Dentrix Pearl - Year End Letter For Patients With Unused Benefits

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Dentrix Pearls

PROTOCOL for Running the End of Year Letter for Patients with Unused Insurance Benefits 1. Open Office Manager 2. Click LETTERS 3. Click MISC, then Click INSURANCE BENEFITS REMAINING (insrem.doc), then click EDIT

4. Set up desired fields, see below

The status field should only have a check mark in the PATIENT box (unless the office is going to reach out to INACTIVE patients as well. The only other field that should have data in it is the Dental Ins section. To set that up, click the >> on the Dental Ins line and customize it as desired, see sample below

5. Click OK, then OK again. The screen will go back to the Select Letter Window, Click CREATE/MERGE in the bottom left corner. Make sure the option is selected to CREATE DATA FILE and MERGE LETTERS. (a check mark in the Add to Journal box will document in the patients journal that the letter was sent) Click OK.

6. After clicking OK, the letter merge will start. The letters merge into Microsoft Word. Print the letters from Microsoft Word. For assistance with this great feature in Dentrix, contact Customer Support at (800)336-8749.

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