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Winning Roulette

DOUBLE ALL YOUR MONEY, OR WIN $ 250 PER HOUR IN THE ONLINE CASINO! The strategies of European winning roulette
Has it ever happened to you that an unintentional event occurred in your life one after the other? For instance you threw the dice and somehow the number was always the same. Or while playing cards, the colours, numbers and figures were always the same. Or you tossed a coin and it fell onto the same side several times in an unusual way. Well, we can easily accept - in case of meeting such situations - they are not miracles. The law of mathematics do not preclude the possibility of sequences, moreover they happen periodically. It is also the same in gambles, where losing and winning sequences change each other between unforeseeable events, as they look. It would be simple for you to know in advance when there are the winning and losing periods in a game which gives the chance of winning lots of money. When the losing series came you would stop the game or decreased the stake to the minimum. Then, in the winning catch period you not only would catch up with your previous loss but also could gain big profit. The succession of the different periods in the online roulette- within certain limits- can be deduced because of the special compulsion weighing heavily on internet casinos. It is just enough for you to build up more suitable strategies on it to multiply your money. I am going to show you these winning strategies based on mathematical calculations. First of all, however, I would like to express my thanks for your investing money into my book, the Winning Roulette. I hope you will be satisfied with my writing and your regular, outstandingly high income. If you do not like my book for this or that reasons, send it back in a year, and as I promised I will pay your money invested double by return of post, so I will transfer 2x$149, altogether $298. I would like to emphasize that the Winning Roulette, I am going to show, is valid only in >> this << online casino, it works only >>this<<! How much money can you win regularly with this winning strategies?

Part of my method is that I use bonus offered by the casino at the beginning, and not my own money to get some profit. From your point of view there is not any risk if you follow my conception. Ion the picture you can see the position of my game during the time of writing my book. At the left bottom corner you can see the momentarily sum of my prize in the red circle ,$647, which I won the following way.

- I invest $100 in the casino - I won extra $547 to this in less than two hours - Altogether my capital was grown up to $647 from $ 100 during the past two hours. Remark : if you are a beginner, then in this casino >> click here << you may also get the extra , so called $200 welcome bonus. The casino gives this $ 200 welcome bonus to each player after the first payment to find more pleasure in the game, as an appetizer. The aim of my method is not getting the welcome bonus in this way, there is much bigger chance to win bigger sums regularly . Just adding to this, If I were a beginner now, I might as well take home $847 with the welcome bonus instead of $ 647. (I am totally satisfied with this $547 prize of mine) Before getting into details, some words about online casinos.


It is not the same, where you want to try your luck, because the systems which I also play in this online casino >> click here << are the best for winning here. I can offer this firm because .. - prizes are paid immediately - stakes are treated in a correct way - your prize is treated in strictest confidence - rules are easily understandable and suitable for applying the winning strategy Considering this, the casino is ideal at present from all aspects. Even the casino website appears just click the roulette logo and download the game.

I regularly play at them, I know them very well. They are on of the gamble firms in the world. They pay your prize generously without any argument. >> Here << you can download or connect the game free.
Do not worry about the program, it is up-to-date, free of viruses, runs well on each computer regularly. You have to sign up so that you can play, so after down loading and installing the game you opened the program, click on Sign up, fill in the columns, click on switch to money play and you can start

And now the instructions, which remember are worth only >> here <<. My description demonstrating the winning strategy consists of three parts. - the first part will show the rules of the 1 roulette and the stakes you can put on during the game - from the second part you will get some information about winning strategies and the right choice of stakes. - In the third part you will know when you have to finish to preserve your prize and you will be able to stand up from your virtual table that you have won a load of money again.

On the roulette table the numbers are in three columns from 1 to 36, the 0 stand separately. The color of the numbers is red or black, the 0 is green. The fields near the numbers represent group of numbers. There are the following fields on the long side of the table 1st 12 numbers from 1 to 12. 2nd 12 numbers from 13 to 24. 3rd 12 numbers from 25 to 36. 1-to 18 numbers from 1 to 18. 19 to 36 numbers from 19 to 36. EVEN pair ODD impair black number red number

2 to 1: 2 to 1: 2 to 1:

1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31, 34 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29, 32, 35 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36

red numbers: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 30, 32, 34, 36 black numbers: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 35

