TEDx 2012 Application

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Your application for TEDx McMaster U should include the following:

(i) this form, completed
(ii) your resum
(iii) one (single- or double-sided) 8.5 x 11 page, demonstrating why you should be a
part of our team (i.e. creative component, essay, etc)
Name: ___________________________________________________________________
Email address: ____________________________________________________________
I am (circle):

an undergraduate student

a graduate student


Which positions are you interested in applying for?
Speakers Coordinator
Delegates Coordinator
Communications/Promotions Coordinators
Logistics Coordinator
Sponsorship & Finance Coordinator
Anything - I just love TED
Other: ________________________
Do you have a blog and/or website? __________________________________________
Top TED video of the moment: _______________________________________________
Did you attend TEDx McMaster U 2011?



If so, please provide some constructive feedback. What did you enjoy about the event?
What could have been done to improve the delegate experience?
Parting words (If there is anything else youd like us to know about you, put it here!)
Thank you for applying.

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