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Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 8300

4.2 NN46200-517, 02.05 August 2011

2011 Avaya Inc.

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Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

Contents Chapter 1: New in this release........................................................................................... 7

Features.................................................................................................................................................... 7 Other changes........................................................................................................................................... 7 Customer service............................................................................................................................. 7 Chapter 2: Introduction...................................................................................................... 9 Chapter 3: Link aggregation fundamentals...................................................................... 11 Link aggregation overview........................................................................................................................ 11 MultiLink trunking...................................................................................................................................... 12 MultiLink trunking navigation............................................................................................................ 12 MLT traffic distribution...................................................................................................................... 13 MLT and MLT with LACP configuration rules................................................................................... 14 LAG rules......................................................................................................................................... 15 MLT network topology and configuration examples......................................................................... 15 MultiLink Trunking with LACP................................................................................................................... 18 IEEE 802.3ad overview.................................................................................................................... 19 802.3ad link aggregation principles.................................................................................................. 20 Split MultiLink Trunking............................................................................................................................. 22 Split MultiLink Trunking navigation................................................................................................... 22 SMLT overview................................................................................................................................. 22 SMLT versus STP............................................................................................................................. 23 SMLT topologies............................................................................................................................... 24 SMLT and Interswitch trunking......................................................................................................... 24 SMLT and IST traffic flow example................................................................................................... 27 Single port SMLT.............................................................................................................................. 28 MLT-based SMLT with single port SMLT.......................................................................................... 30 SMLT and LACP support.................................................................................................................. 31 SMLT and IP routing......................................................................................................................... 32 SMLT and SLPP............................................................................................................................... 34 SMLT network design considerations............................................................................................... 34 Virtual Link Aggregation Control Protocol................................................................................................. 34 Link aggregation configuration considerations.......................................................................................... 37 Link aggregation configuration considerations navigation................................................................ 37 MLT with LACP configuration considerations................................................................................... 37 MLT with LACP and SMLT configuration considerations.................................................................. 38 MLT with LACP and Spanning Tree configuration considerations................................................... 39 LACP parameters configuration considerations............................................................................... 40 Chapter 4: Link aggregation configuration using Device Manager............................... 43 LACP configuration using Device Manager.............................................................................................. 43 LACP configuration using Device Manager navigation.................................................................... 44 Configuring LACP globally using Device Manager........................................................................... 44 Configuring LACP on a port using Device Manager......................................................................... 46 Viewing LACP parameters using Device Manager........................................................................... 51 MLT and SMLT link aggregation configuration using Device Manager..................................................... 52 MLT and SMLT configuration using Device Manager navigation..................................................... 52

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

August 2011

Configuring a MultiLink trunk using Device Manager....................................................................... 53 Adding ports to an MLT using Device Manager................................................................................ 56 Deleting ports from an MLT using Device Manager......................................................................... 57 Configuring MLT-based SMLT using Device Manager..................................................................... 58 Deleting MLT-based SMLT using Device Manager.......................................................................... 59 Viewing MLT-based SMLT information using Device Manager........................................................ 59 Configuring a single-port SMLT using Device Manager................................................................... 60 Deleting a single-port SMLT using Device Manager........................................................................ 61 Viewing single-port SMLT information using Device Manager......................................................... 62 Configuring rate limiting using Device Manager............................................................................... 62 Configuring an IST MLT using Device Manager............................................................................... 63 Removing an IST MLT using Device Manager................................................................................. 64 VLACP configuration using Device Manager............................................................................................ 65 VLACP configuration using Device Manager navigation.................................................................. 65 Configuring VLACP globally using Device Manager........................................................................ 65 Configuring port-based VLACP using Device Manager................................................................... 66 Chapter 5: Link aggregation configuration using the CLI............................................... 69 LACP configuration using the CLI............................................................................................................. 69 LACP configuration using the CLI navigation................................................................................... 70 Job aid: Roadmap of LACP CLI commands..................................................................................... 70 Configuring LACP globally using the CLI......................................................................................... 72 Viewing global LACP configuration information using the CLI......................................................... 73 Configuring port-based LACP using the CLI.................................................................................... 74 Viewing port-based LACP configuration information using the CLI.................................................. 76 MLT and SMLT link aggregation configuration using the CLI.................................................................... 77 MLT and SMLT configuration navigation.......................................................................................... 78 Job aid: Roadmap of MLT, SMLT, and IST CLI commands.............................................................. 78 Configuring a MultiLink trunk using the CLI...................................................................................... 79 Viewing all MLT information using the CLI....................................................................................... 81 Configuring a single-port SMLT using the CLI.................................................................................. 82 Viewing single-port SMLT information using the CLI........................................................................ 82 Viewing SMLT information using the CLI.................................................................................................. 83 Configuring rate limiting using the CLI...................................................................................................... 83 Configuring an MLT-based SMLT using the CLI....................................................................................... 84 Configuring LACP on an MLT using the CLI............................................................................................. 84 Viewing MLT LACP information using the CLI.......................................................................................... 86 Configuring an IST MLT using the CLI...................................................................................................... 86 Viewing the IST configuration information using the CLI.......................................................................... 87 Viewing MLT Ethernet error information using the CLI............................................................................. 88 Viewing MLT collision error information using the CLI.............................................................................. 90 VLACP configuration using the CLI.......................................................................................................... 91 VLACP configuration using the CLI navigation................................................................................ 91 Job aid: Roadmap of VLACP commands......................................................................................... 91 Configuring VLACP globally using the CLI....................................................................................... 92 Viewing global VLACP configuration information using the CLI................................................................ 93 Configuring port-based VLACP using the CLI.......................................................................................... 93 Viewing port-based VLACP configuration information using the CLI........................................................ 95

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

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Chapter 6: Link aggregation configuration using the ACLI............................................ 97

LACP configuration using the ACLI.......................................................................................................... 97 LACP configuration using the ACLI navigation................................................................................ 98 Configuring LACP globally using the ACLI....................................................................................... 100 Disabling LACP globally using the ACLI.......................................................................................... 101 Configuring LACP on a port using the ACLI..................................................................................... 102 Disabling LACP on a port using the ACLI........................................................................................ 104 Viewing LACP configuration information using the ACLI.................................................................. 105 Viewing LACP interface configuration information using the ACLI................................................... 107 MLT and SMLT link aggregation configuration using the ACLI................................................................. 108 MLT and SMLT configuration navigation.......................................................................................... 108 Job aid: Roadmap of MLT, SMLT, and IST ACLI commands............................................................ 109 Creating an MLT using the ACLI...................................................................................................... 110 Configuring a MultiLink trunk using the ACLI................................................................................... 111 Deleting an MLT using the ACLI....................................................................................................... 112 Removing MLT encapsulation using the ACLI.................................................................................. 113 Deleting port members from an MLT using the ACLI....................................................................... 113 Removing an MLT name using the ACLI.......................................................................................... 114 Disabling ASTG using the ACLI ....................................................................................................... 114 Configuring LACP on an MLT using the ACLI.................................................................................. 115 Disabling LACP on an MLT using the ACLI...................................................................................... 116 Viewing MLT information using the ACLI.......................................................................................... 116 Creating a single-port SMLT using the ACLI.................................................................................... 117 Deleting a single-port SMLT using the ACLI..................................................................................... 118 Configuring rate limiting using the ACLI........................................................................................... 118 Creating an MLT-based SMLT using the ACLI................................................................................. 119 Deleting an SMLT from an MLT using the ACLI............................................................................... 119 Viewing the SMLT configuration using the ACLI.............................................................................. 120 Configuring an IST MLT using the ACLI........................................................................................... 121 Disabling an IST using the ACLI...................................................................................................... 121 Clearing an InterSwitch trunk configuration using the ACLI............................................................. 122 Viewing the IST configuration using the ACLI.................................................................................. 122 Viewing MLT Ethernet error information using the ACLI.................................................................. 123 Viewing MLT collision error information using the ACLI................................................................... 125 VLACP configuration using the ACLI........................................................................................................ 127 VLACP configuration using the ACLI navigation.............................................................................. 127 Job aid: Roadmap of VLACP ACLI commands................................................................................ 127 Configuring VLACP globally using the ACLI.................................................................................... 128 Viewing the global VLACP configuration using the ACLI................................................................. 128 Configuring port-based VLACP using the ACLI............................................................................... 129 Disabling port-based VLACP using the ACLI................................................................................... 130 Viewing the port-based VLACP configuration using the ACLI.......................................................... 130 Chapter 7: MLT with LACP CLI configuration example................................................... 133 Chapter 8: SMLT CLI configuration examples.................................................................. 135 SMLT triangle configuration example using the CLI.................................................................................. 135 Single-port SMLT with SLPP configuration example using the CLI.......................................................... 138 SMLT configuration example using the CLI.............................................................................................. 141

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

August 2011

Square SMLT configuration example using the CLI.................................................................................. 143 Full mesh SMLT configuration example using the CLI.............................................................................. 147 SMLT and VRRP configuration example using the CLI............................................................................ 150 Chapter 9: SMLT ACLI configuration examples............................................................... 155 Single-port SMLT triangle configuration example using the ACLI............................................................. 155 Single-port SMLT with SLPP configuration example using the ACLI........................................................ 158 SMLT configuration example using the ACLI............................................................................................ 161 Square SMLT configuration example using the ACLI............................................................................... 165 Full mesh SMLT configuration example using the ACLI........................................................................... 169 SMLT and VRRP configuration example using the ACLI.......................................................................... 173 Chapter 10: Customer Service........................................................................................... 177 Getting technical documentation............................................................................................................... 177 Getting product training............................................................................................................................. 177 Getting help from a distributor or reseller.................................................................................................. 177 Getting technical support from the Avaya Web site.................................................................................. 177 Index..................................................................................................................................... 179

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

August 2011

Chapter 1: New in this release

The following sections detail what's new in Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT (NN46205-517) for Release 4.2: Features on page 7 Other changes on page 7

There are no new feature-related changes in this release.

Other changes
See the following sections for information about changes that are not feature-related: Customer service on page 7

Customer service
Customer service chapter is added to this document. This chapter describes the complete range of services and support that Avaya provides to customers. For more information about Avaya support, see Customer Service on page 177.

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

August 2011

New in this release

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

Chapter 2: Introduction
This document contains procedural and conceptual information to help you to configure and manage link aggregation and MultiLink trunking on the Ethernet Routing Switch 8300. This document also provides instructions for using the command line interface (CLI), the Avaya command line interface (ACLI), and the Device Manager Graphical User Interface (GUI).

