Web Development Test For Jagdeep: Instructions

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WDT- Jagdeep

Web Development Test for Jagdeep

14th September 2012

Total Marks: 20
Questions 1 to 4,6&7 carry 1 mark each
Question 5 carries 4 marks
Questions 8 and 9 carry 5 marks each
Q1) What is the default subnet mask for class C IP?_____________________________
Q2) Name any connection less protocol?_______________________________________
Q3) How many types of outer joins are there? __________________________________
Q4) <?php
${$x.'_result'} ();
Above program will call the function display_result()
a) False
b) True
c) Parser Error
d) None of the above
Q5) The database of naval ships that took part in World War II is under consideration.
The database has the following relations:
Classes(class, type, country, numGuns, bore, displacement)
Ships(name, class, launched)
Battles(name, date)
Outcomes(ship, battle, result)
Ships in classes are arranged to a single project. A class is normally assigned the name of
the first ship in the class under consideration (head ship); otherwise, the class name does
not coincide with any ship name in the database.
The Classes relation includes the class name, type (bb for a battle ship, or bc for a battle
cruiser), country where the ship was built, number of main guns, gun caliber (diameter of
the gun barrel, in inches), and displacement (weight in tons). The Ships relation includes
the ship name, its class name, and launch year. The Battles relation covers the name and
date of a battle the ships participated; while the result of their participation in the battle
(sunk, damaged, or unharmed - OK) is in the Outcomes relation.
Notes: 1) Outcomes relation may include the ships not included in the Ships relation. 2)
Sunk ship can not participate in battles after that.

WDT- Jagdeep

For each battle, define the day being the latest Friday of a month, in which the given
battle has occured.
Output: battle, date of battle, date of latest Friday of battle month.
Dates should be in the format "yyyy-mm-dd".
Q6) When do we use a HAVING clause?
a) To limit the output of a query
b) To limit the output of a query using an aggregate function only
c) When GROUP by is used
d) both b and c above
Q7) What is cell padding?
a) Used to separate cell walls from their contents.
b) Used to set space between cells
c) Both a and b above
d) Used to provide width to a cell
Q8) Write a code in PHP that takes the no. of rows ad columns from user as input and
creates a table.

WDT- Jagdeep
Q9) Draw and explain an ER Diagram for College Management system

WDT- Jagdeep

Enity Relationship Model

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