Delimiter Query

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select top 10 SUBSTRING([Tactic And State],1,CHARINDEX('|',[Tactic And State],1) -1) 'Tactic', RIGHT([Tactic And State],LEN([Tactic And State])-CHARINDEX('|',[Tactic And

State ],1)), * from [Bing_Desktop]

select SUBSTRING([Tactic And State],1,CHARINDEX('|',[Tactic And State],1)-1) int o [Tactic], RIGHT([Tactic And State],LEN([Tactic And State])-CHARINDEX('|',[Tactic And State ],1)) into [State], SUBSTRING([Region City And Source],1,CHARINDEX('|',[Region City And Source],1)-1 ) into [Region City], RIGHT([Region City And Source],LEN([Region City And Source])-CHARINDEX('|',[Regi on City And Source],1)) into [Source] from [Bing_Desktop]

update [Bing_Desktop1] set [Region City]=SUBSTRING([Region City And Source],1,CHARINDEX('|',[Region Cit y And Source],1)-1) update [Bing_Desktop1] set [Source]=RIGHT([Region City And Source],LEN([Region City And Source])-CHARIN DEX('|',[Region City And Source],1)) update [Bing_Desktop1] set [State]=RIGHT([Tactic And State],LEN([Tactic And State])-CHARINDEX('|',[Tact ic And State],1)) update [Bing_Desktop1] set [Tactic]=SUBSTRING([Tactic And State],1,CHARINDEX('|',[Tactic And State],1)1)

select distinct [Region City] from [Bing_Desktop1] order by [Region City] select distinct [Region City] from [Bing_Desktop1] order by [Region City]

update Darden_Digital_Search_Bing_Content set Code = b.Code + '_' + a.[Region City] from Darden_StateToStateCode b, Darden_Digital_Search_Bing_Content a where LTRIM(rtrim(a.[State])) = LTRIM(rtrim(b.[State]))

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