Link aggregation fundamentals on page 11 Link aggregation configuration using Device Manager on page 43 Link aggregation configuration using the CLI on page 69 Link aggregation configuration using the ACLI on page 97 MLT with LACP CLI configuration example on page 133 SMLT CLI configuration examples on page 135 SMLT ACLI configuration examples on page 155

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

August 2011



Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

Chapter 3: Link aggregation fundamentals

This chapter describes link aggregation concepts and the features supported on the Ethernet Routing Switch 8300.

Link aggregation overview on page 11 MultiLink trunking on page 12 MultiLink Trunking with LACP on page 18 Split MultiLink Trunking on page 22 Virtual Link Aggregation Control Protocol on page 34 Link aggregation configuration considerations on page 37

Link aggregation overview

Link aggregation provides link level redundancy and increases load sharing. With link aggregation, you can bundle ports into a port group, which is represented as one logical interface to the MAC layer. The Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 supports link aggregation in a static configuration mode where Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) is not used. The Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 link aggregation is interoperable with 802.3ad, Baystack, and Ethernet Routing Switch 8800/8600 link aggregation. The Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 supports the following types of link aggregation: MultiLinkTrunking (MLT) is a statically configured link bundling method. MLT is not standards based, but will interoperate with other vendor static link methods. IEEE 802.3ad-based link aggregation, through the Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP), supports a dynamic link aggregation function as they become available to a trunk group. LACP dynamically detects when links can be aggregated into a link aggregation group (LAG) and does so as links become available. LACP also provides link integrity checking at Layer 2 for all links within the LAG. Both MLT and IEEE 802.3ad-based link aggregation are defined as point-to-point functions.

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

August 2011


Link aggregation fundamentals

The Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 software offers LACP functionality layered with MLT. This document uses the term MLT with LACP to refer to this functionality. Split MultiLink Trunking (SMLT) is an option that improves Layer 2 (bridged) resiliency by providing for the addition of switch failure redundancy with sub-second failover, on top of all standard MLT link failure protection and flexible bandwidth scaling functionality. SMLT allows you to connect any device which supports some form of link aggregation, be it a switch or a server, to two distinct separate SMLT endpoints or switches. These SMLT switches form a Switch Cluster and are referred to as an IST Core Switch pair. LACP can also be used on SMLT configurations. The Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 provides modifications to LACP in SMLT configurations. This allows LACP-capable devices to connect to an SMLT aggregation pair. Avaya recommends that LACP not be configured on the IST MLT. Virtual LACP (VLACP) is an Avaya modification that provides end-to-end failure detection. VLACP is not a link aggregation protocol; VLACP implements link status control protocol at the port level. It is a mechanism to periodically check the end-to-end health of a point-to-point or end-to-end connection. You can run VLACP on single ports or on ports that are part of a MLT. Avaya recommends that you do not configure VLACP on LACP-enabled ports. VLACP does not operate properly with LACP. You can configure VLACP with any SMLT configuration.

MultiLink trunking
MultiLink Trunking is a point-to-point connection that aggregates multiple ports to logically act like a single port, with the aggregated bandwidth. Grouping multiple ports into a logical link provides a higher aggregate on a switch-to-switch or switch-to-server application. MLT provides module redundancy via Distributed MultiLink Trunking (DMLT). DMLT allows you to aggregate similar ports from different modules. Avaya recommends always using DMLT when possible. To include ports as trunk group members of an MLT, you must statically configure the ports.

MultiLink trunking navigation

MLT traffic distribution on page 13 MLT and MLT with LACP configuration rules on page 14 LAG rules on page 15 MLT network topology and configuration examples on page 15


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

MultiLink trunking

MLT traffic distribution

You can use a MultiLink trunk to aggregate bandwidth between two switches. The Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 distributes traffic by determining which active port in the MultiLink trunk is used for each packet. The MLT algorithms provide load sharing while ensuring that each packet in a flow does not arrive out of sequence. The Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 determines through which port a packet is transmitted by using one of the following methods: Tabulating the trunks and their active assigned port members for each MLT. Ports defined as trunk members are written to the table in the order in which they were activated. If a link goes down, the table is rewritten with one less trunk member. Using a selected index based on traffic type and hashing algorithm.

Packet distribution methods

The following table shows the methods used, by type of packet, to distribute packets with a trunk destination. Table 1: Methods of traffic distribution for packets with a trunk destination
Type of packet MAC source address (SA) MAC destination address (DA) X X X IPv4 source IP address (SIP) IPv4 Layer 3 destination IP protocol address (DIP)

Bridged packet X Bridged packet with L3 trunk load balancing Routed packet

Trunk load sharing algorithms by traffic type

For information about hashing parameters and algorithms that are used for distributing MLT traffic, see Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 Planning and EngineeringNetwork Design Guidelines (NN46200-200).

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

August 2011


Link aggregation fundamentals

MLT and MLT with LACP configuration rules

Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 MultiLink trunks adhere to the following rules. The rules also apply to MLT with LACP. MLT is supported on 10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX, 100Base-FX, Gigabit Ethernet, and 10 Gigabit Ethernet module ports. All MultiLink trunk ports must have the same speed and duplex settings, even when autonegotiation is set. The media type of MLT ports can be different; a mix of copper and fiber are allowed. All MultiLink trunk ports must be in the same STG unless the port is tagged. Tagging allows ports to belong to multiple STGs, as well as multiple VLANs. MLT is compatible with Spanning Tree Protocol (STP), Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP) (IEEE 802.1s), and Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) (IEEE 802.1w). Tagging (IEEE 802.1Q) is supported on a MultiLink trunk. MLT ports can span modules, providing module redundancy. Apply filters individually to each port in a MultiLink trunk. Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 MultiLink trunks have the following module specific requirements: For 8348TX, 8348TX-PWR, and 8324FX ports, you can use only link aggregation groups 1 to 7. For 8348GB, 8324GTX, 8324GTX-PWR, 8348GTX, and 8348GTX-PWR ports, as well as 8308XL, 8393SF, and 8394SF, you can use link aggregation groups 1 to 31. With the STP enabled, ports in the same MultiLink trunk operate as follows: Each port sends identical Bridge Protocol Data Unit (BPDU). The MultiLink trunk port ID is the ID of the lowest numbered port. If identical BPDUs are received on all ports, the MultiLink trunk mode is forwarding. You can disable the Avaya STP (ntstg <enable|disable>) if you do not want to receive BPDUs on all ports. If ports do not receive BPDUs on a port or BPDU and port tagging do not match, the individual port is taken offline. Path cost is inversely proportional to the active MultiLink trunk bandwidth.


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

MultiLink trunking

LAG rules
The Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 link aggregation group (LAG) adheres to the following rules: All LAG ports operate in full-duplex mode. All LAG ports operate at the same data rate. Assign all LAG ports in the same VLANs. Link aggregation is compatible with the STP, MSTP, and RSTP. Assign all ports in an LAG to the same STP groups. Ports in an LAG can exist on different modules. For Gigabit and 10 Gigabit ports, you can use link aggregation groups 1 to 31. For Fast Ethernet ports, you can use link aggregation groups 1 to 7 only. Each LAG supports a maximum of eight active links. Each LAG supports a maximum of eight standby links. After a MultiLink trunk is configured with LACP, you cannot add or delete ports or VLANs manually without first disabling LACP.

MLT network topology and configuration examples

The following reference information contains examples of MLT network topology and configuration. The same topologies apply to MLT with LACP.

MLT network topology and configuration examples navigation

Example 1: Switch-to-switch MLT example on page 15 Example 2: Switch-to-server MLT example on page 16 Example 3: Client/server link aggregation configuration on page 17

Example 1: Switch-to-switch MLT example

Figure 1: Switch-to-switch MultiLink trunks configuration on page 16 shows two trunks (T1 and T2) connecting switch S1 to switches S2 and S3.

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

August 2011


Link aggregation fundamentals

Figure 1: Switch-to-switch MultiLink trunks configuration

In this example, you can configure each trunk with multiple switch ports to increase bandwidth and redundancy. When traffic between switch-to-switch connections approaches single port bandwidth limitations, you can create a MultiLink trunk to supply the additional bandwidth required to improve performance, as well as providing physical link layer redundancy.

Example 2: Switch-to-server MLT example

Figure 2: Switch-to-server MultiLink trunk configuration on page 17 shows a typical switchto-server trunk configuration. In this example, file server FS1 uses dual MAC addresses, with one MAC address for each Network Interface Card (NIC). No MultiLink trunk is configured on FS1. FS2 is a single MAC server (with a four-port NIC) configured as MultiLink trunk configuration T1. One port on FS1 is blocked and unused, and FS2 benefits from aggregated bandwidth on MultiLink trunk T1.


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

MultiLink trunking

Figure 2: Switch-to-server MultiLink trunk configuration

Example 3: Client/server link aggregation configuration

Figure 3: Client/server MultiLink trunk configuration on page 18 shows an example of how link aggregation can be used in a client/server configuration. In this example, both servers are connected directly to switch S1. FS2 is connected through a MultiLink trunk configuration (T1). The switch-to-switch connections are through MLT T2, T3, and T4. Clients access data from the servers (FS1 and FS2) and receive maximized bandwidth through T1, T2, T3, and T4. On the Ethernet Routing Switch 8300, trunk members (the ports that comprise each MultiLink trunk) are not consecutive switch ports and to avoid module redundancy, select different modules.

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

August 2011


Link aggregation fundamentals

Figure 3: Client/server MultiLink trunk configuration

With spanning tree enabled, ports that belong to the same MLT must belong to the same spanning tree group if spanning tree is enabled. Identical bridge protocol data units (BPDUs) are sent out of each port. The group port ID is the ID of the lowest numbered port. If identical BPDUs are received on all ports, the link aggregation mode is forwarding. If no BPDU is received on a port or if BPDU tagging and port tagging do not match, the individual port is taken offline. Path cost is inversely proportional to the active link aggregation bandwidth.

MultiLink Trunking with LACP

MultiLink Trunking (MLT) with Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) manages switch ports and port memberships to form a link aggregation group (LAG). LACP allows you to gather one or more links to form a LAG, which a Media Access Control (MAC) client treats as a single link. LACP can dynamically add or remove LAG ports, depending on availability and state.


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

MultiLink Trunking with LACP

IEEE 802.3ad overview

The IEEE 802.3ad standard comprises service interfaces, the LACP, the Marker Protocol, link aggregation selection logic, a parser/multiplexer, frame distribution, and frame collection functions. Figure 4: Link aggregation sublayer (according to IEEE 802.3ad) on page 19shows the major functions of IEEE 802.3ad defined as multiple link aggregation.

