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Welcome to Ask Sally

If you would like to have your question answered by Sally, e-mail me at

Dear Sally, I am in the 7th grade and want to belong to a clique of girls. All the girls want to belong. The girls do everything together and go everywhere together. Please tell me how to get in. I dont know what I should do if they say, No. I really want to belong. What should I say? Please help. From, Speechless Dear Speechless, I think you should really be yourself. Being straight forward is the best way to be. If they dont accept you for who you are, maybe you could start your own group. From, Sally

Dear Sally, My friend started hanging out with some tough kids two months ago. He bought a jacket similar to the ones they wear. Now he has even started to smoke because all his other friends do. I am afraid these changes will ruin him. Why is he doing this? How can I get him to leave these new friends? How can I get him to listen to me? From, Buddy Dear Buddy, One way you can fix this problem is by talking. Explain that you care about him and want him to take care of himself. You can show him examples of people who are suffering because of smoking. Describe the effects of smoking to him. If you feel that he is in serious danger you could try speaking to his parents. From, Sally

Intermed iate Scho ol 51 New sp ap er Written b y th e stud ents Mrs. Ingra val lo C oord inat or/Ed itor Ms. Pa vl ick C o- ed itor

Intermediate School 51 Newspaper

Written by the students
Mrs. Ingravallo Coordinator/Editor Ms. Pavlick Co-editor

Volume 5, Issue 1
October 25, 2012

Welcome New Students

Making a Difference in our School

Happy Halloween
Safe Trick-or-Treating
By Jade Wu Children go trick-or-treating around their neighborhoods on Halloween. Usually parents accompany them, and that is a smart idea. Some kids feel too old for parents to walk around with them. Your parents will feel better if you go with a group of really good friends and plan on staying together. Do not visit the homes of strangers. Plan a safe route and have some friends, or your parents, with you. Make sure you are aware of your surroundings at all times. If going with friends, let your parents know where you are planning to trick-or-treat. Have a fun, safe and exciting Halloween!

By Melissa Ruggiero The CHAMPS Program began October 11th. Any female student in the 6th, 7th, or 8th grade, who is interested in gymnastics, can attend. The CHAMPS Program is funded by SnapPage 4

ple to give opportunities to students to participate in sporting events before and after school. This program is free! Mrs. Morales has been running the girls gymnastics program for many years.

By Arianna Figueroa, Steven Vassell Jr., and Breana Booker Two wonderful students, named Raven and Antonio, are welcome additions to our school. They were both very energetic and eager to answer questions. They are the first students to use wheelchairs in our school. Raven is a very happy, dynamic girl. She truly loves this school. At first she had to get used to kids staring at her, but as they got to know her, they started treating her just like everyone else. In class she uses a special chair called a wedge. This seat adapter is actually made out of cardboard. All the students in her class are using the wedge as well. In her spare time Raven plays with her

two year old niece. Her favorite color is yellow. Tony is a cool boy who gets around in a mechanical wheelchair. He says that he loves this school, especially his new friends, and, of course the teachers. Tony likes football and is a quarterback. His favorite color is yellow, the same as Ravens.

Important Dates
Oct. 25 Night of 100 Pizzas 6-9 p.m. Nov. 1 IS 51 Open House Nov. 6 School Closed Election Day Nov. 12 School Closed Veterans Day Nov.15 PTA Meeting @ 7 p.m. Nov. 20 Parent Teacher Conference Afternoon/Evening

Around Our School

The Student Council
Whats it all about?

The Lunch Crew

More Than We Knew

By Chris Sweeney What is the student council? Here is some information about Student Council and what you can expect when being part of it. Student Council members help kids in IS 51 who are having personal problems. Student Council can respectfully speak with students about issues and try to help students focus on school work. They also make important announcements about the weather and schedule changes. This group also helps with fundraisers, such as the recent Breast Cancer Awareness fundraiser, which raised money to donate to the Breast Cancer Society. Ms. Sirico is the head of Student Council. To be a part of this great program, you must be respectful, honest, and smart enough to catch up on any missed class work due to Student Council meetings. The top positions in Student Council are president and vice president. Twelve is the maximum number of people who can be
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on Student Council. If you dont get picked for Student Council, you can still help the school by raising money, improving school spirit, and by helping other students with personal problems. It is important that all students are aware of this great program developed to help our school.

Upcoming Events
By Brianna Fischer The Student Council will be collecting pajamas and unused books. There will be a bin in each academy. This program delivers warm sleepwear and nurturing books to children in need. You can visit their website at Donate old shoes, sandals, and sneakers. Help us make a difference for Soles4Souls shoe drive. These shoes will be recycled for the less fortunate to help fight foot diseases.

By Kiera Williams and Chioma Ukatu The cafeteria workers love their jobs. The reason is you my fellow students. Did you know that they prepare seven hundred meals a day? That is a very challenging task! They work very hard each and every day so that we can have nutritious meals. The cafeteria staff arrives here at 7:00a.m. to organize everything and actually starts preparing the food at 9:00a.m. This crew doesnt only cook.

They check the food, keep it at the right temperature. maintain sanitary conditions, count the food, and keep track of inventory. Every day they wash the fruit and cut it up. For your information, each day the lunch ladies use eight hundred Styrofoam trays. Thats four thousand trays a week. We think the lunch crew deserves to be recognized for all their hard work!

G.O. Store
Ready For Business
By Tarsheen Armstrong The G.O. store is open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays during all lunch periods. It is located outside the student cafeteria. You can get school supplies such as pens, pencils, notebooks, and even gym uniforms. This store is run by our P.T.A. Help support our G.O. store by visiting it when you need supplies.
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