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Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2010
This vehicle is designed t o carry t he operat or and one passenger. Never exceed t he
maximum weight capacit y as shown on t he accessories and loading label.
This vehicle is designed to be used only on the road.
Pay special at t ent ion t o t he safet y messages t hat appear t hroughout t he manual.
These messages are fully explained in t he A Few Wor ds About Saf et y sect ion
which appears before t he Cont ent s page.
This manual should be considered a permanent part of t he vehicle and should remain
wit h t he vehicle when resold.
Al l i nf or mat i on i n t hi s publ i cat i on i s based on t he l at est pr oduct i on i nf or mat i on
avai l abl e at t he t i me of appr oval f or pr i nt i ng. Honda Mot or Co., Lt d. r eser ves
t he r i ght t o make changes at any t i me w i t hout not i ce and w i t hout i ncur r i ng any
obl i gat i on.
No par t of t hi s publ i cat i on may be r epr oduced w i t hout w r i t t en per mi ssi on.
The vehicle presents you a challenge to master the machine, a challenge to adventure. You
ride through the wind, linked to the road by a vehicle that responds to your commands as
no other does. Unlike an automobile, there is no metal cage around you. Like an aeroplane,
a pre-ride inspect ion and regular maint enance are essent ial t o your safet y. Your reward is
fr eedom.
To meet t he challenges safely, and t o enj oy t he advent ure fully, you should become
t horoughly familiar wit h t his owners manual BEFORE YOU RI DE THE VEHI CLE .
As you read t his manual, you will find informat ion t hat is preceded by a NOTI CE symbol.
This informat ion is int ended t o help you avoid damage t o your vehicle, ot her propert y, or
t he environment .
When service is required, remember t hat your Honda dealer knows your vehicle. I f you
have the required mechanical know-how and tools, your dealer can supply you an official
Honda shop manual on paid basis to help you perform many maintenance and repair tasks.
Accessories shown in t he illust rat ion are not part of t he st andard equipment .
For any query or assist ance, please call Cust omer Care No.:
Tol l Fr ee No.: 1800 11 3434* (Toll free number for BSNL & MTNL users only)
0 1 2 4 - 2 2 9 1 0 0 0
Pleasant riding, and thank you for choosing a Honda!
The specificat ions may vary wit h each locale.
Your safety, and the safety of others, is very important. And operating this vehicle safely is
an import ant responsibilit y.
To help you make informed decisions about safety, we have provided operating procedures
and ot her informat ion on labels in t his manual. This informat ion alert s you t o pot ent ial
hazards that could hurt you or others.
Of course, it is not pract ical or possible t o warn you about all hazards associat ed wit h
operat ing or maint aining a vehicle. You must use your own good j udgment .
You will find important safety information in a variety of forms, including:
Saf et y Label s on t he vehicle.
Saf et y Messages preceded by a safety alert symbol ! and one of three signal words:
These signal words mean:
Saf et y Headi ngs such as I mportant Safety Reminders or I mportant Safety Precautions.
Saf et y Sect i on such as vehicle Safety.
I nst r uct i ons how t o use t his vehicle correct ly and safely.
This ent ire manual is filled wit h import ant safety informat ionplease read it carefully.
You WI LL be KI LLED or SERI OUSLY HURT i f you don t f ol l ow
i nst r uct i ons.
You CAN be KI LLED or SERI OUSLY HURT i f you don t f ol l ow
i nst r uct i ons.
You CAN be HURT i f you don t f ol l ow i nst r uct i ons.
1 I mport ant Safet y I nformat ion
2 Prot ect ive Apparel
3 Load Limit s and Guidelines
10 I nst rument s and I ndicat ors
( I nf or mat i on you need t o
oper at e t hi s scoot er )
14 Suspension
15 Br akes
16 Clut ch
17 Fuel
20 Engine Oil
21 Tyr es
25 I gnit ion Swit ch
26 Right Handlebar Cont rols
27 Left Handlebar Cont rols
( Not r equi r ed f or oper at i on)
28 St eering Lock
29 Seat
30 Helmet Holder
31 Side cover
32 Document Bag
32 St orage Compart ment
33 Headlight Aim Vert ical Adj ust ment
33 Pre- ride I nspect ion
34 St art ing t he Engine
36 Running- in
36 Riding
37 Br aki ng
38 Par ki ng
38 Ant i-t heft Tips
39 The I mport ance of Maint enance
40 Maint enance Safet y
40 Safet y Precaut ions
42 Maint enance Schedule
45 Tool Kit
46 Serial Numbers
47 Colour code
48 Engine Oil
50 Crankcase Breat her
50 Spark Plug
52 Valve Clearance
53 I dle Speed
55 Throt t le Operat ion
55 Air Cleaner
57 Drive Chain
61 Drive Chain Slider
61 Front and Rear Suspension
I nspect ion
62 Side St and
63 Wheel Removal
66 Brake Pad Wear
67 Bat t er y
69 Fuse Replacement
70 St oplight Swit ch Adj ust ment
71 Bulb Replacement
76 St or age
77 Removal from St orage
Your vehicle can pr ovide many year s of
ser vi ce and pl easur e - i f you t ake
r esponsi bi l i t y f or your own saf et y and
understand the challenges that you can meet
on t he road.
There is much t hat you can do t o prot ect
yourself when you ride. Youll find many
helpful recommendat ions t hroughout t his
manual . Fol l owi ng ar e a f ew t hat we
consider most import ant .
Al w ays Wear a Hel met
I t s a pr oven f act : hel met s si gni f i cant l y
reduce t he number and severit y of head
i nj ur i es. So al ways wear an appr oved
vehi cl e hel met and make sur e your
passenger does t he same. We al so
recommend t hat you wear eye prot ect ion,
st urdy boot s, gloves, and ot her prot ect ive
gear (page 2 ).
Mak e Your sel f Easy t o See
Some drivers do not see vehicle because
t hey ar e not looking f or t hem. To make
yourself more visible, wear bright reflective
clot hing, posit ion yourself so ot her drivers
can see you, si gnal bef or e t ur ni ng or
changing lanes, and use your horn when it
will help ot hers not ice you.
Ri de Wi t hi n Your Li mi t s
Pushing the limits is another maj or cause of
vehicle accident s. Never ride beyond your
personal abilit ies or fast er t han condit ions
war r ant . Remember t hat alcohol, dr ugs,
f at i gue and i nat t ent i on can si gni f i cant l y
r educe your abi l i t y t o make good
j udgement s and ride safely.
Keep Your Vehi cl e i n Saf e Condi t i on
For safe riding, its important to inspect your
vehicle before every ride and perform all
recommended maint enance. Never exceed
load limit s, and only use accessories t hat
have been appr oved by Honda f or t hi s
vehicle. See page 3 for more det ails.
Don t Dr i nk and Ri de
Al cohol and r i di ng don t mi x. Even one
choose proper gear. Drink can reduce your
abilit y t o respond t o changing condit ions,
and your reaction time gets worse with every
additional drink. So dont drink and ride, and
dont let your friends drink and ride either.
For your safet y, we st rongly recommend
t hat you always wear an approved vehicle
helmet , eye prot ect ion, boot s, gloves, long
pant s, and a long- sleeved shirt or j acket
whenever you r i de. Al t hough compl et e
prot ect ion is not possible, wearing proper
gear can reduce the chance of inj ury when
you ride.
Following are suggestions to help you choose
proper gear.
Not wear ing a helmet incr eases t he
chance of serious inj ury or deat h in a
Be sur e you and your passenger
always wear a helmet , eye prot ect ion
and other protective apparel when you
Hel met s and Eye Pr ot ect i on
Your helmet is your most import ant piece
of r iding gear because it offer s t he best
prot ect ion against head inj uries. A helmet
shoul d f i t your head comf or t abl y and
securely. A bright-coloured helmet can make
you mor e not i ceabl e i n t r af f i c, as can
reflect ive st rips.
An open- f ace hel met of f er s some
pr ot ect i on, but a f ul l - f ace hel met of f er s
more. Always wear a face shield or goggles
t o prot ect your eyes and help your vision.
Addi t i onal Ri di ng Gear
I n addition to a helmet and eye protection,
we also recommend:
Sturdy boots with non-slip soles to help
prot ect your feet and ankles.
Leat her gl oves t o keep your hands
warm and help prevent blist ers, cut s,
burns and bruises.
A vehicle riding suit or j acket for comfort
as well as prot ect ion. Bright coloured
and reflect ive clot hing can help make
you more noticeable in traffic. Be sure
t o avoid loose clot hes t hat could get
caught on any part of your vehicle.
Your vehicle has been designed to carry you
and one passenger. When you car r y a
passenger, you may feel some difference
during acceleration and braking. But so long
as you keep your vehicle well maint ained,
with good tyres and brakes, you can safely
car r y l oads wi t hi n t he gi ven l i mi t s and
However, exceedi ng t he wei ght l i mi t or
carrying an unbalanced load can seriously
affect your mot orcycles handling, braking
and st abi l i t y. Non- Honda accessor i es,
i mpr oper modi f i cat i ons, and poor
maint enance can also reduce your safet y
mar gin.
The f ol l owi ng pages gi ve mor e speci f i c
i nf or mat i on on l oadi ng, accessor i es and
modificat ions.
Load i n g
How much wei ght you put on your
mot or cycl e, and how you l oad i t , ar e
import ant t o your safet y. Anyt ime you ride
wit h a passenger or cargo you should be
aware of t he following informat ion.
wish to secure a j acket or other small items
to the seat when you are not riding with a
passenger. I f you wish to carry more cargo,
check wit h your Honda dealer for advice,
and be sur e t o r ead t he i nf or mat i on
regarding accessories on page 5.
I mpr oper ly loading your mot or cycle can
affect its stability and handling. Even if your
mot orcycle is properly loaded, you should
ride at reduced speeds and never exceed
130 km/ h (80 mph) when carrying cargo.
Follow these guidelines whenever you carry
a passenger or cargo:
Check t hat bot h t yres are properly
inflat ed.
I f you change your normal load, you
may need to adj ust the rear suspension
( page 14) .
To prevent loose items from creating a
hazar d, make sur e t hat all car go is
secur el y t i ed down bef or e you r i de
Overloading or improper loading can
cause a crash and you can be seriously
hurt or killed.
Follow all load limits and other loading
guidelines in t his manual.
