Media-Boon or Curse

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Media A curse or a boon?

Harsh Shah, Parth sanghani


Abstract Media is nothing but the means of communication-Radio, television, newspaper and magazines-that reach or influence people and creates awareness with daily life. The seed to this huge tree was sowed long back ago. Newspapers were developed from about 1612, with the first example in English in 1620 while the first high-circulation newspapers arose in London in the early 1800s. Then TV news channel and now World Wide Web has made their mark. With great power comes great responsibility Yes, Media is that part for any country which can at times lead to destruction and at times lead to construction and hence it is a power that should be handled with care. Media is a double edged sword that cut both the sides of truth and false. It is the same Media which had helped India to clinch independence from jaws of British rule and its the same media that unwarily helped terrorist during Mumbai attacks by showing live coverage. Its the same media personnel Barkha Dutt who was acknowledged for her courage in kargil war and its the same Barkha Dutt that recently used her power and position for lobbying for industrialists. As it is said that all things comes with CONDITIONS APPLIED tag and media is no different. The basic agenda that has overpowered media is the thinking of 3 Ms,Money, Media and maya. This agenda is overpowering the real cause and it has started acting as a curse. Famous writer Al Franken has rightly said The biases the media has are much bigger than conservative or liberal. They're about getting ratings, about making money, about doing stories that are easy to cover. Is this is the real story? Do contemporary media imply only money? Has the Ethics and truthfulness been really neglected? The Million dollar question that makes us really skeptical is whether the media is a boon or a curse? And the answer is as difficult as it is to climb Mt Everest- It is just like the two sided coin which when flipped, the outcome can never be predicted.

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