10-25-12 Third Eye

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FAX NO. : 6132580015

Oct. 25 2012 12:43AM



Canada Revenue Agency Shawinigan-Sud, QC G9N7S6 Re your response to my letter dated July 17, 2012 dated October 17, 2012. I was disappointed when you stated that you cannot adjust my assessment due to a technicality; as these taxation years now begin with the year 2001.
I presented your response to the current Solicitor General of the Universal

PINEAL COURT of "Last Re/De-combination" (i.e. rego-reincarnation

DNA. genome). He totally disagreed with your findings and suggested that I file a "CLASS ACTION SUIT" locally, inviting other seniors across the country to join in.
Defendant: CCRAetal

....for illegally participating in a politically motivated CRIMINAL ABUSE OF SENIOR CITIZENS conspiracy; beginning in the year 2006, by backdating a fraudulent CCRA taxation assessment to 2003, at a time belonging to the previous administration of Canada
I, on the other hand, have suggested that because the crime dates back to the years 2006/2003, a period which falls under the current minister's "discretion to reassess", that this period alone is all that is needed, along with appropriate reimbursement and damages owed to date and thereby relieve this misdeed's further ongoing, damaging, complications in my life. Please let me know your decision as soon as possible, so that I may inform an eternal court, which of these two choices "Yu" would prefer to live with.
Glen E.P. Kealey

g08 County Rd. 18, RR#l, Oxford on Rideau, Oxford Mills, Ontario, Canada, KoG ISO

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