Load Li mi t s
Fol l owi ng ar e t he l oad l i mi t s f or your
mot orcycle:
Max i mum w ei ght capaci t y:
170 kg (374.8 lbs)
I ncludes the weight of the rider, passenger,
all cargo and all accessories
Max i mum car go w ei ght :
9 kg (19.8 lbs)
Loadi ng Gui del i nes
Your mot orcycle is primarily int ended for
transporting you and a passenger. You may
Pl ace car go wei ght as cl ose t o t he
cent er of t he mot orcycle as possible.
Balance cargo weight evenly on bot h
Do not at t ach lar ge or heavy it ems
(such as a sleeping bag or tent) to the
handlebars, forks or fender.
Accessor i es and Modi f i cat i ons
Modi f yi ng your mot or cycl e or usi ng
non- Honda accessor i es can make your
mot or cycl e unsaf e. Bef or e you consi der
maki ng any modi f i cat i ons or addi ng an
accessor y, be sur e t o r ead t he following
informat ion.
I mproper accessories or modificat ions
can cause a crash in which you can be
seriously hurt or killed.
Follow all inst ruct ions in t his owners
manual r egar di ng accessor i es and
modificat ions.
Accessor i es
We st rongly recommend t hat you use only
genuine Honda accessories t hat have been
specifically designed and t est ed for your
mot orcycle. Because Honda cannot t est all
ot her accessories, you must be personally
responsible for proper select ion, inst allat ion
and use of non- Honda accessories. Check
wit h your dealer for assist ance and always
follow t hese guidelines:
Make sur e t he accessor y does not
obscur e any l i ght s, r educe gr ound
cl ear ance and banki ng angl e, l i mi t
suspension t ravel or st eering t ravel,
alt er your riding posit ion or int erfere
wit h operat ing any cont rols.
Be sure elect rical equipment does not
exceed t he mot or cycl e s el ect r i cal
syst em capacit y ( page 80) . A blown
fuse can cause a loss of lights or engine
Do not pull a trailer or sidecar with your
mot orcycle. This mot orcycle was not
designed for t hese at t achment s, and
t hei r use can ser i ousl y i mpai r your
mot orcycles handling.
Modi f i cat i ons
We st rongly advise you not t o remove any
original equipment or modify your motorcycle
in any way that would change its design or
oper at ion. Such changes could ser iously
impair your mot orcycles handling, st abilit y
and br aki ng, maki ng i t unsaf e t o r i de.
Removing or modifying your lights, mufflers,
emission control system or other equipment
can also make your mot orcycle illegal.
PARTS LOCATI ON/ i qt ksZa d h f L F kf r
Fuel f iller cap
I gni t i on swi t ch
;li l-
Hor n but t on
ri -
St eer i ng
handl e end
-- l n r

Fr ont br ake l ever
- |
Thr ot t l e gr i p
i i - ln
Rear vi ew mi r r or
l l-
Cl ut ch l ever
St ar t er but t on
--i- -
Tur n si gnal swi t ch
- ln l-
Fr ont br ake
f l ui d r eser voi r
- ; l i
Passi ng l i ght
cont r ol swi t ch
il n i;- - i
Headl i ght di mmer
swi t ch
r i;- l-- l-
Choke l ever
i |
Tachomet er
- i -|-
Rear vi ew mi r r or
l l-
Headl i ght swi t ch
r i;- l-
Sel ect But t on
- -
Reset But t on
| - -
Speedomet er
-|i -|-
Foot peg
- n
Passenger f oot peg
i| - n
Ai r cl eaner
Bat t er y
St or age compar t ment
--i -i- - -
Mai n f use
Fu se

Rear br ake pedal
Oi l f i l l er cap/ di pst i ck
i l ,ll--
Li cense Pl at e
i; - -
Hel met hol der / Seat l ock
r ~- - ri ~/ |- i
Passenger f oot peg
i| - n
Si de st and
i; --
Cent er st and
- --
Foot peg
- n
Gear shi f t
ln li-
Fuel val ve
Li cense Pl at e
i; - -
The i ndi cat or s ar e cont ai ned i n t he
i nst r ument panel . Thei r f unct i ons ar e
descr ibed in t he t ables on t he f ollowing
( 1) Tachomet er (-i-|-)
( 2) Speedomet er (-|i -|-)
( 3) Digit al clock (ll- i)
( 4) Odomet er (i i -|-)
( 5) Fuel gauge ( n )
( 6) High beam indicat or (ri; |- ; l -)
( 7) Turn signal indicat or (- ln ; l -)
( 8) Neut ral indicat or ( - ; l -)
( 9) Trip met er (l- -|-)
( 10) Select but t on ( - -)
( 11) Reset but t on (| - -)
(4) (8)
( Ref .No.) Descr i pt i on Funct i on
(1) Tachomet er Shows engine revolut ions per minut e.
(2) Speedomet er Shows riding speed.
(3) Digit al clock Shows hour and minut e.
(4) Odomet er Shows accumulat ed mileage.
(5) Fuel gauge Shows approximat e fuel supply available.
(6) High beam indicat or (blue) Lights when the headlight is on high beam.
(7) Turn signal indicat or (orange) Flashes when eit her t urn signal operat es.
(8) Neut ral indicat or ( green) Lights when the transmission is in neutral.
(9) Trip met er I ts shows distance traveled since the time it
was last reset to zero.
(10) Select but t on Use this button for the following purposes.
To set mileage count down
To adj ust time
(11) Reset but t on Use this button for the following purposes.
To reset t ripmet er
To set mileage count down
To adj ust time
Fu el Gau ge
When t he fuel gauge display flashing and
ent ers t he red band ( 2) , fuel will be low.
Turn the fuel valve to the RES position and
you should refill the tank as soon as possible.
The amount of fuel left in the tank with the
vehicle set upright when t he needle ent ers
t he red band is approximat ely:
1.9 Ltr. (0.50 US gal , 0.41 I mp gal)
( 1) Fuel gauge ( n )
( 2) Red band ( )
Tr i p m et er
To reset t he t ripmet er proceed as follows:
Press t he select but t on t o select Tripmet er.
To reset t he t ripmet er, press and hold t he
reset button for more than 3 seconds when
the display is in the Trip.
( 1) Reset but t on (| - -)
( 2) Select but t on ( - -)
Di gi t al Cl ock
The digital clock will show hours and minutes
up to 11: 59 with "AM" and "PM".
To adj ust t he t ime, proceed as follows:
1. Turn the ignition switch ON.
2. Press and hold the both buttons (1) and
(2) for more than 3 seconds simultaneously.
The clock will be set in the adj ust mode with
t he hour flashing.
3. To set t he hour, press t he reset but t on
unt i l t he desi r ed hour and AM/ PM ar e
Quick setting - press and hold the reset
but t on unt il t he desired hour appears.
4. Pr ess t he select but t on ( 1) when t he
display reaches t he desired hour.
The minut e display will be flashing.
( 1) Reset but t on (| - -)
( 2) Select but t on (| - -)
5. To set the minute, press the reset button
unt il t he desired minut e appears.
Quick setting - press and hold the reset
button until the desired minute appears.
6. Press the select button when the display
reaches t he desired minut e.
The display will stop flashing.
I f t he ignit ion swit ch is t urned off or no
oper at i on i s per f or med f or 30 seconds
during the time adj ustment mode, the clock
will be reset.
The clock will be reset AM 1: 00 if the battery
is disconnect ed.
( I nf or mat i on y ou need t o oper at e
t hi s mot or cy cl e)
The shock absorber ( 1) has 3 adj ust ment
posi t i ons f or di f f er ent l oad or r i di ng
condit ions.
Use a handlebar ( 2) t o adj ust t he rear
shock absorber. Turning t he spring preload
adj ust er ( 3) count erclockwise makes t he
shock absorber firm, and turning clockwise
makes it soft .
Always adj ust t he shock absorber posit ion
in sequence (1-2-3 or 3-2-1).
( 1) Shock absorber (i i i )
( 2) Handlebar (r i)
( 3) Spring preload adj ust er (l- n |i --)
Attempting to adj ust directly from 3 to 1
may damage t he shock absorber.
Positions 2 to 3 increase spring preload for
a stiffer rear suspension, and can be used
when t he mot or cycl e i s heavi l y l oaded.
St andard posit ion: 1
Fr ont / Rear Br ak e
This mot orcycle has a hydraulic front and
rear disc brake.
As t he brake pads wear, brake fluid level
There are no adj ust ment s t o perform, but
fluid level and pad wear must be inspected
periodically. The syst em must be inspect ed
frequently to ensure there are no fluid leaks.
I f t he cont r ol lever f r ee t r avel becomes
excessive and the brake pads are not worn
beyond t he recommended limit (page 66),
t here is probably air in t he brake syst em
and it must be bleed. See your Honda dealer
for t his service.
Fr ont Br ak e Fl ui d Level :
Wit h t he mot orcycle in an upright posit ion,
check the fluid level. I t should be above the
MI N level mark (1). I f the level is at or below
t he MI N level mark ( 1) , check t he brake
pads for wear (page 66).
( 1) MI N level mark ( n- -i )
Rear Br ak e Fl ui d Level :
With the motorcycle in an side right position,
check the fluid level. I t should be above the
MI N level mark (1). I f the level is at or below
t he MI N level mark ( 1) , check t he brake
pads for wear (page 66).
Clut ch adj ust ment may be required if t he
motorcycle stalls when shifting into gear or
tends to creep; or if the clutch slips, causing
accelerat ion t o lag behind engine speed.
Normal clut ch lever free play is:
10 -20 mm(0.4 -0.8 in)
( 1) Clut ch lever ( |)
( 1) MI N level mark ( n- -i )
Worn pads should be replaced. I f t he pads
are not worn, then brake system inspected
for leaks.
The recommended brake fluid is Honda DOT
3 or 4 brake fluid from a sealed cont ainer,
or an equivalent .
Ot her Check s:
Make sure t here are no fluid leaks. Check
for deterioration or cracks in the hoses and
fit t ings.
1. Loosen t he lock nut ( 2) at t he lower
end of the cable. Turn the adj usting nut
( 3) t o obt ain t he specified free play.
Tight en t he lock nut and check t he
adj ust ment .
2. Start the engine, pull in the clutch lever
and shift into gear. Make sure the engine
does not stall and the motorcycle does
not creep. Gradually release the clutch
l ever and open t he t hr ot t l e. The
mot or cycl e shoul d begi n t o move
smoot hly and accelerat e gradually.
I f proper adj ustment cannot be obtained or
the clutch does not work correctly, see your
Honda dealer.
Ot her Check s:
Check the clutch cable for kinks or signs of
wear t hat could cause st icking or failure.
Lubr i cat e t he cl ut ch cabl e wi t h a
commercially available cable lubricant t o
prevent premat ure wear and corrosion.
