction, the work gravity force times change in elevationwill be negative for a positive elevation change z = z2 z1, while the corresponding potential energy change is positive. So:

And the total work done in this time interval


The increase in kinetic energy is

Putting these together, the work-kinetic energy theorem W = Ekin gives:


After dividing by the mass m = A1 v1 t = A2 v2 t the result is:

or, as stated in the first paragraph:

(Eqn. 1), which is also Equation (A) Further division by g produces the following equation. Note that each term can be described in the length dimension (such as meters). This is the head equation derived from Bernoulli's principle:

(Eqn. 2a) The middle term, z, represents the potential energy of the fluid due to its elevation with respect to a reference plane. Now, z is called the elevation head and given the designation elevation. A free falling mass from an elevation z > 0 (in a vacuum) will reach a speed

when arriving at elevation z = 0.

Or when we rearrange it as a head: The term v2 / (2 g) is called the velocity head, expressed as a length measurement. It represents the internal energy of the fluid due to its motion. The hydrostatic pressure p is defined as , with p0 some reference pressure, or when we rearrange it as a head:

The term p / (g) is also called the pressure head, expressed as a length measurement. It represents the internal energy of the fluid due to the pressure exerted on the container. When we combine the head due to the flow speed and the head due to static pressure with the elevation above a reference plane, we obtain a simple relationship useful for incompressible fluids using the velocity head, elevation head, and pressure head. (Eqn. 2b) If we were to multiply Eqn. 1 by the density of the fluid, we would get an equation with three pressure terms:

(Eqn. 3) We note that the pressure of the system is constant in this form of the Bernoulli Equation. If the static pressure of the system (the far right term) increases, and if the pressure due to elevation (the middle term) is constant, then we know that the dynamic pressure (the left term) must have decreased. In other words, if the speed of a fluid decreases and it is not due to an elevation difference, we know it must be due to an increase in the static pressure that is resisting the flow. All three equations are merely simplified versions of an energy balance on a system.

Experimental Setup:

Fig 3: Bernoullis apparatus

Fig 4: Diagram Showing the Diameter of venture meter at various point

The room temperature was measured. A piezometer is attached to the pipe through which water flows. Then for any flow of water manometer readings were taken. The mass flow rate of water was measured by collecting water in a bucket for a period of time. Then the bucket was weighted in a manual balance. The empty bucket was weighted separately. By varying the flow rate with the valve attached to the pipe, several data were taken.


Observed data:
Temperature of empty bucket= 0.6 kg Room temperature = 26.8 C Temperature of water = 27.5 C

Table-1: Diameters of the Tapping Positions of the Venturi Tube

Tapping Position a b c d e f Diameter (mm) 25.0 13.9 11.8 10.7 10.0 25.0

Table 2: Reading of manometer and pitot tube at different tapping Weight of water with bucket (Kg)
2.9 5.0 7.1

pisometer and pitot tube reading at different tapping(mm) Obs. no M 1 2 3

200 217 258


a P
200 221 267

b M
193 194 221

c P
198 198 262

d P
198 240 267

e P
198 238 267

f P
184 237 263

185 185 182

180 147 120

164 94 73

177 160 140

178 173 173

40.4 40.6 40.1


Calculated data:
Density of water at 26.8C = 996.513 kg/m3 Table-3: Table of Flow Rate Measurement
Mass flow Obs. no 1 2 3 Mass of empty bucket (kg) Mass of (water + bucket) (kg) 2.9 5.0 7.1 Mass of water (kg) 2.2763 4.3763 6.4763 Time (s) 40.4 40.6 40.1 rate (kg/s) 0.056344 0.107791 0.161504 Volumetric flow rate Q (m3/s) 5.6510-05 1.0810-04 1.6210-04


