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Survey Money

Did you like the film idea?

The fact that 100% said Yes shows that everybody that took this survey liked the film idea, because of this we are not going to make any changes on the film idea seeing as it is already understood and liked.

Did you think the trailer idea is realistic?

The audience believed that the trailer idea is realistic seeing as 100% chose Yes. This means we have succeeded with the film and trailer idea because the trailer represented the story we created.

Do you think there are improvements that could be made?

About the improvements, the audience got back to us with their own different ideas about the trailer. 30 percent said that the trailer idea needs improvements and 70 percent agreed that there is no need of improvements to the trailer. The average response was that we try to develop the story to make it more factual.

After reading the story/plot of the film, what certification will you give it?

The majority vote was that the participants believe that after reading the story of the film it should receive a certification of 15. This is why when designing the poster we will include the BBFC 15 logo.

Do you think theres a clear correlation between the story, poster and magazine cover?

By using this question we wanted to work out if we had clearly represented the film idea in the poster and magazine cover. We gave the respondents the chance to add comments so we can know where we may have gone wrong. 100% of the respondents stated that there was a clear link between each text, and the two text responses confirm this.

What do you think we should name the film?

Both us and the respondents were indecisive of what we could name the film. Due to the fact that the response was 50/50, the name choice is down to us, and we have decided to go with the name Dreamer. We will apply this name to the poster, magazine cover and trailer.

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