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Reection on clinics and workshops

The rst workshop was a workshop about how to dene your interaction vision. We got an example about the canteen at IDE. A new design could be made by the following interaction vision: refreshing openness. These were two qualities that represent the interaction vision. What I learned in this workshop is how to present your interaction vision. It can be more than just words (qualities). There are tons of ways to present your interaction vision. My team worked out the metaphor existing movie and the metaphor self-made movie. I found out that the interaction vision should be some experience that you really experienced yourself. For example; our existing movie was a movie about skydiving. Its a metaphor you dont experience very often.You dont know really how it feels and how that is experiences. I also learned that making a short movie is something, can be sone really quickly. We just made a short movie of opening a door to a nicely outside environment. An image says a lot in this experience. We also put some sounds of birds behind the movie, which completed it. The prototyping workshop was not that useful for me and I think I could made more of it. I got new insights in my process of talking to my fellow students. But I didnt really test something, which I could have done. I think a better preparation by my side should have been done. I liked to participate in these workshops, but I have to say that it takes some time too. That doesnt give you the chance of continuing on your design process, because of a lack of time. Only 1 day in my schedule is intended for Exploring Interactions, and if you have to participate in these workshops, you lose already half a day. The IV-workshop could have been about a subject that is more connected to the social city topic. In that way, youre working already on some sort of the same topic, and inspiring ideas can come up. I have to say, that this was not the case this time. The visit of the trend watcher Justien Marseille was very inspiring. The way she approaches life and looks at all thing in her environment was a new way of nding problem, solutions and ideas. I didnt participate in any clinics that were organised, so I cant really give an opinion about that.

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