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Rajesh Mehta Jis visit to Seattle On Saturday October 20, 2012, the Sant Nirankari Mission (SNM) Seattle Branch with the blessings of Satguru Baba Hardev Singh Ji Maharaj held its first official congregation at the Bellevue Bahai Center. Saints from all age groups participated in the congregation through devotional songs and discourse with great enthusiasm and passion praising Nirankar. Saints from Vancouver also attended to share in the joyous moment. Throughout the congregation the message of Satguru Baba Hardev Singh Ji Maharaj, a beautiful life needs a beautiful mind echoed through devotional songs. Many saints shared the importance of positive thoughts and actions in our lives. The value of God Knowledge was also emphasized to strengthen our faith in God Almighty. By implementing Baba Jis teachings and God Knowledge in our lives we can use our thoughts and actions to serve humanity. As it is said, Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habit. Watch your habits; they become your character. By focusing on Nirankar and surrendering ourselves to God, all our actions and thoughts become devoted to the service of others.

The entire SNM Seattle branch congregation seeks the blessings of Satguru that we may continue to spread the teachings of the mission and apply them in all aspects of our lives.

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