At which tables can you play? Before the game you can choose whether you would like to play alone, at a private table, or you can sit to a public table Ho big stakes can you put? Before the game you can also choose the stake limit
Type of game Standard High Rollers Vip minimum stake $ 1 5 10 maximum stake $ 300 500 2000

Remark: if you change your mind, you can change table and the type of game during the game as well. It is highly advisable to make use of the best strategies during the game. Where can you put the stakes? - one number: to each number - two numbers: to the boundary between two numbers (e.g. 8-11) - three numbers: to the hither side /edge / of three numbers in one line (e.g.7-8-9) - four numbers: to the middle of four numbers in square shape (e.g. 22-23-25-26) - six numbers: touching this side of two rows /e.g. 4-5-6-7-8-9/ column: either to 2 to 1 a. those numbers, whose threefold remainder is 1 b. those numbers, whose threefold remainder is 2 c. numbers divided with three without remainder dozen: the 1st, 2nd, 2nd12 or 3rd12 fields red or black : the Or Rhombus

1 to 18 or l9 to 36: to any field marked with any of these numbers EVEN or ODD: to a field marked with any of these numbers How the game goes on? 1. When everybody put on their stakes, they roll the roulette wheel and drop in the ball. 2. When the ball stops in one of the 37 compartments (1 to 36 or 0) that is the winning number or field in which the number can be found. 3. The prizes (winnings) are paid for the winning stakes, the losing stakes are taken to the bank. The order of the numbers on the roulette wheel (it has got no real significance)

Stake One number Two numbers Three numbers Four numbers Six numbers Column Two column kt oszlop Red or black 1 to18 vagy 19 to36 Even or odd Payment 35 times 17 times 11 times 8 times 5 times 3 times 2 times 1,5 times 1 times 1 times 1 times Chance 1:37 1:18,5 1:12,33 1:9,25 1:6,16 1:3,08 1:2,05 1:1,54 1:2,05 1:2,05 1:2,05

What is the serious consequence of the payment chart for you from the aspect of the game and winning? If you compare the numbers of the columns of payment and chance you will immediately see that this game has relatively little risk, you can hardly fail if you always bet in the same place. In the roulette the advantage of the House is really little, but it also means the amount of the prize is relatively little. Luck is not enough here if you want significant profit. However, there are some smaller details, as I have already mentioned, the outer compulsion pressed on casinos, and considering this the advantage of the House can be decreased and $250 can be won every hour on the roulette. As I wrote in the introduction, there are natural situations when events happen accidentally one after the other. Should the ball stop accidentally on the wheel, but often at the series of numbers (e.g red or black or even an odd), the players could express their doubts about the chance occurrence of the game. The pureness of the game must be taken with great care in online casinos, so the ambiguous situations must be avoided. The developers make great efforts to make mistakes, which help The careful players to win easily. The mistakes are corrected continuously, but new opportunities are always opened, there will be new, easy to survey gaps in the safety system - make use of these to win continuously In the casino (do not forget it is worth only >> here <<)


2.1 Money double strategy
In this strategy we play the red and black fields. Choose color random and start putting the stakes on it. First put on only $1 . If you win put again $ 1 again on the same color, if you lose Put $ 2 on it. If you win you always start again with $ 1, if you lose, you always double the stake. To lose with this method, one color should come up 7 times altogether, whose chance is very little, only 1: 28 As I mentioned there sit compulsion on online casinos, the compulsion to look accidental so we put a twist in the tactics, wait until an unlikely close event occurs. 1. Wait until one color comes up 5 times one after the other 2. Put $1 on the other color and start the game considering the above mentioned things. If the red color comes up 5 times as follows, then we put $ 1 on the black in the next round.
Circle 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Stake $ 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 Loss 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 7 15 31 63 127 Winning 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 8 16 32 64 128

This trick is used by many players and casinos try to avoid it by inserting such rounds when the same color comes up more than five times. In spite of this the chance is big for winning, 99.9 %, and you can win in each round $ 1. You can bet approximately 50-70 times in an hour, so with this method you can win $ 50-70 per hour. Attention! The casino isnt foolish either. Change the stakes and table so that you would not be selected by them. If you are about to win, put sometimes on the other color as well. Alternative way! The method can be applied on all fields with the rate 1:1, as even-odd, little numbers (1-18), big numbers (l9-36) Follow the Winning treble strategy for more prizes!