Figure 4: Link aggregation sublayer (according to IEEE 802.3ad)

The link aggregation sublayer is composed of the following functions: Frame distribution: This block takes frames submitted by the MAC client and sends them for transmission on the appropriate port based on a frame distribution algorithm employed by the Frame Distributor.

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

August 2011


Link aggregation fundamentals

Frame distribution also includes an optional Marker Generator or Receiver used for the Marker Protocol. Ethernet Routing Switch 8300, only implements the Marker Receiver function. Frame collection: This block passes frames received from the various ports to the MAC client. Frame collection also includes a Marker Responder which is used for the Marker Protocol. Aggregator Parser/Multiplexers: During transmission operations, these blocks pass frame transmission requests from the Distributor, Marker Generator, and Marker Responder to the appropriate port. During receive operations, these blocks distinguish among Marker Request, Marker Response, MAC Client Protocol Data Units (PDUs), and pass the blocks to the appropriate entity (Marker Responder, Marker Receiver, and Collector, respectively). Aggregator: The combination of frame distribution and collection, and aggregator Parser/ Multiplexers. Aggregation Control: This block configures and controls link aggregation. It incorporates LACP for the automatic communication of aggregation capabilities between systems and automatic configuration of link aggregation. Control Parser/Multiplexers: During transmission operations, these blocks pass frame transmission requests from the aggregator and Control entities to the appropriate port. During receive operations, these blocks distinguish Link Aggregation Control Protocol Data Units (LACPDUs) from other frames. The blocks pass, passing the LACPDUs to the appropriate sublayer entity and all other frames to the aggregator.

802.3ad link aggregation principles

Link aggregation allows you to group switch ports together to form a link group to another switch or server. Link groups increase aggregate throughout between devices and provide link redundancy.


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

MultiLink Trunking with LACP

Link aggregation employs the following principles and concepts: A MAC client communicates with a set of ports through an aggregator, which presents a standard IEEE 802.3 service interface to the MAC client. The aggregator binds to one or more ports within a system. The aggregator distributes frame transmissions from the MAC client to various ports, collects received frames from the ports, and transparently passes the frames to the MAC client. A system can contain multiple aggregators serving multiple MAC clients. A port binds to a single aggregator at a time. A MAC client is served by a single aggregator at a time. The Link Aggregation Control function binds ports to aggregators within a system. The control function aggregates links, binds the system ports to an appropriate aggregator, and monitors conditions to determine when a change in aggregation is needed. Network managers can manually provide link aggregation control by manipulating the link aggregation state variables (for example, keys). You can also use LACP to automatically determine, configure, bind, and monitor link aggregation. The LACP uses peer exchanges across links to continually determine the aggregation capability of the links and provide the maximum level of aggregation capability between a pair of systems. Frame ordering is maintained for certain sequences of frame exchanges between MAC Clients. The distributor ensures that all frames of a conversation pass to a single port. The collector passes frames to the MAC client in the order they are received from the port. The collector can select frames received from the aggregated ports in any order. Since the frames are not ordered on a single link, this guarantees that frame ordering is maintained for any conversation. Conversations move among ports within an aggregation for load balancing and for maintaining availability if a link fails. The standard does not impose any particular distribution algorithm on the distributor. Each port is assigned a unique, globally administered MAC address. When entities initiate frame exchanges within the link aggregation sublayer, the source address is the MAC address. An exmaple of an entity that initiates frame exchanges is LACP and Marker Protocol exchanges. Each aggregator is assigned a unique, globally administered MAC address that is used from the perspective of the MAC client, both as a source address for transmitted frames and as the destination address for received frames. You can use one of the port MAC addresses in the associated LAG as the MAC address of the aggregator.

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

August 2011


Link aggregation fundamentals

Split MultiLink Trunking

SMLT is an option that improves Layer 2 and Layer 3 resiliency. The following sections discuss SMLT in more detail.

Split MultiLink Trunking navigation

SMLT overview on page 22 SMLT versus STP on page 23 SMLT topologies on page 24 SMLT and Interswitch trunking on page 24 SMLT and IST traffic flow example on page 27 Single port SMLT on page 28 MLT-based SMLT with single port SMLT on page 30 SMLT and LACP support on page 31 SMLT and IP routing on page 32 SMLT and SLPP on page 34 SMLT network design considerations on page 34

SMLT overview
Split MultiLink Trunking (SMLT) is an option that improves Layer 2 (bridged) resiliency by providing for the addition of switch failure redundancy with sub-second failover, on top of all standard MLT link failure protection and flexible bandwidth scaling functionality. SMLT allows you to connect any device which supports some form of link aggregation, be it a switch or a server, to two distinct separate SMLT endpoints or switches. These SMLT switches form a Switch Cluster and are referred to as an IST Core Switch pair. Switch Clusters are always formed as a pair, but pairs of clusters can be combined in either a square of full-mesh fashion to increase the size and port density of the Switch Cluster. When configured in a Layer 3 or routed topology, the configuration is referenced as Routed SMLT (RSMLT). For information about Routed SMLT, see Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 Configuration IP Routing (NN46200-518). Important: Before you reboot a switch that is the LACP master, you must configure the LACP system ID globally to prevent an RSMLT failure. For more information, see Configuring LACP


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globally using Device Manager on page 44,Configuring LACP globally using the CLI on page 72, or Configuring LACP globally using the ACLI on page 100 SMLT connections can be formed via single links from the switch cluster to the edge connection, Single Link SMLT (SLT), or via standard MLTs, or MLTs with LACP. Optionally, SMLT links can have VLACP enabled as well. These various link connections can be mixed. Within the same Switch Cluster, both SMLT and RSMLT can be configured, allowing a mixture of both Layer 2 and Layer 3 VLANs. For examples of various SMLT configurations, see SMLT topologies on page 24. SMLT networks do not need to use the IEEE 802.1d STP to enable loop-free triangle topologies because SMLT inherently avoids loops due to its superior enhanced link aggregation protocol. This is accomplished by implementing a method that allows two aggregation switches to appear as a single device to edge switches, which dual-home to the aggregation switches. The aggregation switches interconnect using an interswitch trunk, which allows them to exchange addressing and state information (permitting rapid fault detection and forwarding path modification). SMLT is designed for Layer 2 network connectivity, but can be configured in Layer 3 networks by working with VRRP.

SMLT advantages
SMLT eliminates all single points of failure and creates multiple paths from all user access switches to the network core. In case of failure, SMLT recovers as quickly as possible using all capacity. SMLT provides a transparent and interoperable solution that requires no modification on the part of the majority of existing user access devices. SMLT improves the reliability of Layer 2 (L2) networks that operate between user access switches and the network center aggregation switch by providing: load sharing among all links fast failover in case of link failures elimination of single point of failure fast recovery in case of nodal failure transparent and interoperable solutions removal of STP convergence issues

SMLT versus STP

Networks designed to have user access switches dual-home to two aggregation switches, and have VLANs spanning two or more user access switches, experience the following design constraints: No load sharing exists over redundant links. Network convergence is slow in case of failure.

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Link aggregation fundamentals

With the introduction of SMLT, all dual-home Layer 2 frame-switched network devices with dual homes are no longer dependent on the STP for loop detection. A properly designed SMLT network inherently does not have any logical loops. SMLT solves the spanning tree problem by combining two aggregation switches into one logical MLT entity, thus making it transparent to any type of edge switch. In the process, it provides quick convergence, while load sharing across all available trunks.

SMLT topologies
There are four generic topologies in which you can deploy SMLT: a Single Port SMLT configuration a triangle configuration a square configuration a full-mesh configuration (depending on the resiliency and redundancy required) For information about SMLT topologies and what topologies are supported per product, see Switch Clustering (SMLT/SLT/RSMLT/MSMLT) Supported Topologies and Interoperability with ERS 8800/8600 / 5500 / 8300 / 1600, (NN48500-555).

SMLT and Interswitch trunking

Figure 5: SMLT aggregation switches and operations on page 25illustrates an SMLT configuration with a pair of Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 switches (E and F) as aggregation switches and four separate user access switches (A, B, C, and D). You must connect SMLT aggregation switches through an interswitch trunk. For example, user access switches B and C connect to the aggregation switches through MultiLink trunks split between the two aggregation switches. As shown in Figure 5: SMLT aggregation switches and operations on page 25, the implementation of SMLT only requires two SMLT-capable aggregation switches. You must connect these switches through an interswitch trunk.


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Figure 5: SMLT aggregation switches and operations

Aggregation switches use the IST to: confirm that they are alive and to exchange MAC address forwarding tables carry SMLT control packets send traffic between single switches attached to the aggregation switches serve as a backup if one SMLT link fails Because SMLT requires the interswitch trunk, Avaya recommends that you use multiple links on the interswitch trunk to ensure reliability and high availability. Avaya also recommends that you use Gigabit Ethernet links for interswitch trunk connectivity to provide enough bandwidth for potential cross traffic. Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) and Packet over SONET (PoS) links are not supported for use as interswitch trunk links. When you configure IST MLT, Avaya recommends that you adhere to the following: an IST MLT contain at least two physical ports disable CP-Limit on all physical ports that are members of an interswitch trunk MultiLink trunk, so as not to compromise the stability of SMLT do not configure CP-Limit or Extended CP-Limit on the IST MLT Disabling the CP-Limit on interswitch trunk MultiLink trunk ports forces another, less-critical port to be disabled if the defined CP Limits are exceeded. This preserves network stability if a protection condition (CP Limit) arises. It is likely that one of the MultiLink trunk ports (risers) can be disabled in such a condition; traffic continues to flow uninterrupted through the remaining SMLT ports.

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Link aggregation fundamentals

For more information about CP-Limit and Extended CP-Limit, see Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 Administration, (NN46205-604)

Other SMLT aggregation switch connections

The example shown in Figure 5: SMLT aggregation switches and operations on page 25 includes end stations connected to each of the switches. In this example, a, b1, b2, c1, c2, and d are clients and printers, while e and f are servers or routers. User access switches B and C can use any method to determine the link of the MultiLink trunk connections to use to forward a packet, as long as the same link is used for a Source Address and Destination Address (SA/ DA) pair. This applies regardless of whether the DA is known by B or C. SMLT aggregation switches always send traffic directly to a user access switch and only use the interswitch trunk for traffic that they cannot forward in another, more direct way.

