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Some Questions About Russ Morin:

Conflict of Interest? Misdirection?

State Legislator Russ Morin also works for CEIU, a union with whom the legislature negotiates. Hes voted in favor of a number of pro-union bills, some of which address his union employers concerns. Morin formed and presides over Propel PAC, a deceptive political funding scheme that hides contributions from unions (including public employee unions). At Morins direction, the PAC funds Democrat town committees (including Wethersfields in the past election) and other Democrat candidates. Thus, Democrat town committees can avoid disclosing that they are funded by the very unions with whom their candidates would negotiate contracts. Then, they can con- tribute back to Morins personal reelection campaign. This scheme conceals the money trail and permits Morin to hide his union funding.

Russ Morin grandstands in a press conference urging support of a constitutional amendment to overturn a U.S. Supreme Court decision regarding disclosure of corporate donations to Political Action Committees. While publicly wearing his reformers hat, he chairs Propel PAC, which empowers unions to do the very same thing he wants to prevent business from being able to do. As mayor in Wethersfield, Russ raised taxes and spending 30%. In the State legislature, he voted for Obamacare/Connecticut Phases I and II; the Malloy Tax Hikes (largest in CT history); First Five Plus (Crony Capitalism); the October Jobs Bill; Jackson Labs Bioscience Connecticut and the Creative Accounting Bill to hide the huge deficits he helped create. See the pattern? ITS TIME FOR A CHANGE!



For Fiscal Sanity and Accountability

As Deputy Mayor, John cut costs and contained taxes for two successive terms. Hes pro-business, pro-middle-class and pro-fiscal restraint. As your representative in the 28th District, John will hold the line on new taxes and reduce existing taxes at the State level. Hell work to make Connecticut taxpayer and business-friendly. Hell support job creation by reducing business taxes, government bureaucracy and unnecessary regulation. Its time to break the pattern of one-party rule.

Nobodys Man but the Taxpayers


JOHN CONSOLE - 28th District
Paid for by John Console for 28th District, Wethersfield Gayle Raducha, Treasurer ,

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