2.2 Winning treble strategy

The principle is the same as in the previous method, but we put the stakes on only the double fields- black-red, even-odd, little numbers, big numbers- but on one of the 2 to 1 column, or dozen fields- the 1 st 2, 2nd 12 or 3rd 12. The fields will pay the treble of the stakes. As the chance is smaller to find the winning field / in the previous case the rate was 1:2 , here it is 1 :3 , therefore: 1. Wait not 5 but 7 rounds and put your stakes only if one of the dozen or column did not come up 7 times on after the other. / We starts putting our stake on the field after the 7th round, that did not come up 6 2. Payment rate is higher, so you neednt double the stakes, a little increase is enough, as the following chart shows.
Circle 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Stake $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 6 9 13 20 30 45 67 Loss 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 6 10 16 25 38 58 88 133 200 Winning 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 6 9 12 18 27 39 60 90 135 201

With this method $ 1 per hour unit you can win $ 100-200 per hour. The mathematical chance of winning is still very high : 99. 89 % If you increased your money, you can grow the unit, but do not forget the minimum and maximum stakes depending on the type of games. If necessary, change the type of game so that you can raise the stake. Attention! Do not forget the casino is not a fool. Change thy types and tables not to be selected. If you are about to win, put some $ on the losing field as well. If $ 150 per hour is not enough for you, follow the next professional strategy.

2.3 The Professional Strategy At first sight financial success of casino games only seems to depend on luck, but this is not quite right. The casinos apply , besides welcome bonus, another fairly effective but simple trick to collect more money from the players, but it can be avoided. The one, who has already played in a casino, knows very well that following the same strategy there are winning and losing series, one after the other. We cannot say that casinos manipulate the outcome of the game, but in most casinos you can foresee quite well when is the next winning or losing period in the game. When you first play that day, you have the feeling that the casino lets you win intentionally, but after a while the game will be more difficult. If you lose your head in this case you may lose your winning. I does not sound too good, but this is exactly the best moment to make use of the situation to win. In roulette the outline of single rounds and rolls are defined on the basis of accidental mathematical algorithm programs. These programs are accidental-like , but unable to produce the rate of 100 % unintentional happenings. This way the programs leave a little gate open for the careful player to be able to win. The essence of winning trick is to recognize when the winning series comes, and then , increasing the stakes in determined steps. When game turns into losing series you decrease that stakes dramatically or stop the play and get out saving your winning. Three questions must be answered for winning. 1. How to know the arriving of winning series 2. In what extent do you have to increase the stake 3. How long is the winning series, more exactly when do you have to stop Let s see ! HOW TO KNOW THAT WINNING SERIES IS COMING It is quite obvious that the first few rounds are simply given to you. It is worth making an attempt even at the beginning with a small stake, whether the strategy applied will work immediately or comes only with the second stake. If you win immediately, it may be worthwhile to continue with higher stakes, because in this winning period you will not be able to get longer than the 4th or 5th round. It is most advisable to use this system with the trebling method (the double down method is popular, the casinos know it very well, and you dont get very far if they realize it)

In what extent should you increase the stake? The following charts show the expected winnings of the trebling method
Circle 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Stake $ 1 2 3 4 6 9 13 20 30 45 67 Loss 1 3 6 10 16 25 38 58 88 133 200 Winning 3 6 9 12 18 27 39 60 90 135 201

If you increase the stakes in small extents from the beginning, the risk is slight, but the winning sum is also small. What will happen if you increase the stake ? The essence of the following tactics is, if you increase the stake and bet in $ 4 at the beginning instead of $ 1, then in the first five rounds each winning is about $ 10. To this profit you dont have to risk $ 500600, the strategy can be carried out with low investment.
Circle 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Stake $ 4 7 11 16 24 36 54 81 Loss 4 11 22 38 62 98 152 233 Winning 12 21 33 48 72 108 162 243

The stakes and raisings are only for giving information. Naturally you can play with higher stakes, but in this case not only the winning but the risk can be also higher. Important warning! Use this technique only if you are disciplines enough, and can stop any time!