SMLT environment traffic flow rules

Traffic flow in an SMLT environment adheres to the following rules: If a packet is received from an IST port, it is not forwarded to any active SMLT groups. This helps prevent network loops. When a packet is received, a lookup is performed on the forwarding database. If an entry exists and if the entry was learned locally from the split MultiLink trunk or through the IST as a remote SMLT, it is forwarded out the local port (the packet must not be sent to the IST for forwarding unless there is no local connection). Unknown and broadcast packets are flooded out all ports that are members of this VLAN. For load sharing purposes in an SMLT scenario, the Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 obeys the trunk distribution algorithm.

SMLT traffic flow examples

The following traffic flow examples are based on Figure 5: SMLT aggregation switches and operations on page 25.

Example 1- Traffic flow from a to b1 or b2

Assuming a and b1/b2 communicate through layer 2, traffic flows from A to switch E and is forwarded over the direct link to B. Traffic coming from b1 or b2 to a is sent by B on one of its MLT ports. B can send traffic from b1 to a on the link to switch E, and traffic from b2 to a on the link to F. In the case of traffic from b1, switch E forwards the traffic directly to switch A, while traffic from b2, which arrives at F, is forwarded across the IST to E and on to A.

Example 2- Traffic flow from b1/b2 to c1/c2

Traffic from b1/b2 to c1/c2 is always sent by switch B down its MLT to the core. No matter which switch (E or F) it arrives at, traffic is sent directly to C through the local link.


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Split MultiLink Trunking

Example 3- Traffic flow from a to d

Traffic from a to d (and d to a) is forwarded across the IST because it is the shortest path. This path is treated purely as a standard link; SMLT and IST parameters are not considered.

Example 4- Traffic flow from f to c1/c2

Traffic from f to c1/c2 is sent out directly from F. With respect to return traffic from c1/c2, you can have one active Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) Master for each IP subnet. Traffic is passed across the IST if switch C sends it to E.

SMLT and IST traffic flow example

In an SMLT environment, the two aggregation switches share the same forwarding database by exchanging forwarding entries using the IST. In Figure 7: Output of the command show vlan fdb-e 10 on page 28, the forwarding databases are shown for a pair of IST nodes (B and C). The entry for 00:E0:7B:B3:04:00 is shown on node C as being learned on MLT-1, but because SMLT REMOTE is true, this entry is actually learned from node B. On B that same entry is shown as being directly learned through MLT-1 because SMLT REMOTE is false. Figure 6: Network topology for traffic flow example on page 27 shows the network topology.

Figure 6: Network topology for traffic flow example

When a packet arrives at node C destined for 00:E0:7B:B3:04:00, if the SMLT REMOTE is true, the switch tries to send the packet out MLT-1 first, rather than through the IST unless there is a failure. Traffic rarely traverses the IST unless there is a failure. If this same packet arrives at B, it is forwarded to MLT-1 on the local ports.

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Link aggregation fundamentals

Figure 7: Output of the command show vlan fdb-e 10

Single port SMLT

Use a single-port SMLT to configure a split MultiLink trunk that uses a single port. The singleport SMLT behaves like an MLT-based SMLT and can coexist with SMLTs in the same system. With single-port SMLT, you can scale the number of SMLTs on a switch to the maximum number of available ports. SMLT links can exist in the following combinations on the SMLT aggregation switch pair: MLT-based SMLT and MLT-based SMLT MLT-based SMLT and single link SMLT single link SMLT and single link SMLT


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Single Port SMLT configuration

You can use Single Port SMLT when you exceed the Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 MultiLink trunk Group ID limit for server farm applications. The Single Port SMLT topology allows scaling up to the maximum number of ports on a switch. You can use any Layer 2 switch capable of link aggregation as the client in this case.

Figure 8: Single Port SMLT configuration at the port level

Single Port SMLT configuration considerations

The rules for configuring Single Port SMLT include: The dual-homed device that connects to the aggregation switches must support MLT. Single-port SMLT is supported on Ethernet ports. Each single-port SMLT is assigned an SMLT ID from 1 to 512. You can designate Single Port SMLT ports as Access or Trunk (IEEE 802.1Q tagged or not); changing the type does not affect behavior.

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Link aggregation fundamentals

You cannot change a Single Port split MultiLink trunk to an MLT-based split MultiLink trunk by adding additional ports. You must delete the single port split MultiLink trunk and reconfigure the port as SMLT/MLT. You cannot change an MLT-based split MultiLink trunk into a single port split MultiLink trunk by deleting all ports except one. You must remove the SMLT/MLT and reconfigure the port as Single Port SMLT. You cannot configure a port as an MLT-based SMLT and as single-port SMLT at the same time. Two or more aggregation switches can have single port Split MultiLink trunk with the same IDs. You can have as many single port Split MultiLink trunk as there are available ports on the switch. LACP is supported on single port SMLT.

MLT-based SMLT with single port SMLT

You can configure a split MultiLink trunk with a single port SMLT on one side and an MLT-based SMLT on the other. Both must have the same SMLT ID. In addition to general use, Figure 9: Changing a split trunk from MLT-based SMLT to single-port SMLT on page 31 shows how this configuration can be used to upgrade an MLT-based SMLT to a single-port SMLT without interrupting the split trunk. Assuming that the MLT ID is 10, the steps are: 1. Configure switch A and B with MTL-based SMLT. 2. Disable all ports and then delete MLT-based SMLT 10 on switch B. All traffic switched over to SMLT 10 on switch A. 3. Configure single port SMLT ID 10 on switch B and enable the port. Traffic switches over both sides of the split trunk. 4. Disable all ports and delete MLT-based SMLT 10 on switch A. All traffic switches over single port SMLT 10 on switch B. 5. Configure single port SMLT 10 on switch A and enable the port. Traffic switches over both sides of the split trunk.


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Split MultiLink Trunking

Figure 9: Changing a split trunk from MLT-based SMLT to single-port SMLT

SMLT and LACP support

The Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 fully supports the IEEE 802.3ad LACP on MLTs and on a pair of SMLT switches.

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Link aggregation fundamentals

With LACP the Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 provides a standardized external link aggregation interface to third-party vendor IEEE 802.3ad implementations. This protocol extension provides dynamic link aggregation mechanisms. Only dual-home devices benefit from this enhancement. Advantages of this protocol extension include: MLT peers and SMLT client devices can be both network switches and any type of server/ workstation that supports link bundling through IEEE 802.3ad. Single-link and MultiLink trunk solutions support dual-home connectivity for more than 350 attached devices, so that you can build dual-home server farm solutions.

Supported SMLT/LACP scenarios

SMLT/IEEE link aggregation interaction supports all known SMLT scenarios in which an IEEE 802.3ad SMLT pair connects to SMLT clients, or in which two IEEE 802.3ad SMLT pairs connect to each other in a square or full-mesh topology.

Unsupported SMLT/LACP scenarios

Some of the unsupported SMLT/LACP scenarios include the following factors, which lead to failure: Incorrect port connections. Mismatched SMLT IDs assigned to SMLT client. SMLT switches can detect if SMLT IDs are not consistent. The SMLT aggregation switch, which has the lower IP address, does not allow the SMLT port to become a member of the aggregation thereby avoiding misconfigurations. SMLT client switch does not have automatic aggregation enabled (LACP disabled). SMLT aggregation switches can detect that aggregation is not enabled on the SMLT client, thus no automatic link aggregation is established until the configuration is resolved. Single CPU failures. In the case of a CPU failure in a system with only one switch fabric, the LACP on the other switch (or switches) detects the remote failure and triggers removal of links connected to the failed system from the LAG. This process allows failure recovery for the network along a different network path.

SMLT and IP routing

This section describes SMLT and IP routing interactions.


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Split MultiLink Trunking

SMLT and the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol

Using Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) you can have one active primary router for each IP subnet, with all other network VRRP interfaces operating in backup mode. The VRRP has only one active routing interface enabled. Users that access switches aggregated into two SMLT switches send their shared traffic load (based on source and destination MAC or IP addresses) on all uplinks towards the SMLT aggregation switches. The VRRP is less efficient if you use it with SMLT. All other interfaces are in backup (standby) mode. In this case, all traffic is forwarded over the IST link towards the primary VRRP switch. All traffic that arrives at the VRRP backup interface is forwarded, so there is not enough bandwidth on the IST link to carry all the aggregated riser traffic. However, an enhancement to VRRP overcomes this issue by ensuring that the IST trunk is not used in such a case for primary data forwarding.

SMLT and VRRP Backup Master

The VRRP BackupMaster acts as an IP router for packets destined for the logical VRRP IP address. All traffic is directly routed to the destined subnetwork and not through Layer 2 switches to the VRRP master. This avoids potential limitation in the available interswitch trunk bandwidth. To avoid potential frame duplication problems, you can only use the VRRP BackupMaster feature for SMLT on interfaces that are defined for SMLT. You cannot use VRRP BackupMaster with hubs to avoid frame duplication or on brouter or VLAN interfaces. When using an SMLT with routing on SMLT aggregation switches, Avaya recommends that you use VRRP for default gateway redundancy. In a VRRP environment, one switch is active and the other is backup. In an SMLT environment, you can enable the VRRP BackupMaster and use an activeactive concept. The VRRP BackupMaster router routes traffic that is received on the SMLT VLAN and avoid traffic flow across the interswitch trunk. This provides true load-sharing abilities. The BackupMaster feature provides an additional benefit. VRRP normally sends a hello packet every second. When three hello packets are not received, all switches automatically revert to master mode. This results in a 3- second outage. When you use VRRP in an SMLT environment, and a link goes down, traffic is automatically forwarded to the remaining ports configured for SMLT VRRP BackupMaster. Because both switches are processing traffic, the node immediately recognizes the VRRP state change, so there is faster failure recovery (less than 1 second). Follow these guidelines when you use VRRP BackupMaster with SMLT: The VRRP virtual IP address and the VLAN IP address cannot be the same. Configure the hold-down timer for VRRP to a value that is approximately 150 percent of the Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) convergence time to allow the IGP enough time to reconverge following a failure. For example, if OSPF takes 40 seconds to reconverge, configure the hold-down timer to 60 seconds.

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Link aggregation fundamentals

Stagger the hold down timers with Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) requests. This means that the Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 does not have to run ARP and SMLT at the same time, causing excess CPU load. For example, if one node has the hold-down timer set for 60 seconds, you can set the other hold-down timer to 65 seconds. Enable hold down times on both VRRP sides (Master and BackupMaster).


