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ICTL For Secondary School - Computer hardware Module


Self Access Learning Module

ICT Literacy for Secondary School

Computer Hardware
Evolution and Types of the Computers

ICTL For Secondary School - Computer hardware Module


Evolution and Types of the Computers

Curriculum Development Centre Ministry of Education Malaysia 2

ICTL For Secondary School - Computer hardware Module

ICTL For Secondary School - Computer hardware Module

1. 2.

Name of Module :

Computer Hardware: Evolution and Types of the Computers

Learning Outcomes: The students should be able to:

a. State the generations of computers together with the respective processors used b. Explain the generations of computers together with the respective processors used
c. Identify the types of computers: Supercomputer Mainframe Mini Computer Micro Computer Work Station d. Define different types of computers 3. Knowledge and Skills:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Explain the evolution of the computer generation Match the types of processors used Introduce various types of computers Label a flow chart of the types of computers Gather and present information on the types of computers

Module Summary: At the end of the module, students should be able to explain about the evolution of the computer generation and types of processors used.

This module contains 5 activities: Activity 1: Activity 2: Activity 3: Activity 4: Activity 5: Explaining the evolution of the computer generation Matching the types of processors used Introducing various types of computers Labelling a flow chart of the types of computers Gathering and presenting information on the types of computers

ICTL For Secondary School - Computer hardware Module

Activity 2: Evolution of the Computer

FIRST GENERATION (1940-1956) The first generation of computers were huge, slow, expensive and often unreliable. In 1946, two Americans, Prospers Eckert and Willian Mauchly build the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer). It uses vacuum tube instead of mechanical switches of the MARK 1.

Vacuum tube MARK 1 Presper Eckert Willian Mauchly

In 1951, Eckert and Mauchly build the UNIVAC, that could calculate at the rate of 10,000 additions per seconds.


SECOND GENERATION (1956-1963) The famous computer scientists during the second generation era were:

ICTL For Secondary School - Computer hardware Module

The creation of the transistor sparked the production of the second generation computer. Transistors were small devices used to transfer electronic signals across a resister. Transistors had many advantages compared to other hardware technology. transistors were smaller than vacuum tubes they needed no warm up time consumed less energy generated much less heat faster and more reliable

THIRD GENERATION (1964-1971) In the third generation era, the IBM 370 series was introduced in 1964. It came in several models and sizes.It was used for business and scientific programmes. Other computer models introduced were the CDC 7600 and B2500.

The development of integrated circuit (IC), signal the beginning of the third generation computers. Silicone chips were manufactured in 1961 at the Silicone Valley. Then came the integrated circuit technology, which had reduced the size and cost of computers.

The microchip is a complete electronic circuit on small chip of silicon known as a semi conductor.

ICTL For Secondary School - Computer hardware Module

FOURTH GENERATION (1971-PRESENT) It took only 55 years for the 4 generations to evolve. The growth of the computer industry developed technologies of computer inventions. There are many types of computer models such as: Apple Macintosh IBM DELL ACER In 1971 Intel created the first microprocessor. In 1976, Steve Jobs built the first Apple computer. Then, in 1981, IBM introduced its first personal computer.

Steve Jobs ( Apple Macintosh)

Bill Gates (IBM)

Micheal Dell (DELL)

During the fourth generation, hardware technology such as silicone chips, microprocessor and storage devices were invented. A microprocessor is a specialized chip that is developed for computer memory and logic.

Microprocessor Silicone Chips

The microprocessor is a large-scale integrated circuit that contains thousands of transistors. The transistors on this one chip are capable of performing all the functions of a computer's central processing unit.

ICTL For Secondary School - Computer hardware Module

FIFTH GENERATION (PRESENT & BEYOND) The fifth generation computers are technologically advance and are still being developed. The inventions of new hardware technology in the fifth generation have grown rapidly to include many other modern computer devices such as : silicone chips processor robotics virtual reality intelligent systems programmes which translate languages NEW ERA COMPUTER After the fifth generation computer, the technology of computers has become more advanced, modern and sophisticated. The latest invention in the era of computers are : Super Computers Mainframe Computers Mini Computers Personal Computers Mobile Computers

Mini Computers
In the new era of computers, expert systems such as teleconferencing and speech-recognition Mobile Computer systems have been invented as part of the modern world communication tool.

Mainframe Computers
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Super Computers Personal Computers

Activity 2: Types of Computers Supercomputer Super Computers: specifies that these are the most powerful computers compared to the mainframe.

The Cray-2 was the world's fastest computer from 1985 to 1989.

ICTL For Secondary School - Computer hardware Module

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Mainframe Mainframe Computer: Is a very powerful and large computer. It can process many users at a time. Its Terminals are used to connect a user to the computer.The users submit the task through mainframe.
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Multi-user mini computer at RAL


Minicomputers are smaller than Mainframes (usually the size of a filing cabinet). They have smaller memory and are not as powerful as a mainframe.

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Microcomputer The microcomputer is the smallest group of the computer system as (usually the size of a typewriter) it can sit on a desktop. A microcomputer allows only a user at a time. Microcomputers include: Home computers, Desktop computers, Portable computers, and Laptop computers.

ICTL For Secondary School - Computer hardware Module

From the Hutchinson Encyclopaedia. Helicon Publishing LTD 2007. All rights reserved. Additional Source: :

Workstation A type of computer used for engineering applications (CAD/CAM), desktop publishing, software development and other types of applications that require a moderate amount of computing power and relatively high quality graphics capabilities. Workstations generally come with a large, high-resolution graphics screen, at least 64 MB (megabytes) of RAM, built-in network support, and a graphical user interface.

Activity 3: Different Types of Computer There are a lot of terms used to describe computers. Most of these words imply to the size, expected use and capability of the computer. The term computer can apply to virtually any device that has a microprocessor in it .


ICTL For Secondary School - Computer hardware Module

PC - The personal computer (PC) is designed for personal use by a single person. PCs were first known as microcomputers because they were a complete computer built on a smaller scale. Desktop - A PC that is placed on a permanent location. Most of them offer more power, storage and versatility for less cost.

Laptop - Also called notebook, laptops are portable computers that integrate the display, keyboard, a pointing device or trackball, processor, memory and hard drive all in a battery-operated package slightly larger than an average hardcover book.

Palmtop - More commonly known as Personal Digital Assistant (PDA), palmtops are tightly integrated computers that often use flash memory instead of a hard drive for storage. These computers rely on touchscreen technology for user input. Palmtops are typically smaller than a paperback novel, very lightweight with a reasonable battery life.

Server - A computer that has been optimized to provide services to other computers over a network. Servers usually have powerful processors, a large memory and hard drives.

Wearable - The latest trend in computing are wearable computers integrated into watches, cell phones, visors and even clothing.


ICTL For Secondary School - Computer hardware Module

Exercise 1. Instruction: Match the inventions according to the right generations.


ICTL For Secondary School - Computer hardware Module

2. Matching the types of computers. It was used to solve problems in major universities, military agencies and scientific research laboratories.


A type of computer used for engineering Small desktopto handle very high volume It is designed desktop publishing, software 13 applications, or portable computer, typically designed other types by applications. input and output (I/O)be used of one person development and to and emphasized at midsized computing. throughput and multi-user computers. A a time.

Micro Station Mainframe Work Computer Mini Computer

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