How long is the winning series? The losing series does not come immediately, the game will be gradually more difficult, and it will soon stop. On the basis of my experiences you can get as far as the 5th round with the professional tactics. It does not mean that we cant go even to the 8 th round, but after reaching the 5th round they generally stop this strategy and change for trebling or double thinking strategy in $ 1 unit, or I stop if I won enough. It means that even at the beginning of the game you have to set yourself the maximum number of rounds that you wont step over even if you win or lose. You can read more about is in Chapter 3 It is the 5th round which means for you going back to the old strategy or get out, do not step over anyhow, do not change your decision during the game! Dont be greedy, enjoy your winning of $50 in ten minutes. Dont be irritated if you reach the 5th round in the third series. Use your self control, go back to a more safety method, it is better to win $20 then lose $ 233. If you returned to a more safety strategy, changed stake and board, the winning series will come again, and then you can go back to the harder trebling or professional game. Read the 3rd chapter of my book and you can determine the limits of sums, and you will be saved from failure.

Do not forget! The winning strategies, double down, trebling and professional are valid here only >> in this << casino!

3. When do you have to stop the game? The majority of people cant win in the casinos continuously because - they don1t use winning strategies - they dont know when to stop Therefore it is very important for you to set the limits that you dont get over and if you reach it you stop the game. You have to know the limits of loss and winnings as well. 87% of the players dont feel where the limit is, they lose their winning and if they lose control, their loss can be even higher. So you have to determine in advance how big the winning and loss should be when you stand up from the table. With the help of the next chart you can control of your desires, to avoid failure and assure continuous winning for yourself. What kind of values can you see on the figure and what do you have to take into consideration during the game? 1. Failure limit If you are not lucky and reach this level, you have to stop the game immediately. There is no excuse that I still have money and other occasions I won or only one round , or else your income may disappear. How big is the failure limit ? First of all determine the sum, which is your stake that day. If this sum is $ 100, the limit should be 35 % of this sum. So, if you lose $35 from $ 100, stop the game immediately. 2. Pleasure limit Determine the sum of your winning that would be satisfactory for you that day. When do you feel you are the winner ? It depends on the personality, but in case of experienced players / you will also be soon / this is generally 35 % of the stake. If on the basis of the previous example your stake sum is $100 that day, the pleasure limit should be $ 135, the winning is 35. I would like to emphasize that the majority of the players cant stop here because they want more pleasure. It is natural, but a professional player will have to be able to decide whether to continue or not, so the daily aim is important. 3. The aim Make a decision about the sum to win that day. Considering $ 100 stake in $50 prize value. If the success series does not stop on the way to the aim and the winning goes under the pleasure limit, you have to keep yourself to a safety limit.

4.Safety limit If you reached this limit, you should definitely stop the game because the sum assures you to preserve your winning. It is obvious hat most players feel, reaching the pleasure limit means, they can do it again, even on the same day, but they generally dont manage to do so. You have to draw the safety limit to assure you a steady 15 % winning that day. 5. MAIN PRIZE Determine the sum of the top winning, which can be unbelievable high. It depends on the person very much. The value can be from the double of the daily sum, from $ 1000 to several millions, but you are allowed to fight for it if you have reached the aim limit. How to use the diagram? If you are in the winning series at the beginning of the game you will quickly step over the safety border and you can reach the 1pleasure 1 limit. If you lose luck after this you can still get out of the game with an acceptable 15 % winning. It may happen that you lose, but if you keep yourself to the value of the diagram, you wont be big-headed, and your income will be continuously growing. If you do like this you will always stand up from the computer table with pleasure and satisfaction, and you can happily think of your winning that day.

Something else! Go On!

With an enjoyable game you can get continuously growing income in the online casinos with the roulette game if - you consequently keep the winning strategy (chapter 2) - choose the stakes in the right way (chapter 2) - You can stop in time , as the corner value of diagrams in chapter 3 suggests Do not forget !Applying winning strategy is totally legal, there is no cheating in it, you only play with a clever system. Here is the summary of how you can skin the online casinos. 1. Download or connect to the software of the casino >> here << 2. Put some money on your account (min. 200 $ is the optimum). The casino will double you $ 200, so your money is in double safe 3. Apply one of the winning strategies to give yourself the biggest chance for winning. 4. Choose the stakes in the right way, keep loss at the minimum level and grow the winning. 5. Dont lose your head in the heat of the moment. Keep your temper, stay judicious, always know when to stop so that you can hit the jackpot

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