Simple Loop Prevention Protocol (SLPP) is used to prevent loops in a SMLT network. SLPP is focused on SMLT networks but works with other configurations. Avaya recommends that you always use SLPP in any SMLT environment. SLPP requires the use of 4.0.x code or higher. Do not enable SLPP Rx on IST MLT ports. You can enable SLPP on other non-SMLT ports of any IST Core switch pair. The Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 does not support the use of SLPP in an SMLT that is using LACP. For information about SLPP fundamentals and configuring SLPP, see Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 Administration (NN46200-604).

SMLT network design considerations

Use the following base guidelines when designing a SMLT network. 1. Define a separate VLAN for the IST protocol: ERS-8300:5#config-mlt #ist ip <value> vlan <value> 2. Enable tagging on split MultiLink trunk links: ERS-8300:5#config ethernet <slot/port> perform tagging enable 3. Enable dropping of untagged frames on split MultiLink trunk links: ERS-8300:5#config ethernet <slot/port> untagged-framesdiscard enable

Virtual Link Aggregation Control Protocol

Virtual Link Aggregation Control Protocol (VLACP) is an extension to LACP used for end-toend failure detection. VLACP is not a link aggregation protocol, it is a mechanism to periodically check the end-to-end health of a point-to-point connection. VLACP uses the Hello mechanism of LACP to periodically send Hello packets to ensure an end-to-end communication. When Hello packets are not received, VLACP transitions to a failure state, which indicates a service provider failure and that the port is disabled.


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Virtual Link Aggregation Control Protocol

You can reduce VLACP timers to 200-ms, which allows one second failure detection and switchover time. Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 Software Release 4.1 uses the following VLACP timers: fast-periodic timer200 to 20 000 ms; default 200 ms Values are in multiple of 200 ms only. slow-periodic timer10 000 to 30 000 ms; default 30 000 ms VLACP only works for port-to-port communications where there is a guarantee for a logical port-to-port match through the service provider. VLACP does not work for port-to-multiport communications where there is no guarantee for a point-to-point match through the service provider. You can configure VLACP on a port. VLACPcan also be used with MLT to complement its capabilities and providequick failure detection. VLACP is recommended for all SMLT accesslinks when the links are configured as MLT to ensure both end devicesare able to communicate. By using VLACP over Single-Port SMLT, enhancedfailure detection is extended beyond the limits of the number of SMLTor LACP instances that can be created on an Avaya switch. VLACP trap messages are sent to the management stations if the VLACP state changes. If the failure is local, the only traps that are generated are port linkdown or port linkup. The Ethernet cannot detect end-to-end failures. Extend the Ethernet to detect remote link failures through functions such as remote fault indication or far-end fault indication mechanisms. A major limitation of the functions is that they terminate at the next Ethernet hop. They cannot determine failures on an end-to-end basis. For example, in Figure 10: Problem description (1 of 2) on page 36when the Enterprise networks connect the aggregated Ethernet trunk groups through a service provider network connection (for example, through a VPN), far-end failures cannot be signaled with Ethernetbased functions that operate end-to-end through the service provider network. The MultiLink trunk (between Enterprise switches S1 and S2) extends through the Service Provider (SP) network. Figure 10: Problem description (1 of 2) on page 36 shows an MLT running with VLACP. VLACP can operate end-to-end, but can be used in a point-to-point link.

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Link aggregation fundamentals

Figure 10: Problem description (1 of 2)

In Figure 11: Problem description (2 of 2) on page 36, if the L2 link on S1 (S1/L2) fails, the link-down failure is not propagated over the SP network to S2 and S2 continues to send traffic over the failed S2/ L2 link.

Figure 11: Problem description (2 of 2)

Important: LACP, as defined by IEEE, is a protocol that exists between two bridge endpoints; therefore, the LACPPDUs are terminated at the next SP interface. Use VLACP to detect far-end failures, which allows MLT to failover when end-to-end connectivity is not guaranteed for links in an aggregation group. VLACP prevents the failure scenario. When used in conjunction with SMLT, VLACP allows you to switch traffic around entire network devices before Layer 3 protocols detect a network failure, thus minimizing network outages.


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Link aggregation configuration considerations

Link aggregation configuration considerations

Use the information in this section to understand the considerations and guidelines when configuring link aggregation into your network.

Link aggregation configuration considerations navigation

MLT with LACP configuration considerations on page 37 MLT with LACP and SMLT configuration considerations on page 38 MLT with LACP and Spanning Tree configuration considerations on page 39 LACP parameters configuration considerations on page 40

MLT with LACP configuration considerations

When you configure standard-based link aggregation, you must enable the aggregation parameter. After you enable the aggregation parameter, the LACP aggregator is mapped oneto-one to the specified MultiLink trunk. Perform the following steps to configure an LAG: 1. Assign a numeric key to the ports you want to include in the LAG. 2. Configure port aggregation to true. 3. Enable LACP on the port. 4. Create an MultiLink trunk and assign the same key as in step 1 to it. The MultiLink trunk/LAG only aggregates ports whose key matches its own. The newly created MultiLink trunk or LAG adopts the VLAN membership of its member ports when the first port is attached to the aggregator associated with this LAG. When a port detaches from an aggregator, the associated LAG port deletes the member from its list. After a MultiLink trunk is configured with LACP, you cannot add or delete ports or VLANs manually without first disabling LACP. To enable tagging on ports belonging to a LAG, disable LACP on the port and then enable tagging and LACP on the port. If you enable Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) routing on a port, do not set the LACP periodic transmission timer to less than 1 second.

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Link aggregation fundamentals

MLT with LACP and SMLT configuration considerations

Split MultiLinkTrunks (SMLT) can be configured with MLT or MLT with LACP. Follow these guidelines when you configure SMLT with LACP: When you set the LACP system ID for SMLT, configure the same LACP SMLT system ID on both aggregation switches to avoid the loss of data. Avaya recommends that you configure the LACP SMLT system ID to be the base MAC address of one of the aggregate switches, and that you include the SMLT-ID. Ensure that the same System ID is configured on both of the SMLT core aggregation switches. If you use LACP in an SMLT square configuration, the LACP ports must have the same keys for that SMLT LAG; otherwise, the aggregation can fail if a switch fails. If an SMLT aggregation switch has LACP enabled on some of its MultiLink trunks, do not change the LACP system priority. If some ports do not enter the desired MultiLink trunk after a dynamic configuration change, enter the following CLI command: config mlt <mlt-id> lacp clear-link-aggrgate When you configure SMLT links, Avaya recommends that you set the multicast packetsper-second value to 6000 pps. Avaya recommends that you do not enable LACP on interswitch trunks to avoid unnecessary processing. Use VLACP if a failure detection mechanism is required when there is an optical network between the SMLT core switches. Using the SMLT system ID enables you to use any third-party switch as a wiring closet switch in an SMLT configuration. This enhancement provides an option for the administrator to configure the SMLT Core Aggregation Switches to always use the system ID. In this way, the SMLT Core Aggregation Switch will always use the same LACP key regardless of the state of SMLT Core Aggregation Switch neighbor (or the IST link). Therefore no change in LAGs should occur on the attached device. This is the case regardless of whether the device is a server or a third-party switch. This situation does not affect Avaya edge switches used in SMLT configurations. The actor system priority of LACP_DEFAULT_SYS_PRIO, the actor system ID the user configures, and an actor key equal to the SMLT-ID or SLT-ID are sent to the wiring closet switch. Avaya recommends that you configure the system ID to be the base MAC address of one of the aggregate switches along with its SMLT-id. The administrator must ensure that the same value for system ID is configured on both of the SMLT Core Aggregation Switches The Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 software does not support the use of Simple Loop Prevention Protocol (SLPP) in an LACPSMLT environment. With Release 4.1 and higher, an administrator can configure the LACP SMLT System ID used by SMLT core aggregation switches. When you set the LACP system ID for SMLT, configure the same LACP SMLT system ID on both aggregation switches to avoid the loss of data. An explanation of the importance of configuring the System ID is as follows. The LACP System ID is the base MAC address of the switch, which is carried in Link Aggregation Control Protocol Data Units (LACPDU). When two links interconnect two switches that run LACP, each switch


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Link aggregation configuration considerations

knows that both links connect to the same remote device because the LACPDUs originate from the same System ID. If the links are enabled for aggregation using the same key, then LACP can dynamically aggregate them into a LAG (MLT). When SMLT is used between the two switches, they act as one logical switch. Both aggregation switches must use the same LACP System ID over the SMLT links so that the edge switch sees one logical LACP peer, and can aggregate uplinks towards the SMLT aggregation switches. This process automatically occurs over the IST connection, where the base MAC address of one of the SMLT aggregation switches is chosen and used by both SMLT aggregation switches. However, if the switch that owns that Base MAC address reboots, the IST goes down, and the other switch reverts to using its own Base MAC address as the LACP System ID. This action causes all edge switches that run LACP to think that their links are connected to a different switch. The edge switches stop forwarding traffic on their remaining uplinks until the aggregation can reform (which can take several seconds). Additionally, when the rebooted switch comes back on line, the same actions occur, thus disrupting traffic twice. The solution to this problem is to statically configure the same SMLT System ID MAC address on both aggregation switches.

MLT with LACP and Spanning Tree configuration considerations

Only the physical link state or its LACP peer status affects LACP module operation. When a link is enabled or disabled, an LACP module is notified. STP forwarding state does not affect LACP module operation. LACPDUs can be sent if the port is in an STP blocking state. Unlike legacy MultiLink trunks, configuration changes (such as speed and duplex mode) to a LAG member port are not applied to all member ports in the MultiLink trunks. The changed port is removed from the LAG and the corresponding aggregator, and the user is alerted when the configuration is created. In contrast to MLT, MLT with LACP does not expect BPDUs to be replicated over all ports in the trunk group. Therefore, you must enter the ntstg disable command to disable the parameter on the Spanning Tree Group (STG) for LACP-based link aggregation. For more information about this command, see Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 Configuration VLANs and Spanning Tree, NN46200-516. ntstg disable parameter is applicable to all trunk groups that are members of the STG. This is applicable when internetworking with devices only send BPDUs out of one port of the LAG. Important: LACP, as defined by IEEE, is a protocol that exists between two bridge endpoints; therefore, the LACP PDUs are terminated at the next SP interface.

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Link aggregation fundamentals

LACP parameters configuration considerations

You can configure priorities, keys, modes, and timers for the LACP.

LACP priority
You can configure LACP priority at the system and port level as follows: Port prioritydetermines which ports are aggregated into the LAG that has more than eight ports configured to it, as in a standby-port configuration. System prioritygenerates the switch ID when communicating with other switches. For SMLT applications, use a system priority to determine a masterslave relationship between the SMLT switches. Avaya recommends that you use the default value. If you need to change it, first disable the LACP and then enable it again after you change the value.

