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The Buckley Gazette

William Bradley was announced as the Academys student of the quarter this past month as his personal character and dedication to academics are astounding. Bradley, a Senior, is currently enrolled in all Advance Placement classes but he does not let that keep him from being the Editor-in-Chief of the Academys yearbook. This job is not to be taken lightly as Bradley is in charge of leading a team of 12 to complete the 120 page publication. Bradley, in regards to this prestigious position, commented that it is something that takes large commitments of time and even larger amounts of dedication. Looking to the future, Bradley has applied to 5 universities, he is one of 20 seniors to apply to Harvard University, and is hoping to attend Columbia this coming fall. The Academy wishes him all the best as he prepares to further Buckleys reputation in the business world.

Volumn 2- 2012-20-13

Student Adhearing to Buckleys Standards

Theater Guild News

With each passing day The Academys Theater Guild gets closer and closer to raising the curtain on their first production of the year. This year the Guild is proud to produce a fall play written by a current Academy student, Chloe Wild. Wild is currently a senior at Buckley and wrote this years production during her junior year in theater class. The production is entitled One Shadow and is a work of fiction that focuses around a set of twin girls that find it difficult to coexist in their ultra-competitive family. The production features 15 students acting on stage and more than a dozen working backstage. Continued on Page 3.

Inside this Issue

Student Standards...... 1 Theater Guild...........1, 3 Buckley Abroad........... 2 Parent-Teacher............ 2 Facutly Standards....... 3

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Buckley Goes Abroad

Buckley Academy is proud to announce its 2013-2014 study abroad opportunity. Like in years past the Academy will be sponsoring a group of students to study in a foreign country, last year 42 students were sent to Austria for three weeks. The 20132014 trip will be taking place in London, England and students currently in grades 9 through 11 may apply. The dates for the trip will be December 29th to January 13th in between semesters as to not disrupt the students regular learning schedule. It is highly encouraged that anyone remotely interested attend the information meeting on November 12th of this year as the selection and planning process is rather in depth. For further information please contact the staff member in charge of coordinating this wonderful opportunity, Eleanor Links at linkse@buckley.edu.

Parent-Teacher Night

Buckley Academy requests your attendance for the Fall 2012 parent teacher conference night. Parents are encouraged to call the Academy at (413)665-0234 to schedule an appointment on November 11th to meet with teachers about thier students academic progress. With an appointment teachers will be available to meet with parents one on one and give an in-depth report on how well their student has applied themselves to the Academys standards and what their student could improve on. This is a great opportunity to get valued insight into how your student is doing and what areas you could encourage them to work on at home. If you cannot be present on November 11th between the hours of 3-8pm you may also request an appointment for a later date dependent on your schedule and that of your students teachers by calling the main office at (413)-665-0234.
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Theater Continued

The play is of no cost for students to attend and $10 for everyone else that wishes to see what is destined to be a memorable addition to Buckleys past performances. Tickets will go on sale on sale December 1st and shows will take place the 5th-10th of the same month. Show times are 7:00pm on weekdays and 4:00pm and 8:00pm on the weekend. As Buckley Academy is a supportive environment we look forward to sharing Wilds One Shadow with you towards the end of the first semester. For more information contact The Academys Theater Guild at (413)-665-0235.

Joining a long list of superior faculty this month is Dr. Jonathan Keene. Dr. Keene holds a doctorate in physics and is the chair of the Buckley science department. This past semester Keene has taught three AP level courses in addition to being the advisor of the Academys science club. As advisor, Keene works closely with the clubs executive board and helps guide the 20 member group towards higher learning through exploration and experiments on and around the Buckley campus. This is Keenes twentieth year teaching and is currently four years into his tenure with the academy. In the upcoming semester Keene says you can expect him to continue his work in the field of physics and plan innovative activities for his students to participate in.

Faculty Adhearing to Buckleys Standards

Pictured Above- Choloe Wild

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Kyra Grayson 4 Treetop Lane, Westfield MA 01088

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