Fuel Val v e
The t hree way fuel valve (1) is on t he left
side below the fuel tank.
With the fuel valve in the ON position, fuel
will flow from t he main fuel supply t o t he
carburet or.
(2) Lock nut (~ii -)
(3) Adj usting nut (l-- n -)
( A) I ncrease free play (| i )
( B) Decrease free play (| i-i )
With the fuel valve in the OFF position, fuel
cannot flow from the tank to the carburetor.
Turn the valve OFF whenever the motorcycle
is not in use.
With the fuel valve in the RES position, fuel
will flow from the reserve fuel supply to the
carburet or. Use t he reserve fuel only when
t he main supply is gone. Refill t he t ank as
soon as possible aft er swit ching t o RES.
The reserve fuel supply is:
1.9 Ltr. (0.50 US gal , 0.41 I mp gal)
Remember to check that the fuel valve is in
the ON position each time you refuel. I f the
valve is left in t he RES posit ion, you may
run out of fuel with no reserve.
( 1) Fuel valve ( i~)
Fuel Tank
The fuel tank capacity including the reserve
supply is:
12 Ltr. (3.17 US gal , 2.63 I mp gal)
To open the fuel fill cap (1), insert the ignition
key ( 2) and t urn it clockwise. The fuel fill
cap will pop up and can be lifted off. Do not
overfill the tank. There should be no fuel in
the filler neck (3).
After refueling, to close the fuel fill cap, align
the latch in the cap with the slot in the filler
neck. Push the fuel fill cap into the filler neck
until it snaps closed and locks.
Remove t he key.
Pet r ol i s hi ghl y f l ammabl e and
expl osi ve. You can be bur ned or
seriously inj ured when handling fuel.
St op t he engine and keep heat ,
sparks, and flame away.
Refuel only out doors.
Wipe up spills immediat ely.
( 1) Fuel fill cap ( l )
( 2) I gnit ion key (;|i |)
( 3) Filler neck (l )
Use unleaded petrol with a research octane
number of 91 or higher.
The use of l eaded pet r ol wi l l cause
premature damage to the catalytic converter.
Not i ce
I f spark knock or pinking occurs at a
st eady engine speed under normal load,
change brands of pet rol. I f spark knock or
pinking persists, consult your Honda dealer.
Failure t o do so is considered misuse, and
damage caused by misuse is not covered
by Hondas Limit ed Warranty.
Pet r ol Cont ai ni ng Al cohol
I f you decide t o use a pet r ol cont aining
alcohol (gasohol), be sure its octane rating
is at least as high as that recommended by
When certain types of petrol containing
alcohol ar e used, pr oblems such as
hard st art ing, poor performance, et c.
may occur.
I f you notice any undesirable operating
sympt oms while using a pet r ol t hat
contains alcohol, or one that you think
contains alcohol, try another station or
switch to another brand of petrol.
When a problem resulting from the use
of pet r ol cont ai ni ng al cohol occur s,
cont act your Honda dealer.
Engi ne Oi l Lev el Check
Check t he engine oil level each day before
riding t he mot orcycle.
The level must be maint ained bet ween t he
upper (1) and lower (2) level marks on the
oil filler cap/ dipst ick (3).
1. Start the engine and let it idle for 3-5
minut es.
2. Stop the engine and put the motorcycle
on its center stand on level ground.
3. After 2-3 minutes, remove the oil filler
cap/ dipstick, wipe it clean, and reinsert
t he oi l f i l l er cap/ di pst i ck wi t hout
screwing it in. Remove the oil filler cap/
dipstick. The oil level should be between
t he upper and lower marks on t he oil
filler cap/ dipst ick.
Adulterated fuel not to be used. I t causes
damage t o t he engi ne par t s and
considered as misuse, damage caused
by misuse is not covered under Honda
warrant y.
4. I f required, add t he specified oil ( see
page 47) up t o t he upper level mark.
Do not overfill.
5. Reinstall the oil filler cap/ dipstick. Check
for oil leaks.
Not i ce
Runni ng t he engi ne wi t h i nsuf f i ci ent oi l
pressure may cause serious engine damage.
To saf ely operat e your mot or cycle, your
t yres must be t he proper t ype and size, in
good condit ion wit h adequat e t read, and
cor r ect l y i nf l at ed f or t he l oad you ar e
car r ying. The following pages give mor e
det ailed informat ion on how and when t o
check your air pressure, how to inspect your
tyres for damage, and what to do when your
t yres need t o be repaired or replaced.
Using t yres t hat are excessively worn
or improperly inflated can cause a crash
in which you can be seriouslyhurt or
Follow all inst ruct ions in t his owners
manual r egar di ng t yr e i nf l at i on and
maint enance.
(1) Upper level mark (+| -n lr)
(2) Lower level mark (li -n lr)
(3) Oil filler cap/ dipstick (i -n ,ll--)
Ai r Pr essur e
Keepi ng your t yr es pr oper l y i nf l at ed
provides t he best combinat ion of handling,
t r ead l i f e and r i di ng comf or t . General l y,
under i nf l at ed t yr es wear unevenl y,
adver sely affect handling, and ar e mor e
likely t o fail from being overheat ed.
Over inflat ed t yres make your mot orcycle
r i de mor e har shl y, ar e mor e pr one t o
damage f r om r oad hazar ds, and wear
We r ecommend t hat you vi sual l y check
your tyres before every ride and use a gauge
t o measur e air pr essur e at least once a
month or any time you think the tyres might
be low.
Always check air pressure when your t yres
are cold when t he mot orcycle has been
parked for at least three hours. I f you check
air pressure when your t yres are warm
when t he mot orcycle has been ridden for
even a few miles the readings will be higher
than if the tyres were cold. This is normal,
so do not let air out of t he t yres t o mat ch
t he recommended cold air pressures given
bel ow. I f you do, t he t yr es wi l l be
underinflat ed.
The r ecommended cold t yr e pr essur es
ar e:
This mot orcycle is fit t ed wit h t ubeless t yre
in bot h wheels. Compar ed wit h or dinar y
t ube t yre, t he t ubeless t yre releases slow
air leak when punct ured by a nail or ot her
similar obj ect. For this reason, even though
they remain fully inflated, it is important to
r egul ar l y check t he t yr e f or embedded
obj ect s.
kPa (kgf/ cm , psi)
Dr i ver Front 175 (1.75 , 25)
Onl y Rear 200 (2.00 , 29)
Driver and Front 175 (1.75 , 25)
one passenger Rear 225 (2.25 , 32)
I n spect i on
Whenever you check t he t yre pressures,
you should also examine t he t yre t reads
and side walls for wear, damage, and foreign
obj ect s:
Look for:
Bumps or bulges in the side of the tyre
or t he t read. Replace t he t yre if you
find any bumps or bulges.
Cut s, spl i t s or cr acks i n t he t yr e.
Replace t he t yre if you can see fabric
or cord.
Excessive t read wear.
Also, if you hit a pothole or hard obj ect, pull
to the side of the road as soon as you safely
can and car ef ul l y i nspect t he t yr es f or
Tr ead Wear
Replace t yr es bef or e t r ead dept h at t he
center of the tyre reaches the following limit:
Minimum t read dept h
Front : 2.0 mm (0.08 in)
Rear 2.0 mm (0.08 in)
( 1) Wear indicat or (l ; l -)
( 2) Wear i ndi cat or l ocat i on
mark (l ;l - i i lr)
Tyr e Repai r
I f a tubeless tyre is punctured or damaged,
Please visit nearest tyre manufacture dealer
and follow his recommendat ion for repair
or replacement .
The r ecommended t yr es f or your
mot orcycle are:
Front : 80/ 100- 17M/ C 46P
Rear : 110/ 80- 17M/ C 57P
Whenever you replace a tyre, use one that
is equivalent to the original and be sure the
wheel i s bal anced af t er t he new t yr e i s
inst alled.
I nst al l i ng i mpr oper t yr es on your
mot or cycl e can af f ect handl i ng and
stability. This can cause a crash in which
you can be seriously hurt or killed.
Always use t he size and t ype of t yres
recommended in t his owners manual.
Ty r e Repl acement
The t yres t hat came on your mot orcycle
were designed t o mat ch t he performance
capabilit ies of your mot orcycle and provide
t he best combinat ion of handling, braking,
durabilit y and comfort .
Repair/ Replacement of t ubeless t yre by
unaut hor ized per son may r ender t he
tyre useless or tyre can fail while driving.
Key Posi t i on Fu n ct i on Key Remov al
LOCK St eering is Locked. Engine and light s Key can be removed
( st eering lock) cannot be operat ed.
OFF Engine and light s cannot be operat ed. Key can be removed
ON Engine and light s can be operat ed Key cannot be removed
Turn signal, passing light cont rol
swit ch and horn can be operat ed.
The headlight , t aillight and met er light s
operat es only when t he engine is running
( 1) I gnit ion swit ch (;li l-)
The i gni t i on swi t ch ( 1) i s bel ow t he
speedomet er.
Headl i ght Sw i t ch ( 1)
The headlight switch (1) is next to the throttle
The headlight switch (1) has two positions;
and (.)
Headlight, taillight and meter lights
OFF (.) : Headlight, taillight and meter
lights off.
The headlight , t aillight and met er light s
operat es only when t he engine is running.
St ar t er But t on ( 2)
The starter button (2) is next to the throttle
When the starter button is pressed the starter
mot or cranks t he engine. See page 34 for
t he st art ing procedure.
( 1) Headlight swit ch (r i;- l-)
( 2) St art er but t on (--i- -)
Headl i ght Di mmer Sw i t ch ( 1)
Push the dimmer switch to (HI ) to select
high beam or to (LO) to select low beam.
Passi n g Li gh t Con t r ol Sw i t ch ( 2 )
When t his swit ch is pressed, t he headlight
flashes on t o signal appr oaching car s or
when passing.
Tur n Si gnal Sw i t ch ( 3)
Move to (L) to signal a left turn,
(R) to signal a right turn. Press to turn
signal off.
Hor n But t on ( 4)
Press the button to sound the horn.
( 1) Headlight dimmer swit ch (r i;- l- l-)
( 2) Passi ng l i ght cont r ol swi t ch
(il n i;- - i l-)
( 3) Turn signal swit ch (- ln l-)
( 4) Horn but t on (ri -)
( Not r equi r ed f or oper at i on)
To lock t he st eering, t urn t he handlebar all
the way to the left or right, turn the key (1)
to LOCK while pushing in. Remove the key.
