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Name: ___________________ Ms.

Charrow Drama Elective Due October 26, 2012

Drama Challenge (200 points)

I will be able to build my theatre skills and contribute to my intellectual community by researching relevant Internet resources, preparing written summaries, and presenting my findings to my Drama class through our website.

You must follow the required GUIDELINES, as described in the rubric. (100 points you score) You must complete all 5 COMPONENTS of this challenge. (100 points teacher scores) You must maintain a high level of citizenship while you work that means you follow the School Rules for appropriateness of behavior and content when viewing websites online. (Citizenship Reward)

A. B. C. D. E. Completion: Finish all 5 components of the challenge and turn in the packet on time. Professionalism: Follow the school rules for proper code of conduct when working online. Creativity: Discover unique and interesting resources that make students think about new ideas in a new way. Relevance: Create work that directly addresses and meets the goals for our class, and/or our previous units. Writing Quality: Depending on the component, write in complete sentences with supporting details, or write a Jane Schaffer paragraph with a Topic Sentence, 3 Concrete Details, and 2 Commentary per detail. Demonstrate that you can write with proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

All 5 components must be completed for this assignment to be accepted. Each component is worth 20 points, for a possible total of 100 points. Ms. Charrow will grade the components, and you will grade your adherence to (following of) the guidelines.

__ Component 1 POINTS: /100 RUBRIC: /100 __ Component 2 __ Component 3 __ Component 4 __ Component 5

CITIZENSHIP: Honorable/Satisfactory/Needs Improvement/Unsatisfactory FINAL GRADE:

Component 1: Poetry OR Readers Theatre 5th Period Find 3 other poems that would also be good for performance at the end of the Voice Unit. Explain why it would be a good choice for next years students (use the vocabulary of the voice components). If you do well, Ms. Charrow may choose your suggestion! Poem Title: __________________________________ Author: _____________________________________ Website: ____________________________________ Reason: ________________________________________ _______________________________________________

6th Period Find 3 other stories that would also be good for performance at the end of the Building Ensemble Unit. Explain why each would be a good choice for next years students (use the vocabulary of positive group skills). If you do well, Ms. Charrow may choose your suggestion! Play Title: ___________________________________ Author: _____________________________________ Website: ____________________________________ Reason: ________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Poem Title: __________________________________ Author: _____________________________________ Website: ____________________________________ Reason: ________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Play Title: ___________________________________ Author: _____________________________________ Website: ____________________________________ Reason: ________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Poem Title: __________________________________ Author: _____________________________________ Website: ____________________________________ Reason: ________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Play Title: ___________________________________ Author: _____________________________________ Website: ____________________________________ Reason: ________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Component 2: Field Trip Think about everything we have learned in Drama. Also, think about what we will continue to learn this year. Some of our future topics are characters, writing plays, performing plays, career in drama, costumes, makeup, monologues, scenes, and performing. Where would you like to go on a Field Trip?? Use Google as a starting point for researching possible ideas for a class field trip. This is brainstorming, so use your imagination when searching. We still want to be realistic, so remember that our school would have to pay for any big activity, or our class would have to fundraise. Use the chart below to explain what you found: Ideas for Field Trips (Include website) Why

REFLECTION What is your best idea for a field trip? Why? The best idea I have for a field trip is _______________________________________________________. Explain:

Component 3: Play During second semester, the Drama Club will be staging a play. Use Google to research plays that are interesting to you. In the chart below, describe why each play would be good to perform for the school. Include a website where you found it so that Ms. Charrow can find it. Look for plays that are free! Ideas for Plays (Include website) Why

REFLECTION What is your best idea for a play? Why? The best idea I have for a play is _______________________________________________________. Explain:

Component 4: Vocal Components OR Group Skills Period 5 you may choose either topic. Period 6 Use the Group Skills topic. Vocal Components Prompt: Use the Internet to find an excellent example of vocal performance in the media. You may use any form of media (such as photography or film). Group Skills Prompt: Use the Internet to find an excellent example of positive group interactions in the media. You may use any form of media (such as photography or film). Title of Performance: ________________________________________________ Website Source: ____________________________________________________ Describe the performance, using terms from our Unit. (You may draw a picture to explain also.)

Component 5: Reflection Prompt: After analyzing your answers to each of the first four components, write a Jane Schaffer paragraph that explains to the class which of your findings is the most useful to our class (from the 4 components). The paragraph must have: Topic Sentence, 3 Concrete Details, 2 Commentaries for each detail, and 1 Conclusion Sentence. If you need more space, write smaller. Cite the article, author, date, and website where you found your information.

Grading Rubric
After finishing the project, circle the score that you deserve. Under each component, provide one complete sentence of justification, using examples that explain your reasoning. GUIDELINES Completion 4 Completed all work, and on time. 3 Completed almost everything, and maybe on time. Needed one or two reminders from the teacher. Found unique and/or interesting resources that students or teacher had seen before. 2 Completed only some of the work poorly, or turned in late. Was off-task or not appropriate most of the time. Found resources that students had seen before. 1 Did a poor job completing the work, and turned in late. Needed to be reprimanded for conduct. Made no attempts to find unique, new or interesting resources.

Justification Professionalism Followed the code of conduct the entire time. Justification Creativity Discovered unique and interesting resources that made students think about new ideas in a new way. Justification Relevance Used resources that directly addressed the objectives and components of our units. Justification Writing Quality Student answers questions with exemplary writing style, skills and usage.

Used resources that addressed the objectives and components of our units most of the time. Student answers questions with appropriate writing style, skills and usage for their grade level.

Resources chosen did not completely address objectives or components of the units.

Resources chosen did not address objectives, components, or assignment.

Student attempts to answer questions with attention to writing style, skills and usage for their grade level.

Students writing does not pay attention to writing style, skills and usage for their grade level.


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