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Sponsorship and Finance Coordinators

The Sponsorship and Finance Coordinators are responsible for funding and support for the event. The di erence between a partner and a sponsor is simple a partner provides a service and no nancial commitment, whereas a sponsor provides an in-kind donation (either cash or a contribution to our speaker thank-you packages). An example of a partner is Samit Websites, a web rm that is designing our website for us. McMaster University Student A airs will hopefully become a prime sponsor for the event. Local businesses would also make great Sponsors. The Sponsorship and Finance Coordinators are also responsible for the accounting and budgeting of the conference. They collect and issue cheques as required, keep track of the executives funding requests and receipts, and provide regular updates on nances so that the group is aware of any shortcomings. Responsibilities: distributing our Partnership and Sponsorship packages to prospective organizations, and following up with each one collecting the logos of each sponsor (in digital form) for use on the website and program maintaining professional relationships with all partners and sponsors opening and maintaining a bank account for TEDx McMaster U; writing cheques for expenses tracking peoples expenses and collecting receipts from anyone who makes a purchase ensuring that the event maintains a balanced budget and that all funds are received, processed, and accounted for

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