To unlock the steering, turn the key to OFF.
Do not t urn t he key t o LOCK while riding
t he mot orcycle; loss of vehicle cont rol will
result .
( 1) I gnit ion key (;i|i i|)
( A) Push in ( i;)
( B) Turn t o LOCK (i | i i - i )
( C) Turn t o OFF (i | i i - i )
The seat must be removed for air cleaner
and fuse maintenance, to remove the right
side cover, or to access the tool kit, first aid
kit and owners manual.
Remov al :
1. I nsert the ignition key (1) into the seat
lock (2) and turn it clockwise.
2. Pull t he seat lock lever (3) downward.
3. Pull the seat (4) back and up.
I nst al l at i on:
1. Align t he front prongs ( 5) under t he
front of t he seat wit h t he recess ( 6)
under t he frame cross member, and
locat ing t he r ear pr ongs ( 7) on t he
bottom of the seat with the hooks (8)
on t he frame.
2. Slide t he seat int o posit ion and push
down on the rear of the seat.
3. Turn t he ignit ion key count erclockwise
and remove t he key.
Be sure t he seat is locked securely in
posit ion aft er inst allat ion.
( 1) I gnit ion key (;|i i|)
( 2) Seat lock (|- i )
( 3) Seat lock lever (|- i |)
( 4) Seat (|-)
( 5) Front prongs (in i i n)
( 6) Recess ( l)
( 7) Rear prongs (|s i i n)
( 8) Hooks (r )
The helmet holder ( 1) is on t he left side
bel ow t he seat . The hel met hol der i s
designed t o sj ecure your helmet while
par ked.
I nser t t he i gni t i on key ( 2) and t ur n i t
clockwise t o unlock.
Hang your helmet on t he holder ( 3) . Turn
the key counterclockwise to lock the holder
and t hen remove t he key.
( 1) Helmet holder (r ~- - ri ~)
( 2) I gnit ion key (;i|i i|)
( 3) Holder (ri ~)
Riding wit h a helmet at t ached t o t he
holder can interfere with the rear wheel
or suspension and could cause a crash
in which you can be seriously hurt or
Use t he hel met hol der onl y whi l e
par ked. Do not r i de wi t h a hel met
secured by t he holder.
The right side cover must be removed for
fuse maint enance.
The left side cover must be removed for
bat t ery maint enance.
The right and left side side cover can be
removed in t he same manner.
Remov al :
1. Remove t he seat (page 29). Remove
the three screws (1).
2. Carefully pull the side cover (2) out from
t he grommet s (3).
I nst al l at i on:
I nstallation can be done in the reverse
order of removal.
( 1) Screws (-)
( 2) Side cover (i; )
( 3) Grommet s (n i- -)
Document Bag
The documents bag (1) is in the document
compartment (2) on the reverse side of the
seat (3).
The owners manual and ot her document s
should be stored in the document bag.
When washing your mot orcycle, be careful
not to flood this area with water.
The st or age compar t ment ( 1) is locat ed
under the seat (page 29) . This compartment
is for light weight items.
This first aid kit should be st ored in t his
compart ment .
When washing your mot orcycle, be careful
not to flood this area with water.
( 1) Document bag (i - - n)
( 2) Document compart ment (i - - -i- - -)
( 3) Seat (|-)
( 1) St orage compart ment (--i -i- - -)
Vertical adj ustment can be made by moving
t he headlight assy as necessary. To move
the headlight assy, loosen the bolt (1).
Tight en t he bolt aft er adj ust ment .
Obey local laws and regulat ions.
For your safety, it is very important to take
a few moment s before each ride t o walk
ar ound your mot or cycl e and check i t s
condition. I f you detect any problem, be sure
you take care of it, or have it corrected by
your Honda dealer.
I mproperly maintaining this motorcycle
or failing t o correct a problem before
riding can cause a crash in which you
can be seriously hurt or killed.
Always perform a pre- ride inspect ion
bef or e ever y r i de and cor r ect any
pr oblems.
( 1) Bolt (i ~-)
( A) Up (+)
(B) Down (| )
1. Engi ne oi l l evel - add engi ne oi l i f
required ( page 20) . Check for leaks.
2. Fuel level fill fuel tank when necessary
(page 18). Check for leaks.
3. Front and rear brakes check operation;
make sur e t her e i s no br ake f l ui d
leakage ( pages 15) .
4. Tyres check condit ion and pressure
( pages 21- 24) .
5. Drive chain check condit ion and slack
( page 57) . Adj ust and l ubr i cat e i f
necessar y.
6. Throttle check for smooth opening and
full closing in all steering positions.
7. Clutch - check operation, and adj ust if
necessary ( pages 16- 17) .
8. Lights and horn check that turn signals,
indicat ors and horn funct ion properly.
Always follow the proper starting procedure
described below.
This mot or cycle can be st ar t ed wit h t he
t ransmission in gear by disengaging t he
clut ch before operat ing t he elect ric st art er.
To prot ect t he cat alyt ic convert er in your
mot or cycl e s exhaust syst em, avoi d
ext ending idling and t he use of leaded
pet rol.
Your mot or cy cl es exhaust cont ai ns
poisonous carbon monoxide gas. High levels
of carbon monoxide can collect rapidly in
enclosed areas such as a garage. Do not
run the engine with the garage door closed.
Even wit h t he door open, run t he engine
only long enough to move your motorcycle
out of the garage.
Do not use the electric starter for more than
5 second at a t ime. Release t he st ar t er
button for approximately 10 seconds before
pressing it again.
Pr epar at i on
Bef or e st ar t ing, inser t t he key, t ur n t he
ignition switch ON and confirm the following:
The transmission is in NEUTRAL (neutral
indicat or light ON).
The fuel valve is ON.
St ar t i ng Pr ocedur e
Col d Engi ne:
1. Pull t he choke lever ( 1) back all t he
way to Fully ON (A).
Wi t h t he t hr ot t l e cl osed, pr ess t he
starter button.
Do not use the electric starter for more
t han 5 second at a t ime. Release t he
st ar t er but t on f or appr oximat ely 10
seconds before pressing it again.
2. When engine speed begins to pick up,
operat e t he choke lever t o keep fast
3. Cont inue warming up t he engine unt il
it runs smoot hly and responds t o t he
throttle when the choke lever (1) is at
fully OFF (B).
( 1) Choke lever (i |)
( A) Fully ON ( | nr i |)
( B) Fully OFF ( | nr i |)
War m Engi ne:
(1) Do not use the choke.
(2) Open the throttle slightly.
(3) St art t he engine.
Review Vehicle Safet y (page 1) before you
Make sure t he side st and is fully ret ract ed
before riding the motorcycle. I f the stand is
ext ended, i t may i nt er f er e wi t h cont r ol
during a left turn.
1. After the engine has been warmed up,
t he mot orcycle is ready for riding.
2. While t he engine is idling, pull in t he
clut ch lever and depress t he gearshift
pedal to shift into 1st (low) gear.
3. Slowly release t he clut ch lever and at
the same time gradually increase engine
speed by opening t he t hrot t le.
Coordinat ion of t he t hrot t le and clut ch
lever will assure a smooth positive start.
4. When t he mot or cycl e at t ai ns a
moderate speed, close the throttle, pull
in the clutch lever and shift to 2nd gear
by raising t he gearshift pedal.
5. Coordinat e t he t hrot t le and brakes for
smoot h decelerat ion.
6. Bot h front and rear brakes should be
used at the same time and should not
Fl ooded Engi ne
I f t he engine fails t o st art aft er repeat ed
attempts, it may be flooded with excess fuel.
To clear a flooded engine, t urn t he ignit ion
switch to ON, and move the choke lever to
fully OFF ( C) . Open t he t hrot t le fully and
crank the engine for 5 seconds. I f the engine
starts, quickly close the throttle, then open
it slightly if idling is unstable. I f the engine
does not st art , Wait for 10 seconds, t hen
follow t he st art ing procedure.
Hel p assur e your mot or cycl e s f ut ur e
reliabilit y and performance by paying ext ra
at t ent ion t o how you ride during t he first
500 km (300 miles).
During t his period, avoid full-t hrot t le st art s
and rapid accelerat ion.
be appl i ed st r ongl y enough t o l ock
t he wheel , or br aki ng ef f ect i veness
wi l l be r educed and cont r ol of t he
mot or cycl e be di f f i cul t .
Your mot or cycl e i s equi pped wi t h a
hydraulically- act ivat ed disc brake in front
and rear. Operat ing t he brake lever applies
t he front disc brake. Depressing t he brake
pedal applies t he rear disc brake.
For normal braking, apply bot h t he brake
pedal and lever while down-shifting to match
your road speed. For maximum braking,
close the throttle and firmly apply the pedal
and lever; pull in t he clut ch lever before
coming to a complete stop to prevent stalling
t he engine.
I mpor t ant Saf et y Remi nder s:
I ndependent operation of only the brake
lever or brake pedal reduces st opping
per f or mance.
Ext r eme appl i cat i on of t he br ake
controls may cause wheel lock, reducing
cont rol of t he mot orcycle.
When possible, reduce speed or brake
bef or e ent er i ng a t ur n; cl osi ng t he
t hr ot t le or br aking in mid- t ur n may
cause wheel slip. Wheel slip will reduce
cont rol of t he mot orcycle.
When riding in wet or rainy conditions,
or on l oose sur f aces, t he abi l i t y t o
maneuver and stop will be reduced. All
of your actions should be smooth under
t hese condit ions. Rapid accelerat ion,
braking or t urning may cause loss of
cont r ol . For your saf et y, exer ci se
ext r eme caut i on when br aki ng,
accelerat ing or t urning.
Park t he mot orcycle on firm, level ground
t o prevent it from falling over. I f you must
park on a slight incline, aim the front of the
mot orcycle uphill t o reduce t he possibilit y
of rolling off the center stand or overturning.
3. Lock the steering to help prevent theft
( page 28) .
Make sure flammable materials such as dry
grass or leaves do not come in contact with
t he exhaust syst em when par ki ng your
mot orcycle.
1. Al ways l ock t he st eer i ng and never
leave the key in the ignition switch. This
sounds simple but people do forget .
2. Be sure the registration information for
your mot or cycl e i s accur at e and
current .
3. Put your motorcycle in a locked garage
whenever possible.
4. Use an addit ional ant i- t heft device of
good qualit y.
When descending a long, steep grade,
use engi ne compr essi on br aki ng by
downshift ing, wit h int ermit t ent use of
bot h brakes.
Cont i nuous br ake appl i cat i on can
overheat t he brakes and reduce t heir
effect iveness.
