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Venice charter, International Charter For The Conservation And

Restoration Of Monuments And Sites, ICOMOS, Venice, 1964.

Charter For The Conservation Of Historic Towns And Urban Areas,

ICOMOS, Washington, 1987.

Charter for the Protection

and Management of the Archaeological Heritage, ICOMOS, 1990.

Charter For The

Conservation Of Places Of Cultural Heritage Value, ICOMOS New Zealand, 1992.

Burra charter, The Australia ICOMOS charter for the conservation of places of
cultural significance, Burra, 1999.

Principles for the analysis, conservation and structural restoration of architectural
heritage, ICOMOS, Zimbabwe, 2003.

, The Nara Document on Authenticity, ICOMOS 1994.

, Charter on the Built Vernacular Heritage,

ICOMOS Mexico 1999.

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