LACP keys
LACP keys are used to determine which ports are eligible for LAG aggregation. The LACP keys are defined by the ports when the MultiLink trunk is configured. The port key which matches the MLT key can be aggregated into that MultiLink trunk. Keys do not have to match between two LACP peers. Keys do not have to match on SMLT core switches when you use LACP with SMLT.

LACP timers
You can customize failover times by changing the LACP timer attributes (fast periodic time, slow periodic time, and aggregate wait time). Values are set by default to match the IEEE 802.3ad values. If you change the values, they must match on the ports participating in aggregation between two devices. Changes to LACP timer values at the global level are reflected on all ports. However, you can change the LACP timer values for each port level. When you change an LACP timer globally, this value is set on all ports. The global timer value overwrites the local port value irrespective of the LACP state. You must configure any port values that differ from the global values. You can use the fast or slow timer, that which is set on the port level. By default, the Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 uses the long timer. LACP uses the following timers: fast-periodic timer200 to 20000 milliseconds (ms); default 1000 ms slow-periodic timer10000 to 30000 ms; default 30000 ms aggregation-wait timer200 to 2000; default 2000 You cannot aggregate a link if it does not receive an LACPDU for a period of timeout x slow periodic time = 3 x 30 seconds = 90 seconds. If you use the fast periodic time, the timeout


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

Link aggregation configuration considerations

period is 3 x 1000 ms = 3 seconds. You must make timer changes to all ports participating in link aggregation and to the ports on the partnering node. Configuration changes to the LACP timers are not reflected immediately. LACP timers are not reset until the next time LACP is restarted globally or on a port. This action ensures consistency with peer switches. When you enable LACP on a port, the timer values are set at the port level. You must toggle the LACP status when timer values change. Existing ports are not impacted unless you toggle the LACP status on the port.

LACP modes
LACP uses the following two modes: Active modeports initiate the aggregation process. Active mode ports aggregate with other active mode ports or passive mode ports. Passive modeports participate in LACP but do not initiate the aggregation process. Passive mode ports must be partnered with active mode ports for aggregation to occur.

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

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Link aggregation fundamentals


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

Chapter 4: Link aggregation configuration using Device Manager

This chapter describes how to configure and manage link aggregation using Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP), Virtual Link Aggregation Control Protocol (VLACP), MultiLink trunking (MLT), Split MultiLink trunking (SMLT), and InterSwitch trunking (IST). All information about statistics is documented in Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 Performance Management (NN46200-705).

LACP configuration using Device Manager on page 43 MLT and SMLT link aggregation configuration using Device Manager on page 52 VLACP configuration using Device Manager on page 65

LACP configuration using Device Manager

MultiLink Trunking (MLT) with Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) manages switch ports and port memberships to form a link aggregation group (LAG). Configure LACP to allow dynamic bundling of physical ports to form a single logical channel. Important: If you make a time change, restart LACP (globally or on the port) so the changes are consistent across the link. Important: Changes to LACP made at the global level override and reset all port level settings. Important: Configuration changes to LACP timers are not reflected immediately. LACP timers are not reset until the next time LACP is restarted globally or on a port. This ensures consistency with peer switches.

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

August 2011


Link aggregation configuration using Device Manager

Important: When you reboot the switch, all spanning tree port parameters configured on LACP links will reset to default values.

LACP configuration using Device Manager navigation

Configuring LACP globally using Device Manager on page 44 Configuring LACP on a port using Device Manager on page 46 Viewing LACP parameters using Device Manager on page 51

Configuring LACP globally using Device Manager

Use LACP parameters to manage switch ports and their port memberships to form link aggregation groups (LAG). LACP can dynamically add or remove LAG ports, depending on their availability and states. Important: Configuration changes to LACP timers are not reflected immediately. LACP timers are not reset until the next time LACP is restarted globally or on a port. This ensures consistency with peer switches. Important: If you make a time change, restart LACP (globally or on the port) so the changes are consistent across the link.

Procedure steps
1. From the Device Manager menu bar, choose VLAN, MLT/LACP. The MLT_LACP, LACP Global dialog box appears. 2. To enable LACP globally, select the Enable check box. 3. Configure the remaining parameters as desired or retain the default values. 4. Click Apply. 5. Click Close.

Variable definitions
Use the data in this table to configure the LACP Global dialog box fields.


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

LACP configuration using Device Manager

Variable Enable SystemPriority

Value Globally enables or disables LACP. Specifies the system priority for all LACP enabled aggregators and ports. The default value for system priority is 32,768. Important: Global LACP system-priority overwrites the LACP system-priority of all LAGs and ports. You must configure LACP systempriority for LAGs or ports on a switch to the same value as the global LACP systempriority of that switch.


Indicates the number of milliseconds between periodic transmissions that use short timeouts. Sets this value to all LACP enabled ports. Important: If you make configuration changes to the fast periodic time value of an LAG member, you must make the same configuration changes to the fast periodic time value of all ports in the LAG and member ports of the protocol partner.

FastPeriodicTimeOper SlowPeriodicTime

Indicates the operating value of the fast periodic timer on the port. Specifies the number of milliseconds between periodic transmissions that use long timeouts. All LACP enabled ports get the same value from this setting. The value ranges from 10 000 to 30 000 ms. Important: If you make configuration changes to the slow periodic time value of an LAG member, you must make the same configuration changes to the slow periodic time value of all ports in the LAG and member ports of the protocol partner.

SlowPeriodicTimeOper AggrWaitTime

Indicates the operating value of the slow periodic timer on the port. Specifies the number of milliseconds to delay aggregation to allow multiple links to aggregate simultaneously. Indicates the operating value of the aggregate wait timer on the port.


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

August 2011


Link aggregation configuration using Device Manager

Variable TimeoutScale

Value Specifies the value used to calculate timeout time from the periodic time. All LACP enabled ports get the same value from this setting. The range is from 2 to 10. Indicates the operating value of the timeout scale on the port. Specifies the LACP system ID for SMLT. This is an optional parameter and is only used for SMLT situations. You must configure the same LACP SMLT system ID on both aggregation switches to avoid loss of data. Avaya recommends that you configure the SmltSysId so it matches the base MAC address of one of the chassis.

TimeoutScaleOper SmltSysId

Configuring LACP on a port using Device Manager

Configure LACP on a port to manage the configuration of LACP parameters at the port level. Important: Changes made at the global level override and reset all port level settings.

Procedure steps
1. Select a port. 2. From the Device Manager menu bar, choose Edit, Port. The Edit, Port, dialog box appears with the Interface tab selected. 3. Click the LACP tab. The Port, LACP dialog box appears. 4. To enable LACP on the port, select AdminEnable check box. 5. Configure the remaining parameters as required. 6. Click Apply.

Variable definitions
Use the data in this table to configure Port, LACP dialog box fields.


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

LACP configuration using Device Manager

Variable AdminEnable OperEnable FastPeriodicTime

Value Sets LACP status to enabled for the port. Indicates the operational status of LACP for the port. This field is read-only. Specifies the number of milliseconds between periodic transmissions using short timeouts for all LACP enabled ports. Important: If you make configuration changes to the fast periodic time value of an LAG member, you must make the same configuration changes to the fast periodic time value of all ports in the LAG and member ports of the protocol partner.

FastPeriodicTimeOper SlowPeriodicTime

Indicates the operating value of the fast periodic timer on the port. This field is read-only. Specifies the number of milliseconds between periodic transmissions using long timeouts for all LACP enabled ports. The value ranges from 10 000 to 30 000 ms. Important: If you make configuration changes to the slow periodic time value of an LAG member, you must make the same configuration changes to the slow periodic time value of all ports in the LAG and member ports of the protocol partner.


Indicates the operating value of the slow periodic timer on the port. This field is readonly. Specifies the number of milliseconds to delay aggregation to allow multiple links to aggregate simultaneously. Indicates the operating value of the aggregate wait timer on the port. This field is read-only. Specifies the value used to calculate timeout time from the periodic time. Set this value to all LACP enabled ports. Indicates the operating value of the timeout scale on the port. This field is read-only. Specifies the priority value associated with the actor system ID. The default value is 32,768.


AggrWaitTimeOper TimeoutScale

TimeoutScaleOper ActorSystemPriority

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

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Link aggregation configuration using Device Manager


Value Important: Global LACP system-priority overwrites the LACP system-priority of all LAGs and ports. You must configure LACP system-priority for LAGs or ports on a switch to the same value as the global LACP system-priority of that switch.


Indicates the MAC address value used as a unique identifier for the system that contains this aggregator. This field is read-only. From the perspective of the link aggregation mechanisms, only a single combination of actor system ID and system priority are considered. No distinction is made between the values of these parameters for an aggregator and the ports that are associated with it. The protocol is described in terms of the operation of aggregation within a single system. However, the managed objects provided for the both the aggregator and the port allow management of these parameters. The result permit a single piece of equipment to be configured by management to contain more than one system from the point of view of the operation of link aggregation. This is useful in the configuration of equipment that has limited aggregation capability. Specifies the value of the administrative key for the aggregator. The administrative key value can differ from the operational key value. This is a 16-bit read-write value. The meaning of particular key values is of local significance. Indicates the value of the operational key for the aggregator. The administrative key value can differ from the operational key value. This is a 16-bit read-only value. The meaning of particular key values is of local significance. Indicates the value of the aggregator identifier that this aggregation port has currently selected. Zero indicates that the aggregation port has not selected an aggregator, either because it is in the process of detaching from an aggregator or because there is no suitable aggregator available for it to select. This field is read-only. Indicates the value of the aggregator identifier to which this aggregation port is currently attached.






Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

LACP configuration using Device Manager


Value Zero indicates that the aggregation port is not currently attached to an aggregator. This field is read-only.