Riding wit h your foot rest ing on t he
brake pedal or your hand on the brake
lever may actuate the brakelight, giving
a false indicat ion t o ot her drivers. I t
may also overheat the brakes, reducing
effect iveness.
Par k i ng
1. After stopping the motorcycle, shift the
transmission into neutral, turn the fuel
valve OFF, t urn t he handlebar fully t o
the left, turn the ignition switch OFF and
remove t he key.
2. Use t he cent er st and t o support t he
mot orcycle while parked.
5. Put your name, address, and phone
number in t his Owner s Manual and
keep it on your motorcycles at all times.
Many t i mes st ol en mot or cycl es ar e
identified by information in the Owners
Manuals that are still with them.
NAME: _______________________
ADDRESS: ____________________
PHONE NO: ____________________
A well- maint ained mot orcycle is essent ial
for safe, economical and trouble-free riding.
I t will also help reduce air pollution.
To hel p you pr oper l y car e f or your
mot orcycle, t he following pages include a
Maint enance Schedule and a maint enance
Recor d f or r egul ar l y schedul ed
maint enance.
These i nst r uct i ons ar e based on t he
assumption that the motorcycle will be used
excl usi vel y f or i t s desi gned pur pose.
Sustained high speed operation or operation
in unusually wet or dust y condit ions will
require more frequent service than specified
in t he Maint enance Schedule. Consult your
Honda deal er f or r ecommendat i ons
applicable to your individual needs and use.
I f your mot orcycle overt urns or becomes
involved in a crash, be sure your Honda
dealer inspects all maj or parts, even if you
are able t o make some repairs.
I mproperly maintaining this motorcycle
or failing t o correct a problem before
you ride can cause a crash in which
you can be seriously hurt or killed.
Al ways f ol l ow t he i nspect i on and
mai nt enance r ecommendat i ons and
schedules in t his owners manual.
Make sure the engine is off before you begin
any maint enance or repairs. This will help
eliminat e several pot ent ial hazards:
* Car bon monox i de poi soni ng f r om
engi ne ex haust .
Be sure t here is adequat e
vent ilat ion whenever you operat e
t he engine.
* Bur ns f r om hot par t s.
Let t he engine and exhaust syst em
cool before t ouching.
Failure t o properly follow maint enance
inst ruct ions and precaut ions can cause
you to be seriously hurt or killed.
Al ways f ol l ow t he pr ocedur es and
precaut ions in t his owners manual.
This sect ion includes inst ruct ions on some
i mpor t ant mai nt enance t asks. You can
perform some of these tasks with the tools
pr ovi ded- i f you have basi c mechani cal
Ot her t asks t hat ar e mor e di f f i cul t and
require special tools are best performed by
pr of essi onal s. Wheel r emoval shoul d
nor mal l y be handl ed onl y by a Honda
t echni ci an or ot her qual i f i ed mechani c;
instructions are included in this manual only
t o assist in emergency service.
Some of t he most i mpor t ant saf et y
precautions follow. However, we cannot warn
you of every conceivable hazard t hat can
arise in performing maint enance. Only you
can deci de whet her or not you shoul d
perform a given t ask.
* I nj ur y f r om movi ng par t s.
Do not run the engine unless
instructed to do so.
Read the instructions before you begin,
and make sure you have the tools and
skills required.
To help prevent t he mot orcycle from
f alling over, par k it on a f ir m, level
surface, using t he cent er st and or a
maintenance stand to provide support.
To reduce t he possibilit y of a fire or
expl osi on, be car ef ul when wor ki ng
around pet rol or bat t eries. Use only
nonflammable solvent , not pet rol, t o
clean par t s. Keep cigar et t es, spar ks
and flames away from the battery and
all fuel- relat ed part s.
Remember t hat your Honda dealer knows
your mot orcycle best and is fully equipped
to maintain and repair it.
To ensure t he best qualit y and reliabilit y,
use only new genuine Honda parts or their
equivalent s for repair and replacement .
Perform t he pre-ride I nspect ion (Ref. page 33) at each scheduled maint enance period.
The following Maint enance Schedule specifies all maint enance r equir ed t o keep your
motorcycle in peak operating condition. Maintenance work should be performed in accordance
wit h st andards and specificat ions of Honda by properly t rained and equipped t echnicians.
Your Honda dealer meet s all of t hese requirement s.
* Should be serviced by your Honda dealer, unless t he owner has t he proper t ools and
service dat a and is mechanically qualified. Refer t o t he Official Honda Shop Manual.
* * I n the interest of safety, we recommend these items be serviced only by your Honda
Honda recommends that your Honda dealer should road test your vehicle after each periodic
maint enance is carried out .
NOTES: (1) At higher odometer reading, repeat at the frequency interval established here.
(2) Service more frequent ly when riding in unusually wet or dust y areas.
(3) Service more frequently when riding in rain or at full throttle.
( 4) Replace every 2 years. Replacement requires mechanical skill.
(5) Replace t he PAI R air filt er every 3 years or 24000km. Replacement requires
mechanical skill.
COMES SERVICE 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
FIRST DAYS 30 90 150 210 60 120 REMARK
ITEM NOTE KMS 750 3000 6000 9000 3000 6000
* AIR CLEANER (NOTE 2) R Replace every 15000 kms
SPARK PLUG I I R I I Replace every 9000 kms
** ENGINE OIL CENTRIFUGAL FILTER C C Clean every 12000 kms
BRAKE FLUID (NOTE 4) I I I I I I Replace every 30000 kms.
The motorcycle must be serviced at every 3000 kms or within 2 months, from the date of previous service.
(Subsequent days /Kms applicable from last service)
Replace every 3000 kms.
Do not open the air cleaner element untill
15000 kms.unless there is any drivability problem.
EVERY 1000 Km (600mi) I,L
Check Voltage
COMES SERVICE 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
FIRST DAYS 30 90 150 210 60 120 REMARK
ITEM NOTE KMS 750 3000 6000 9000 3000 6000
The motorcycle must be serviced at every 3000 kms or within 2 months, from the date of previous service.
(Subsequent days /Kms applicable from last service)
The t ool ki t ( 1) i s i n t he st or age.
compart ment (2) under t he seat .
Some roadside repairs, minor adj ust ment s
and part s replacement can be performed
with the tools contained in the kit.
10x12 mm Open end wrench
14x17 mm Open end wrench
St andard/ Phillips screwdriver
Spark plug wrench
Band Tool
Tool bag
( 1) Tool kit (- l-)
( 2) St orage compart ment (--i -i- - -)
The frame and engine serial numbers are
required when regist ering your mot orcycle.
They may also be required by your dealer
when ordering replacement part s.
Recor d t he number s her e f or your
r ef er ence.
The frame number ( 1) is st amped on t he
right side of the steering head.
The engine number (2) is st amped on t he
left side of t he crankcase.
( 1) Frame number ( - -) ( 2) Engine number (; l -)
qualit ies. Use only high det ergent , qualit y
motor oil certified on the container to meet
or exceed r equi r ement s f or API Ser vi ce
Classificat ion SJ
Vi scosi t y:
Viscosity grade of engine oil should be based
on aver age at mospher i c t emper at ur e i n
your riding area. The following provides a
guide t o t he select ion of t he proper grade
or viscosit y of oil t o be used at var ious
at mospheric t emperat ures.
Col our code
The colour t able is at t ached below.
I t is useful during ordering the replacement
part s.
The above col our code t abl e hel ps i n
providing the correct colour part as per your
vehicle colour.
Refer to the Safety Precautions on page 40.
Engi ne Oi l
Good engi ne oi l has many desi r abl e
S.No. Colour Colour code
1. Pearl Night st ar Black NHA84
2. Sword Silver Met allic NHA95
3. Pearl Siena Red R320
4. Armour Gold Metallic-0 YR111
Engi ne Oi l
Engine oil quality is the chief factor affecting
engine service life. Change t he engine oil
as specified in t he maint enance schedule
( page 42) .
When running in very dust y condit ions, oil
changes shoul d be per f or med mor e
frequently than specified in the maintenance
Pl ease di spose of used engi ne oi l i n a
manner t hat i s compat i bl e wi t h t he
environment . We suggest you t ake it in a
seal ed cont ai ner t o your l ocal r ecycl i ng
cent er or service st at ion for reclamat ion.
Do not throw it in the trash or pour it on the
ground or down a drain.
Used engine oil may cause skin cancer if
repeat edly left in cont act wit h t he skin for
prolonged periods. Alt hough t his is unlikely
unless you handle used oil on a daily basis,
it is still advisable to thoroughly wash your
hands wi t h soap and wat er as soon as
possible aft er handling used oil.
I f a t or que wr ench i s not used f or t hi s
installation, see your Honda dealer as soon
as possible t o verify proper assembly.
Change t he engine oil wit h t he engine at
nor mal oper at i ng t emper at ur e and t he
mot orcycle on it s cent er st and t o assure
complet e and rapid draining.
1. To drain t he oil, remove t he oil filler
cap/ dipstick and oil drain plug (1) and
sealing washer (2).
( 1) Oil drain plug (i n)
( 2) Sealing washer (|l n i i)
6. 2-3 minutes after stopping the engine,
check that the oil level is at the upper
level mark on t he oil filler cap/ dipst ick
wit h t he mot orcycle upright on firm,
level ground. Make sure t here are no
oil leaks.
2. Check t hat t he sealing washer on t he
drain plug is in good condition and install
t he plug. Replace t he sealing washer
every other time the oil is changed, or
each t ime if necessary.
Oil drain plug Torque:
29 Nm (3.0 kgfm , 22 lbfft)
3. Fi l l t he cr ankcase wi t h t he
r ecommended gr ade oi l ;
approximat ely:
1.0 (1.1 US qt , 0.9 I mp qt)
4. I nst all t he oil filler cap/ dipst ick.
5. Start the engine and let it idle for 3-5
minut es.
Refer to the Safety Precautions on page 40.
1. Remove t he crankcase breat her t ube
( 1) from t he t ube and drain deposit s
int o a suit able cont ainer.
( 1) Cr ankcase br eat her t ube pl ug
( | - n)
2. Reinst all t he crankcase breat her t ube
Service more frequently when riding in rain
or at full throttle.
Refer to the Safety Precautions on page 40.
Recommended plugs:
St andard:
CPR8EA - 9 (NGK)
Not i ce
Never use a spark plug wit h an improper
heat range. Severe engine damage could
result .
1. Disconnect the spark plug cap (1) from
t he spark plug.
2. Clean any dirt from around t he spark
plug base.
