Linux Installation

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Linux installation Steps on vmware workstation:

Click on edit virtual machine settings

Encrease memory to 2048 and select the CD-ROM and select centos iso file.

Click on ok. And click on start the virtual machine.

Enter to install the linux OS in graphical interface.

now we can see main manu. simply press enter with no options ,

select skip

This is welcome screen , just click on next

Select the server and clicl next.

Select Manually partion with Disk Druid and click next.

Click on yes.

Create partions: / = 6000M /boot=100M /home=15000M Swap = 4096

Click next.

Select manually and Click on Edit button to configure the manual IP address. Note: If you dont have knoledge please select automatically with DHCP.

Select No firewall and Disabled of Enable SELinux.

One popup window open and click on proceed.

Click Next. Next.

Here we need to assign a password for root account. Prefferably centos.

Select Customize software packages to be installed.

Package Group Selection

Select only the package sets shown here and leave all others unselected. Desktop o X Window System o Gnome Applications o Graphical Internet (optional) Servers o Do not select anything in this group. Development o Development Tools System o Administration Tools o System Tools Add the package 'sysstat' by clicking on the Details link and selecting "sysstat - The sar an iostat system monitoring commands." from the Optional Packages list. Miscellaneous o Do not select anything in this group. Click on Next to proceed.

Click next to install the linux. It will take 10 to 15 min to install the Linux.

Afer complition of installation it will ask to reboot , just click on reboot , now it will reboot .You can call it post-installation configuration.

now the linux kernel is decompressing and detecting hardware. Just wait until you get following window

and here is the welcome screen , click on next

here it is linux agreement that we need to agree to. click next and now we can set date and time , just click next here we can specify screen resolution , just click next because we go with default settings, click next now we should create a default user and password . Click on next here we are prompted to install additional packages , dont do any thing just click next now it is setup just click on next , this will take us to default login screen using below options we can select language , session and reboot or shutdown.

Now login as root with password. Right click on screen select terminal option. To reboot machine just type init 0

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