Indicates the port number locally assigned to the aggregation port. The port number is communicated in LACPDUs as the Actor_Port. This field is read-only. Specifies the priority value assigned to this aggregation port. Sets the administrative control of LACP_Activity, LACP_Timeout, and aggregation. Indicates the current operational values of Actor_State transmitted by the actor in LACPDUs. This field is read-only. Specifies the administrative value of the port number for the protocol partner. The assigned value is used with the values of PartnerAdminSystemPriority, PartnerAdminSystemID, PartnerAdminKey, and PartnerAdminPortPriority to achieve manually configured aggregation. Indicates the operational value of priority associated with the partner system ID. The value of this attribute can contain the manually configured value carried in PartnerAdminSystemPriority if there is no protocol partner. This field is read-only. Specifies the MAC address that represents the administrative value of the aggregation port protocol partners system ID. The assigned value is used with the values of PartnerAdminSystemPriority, PartnerAdminKey, PartnerAdminPort, and PartnerAdminPortPriority to achieve manually configured aggregation. Indicates the MAC address that represents the current value of the aggregation port's protocol partner system ID. A value of zero indicates that there is no known protocol partner. The value of this attribute can contain the manually configured value carried in PartnerAdminSystemID if there is no protocol partner. This field is read-only.

ActorPortPriority ActorAdminState ActorOperState





Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

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Link aggregation configuration using Device Manager

Variable PartnerAdminKey

Value Specifies the value of the administrative key for the protocol partner. The assigned value is used with the value of PartnerAdminSystemPriority, PartnerAdminSystemID, PartnerAdminPort, and PartnerAdminPortPriority to achieve manually configured aggregation. Indicates the value of the operational key for the aggregator protocol partner. If the aggregation is manually configured, this value is assigned by the local system. This field is read-only. Specifies the administrative port number for the protocol partner. The assigned value is used with the values of PartnerAdminSystemPriority, PartnerAdminSystemID, PartnerAdminKey, and PartnerAdminPortPriority, to achieve manually configured aggregation. Indicates the operational port number assigned to this aggregation port by the protocol partner. The value of this attribute can contain the manually configured value carried in AggPortPartnerAdminPort if there is no protocol partner. This field is read-only. Specifies the current administrative port priority for the protocol partner. The assigned value is used with the values of PartnerAdminSystemPriority, PartnerAdminSystemID, PartnerAdminKey, and PartnerAdminPort to achieve manually configured aggregation. Indicates the priority assigned to this aggregation port by the partner. The value of this attribute can contain the manually configured value carried in PartnerAdminPortPriority if there is no protocol partner. This field is readonly. Specifies the administrative value of Actor_State for the protocol partner. The assigned value is used to achieve manually configured aggregation. Indicates the Actor_State value in the LACPDU most recently received from the protocol partner. In the absence of an active protocol partner, this value can reflect the manually configured value PartnerAdminState. This field is read-only.









Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

LACP configuration using Device Manager

Viewing LACP parameters using Device Manager

View LACP parameters to review configuration information for LACP enabled ports.

Procedure steps
1. From the Device Manager menu bar, choose VLAN, MLT/LACP. The MLT_LACP, LACP Global dialog box appears. 2. Click the LACP tab. The MTL_LACP, LACP dialog box appears, displaying configuration information for LACP enabled ports.

Variable definitions
Use the data in this table to help you understand LACP dialog box fields.
Variable Index MACAddress ActorSystemPriority ActorSystemID Value Identifies ports with LACP enabled. Indicates the MAC address assigned to the aggregator. Indicates the priority value associated with the actor system ID. Indicates the MAC address of the system that contains this aggregator. From the perspective of the link aggregation mechanisms, only a single combination of actor system ID and system priority are considered. No distinction is made between the values of these parameters for an aggregator and the ports that are associated with it. The protocol is described in terms of the operation of aggregation within a single system. However, the managed objects provided for the both the aggregator and the port allow management of these parameters. The result permit a single piece of equipment to be configured by management to contain more than one system from the point of view of the operation of link aggregation. This is useful in the configuration of equipment that has limited aggregation capability.

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

August 2011


Link aggregation configuration using Device Manager

Variable AggregateOrIndividual

Value Indicates whether the aggregator represents an aggregate (true) or an individual link (false). Indicates the administrative value of the key for the aggregator. The administrative key value can differ from the operational key value. Indicates the current operational value of the key for the aggregator. The administrative key value can differ from the operational key value. Indicates the MAC address of the protocol partner of this aggregator. A value of zero indicates that there is no known partner. If the aggregation is manually configured, the local system assigns the value. Indicates the priority value associated with the partner system ID. If the aggregation is manually configured, the local system assigns the value. Indicates the current operational value of the key for the aggregator current protocol partner. If aggregation is manually configured, the local system assigns the value.






MLT and SMLT link aggregation configuration using Device Manager

Configure link aggregation to provide link level redundancy and increase load sharing. MultiLink Trunking (MLT) is a link aggregation technology that allows grouping several physical Ethernet links into one logical Ethernet link to provide fault-tolerance and high-speed links between routers, switches, and servers. SMLT is an option that improves Layer 2 (bridged) resiliency.

MLT and SMLT configuration using Device Manager navigation

Configuring a MultiLink trunk using Device Manager on page 53 Adding ports to an MLT using Device Manager on page 56


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MLT and SMLT link aggregation configuration using Device Manager

Configuring MLT-based SMLT using Device Manager on page 58 Viewing MLT-based SMLT information using Device Manager on page 59 Configuring a single-port SMLT using Device Manager on page 60 Deleting a single-port SMLT using Device Manager on page 61 Viewing single-port SMLT information using Device Manager on page 62 Configuring rate limiting using Device Manager on page 62 Configuring an IST MLT using Device Manager on page 63 Removing an IST MLT using Device Manager on page 64 Configuring a MultiLink trunk using Device Manager on page 53 Adding ports to an MLT using Device Manager on page 56 Configuring MLT-based SMLT using Device Manager on page 58 Viewing MLT-based SMLT information using Device Manager on page 59 Configuring a single-port SMLT using Device Manager on page 60 Deleting a single-port SMLT using Device Manager on page 61 Viewing single-port SMLT information using Device Manager on page 62 Configuring rate limiting using Device Manager on page 62 Configuring an IST MLT using Device Manager on page 63 Removing an IST MLT using Device Manager on page 64

Configuring a MultiLink trunk using Device Manager

Configure a MultiLink trunk to create and manage an MLT in your network.

Procedure steps
1. From the Device Manager menu bar, select VLAN, MLT/LACP. The MLT_LACP, LACP Global dialog box appears. 2. Click the MultiLink/LACP Trunks tab. The MultiLink/LACP Trunks dialog box appears. 3. Click Insert. The MLT_LACP, Insert MultiLink/LACP Trunks dialog box appears. 4. In the Id box, type the ID number for the MLT.

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

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Link aggregation configuration using Device Manager

OR Accept the default ID provided. 5. In the SvlanPortType list, select a VLAN port type. 6. In PortType , select a port type. 7. In the Name box, type a name for the MLT. OR Accept the default name provided. 8. In PortMembers, click the elipsis button (...). The MltPortMembers dialog box appears. 9. In the MltPortMembers dialog box, click the ports to include in the MLT. 10. Click OK. The MltPortMembers dialog box closes. The ports you selected appear in the PortMembers field of the MLT, Insert MultiLink Trunks/LACP dialog box. 11. In VlanIds, click the ellipsis button (...). The VlanIds dialog box appears. 12. Select a VLAN ID to add to the MLT. 13. Click OK. The VlanIds dialog box closes. The VLAN type appears in the VlanIds field of the MLT, Insert MultiLink Trunks/LACP dialog box. 14. In MltType, select an MLT type. 15. If you select splitMLT in step 14, enter the SMLTID number in the SmltID dialog box that appears. Important: The SMLT ID must be paired on each aggregation switch. The SMLT ID is the identification number that the IST uses to determine the split MultiLink trunk to which send information. This number is identified between the two aggregation switches. 16. In the Multicast Distribution box, select enable to activate multicast flow distribution. 17. Select the NtStgEnable check box to ensure that the spanning tree group is in Avaya mode. 18. In the Aggregatable box, select enable or disable. 19. Click Insert. The MLT appears in the MLT_LACP, MultiLink Trunks/LACP dialog box.


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

MLT and SMLT link aggregation configuration using Device Manager

Variable definitions
Use the data in the following table to configure the MLT MultiLink Trunks tab.
Variable Id Value A value that uniquely identifies the MLT: For Gigabit Ethernet and 10 Gigabit Ethernet ports, up to 31 MLTs (IDs 131) are supported. For FastEthernet ports, up to 7 MLTs (IDs 17) are supported. SvlanPortType Sets the MLT port type to one of the following values: normal (default) uni (user-to-network interface) Important: You must configure ports to which you want to provide VLAN transparency as UNI ports. UNI ports can only belong to one SVLAN. When you designate a port as a UNI port, the DiscardTaggedFrames parameter is automatically configured (Edit, Port, General, VLAN). This prevents traffic from leaking to other VLANs. NNI (Network-to-Network Interface) NNI ports interconnect the switches in the core network, drop untagged frames on ingress, and insert the SVLAN tag at the egress. When you configure an NNI port, the DiscardUnTaggedFrames parameter is automatically configured (Edit, Port, Genera, VLAN). PortType Name PortMembers Specifies the port type: access or trunk port. The name you assign to the MLT. The ports assigned to the MLT. MLT is supported on 10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX, 100BASE-FX, Gigabit Ethernet ports, and 10 Gigabit Ethernet ports. All ports in an MLT must have the same speed and duplex configurations, and belong to the same spanning tree group (STG). Ports in an MLT can have different media types. For Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 modules, up to eight sametype ports can belong to a single MLT. The virtual local area networks (VLANs) to add to the MLT. Important: When Aggregatable is set to enable, the VlanIds field is readonly. MltType Specifies the type of MultiLink trunk:


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

August 2011


Link aggregation configuration using Device Manager

Variable normalMLT istMLT splitMLT The default is normalMLT. SmltId Multicast Distribution


Indicates the MLT-based Split MultiLink trunk (SMLT) ID. The value is an integer from 131. The multicast distribution feature state on MLT ports: enabled disabled (default)


Avaya Spanning Tree Group (ASTG) is enabled by default and spanning tree is operating in Avaya mode. Disable ASTG to enable the Cisco-compatible Spanning Tree mode (Bridge Protocol Data Units (BPDUs) are sent on only one link of the aggregation group). true enables ASTG false disables ASTG


Specifies if link aggregation is enabled or disabled.

Adding ports to an MLT using Device Manager

Add ports to an existing MLT to increase the number of port members in the MLT.

Procedure steps
1. From the Device Manager menu bar, select VLAN, MLT/LACP. The MLT_LACP, LACP Global dialog box appears. 2. Click the MultiLink/LACP Trunks tab. The MultiLink_LACP Trunks dialog box appears. 3. In the PortMembers field, double-click the box for the MLT to which you want to add ports. The PortMembers, Mlt dialog box appears. Ports currently assigned to the MLT are selected. Available ports are editable. 4. In the PortMembers, Mlt dialog box, perform one of the following: To add individual ports, click the port numbers to add.