Remove the spark plug using the spark
plug wrench (2) furnished in the tool kit.
3. I nspect t he el ect r odes and cent er
porcelain for deposits, erosion or carbon
fouling. I f the erosion or deposit is heavy,
r epl ace t he pl ug. Cl ean a car bon or
wet f oul ed pl ug wi t h a pl ug cl eaner,
ot herwise use a wire brush.
( 1) Spark plug cap (-i n )
( 2) Plug wrench (n )
4. Check t he spark plug gap (3) using a
wire- t ype feeler gauge. I f adj ust ment
is necessary, bend t he side elect rode
( 4) carefully.
The gap should be:
0.8-0.9 mm(0.03-0.04 in)
5. Wit h t he plug washer at t ached, t he
spark plug in by hand to prevent cross-
t hreading.
( 3) Spark plug gap (-i n n )
( 4) Side elect rode (i; ; - i )
6. Tight en t he spark plug:
I f the old plug is good:
1/ 8 turn after it seats.
I f installing a new plug, tighten it twice
t o prevent loosening:
a) First, tighten the plug:
NGK 1/ 2 turn after it seats.
b) Then loosen t he plug.
c) Next, tighten the plug again:
1/ 8 turn after it seats.
Not i ce
I mpr oper l y t i ght ened spar k pl ug can
damage the engine. I f a plug is too loose, a
pist on may be damaged. I f a plug is t oo
t ight , t he t hreadsmay be damaged.
7. Reinst all t he spark plug cap.
Refer to the Safety Precautions on page 40.
Excessive valve clearance will cause noise
and event ual engine damage. Lit t le or no
clearance will prevent the valve from closing
and cause valve damage and power loss.
Check valve clearance when t he engine is
cold at t he specified int ervals.
The checking or adj ust ing of t he clearance
should be performed while the engine is cold.
The clear ance will change as t he engine
t emperat ure rises.
( 1) Crankshaft hole cap ( ii- ri )
( 2) Timing hole cap (-i;l- n ri )
( 3) T mark (-| -i )
( 4) I ndex mark (; -i )
1. Remove the crankshaft hole cap (1) and
timing hole cap (2).
2. Remove t he cylinder head cover.
3. Rot at e t he flywheel count erclockwise
unt il t he T mark (3) on t he flywheel
lines up with the index mark (4) on the
I f it is necessary t o make an adj ust ment ,
loosen the adj usting screw lock nut (7) and
t urn t he adj ust ing screw ( 6) so t here is a
slight resistance when the feeler gauge (5)
is insert ed.
After completing the adj ustment, tighten the
adj ust ing screw lock nut while holding t he
adj usting screw to prevent it from turning.
Finally, recheck the clearance to make sure
that the adj ustment has not been disturbed.
Reinst all t he cylinder head cover, t iming
mark hole cap and the crankshaft hole cap.
Refer to the Safety Precautions on page 40.
The engine must be at normal operat ing
t emper at ur e f or accur at e i dl e speed
adj ust ment . 10 mi nut es of st op- and- go
riding is sufficient .
Do not attempt to compensate for faults in
ot her syst ems by adj ust ing idle speed.
crankcase. I n t his posit ion, t he pist on
may eit her be on t he compression or
exhaust st roke.
The adj ust ment must be made when
t he pi st on i s at t he t op of t he
compr essi on st r oke when bot h t he
int ake and exhaust valves are closed.
This condit ion can be det ermined by
moving t he rocker arms. I f t hey are
free, it is an indication that the valves
are closed and that the piston is on the
compression st roke. I f t hey are t ight
and t he valves are open, rot at e t he
flywheel 360 and realign t he T mark
to the index mark.
Check t he cl ear ance of bot h val ves by
insert ing a feeler gauge ( 5) bet ween t he
adj usting screw (6) and the valve stem.
Clearance should be:
I nt ake: 0.08 mm (0.003 in)
Exhaust : 0.12 mm (0.005 in)
( 5) Feeler gauge (| n )
( 6) Adj ust ing screw (l-- n - )
( 7) Adj ust ing screw lock nut (l- -n - i -)
See your Honda deal er f or r egul ar l y
scheduled carburet or adj ust ment s.
1. War m up t he engi ne, and shi f t t o
neut ral, and place t he mot orcycle on
it s cent er st and.
2. Adj ust idle speed with the throttle stop
screw ( 1) .
I dle speed (I n neut ral):
1,400 100
min (rpm)
( 1) Throt t le st op screw (i i - --i - )
( A) I ncrease ( i )
( B) Decrease (i-i )
Refer to the Safety Precautions on page 40.
1. Check for smooth rotation of the throttle
grip from t he fully open t o t he fully
closed position at both full steering
posit ions
2. Measure t he t hrot t le grip free play at
t he t hrot t le grip flange.
The st andar d f r ee pl ay shoul d be
approximat ely:
2-6 mm (0.08-0.27 in)
To adj ust t he freeplay, loosen t he lock nut
(1) and turn the adj uster (2).
(1) Lock nut (i -)
( 2) Adj ust er (--)
Refer to the Safety Precautions on page 40.
Th e ai r cl ean er el emen t sh ou l d be
replaced at regular int ervals (Ref. page 43).
Repl ace mor e f r equent l y when r i di ng i n
unusual l y wet or dust y ar eas.
1. Remove t he seat (page 29).
2. Remove t he screws (1), boss (2) and
air cleaner cover (3).
3. Take out t he air cleaner element ( 3)
and replace.
4. Viscous t ype air filt ers ( 4) should be
replaced regularly. Do not reuse it by
5. I f t he filt er element is cleaned using
pressured air or any solvent , viscous
oil will be lost and as the base element
is coarse paper, dust may ent er along
with air which will damage the engine.
( 1) Screws (-)
( 2) Boss (i)
( 3) Air cleaner cover ( | )
( 4) Air cleaner element ( | |- -)
(3) (1)
6. Replace the air cleaner element if it is
excessively dirt y, t orn or damage. Use
Honda genui ne ai r cl eaner el ement
speci f i ed f or your model . Usi ng t he
wrong Honda air cleaner element or a
non- Honda air cleaner element which
is not of equivalent qualit y may cause
premature engine wear or performance
7. I nstall the removed parts in the reverse
order of removal.
Never cl ean ai r cl eaner el ement .
Replacement should be done at regular
int ervals.
I nspect i on:
1. Turn t he engine off, place t he vehicle
on i t s cent er st and, and shi f t t he
t ransmission int o neut ral.
2. Move t he chain (1) up and down wit h
your finger. Drive chain slack should
be adj usted approximately to allow the
following vert ial movement by hand:
30-40 mm (1.18-1.60 in)
3. Rotate the rear wheel slightly and then
stop to check the drive chain slackness
again. Repeat t his procedure several
times. Drive chain slack should remain
const ant .I f t he chain is slack only in
certain sections, some links are kinked
and binding, kinking can be eliminated
by lubricat ion.
Dr i v e chai n
Refer t o t he safet y precaut ions on page 40.
The service life of the drive chain is dependent
upon proper lubrication and adj ustment. Poor
maint enance can cause premat ure wear or
damage t o t he drive chain and sprocket s.
The dr i ve chai n shoul d be checked and
lubricat ed as part of t he pre-ride I nspect ion
(page 33). Under severe usage, or when the
vehicle is ridden in unusually dusty or muddy
areas, more frequent maint enance will be
( 1) Drive chain ( i; )
4. Rotate the rear wheel slowly and inspect
t he drive chain and sprocket s for any
of the following conditions :
Dr i v e Chai n
Damaged Rollers
Loose pins
Dry or Rust ed Links
Excessive Wear
I mproper Adj ust ment
Damaged sprocket
Teet h
Worn sprocket
Teet h
Rep l ace Rep l ace
Normal sprocket Teet h
Excessively Worn Teet h
Broken or Damaged Teet h
A drive chain wit h damaged rollers, loose
pins must be replaced. The rusting, requires
supplementary lubrication. Kinked or binding
links should be t horoughly lubricat ed and
worked free. I f links cannot be freed, t he
chain must be replaced.
Adj ust ment :
Drive chain slack should be checked and
adj usted, if necessary, every 1,000 km (600
miles) . When operat ed at sust ained high
speeds or under conditions of frequent rapid
accelerat ion, t he chain may require more
frequent adj ust ment .
I f the drive chain requires adj ustfment, the
procedure is as follows:
1. Place the motorcycle on its center stand
with the transmission in neutral and the
ignition switch off.
2. Loosen the rear axle nut (1).
3. Loosen the drive chain lock nut (2).
4. Turn bot h adj ust ing nut s (3) an equal
number of turns until the correct drive
chai n sl ack i s obt ai ned. Tur n t he
adj usting nuts clockwise to tighten the
chain, or count erclockwise t o provide
more slack.
Align t he chain adj ust er index marks
( 4) wi t h t he r ear edge ( 5) of t he
adj ust ing slot s on bot h sides of t he
( 1) Rear axle nut (l -)
( 2) Drive chain lock nut s ( i; i -)
( 3) Drive chain adj ust ing nut s ( i; l- -n
( 4) I ndex marks (; -i )
(5) Rear edge of adj ust ing slot (l l- -n -i -)
I f t he drive chain slack is excessive when
the rear axle is moved to the furthest limit
of adj ust ment , t he drive chain is worn and
must be replaced.
5. Tighten the rear axle nut to:
68 Nm (6.9 kgfm , 50 lbfft)
I f a t or que wr ench i s not used f or t hi s
installation, see your Honda dealer as soon
as possible t o verify proper abssembly.
6. Tighten the adj usting nuts lightly, then
t ight en t he lock nut s by holding t he
adj usting nuts with a spanner.
7. Recheck drive chain slack.
Wear I nspect i on:
Check t he chain wear label when adj ust ing
t he chain. I f t he red zone (6) on t he label
aligns with the arrow mark (7) on the chain
adj ust er plat es aft er t he chain has been
adj ust ed t o t he proper slack, t he chain is
excessively wor n and must be r eplaced.
The proper slack is :
15 - 25 mm (0.6 - 1.0 in)
(6) Red zone ( i )
(7) Arrow mark ( i -i )
Damage t o t he bot t om part of t he frame
may be caused by excessive drive chain
slack of more t han:
50 mm (2.0 in)
This mot orcycle has a st aked mast er link
drive chain which requires a specials t ool
f or cut t i ng and st aki ng. Do not use an
ordinary mast er link wit h t his chain. See
your Honda dealer
Refer to the Safety Precautions on page 40.
Check t he chain slider (1) for wear.
