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Managing Change - Scenario 1

The organisation has lost the main financial sponsor and the organisations funding has been reduced by 45% as from 1st January. (from 100K to 55K) The organisation can no longer afford the rent of the present premises (12K), the 4 full time employees (80K) and its present monthly newsletter mailed to all Groups (6K) Staff are demoralised, and the 4 volunteers that help out at the office are not comfortable. There is talk that many members will move to a rival organisation that has more funding. Your team are assigned to plan the changes necessary.

Managing Change - Scenario 2

The Organisations very well-known President is caught up in an embarrassing personal legal problem that has shed a very bad light on the organisation. Sponsors, Partners and Parents are threatening to withdraw support. The press are making very uncomfortable insinuations. The Board of the organisation refuses to make any public comments. Your team is assigned to fix the problem.

Managing Change - Scenario 3

The country is under economic pressure and Scouting/Guiding is seen as a waste of time and money. The image of your organisation is very poor and public opinion is low, evern though the work at local level is of good quality. Internally it is recognised that the National Leadership is responsible for this situation, but local leaders are afraid to do anything because they fear they will be kicked out. Your team is assigned with the task of planning the necessary changes.

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