Table-4: Table of calculated data

Pressure head (pizometer ) P/g mm 200 193 185 180 164 177 217 194 185 147 94 160 258 221 182 120 73 140 Theoretical head V2/2g+P/g mm 200.6755816 200.0494243 198.7084335 200.1521525 190.4302646 177.6755816 219.4684734 219.7575329 235.0885482 220.6329256 190.5722002 162.4684734 263.5540652 278.9544491 294.6992334 285.6740825 290.2874505 145.5540652 Pitot tube pressure head 200 198 198 198 194 178 221 198 240 238 237 173 267 262 267 267 263 173

Volumetri c flow rate




Tub e No a b c d e f a b c d e f a b c d e f

Diamete r(m) 2.50E-02 1.39E-02 1.18E-02 1.07E-02 1.00E-02 2.50E-02 2.50E-02 1.39E-02 1.18E-02 1.07E-02 1.00E-02 2.50E-02 2.50E-02 1.39E-02 1.18E-02 1.07E-02 1.00E-02 2.50E-02

Cross sectional area (m2) 4.91E-04 1.52E-04 1.09E-04 8.99E-05 7.85E-05 4.91E-04 4.91E-04 1.52E-04 1.09E-04 8.99E-05 7.85E-05 4.91E-04 4.91E-04 1.52E-04 1.09E-04 8.99E-05 7.85E-05 4.91E-04

Velocity (m/s) 1.15E-01 3.72E-01 5.18E-01 6.28E-01 7.20E-01 1.15E-01 2.20E-01 7.11E-01 9.91E-01 1.20E+00 1.38E+00 2.20E-01 3.30E-01 1.07E+00 1.49E+00 1.80E+00 2.06E+00 3.30E-01

Velocity head V2/2g *1000 mm 0.675581643 7.049424254 13.70843346 20.15215249 26.43026459 0.675581643 2.468473421 25.75753293 50.08854817 73.63292557 96.57220022 2.468473421 5.554065197 57.95444909 112.6992334 165.6740825 217.2874505 5.554065197


Sample calculation:
Sample calculation for observation 2 Volumetric flow rate calculation: Mass of water,M = 4.3763 kg Time interval, t = 40.6 s Mass flow rate, m = 0.1078 kg/s Volumetric flow rate, Q = Velocity Calculation: Diameter of cross section a = 25mm = 2.5010-2m Area, A =

m = 1.0810-04 m3/s

d 2 (2.50 10 2 ) 2 2 = m 4 4

= 4.91 10-4 m2 Velocity, v =

Q = 1.0810-4 / 4.91 10-4 m/s A


Similarly, For diameter b = m, A=

(13 .9 10 3 ) 2
=1.5210-4 m 2,


v = 1.0810-4 /1.5210-4 For diameter c = m, A=

= 0.7105 m/s

(11 .8 10 3 ) 2


v =1.0810-4 /1.0910-4 =0.9908ms-1 For diameter d = 10.710-3m, A=

(10 .7 10 3 ) 2



v = 1.08910-4 /0.89910-4 =1.2013ms-1 For diameter e = 1010-3m,A=

(10 10 3 ) 2


v = 1.0810-4 / 0.78510-4 = 1.3757 ms-1

For diameter f = 2510-3m,


(25 10 3 ) 2


v = 1.0810-4 / 4.9110-4 =0.21996 ms-1 Total Head Calculation: For cross section at a, Velocity head =
v2 (0.21996) = 2g 2 9.8

m = 2.4684 mm

Pressure head (observed), P/g = 217 mm Total head, H= (

v2 P ) = 217+2.4684 mm = 219.4684 mm 2 g g

Similarly, For cross section at b, H= 219.7575 mm For cross section at c, H=235.0885 mm For cross section at d, H=220.6329 mm For cross section at e, H=190.5722 mm For cross section at f, H=162.4684 mm