The chain slider must be replaced if it is
wor n t o t he wear l i mi t cut out ( 2) . For
replacement , see your Honda dealer.
( 1) Chain slider ( -i; )
( 2) Wear limit cut out (l ll-- -i-)
Lubr i cat i on and Cl eani ng:
Lubricat e every 1,000 km ( 600 miles) or
sooner if chain appears dry.
The dr i ve chai n on t hi s mot or cycl e i s
equipped wit h small O- rings bet ween t he
l i nk pl at es. These O- r i ngs r et ai n gr ease
inside the chain to improve its service life.
The O-rings in t his chain can be damaged
by st eam cleaning, high pressure washers,
and certain solvents. Clean the side surfaces
of the chain with a dry cloth. Do not brush
t he rubber O- rings. Brushing will damage
them. Wipe dry and lubricate only with SAE
80 or 90 gear oi l . Commer ci al chai n
lubricants may contain solvents which could
damage t he rubber O-rings.
Repalcement chain: R428NOR- 126
However for lubrication and cleaning, please
cont act Honda aut horized service cent er.
Refer to the Safety Precautions on page 40.
Check the side stand spring (1) for damage
and l oss of t ensi on, and t he si de st and
assembly for freedom of movement .
I f t he side st and is squeaky or st iff, clean
t he pivot area and lubricat e t he pivot bolt
with clean engine oil.
( 1) Side st and spring (i; -- l- n)
Refer to the Safety Precautions on page 40.
1. Check t he f r ont f or k assembl y by
locking t he front brake and pumping
t he f or k up and down vi gor ousl y.
Suspension act ion should be smoot h
and there must be no oil leakage.
2. Swingarm bearings should be checked
by pushing hard against the side of the
rear wheel while t he mot orcycle is on
t he cent er st and. Free play indicat es
worn bearings.
3. Car ef ul l y i nspect al l f r ont and r ear
suspension fast eners for t ight ness.
( 1) Bolt s (i ~-)
( 2) Front axle nut ( - -)
( 3) Front axle shaft ( - ii-)
Refer to the Safety Precautions on page 40.
Fr ont Wheel Remov al
1. Pl ace t he mot or cycl e on i t s cent er
st and.
2. Raise the front wheel off the ground by
pl aci ng a suppor t bl ock under t he
3. Di sconnect t he speedomet er sensor
cable connect or.
4. Remove the speedometer sensor cable
hanging bolts (1).
5. Remove the front axle nut (2).
6. Remove t he front axle shaft ( 3) and
t he wheel.
Do not depress t he brake lever when t he
wheel is of f t he mot or cycle. The caliper
piston will be forced out of the cylinder with
subsequent loss of brake fluid. I f this occurs,
ser vi ci ng of t he br ake syst em wi l l be
necessary. See your Honda dealer for t his
ser vice.
I mpr oper assembl y may l ead t o l oss of
braking capacit y.
( 4) Lug (n)
Rear Wheel Remov al
1. Pl ace t he mot or cycl e on i t s cent er
st and.
2. Loosen the rear wheel axle nut (1).
3. Remove t he left crankcase cover and
bracket by removing t he bolt s.
4. Remove t he f i xi ng pl at e and dr i ve
sprocket .
I nst al l at i on Not es:
Reverse t he removal procedure.
Position the wheel between the fork legs
and insert the front axle from the right
side, t hr ough t he r ight for k leg and
wheel hub.
Make sure that the lug (4) on the fork
l eg i s cont act i ng t he l ugs on t he
speedomet er gear box.
Ti ght en t he f r ont axl e nut t o t he
specified t orque.
Front axle nut torque:
59 Nm (6.0 kgfm , 43 lbfft)
Aft er inst alling t he wheel, apply t he
brake several t imes and t hen check if
t he wheel rot at es freely. Recheck t he
wheel if the brake drags or if the wheel
does not rot at e freely.
I f a t or que wr ench was not used f or
installation, see your Honda dealer as soon
as possible t o verify proper assembly.
7. Remove t he rear axle shaft (4).
8. Remove t he t yre.
I nst al l at i on Not es:
To i nst al l t he r ear wheel , r ever se t he
removal procedure.
Make sure that the slot on the swingarm is
located in the lug in the brake caliper.
Tight en t he rear axle nut t o t be specified
t orque:
Rear axle nut t orque:
88 Nm (8.9 kgfm , 65 lbfft)
When inst alling t he wheel carefully fit t he
brake disc between the brake pads to avoid
damaging t he pads.
Aft er inst alling t he wheel, apply t he brake
several t imes and t hen check if t he wheel
Do not depress t he brake pedal while
the wheel is off the motorcycle.
( 1) Rear axle nut (l -)
(2) Drive chain lock nut ( i; i -)
( 3) Dr ive chain adj ust ing nut
( i; l- -n -)
(4) Rear axle shaft (l ii-)
6. Push the rear wheel forward and make
t he drive chain slackfully.
5. Remove the lock nut (2) and adj usting
bolt (3).
( 1) Wear indicat or grooves (lii- n n )
r ot at es f r eel y. Recheck t he wheel i f t he
brake drags or if the wheel does not rotate
f r eely.
I f a t or que wr ench was not used f or
installation, see your Honda dealer as soon
as possi bl e t o ver i f y pr oper assembl y.
I mpr oper assembl y may l ead t o l oss of
braking capacit y.
Refer to the Safety Precautions on page 40.
Brake pad wear depends upon the severity
of usage, t he t ype of r i di ng, and r oad
condit ions. ( Generally, t he pads will wear
faster on wet and dirty roads.)
I nspect t he pads at each r egul ar
maint enance int erval (page 43).
Check t he grooves (1) in each pad.
I f eit her pad is worn t o t he bot t om of t he
grooves, replace bot h pads as a set . See
your Honda dealer for t his service.
Rem ov al
1. Make sure the ignition switch is OFF.
2. Remove t he left side cover (page 31).
3. Remove t he bol t ( 1) and open t he
bat t ery holder (2).
4. Disconnect t he negat ive ( - ) t erminal
lead (3) from the battery, first.
The battery gives off explosive hydrogen
gas during normal operat ion.
A spark or flame can cause the battery
t o explode wit h enough force t o kill or
seriously hurt you.
Wear pr ot ect i ve cl ot hi ng and a f ace
shield or have a skilled mechanic do the
bat t ery maint enance.
Your bat t ery is maint enance-free type and
can be permanently damaged if the cap strip
is removed.
This symbol on t he bat t ery means
that this product must not be treated
as household wast e.
Battery contains lead, which is a hazardous
material and if improperly disposed, can be
har mf ul t o t he envi r onment and human
healt h.
Always ret urn t he used maint enance- free
bat t ery t o t he Honda dealer.
Bat t er y
Refer to the safety precautions on page 40.
I t is not necessar y t o check t he bat t er y
elect rolyt e level or add dist illed wat er as
t he bat t ery is a maint enance-free (sealed)
type. I f your battery seems weak and/ or is
leaking electrolyte (causing hard starting or
ot her el ect r i cal t r oubl es) , cont act your
Honda dealer.
( 1) Bolt (i ~-)
( 2) Bat t ery holder ( -| ri ~)
( 3) Negat ive ( - ) t erminal lead ( i l-(-)-l- |)
( 4) Posit ive (+ ) t erminal lead (ill- (
)-l- |)
( 5) Bat t ery (-|)
5. Disconnect t he posit ive ( + ) t erminal
lead (4).
6. Pull out the battery (5) from the battery
I n st al l at i on
1. Rei nst al l i n t he r ever se or der of
removal. Be sure to connect the positive
(+ ) terminal first, then the negative (-)
t erminal.
2. Check all bolts and other fasteners are
secur e.
Fuse Box :
The fuse box (1) is located under the seat.
The specified fuse is:
1. Remove t he seat (page 29).
2. Open fuse box cover (2).
3. Pull out the old fuse and install a new
The spare fuse (3) is locat ed near t he
fuse box.
4. Close t he fuse box cover and inst all
t he seat .
( 1) Fuse box ( i )
( 2) Fuse box cover ( i )
( 3) Spare fuse (- )
Refer to the Safety Precautions on page 40.
When frequent fuse failure occurs, it usually
indicat es a short circuit or an overload in
t he el ect r i cal syst em. See your Honda
dealer for repair.
Never use a fuse with a different rating from
t hat speci f i ed. Ser i ous damage t o t he
el ect r i cal syst em or a f i r e may r esul t ,
causing a dangerous loss of lights or engine
Blown Fuse
Refer to the Safety Precautions on page 40.
Check t he operat ion of t he st oplight swit ch
(1) at the right side behind the engine from
time to time.
Adj ustment is done by turning the adj usting
nut (2). Turn the nut in the direction (A) if
the switch operates too late and in direction
(B) if the switch operates too soon.
( 1) St oplight swit ch (--i i;- l-)
( 2) Adj ust ing nut (l-- n -)
Mai n Fuse:
( For CBF150MB)
The main fuse (5) is located behind the right
side cover.
The specified fuse is : 20A
1. Remove t he seat ( page 29) and t he
right side cover (page 31).
2. Disconnect t he wire connect or ( 1) of
the starter magnetic switch (2).
3. pull out the fuse. I f the fuse is blown,
install a new fuse.
4. I nstall the right side cover and the seat.
( 1) Wire connect or (i -)
( 2) St art er magnet ic swit ch (--i - - n l- l-)
( 3) Main fuse (- )
Headl i ght Bul b
1. Remove the front cowl (1) by removing
the screws (2) and bolt (3).
2. Disconnect t he connect or.
( 1) Front cowl ( - i)
( 2) Screws (-)
( 3) Bolt (i ~-)
Refer to the Safety Precautions on page 40.
The light bulb becomes very hot while t he
light is ON, and remains hot for a while after
it is turned OFF. Be sure to let it cool down
before servicing.
Do not put finger print s on t he headlight
bulb, as t hey may creat e hot spot s on t he
bulb and cause it to break.
Wear clean gloves while replacing the bulb.
I f you touch the bulb with your bare hands,
clean it with a cloth moistened with alcohol
t o prevent it s early failure.
Be sure to turn the ignition switch OFF
when replacing t he bulb.
Do not use bul bs ot her t han t hose
Aft er inst alling a new bulb, check t hat
t he light operat es properly.
St op/ Tai l Li ght Bul b
1. Remove the stoplight lens (1) and inner
lens ( 2) by removing t he t wo screws
( 3) .
2. Slight ly press t he bulb (4) and t urn it
count erclockwise.
