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October Newsletter 5th g.

October 24, 2012

Dear parents

We have already done with our reading number nine. We have done with: El emperador y la cometa, La noche de los frailecillos and El vecino del repostero. We continue working hard in our stations, paying special attention to the verbs. Every month students are asked to read (at east) one book in Spanish and after that fill out a book report. If they read more than one book, they will get an extra credit. Every Friday we have a test of the weekly reading. Students can listen the readings from this blog:

We have included fractions (simplify, equivalents, and comparisons), adding and subtracting fractions with same denominator and with different denominator, and factor tree activities. Just a reminder that we continue working in Standford Math. Students are asked to complete at least 100 minutes a week (50 minutes in class and 50 minutes at home).

Weare in lesson number six. We have studied about the respiratory system, have made an artificial lung and we have studied about the way our respiratory and circulatory system works when we are in different situations like resting, walking or doing an intense physical activity.

We continue working in the basic facts with and without decimals, and problem solving.

This month for the Spanish snack, we will try a dessert!!!

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