The objectives of this experiment is to investigate the validity of the Bernoulli equation when applied to the steady flow of water in a tapered duct and to measure the flow rates and both static and total pressure heads in a rigid convergent and divergent tube of known geometry for a range of steady flow rates. This experiment is based on the Bernoullis principle which relates between velocities with the pressure for an inviscid flow. To achieve the objectives of this experiment, Bernoullis theorem demonstration apparatus was used. This instrument was combined with a venturi meter and the pad of manometer tubes which indicate the pressure of h1 until h8 but for this experiment only the pressure in manometer h1 until h6 being measured. A venturi is basically a converging-diverging section (like an hourglass), typically placed between tube or duct sections with fixed cross-sectional area. The flow rates through the venturi meter can be related to pressure measurements by using Bernoullis equation. From the result obtained through this experiment, it is been observed that when the pressure difference increase, the flow rates of the water increase and thus the velocities also increase for both convergent and divergent flow. Though the experiment was done very carefully and properly, but there is some discrepancy in the result. The total head was not same in different points. The possible reasons are-

There was leak in pitot tube In Bernoullis theorem the fluid is considered as inviscid and incompressible. But practically the water, used in this experiment as the working fluid does not satisfy this assumption.

Since the venturi tube cannot be thermally isolated from the surrounding completely, there are some possible heat transfer between tube and surrounding which is not account in the theorem. It introduces a permanent frictional resistance in the pipeline.

The use of mean velocity without kinetic energy correction factor () introduces some error in the results. Here we assume that = 1. But it varies with Reynolds number. The variation of with Reynolds number is given in appendix 2.


The piezometer readings were fluctuating continuously during the experiment due to unsteady supply. Since capillarity makes water rise in piezometer tube, it introduce some error in calculation of the static head.

Contraction loss: There is a marked drop in pressure due to the increase in velocity and to the loss of energy in turbulence.

Fig 5: Flow at sudden contraction of cross section

Directional velocity fluctuation due to turbulence increase pitot tube readings and hence we got large value of total head.

A large head loss occurs at the entrance of the pitot tube due to sudden contraction. Expansion loss: In sudden expansion there is a state of excessive turbulence. The loss due to sudden expansion is greater than the loss due to a corresponding contraction. This is so because of the inherent instability of flow in expansion where the diverging path of the flow tend to encourage the formation of eddies within the flow. In converging flow there is a dampening effect on eddy formation and hence loss is less than diverging flow. It is reflected by the drastic decrease of total head in figure 6.

Fig 6: Flow at sudden enlargement of cross section



From the result obtained, we can conclude that the Bernoullis equation is valid for convergent and divergent flow as both of it does obey the equation. The results were quite satisfactory and very near the authentic data at the two of the three observations performed. But we also know the reasons and handicaps for which the discrepancies appeared and discussed it thoroughly in the discussion section. Therefore considering all the evens and odds we can come to a conclusion that the experiment was a very successful one which not only introduced us with the properties of Bernoullis Theorem and fluid flow system but also enabled us to understand the deviations and inconsistencies we have to face in the real life situations comparing to the theoretical.


1. Repeat the experiment for several times to get the average values in order to get more accurate results. 2. Make sure the trap bubbles must be removing first before start running the experiment. 3. The eye position of the observer must be parallel to the water meniscus when taking the reading at the manometers to avoid parallax error. 4. The valve must be control carefully to maintain the constant values of the pressure difference as it is quite difficult to control. 5. The time keeper must be alert with the rising of water volume to avoid error and must be only a person who taking the time. 6. The leakage of water in the instrument must be avoided.