3. I nstall a new bulb in the reverse order
of removal.
( 1) St oplight lens (--i i; - )
( 2) I nner lens (; )
( 3) Scr ews (- )
( 4) Bulb (~)
3. Remove t he dust cover (4).
4. Remove the bulb (5) while pressing the
pin (6).
5. I nstall a new bulb in the reverse order
of removal.
I nstall the seat rubber with its
TOP mark (7) facing up.
( 4) Seat rubber (|- )
( 5) Headlight bulb (r i;- ~)
( 6) Pin (l)
( 7) TOP mark (-i -i )
Fr ont / Rear Tur n Si gnal Bul b
1. Remove t he t ur n signal lens ( 1) by
removing t he screw (2).
2. Slight ly press t he bulb (3) and t urn it
count erclockwise.
3. I nstall a new bulb in the reverse order
of removal.
( 1) Turn signal lens (- l )
( 2) Screw (- )
( 3) Bulb (~)
Number pl at e Li ght Bul b
1. Remove the Number plate light lens (1)
by removing the two screws (2).
2. Slight ly press t he bulb (3) and t urn it
count erclockwise.
3. I nstall a new bulb in the reverse order
of removal.
( 1) Number plat e light lens (--i i; - )
( 2) Scr ews (- )
( 3) Bulb (~)
Washi ng t he mot or cy cl e
1. Rinse t he mot orcycle t horoughly wit h
cool wat er t o remove loose dirt .
2. Clean the motorcycle with a sponge or
soft cloth using cool water.
Avoid directing water to muffler outlets
and elect rical part s.
3. Clean the plastic parts using a cloth or
sponge dampened wit h a solut ion of
mild detergent and water. Rub the soiled
area gent ly rinsing it frequent ly wit h
fresh wat er.
Take car e t o keep br ake f l ui d or
chemical solvent s off t he mot orcycle.
They wi l l damage t he pl ast i c and
paint ed surfaces.
The inside of t he headlight lens may be
cl ouded i mmedi at el y af t er washi ng t he
motorcycle. Moisture condensation inside the
headlight lens will disappear gradually by
lighting the headlight in high beam. Run the
engine while keeping t he headlight on.
Clean your mot orcycle regularly t o prot ect
the surface finishes and inspect for damage,
wear, and oil or brake fluid leakage.
Avoi d cl eani ng pr oduct s t hat ar e not
speci f i cal l y desi gned f or mot or cycl e or
aut omobile surfaces.
They may cont ai n har sh det er gent s or
chemical solvent s t hat could damage t he
metal, paint, and plastic on your motorcycle.
I f your motorcycle is still warm from recent
oper at i on, gi ve t he engi ne and exhaust
system time to cool off.
We recommend avoiding t he use of high
pr essur e wat er spr ay ( t ypi cal i n
coinoperat ed car washes) .
High pressure wat er ( or air) can damage
cert ain part s of t he mot orcycle.
t o finish t he j ob. Use only a non- abrasive
pol i sh or wax made speci f i cal l y f or
motorcycles or automobiles. Apply the polish
or wax according to the instructions on the
cont ainer.
I f a surface on your mot orcycle is chipped
or scratched, your Honda dealer has touchup
paint to match your motorcycles colour. Be
sure t o use your mot orcycles colour code
(page 47) when you buy touch-up paint.
Remov i ng Road Sal t
The sal t cont ai ned i n t he r oad sur f ace
freezing prevent ion medicine which a road
was sprayed with in winter, and the seawater
becomes t he cause which rust occurs in.
Wash your motorcycle by the following point
after it runs through such a place.
1. Clean t he mot orcycle using cool wat er
( page 74) .
Do not use warm water.
This worsens the effect of the salt.
4. Af t er cleaning, r inse t he mot or cycle
t horoughly wit h plenty of clean wat er.
St rong det ergent residue can corrode
alloy part s.
5. Dry t he mot orcycle, st art t he engine,
and let it run for several minutes.
6. Test t he br akes bef or e r i di ng t he
mot orcycle. Several applicat ions may
be necessary to restore normal braking
per f or mance.
7. Lubricat e t he drive chain immediat ely
af t er washi ng and dr yi ng t he
mot orcycle.
Br aki ng ef f i ci ency may be t empor ar i l y
i mpai r ed i mmedi at el y af t er washi ng t he
mot orcycle.
Anticipate longer stopping distance to avoid
a possible accident .
Fi ni shi ng Touches
Aft er washing your mot or cycle, consider
usi ng a commer ci al l y- avai l abl e spr ay
cleaner/ polish or quality liquid or paste wax
carburet or draining is very import ant , t o
assure proper performance aft er st orage.
2. Dry t he mot orcycle and t he surface of
the metal is protected with the wax.
Ext ended st or age, such as f or wi nt er,
r equi r es t hat you t ake cer t ai n st eps t o
r educe t he ef f ect s of det er i or at i on f r om
non- use of t he mot or cycl e. I n addi t i on,
necessary repairs should be made BEFORE
st oring t he mot orcycle; ot herwise, t hese
repairs may be forgot t en by t he t ime t he
mot orcycle is removed from st orage.
1. Change t he engine oil.
2. Empt y t he fuel t ank int o an approved
pet rol cont ainer using a commercially
available hand siphon or an equivalent
met hod. Spray t he inside of t he t ank
wit h an aerosol rust -inhibit ing oil.
Reinstall the fuel fill cap on the tank.
I f st orage will last more t han one mont h,
Pet r ol i s hi ghl y f l ammabl e and
expl osi ve. You can be bur ned or
seriously inj ured when handling fuel.
St op t he engine and keep heat ,
sparks, and flame away.
Refuel only out doors.
Wipe up spills immediat ely.
3. To pr event r ust i ng i n t he cyl i nder,
perform t he following:
Remove t he spark plug cap from
the spark plug. Using tape or string,
secur e t he cap t o any conveni ent
plastic body part so that it is positioned
away from t he spark plug.
Remove t he spark plug from t he
engine and store it in a safe place.
Do not connect the spark plug to
t he spark plug cap.
Pour a t able spoon ( 15- 20 cm3)
of clean engine oil into the cylinder
and cover the spark plug hole with
a piece of cloth.
Crank the engine several times to
distribute the oil.
Reinstall the spark plug and spark
plug cap.
4. Remove t he bat t ery. St ore in an area
prot ect ed from freezing t emperat ures
and di r ect sunl i ght . Check t he
elect rolyt e level and slow charge t he
bat t ery once a mont h.
5. Wash and dry t he mot orcycle. Wax all
paint ed sur f aces. Coat chr ome wit h
rust inhibit ing oil.
6. Lubricat e t he drive chain (page 57).
7. I nflate the tyres to their recommended
pr essur es. Pl ace t he mot or cycl e on
blocks to raise both tyres off the ground.
8. Cover the motorcycle (dont use plastic
or other coated materials) and store in
an unheat ed area, free of dampness
wit h a minimum of daily t emperat ure
variat ion. Do not st ore t he mot orcycle
in direct sunlight.
1. Uncover and clean t he mot orcycle.
2. Change t he engine oil if more t han 4
months have passed since the start of
st orage.
3. Check the battery electrolyte level and
charge t he bat t ery as required. I nst all
t he bat t ery.
4. Drain any excess aerosol rust-inhibiting
oil from the fuel tank. Fill the fuel tank
wit h fresh pet rol.
5. Perform all Pre-ride I nspect ion checks
( page 33) .
Test ride the motorcycle at low speeds
in a safe riding area away from traffic.
Overal lengt h 2,069 mm (81.4 in)
Overal widt h 757 mm (29.8 in)
Overal height 1,089 mm (43.0 in)
Wheel base 1,324 mm (52.1 in)
Dry weight 129 kg (284.3 lbs)
Engine oil Aft er draining 1.0 L (1.1 US qt, 0.9 lmp qt)
Aft er disassembly 1.2 L (1.3 US qt, 1.1 lmp qt)
Fuel tank 12.0 L (3.17 US gal, 2.63 lmp gal)
Fuel reserve 1.9 L (0.50 US gal, 0.41 lmp gal)
Passenger capacit y Operat or and one passenger
Maximum weight capacit y 170 Kg (374.8 lbs)
Bore and st roke 57.3 x 57.8 mm (2.26x2.28 in)
Compression rat io 9.5: 1
Spark plug
St andard CPR8EA 9( NGK)
Spark plug gap 0.8-0.9 mm (0.03-0.04 in)
I dle speed 1,400 100 min
Valve clearance ( Cold) I nt ake 0.08 mm (0.003 in)
Exhaust 0.12 mm (0.005 in)
Cast er 26
Trail 97 mm (3.8 in)
Tyre size, front 80/ 100-17 M/ C 46P
Tyre size, rear 110/ 80-17 M/ C 57P
Primary reduct ion 3.350
Gear rat io, 1st 3.076
2nd 1.789
3rd 1.304
4th 1.090
5th 0.937
Final reduct ion 2.800
Bat t er y 12V-4Ah (M.F) ETZ5
Gener at or 0.14 kW/ 5,000 min
Head light 12V- 35/ 35W
St op/ t ail light 12V- 21W
License plat e lamp 12V- 5W
Turn signal light Front 12V- 21W
Rear 12V- 21W
I nst rument light s LED W X4
Tachomet er lamp LED W X5
Neut ral indicat or 12V-1.4 W
Turn signal indicat or LED W X2
High beam indicat or LED W X1
Main fuse 20A
Ot her fuse 15A
Ot her fuse 10A
This motorcycle is equipped with a catalytic
conver t er.
The cat alyt ic conver t er cont ains pr ecious
met als t hat serve as cat alyst s, promot ing
chemical react ions t o convert t he exhaust
gases wit hout affect ing t he met als.
The catalytic converter acts on HC, CO and
NOx. A replacement unit must be an original
Honda part or its equivalent.
The cat alyt ic convert er must operat e at a
high temperature for the chemical reactions
t o t ake pl ace. I t can set on f i r e any
combustible materials that come near it. Park
your vehicle away from high grasses, dry
leaves or ot her flammables.
A defect ive cat alyt ic convert er cont ribut es
t o ai r pol l ut i on, and can i mpai r your
engines performance. Follow these guidlines
t o prot ect your vehicle cat alyt ic convert er.
Always use unleaded petrol. Even a small
amount of leaded petrol can contaminates
t he cat alyst met als making t he cat alyt ic
convert er ineffect ive.
Keep your engine t uned-up.
Have your vehicle diagnosed and replaced
if it is misfiring, backfiring, stalling or other
wise not running properly.

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