Literature Cited

Franzini, Joseph B. ; Finnemore, E. John, Fluid Mechanics with Engineering Application, 9th edition. McGraw -Hill ,New York,1997, Page (142,121) Mott, Robert L, Applied Fluid Mechanics, 5th ed., Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River, 2000, Page (272,276) Derivations of Bernoulli equation,'s_principle#Derivations_of_Bernoulli_equatio n Date Cited: 04/07/2012


Table 05: List of symbols used throughout the report Symbol A d g hp ht hv m p Q Name Cross sectional area Diameter Acceleration due to gravity Pressure head Total head Velocity head Mass of water Pressure Volumetric Flow rate Mass flow rate v z Average Velocity Constant value Vertical height Density Viscosity Specific weight Unit m2 m m/s2 m m m kg bars m3/s kg/s m/s 3.14 m kg/m3 Ns/m2 N/m3 Dimension L2 L L2 L L L M ML-1T-2 L3/T M/T L/T Dimensionless L M/L3 ML-1T-1 ML-2T-2



Application and Modification of Bernoullis Equation A) Stagnation pressure and dynamic pressure:

If a stream of uniform velocity flows into a blunt body, the stream lines take a pattern similar to this:

Fig 7: Streamlines around a blunt body

Note how some move to the left and some to the right. But one, in the centre, goes to the tip of the blunt body and stops. It stops because at this point the velocity is zero - the fluid does not move at this one point. This point is known as the stagnation point. From the Bernoulli equation we can calculate the pressure at this point. Apply Bernoulli along the central streamline from a point upstream where the velocity is u1 and the pressure p1 to the stagnation point of the blunt body where the velocity is zero, u2 = 0. Also z1 = z2.


This increase in pressure which brings the fluid to rest is called the dynamic pressure. The blunt body stopping the fluid does not have to be a solid. I could be a static column of fluid. Two piezometers, one as normal and one as a Pitot tube within the pipe can be used in an arrangement shown below to measure velocity of flow. Using the above theory, we have the equation for p2 ,

We now have an expression for velocity obtained from two pressure measurements and the application of the Bernoulli equation.


B) Pitot Static Tube:

The necessity of two piezometers and thus two readings make this arrangement a little awkward. Connecting the piezometers to a manometer would simplify things but there are still two tubes. The Pitot statictube combines the tubes and they can then be easily connected to a manometer. A Pitot static tube is shown below. The holes on the side of the tube connect to one side of a manometer and register the static head, (h1), while the central hole is connected to the other side of the manometer to register, as before, the stagnation head (h2).

Fig 8: A Pitot-static tube


Consider the pressures on the level of the centre line of the Pitot tube and using the theory of the manometer,

We know that

, substituting this in to the above gives

The Pitot/Pitot-static tubes give velocities at points in the flow. It does not give the overall discharge of the stream, which is often what is wanted. It also has the drawback that it is liable to block easily, particularly if there is significant debris in the flow.


C) Flow Through A Small Orifice:

We are to consider the flow from a tank through a hole in the side close to the base. The general arrangement and a close up of the hole and streamlines are shown in the figure below

Fig 9: Tank and streamlines of flow out of the sharp edged orifice

The shape of the holes edges are as they are (sharp) to minimize frictional losses by minimizing the contact between the hole and the liquid - the only contact is the very edge. Looking at the streamlines you can see how they contract after the orifice to a minimum value when they all become parallel; at this point, the velocity and pressure are uniform across the jet. This convergence is called the vena contracta. (From the Latin 'contracted vein'). It is necessary to know the amount of contraction to allow us to calculate the flow. We can predict the velocity at the orifice using the Bernoulli equation. Apply it along the streamline joining point 1 on the surface to point 2 at the centre of the orifice. At the surface velocity is negligible (u1 = 0) and the pressure atmospheric (p1 = 0).At the orifice the jet is open to the air so again the pressure is atmospheric (p2 = 0). If we take the datum line through the orifice then z1 = h and z2 =0, leaving


This is the theoretical value of velocity.

D) Energy losses due to friction:

In a real pipe line there are energy losses due to friction - these must be taken into account as they can be very significant.

Fig 10: Hydraulic Grade line and Total head lines for a constant diameter pipe with friction

The total head - or total energy per unit weight is constant. We are considering energy conservation, so if we allow for an amount of energy to be lost due to friction the total head will change



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