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

MLT and SMLT link aggregation configuration using Device Manager

OR To add all ports in a module, click the slot number. OR To add all ports, click All. A maximum of eight ports of the same type can belong to a single MLT. 5. Click OK. The PortMembers, Mlt dialog box closes. The port numbers are added to the selected MLT on the MultiLink Trunks/LACP tab of the MLT_LACP dialog box. 6. Click Apply. The ports are added to the MLT. 7. Click Close. The MLT_LACP dialog box closes.

Deleting ports from an MLT using Device Manager

Delete ports from an existing MLTto decrease the number of port members in the MLT.

Procedure steps
1. From the Device Manager menu bar, select VLAN, MLT/LACP. The MLT dialog box appears with the MultiLink Trunks tab selected. 2. In the PortMembers field, double-click the box for the MLT for which you want to delete ports. The MltPortMembers dialog box appears. Ports currently assigned to the MLT are selected. 3. In the MltPortMembers dialog box, select ports to delete from the MLT. 4. Click OK. The MltPortMembers dialog box closes. The port numbers are removed from the selected MLT on the MultiLink Trunks tab of the MLT dialog box. 5. Click Apply. The ports are deleted from the MLT. 6. Click Close. The MLT dialog box closes.

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

August 2011


Link aggregation configuration using Device Manager

Configuring MLT-based SMLT using Device Manager

Create an SMLT to improve the level of Layer 2/Layer 3 resiliency by providing nodal protection in addition to link failure protection and flexible bandwidth scaling.

You must create an MLT before you can create an SMLT.

Procedure steps
1. From the Device Manager menu bar, select VLAN, MLT/LACP. The MLT_LACP dialog box appears. 2. Click the MultiLink/LACP Trunks tab. The MLT_LACP, MultiLink/LACP Trunks dialog box appears. 3. From the displayed list of MLTs, select an available MLT to configure as an SMLT. 4. Double-click the PortMembers box in the row containing the MLT. The PortMembers dialog box appears, displaying the available ports. 5. Click the ports to include in the MLT-based SMLT. Fast Ethernet ports can be added to MLT IDs 17, while Gigabit ports can be added to MLT IDs 131. 6. Click OK to close the PortMembers dialog box. The ports are added to the PortMembers field of the MLT dialog box. A maximum of eight ports can belong to a single MLT. 7. Double-click the MltType field, and select splitSMLT from the list. 8. Type an unused SMLT ID (131) in the SmltId field. Important: The corresponding SMLTs between aggregation switches must have matching SMLT IDs. The same ID number must be used on both sides. 9. Double-click the Aggregatable field, and select disable from the list. 10. Click Apply. 11. Click Close.


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

MLT and SMLT link aggregation configuration using Device Manager

The MLT dialog box closes.

Deleting MLT-based SMLT using Device Manager

Delete an SMLT from an MLT in your network.

Procedure steps
1. From the Device Manager menu bar, select VLAN, MLT/LACP. The MLT dialog box appears with the MultiLink Trunks tab selected. 2. From the displayed list of MLTs, select an available MLT to configure as an SMLT. 3. In the MltType field, double-click the splitSMLT you want to delete. 4. From the list, select normalMLT. 5. Click Apply. 6. Click Close. The MLT dialog box closes.

Viewing MLT-based SMLT information using Device Manager

View MLT-based SMLT information to review the configuration parameters of all MLTs on a switch.

Procedure steps
1. From the Device Manager menu bar, select VLAN, SMLT. The SMLT dialog box appears with the Single Port SMLT tab selected. 2. Select the SMLT Info tab. The SMLT Info tab appears and displays information for all SMLTs configured on the switch.

Variable definitions
Use the data in the following table for reference when viewing the SMLT Info tab.
Variable Id Value Read-only field that displays the MLT ID for this SMLT.

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

August 2011


Link aggregation configuration using Device Manager

Variable SmltId MltType

Value Indicates the MLT-based SMLT ID (an integer from 132). A read-only field that displays the type of MultiLink trunk: normalMLT istMLT splitMLT


A read-only field that displays the MLT operational type: normalMLT istMLT splitMLT

Configuring a single-port SMLT using Device Manager

Configure a single-port SMLT to use an individual port for scaling the number of split MultiLink trunks on a switch to a maximum number of available ports. Important: Ports that are already configured as MLT or MLT-based SMLT cannot be configured as a single port SMLT.

You must create an MLT before you can create an SMLT. You must remove MLT-based SMLTs and then configure the ports as single port SMLTs.

Procedure steps
1. In the Device Manager main window, click a port. 2. From the Device Manager main window, select Edit, Port. The Port dialog box appears with the Interface tab selected. 3. Select the SMLT tab.


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

MLT and SMLT link aggregation configuration using Device Manager

Important: If information for the port appears and the MltId field is not zero, the port is already configured as an MLT or MLT-based SMLT, so you cannot configure SMLT on the port. 4. Click Insert. The Insert SMLT dialog box appears. 5. In the SmltId box, type an unused SMLT ID number (from 1512). 6. Click Insert. The Insert SMLT dialog box closes, and the ID is entered in the SmltId field of the SMLT tab. 7. Click Close. The MLT dialog box closes.

Variable definitions
Use the data in the following table to configure single-port SMLT.
Field Port MltId Description The slot/port number for the port. Read-only field displaying one of the following: A value of 132 indicates that the port is part of an MLT and that, as a result, single port SMLT cannot be configured on the port. A value of 0 indicates that no MLT is assigned, and the port can be configured for single port SMLT. SmltId A read-only field indicating the SMLT ID (an integer from 1512). You can find an unused SMLT ID by viewing the single-port SMLT IDs already configured on the switch.

Deleting a single-port SMLT using Device Manager

Delete a single port SMLT to remove the SMLT from your network.

Procedure steps
1. In the Device Manager main window, click a port. 2. From the Device Manager menu bar, select Edit, Port.

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

August 2011


Link aggregation configuration using Device Manager

3. Select the SMLT tab. The SMLT tab displays the single port SMLT ID. 4. Select the single port SMLT by selecting any field in the row. 5. Click Delete. 6. Click Close. The single port SMLT configured for the port is deleted.

Viewing single-port SMLT information using Device Manager

View single-port SMLT information to review SMLT parameter information for a specific port..

Procedure steps
1. Select the port from the Device Manager main window. 2. From the Device Manager menu bar, choose VLAN, SMLT. The SMLT, Single Port SMLT dialog box appears, displaying information for the selected port.

Variable definitions
Use the data in this table to view single-port SMLT information.
Variable Port SmltId RunningType Value Indicates the slot and port number. The SMLT identifier for the port. Values range from 1 to 512. Identifies the SMLT running type for the port. Values are normal, ist, and split.

Configuring rate limiting using Device Manager

Configure rate limiting to limit all packets with broadcast and multicast addresses to control the amount of user traffic.


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

MLT and SMLT link aggregation configuration using Device Manager

Procedure steps
1. Select a port. 2. From the Device Manager menu bar, choose Edit, Port. The Edit, Port, dialog box appears with the Interface tab selected. 3. Click the Rate Limiting tab. The Port, Rate Limiting dialog box appears. 4. Double-click the AllowedRate box to type a rate limiting value. 5. Double-click the Enable box to select enable or disable from the list. 6. Click Apply.

Variable definitions
Use the data in this table to configure Rate Limiting dialog box fields.
Variable AllowedRate Value Specifies the rate limit to use, expressed as a percentage. The value can be from 1 to 100. Enables or disables rate limiting. Defines the selected port. Specifies broadcast or multicast traffic.

Enable Index TrafficType

Configuring an IST MLT using Device Manager

Configure an InterSwitch trunking (IST) MLT to enable and manage an interconnection between two aggregation switches.

Procedure steps
1. From the Device Manager menu bar, select VLAN, MLT/LACP. The MLT_LACP dialog box appears. 2. Click the MultiLink/LACP Trunks tab.

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

August 2011


Link aggregation configuration using Device Manager

The MLT_LACP, MultiLink/LACP Trunks dialog box appears. 3. In the row containing the MLT you want to configure as an IST, double-click the MltType box. 4. Select istMLT from the list. 5. Click Apply. 6. Click any field in the same MLT row. The IstMlt button is activated. 7. Click the IstMlt button. The IST MLT dialog box appears. 8. In the PeerIp box, type an IP address. 9. In the VlanId box, type a VLAN ID. 10. In the SessionEnable field, select the enable option button. 11. Click Apply. 12. Click Close. The IST MLT dialog box closes, and the changes are applied. The IST MLT is now configured.

Variable definitions
Use the data in the following table to configure the IST MLT dialog box.
Field PeerIp VlanId SessionEnable SessionStatus Description The IST MLT peer IP address. An IST VLAN ID number in the range 14000. Enables or disables the IST functionality. Indicates the status of the IST (up or down).

Removing an IST MLT using Device Manager

Remove an existing IST MLT from the switch.

Procedure steps
1. From the Device Manager menu bar, select VLAN, MLT/LACP.


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VLACP configuration using Device Manager

The MLT dialog box appears with the MultiLink Trunks tab selected. 2. Select the IST MLT you want to remove by clicking in any field. 3. Click the IstMlt button. The IST MLT dialog box appears. 4. Select the disable option button. 5. Click Apply. 6. In the Device Manager confirmation window that appears, click Yes. 7. Click Close. The IST MLT dialog box closes. 8. Double-click the MltType box for the IST MLT you disabled. 9. From the list, select normalMLT. 10. Click Apply. 11. Click Close. The MLT dialog box closes.

VLACP configuration using Device Manager

Configure Virtual LACP (VLACP) to implement link status control protocol at the port level. VLACP cannot interoperate with LACP.

VLACP configuration using Device Manager navigation

Configuring VLACP globally using Device Manager on page 65 Configuring port-based VLACP using Device Manager on page 66

Configuring VLACP globally using Device Manager

Configure VLACP globally to enable or disable the capability of the switch to detect end-toend failures. Important: When you enable VLACP globally and on one or more ports on a switch, that switch is configured as a VLACP-end switch. A VLACP-end switch interrupts the transmission of VLACP protocol data units (PDUs), causing VLACP to transition to a failure state.

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Link aggregation configuration using Device Manager

Caution: Enabling VLACP globally and on one or more ports on a switch connected between two VLACP-end switches will cause a VLACP link failure and a loss of data.

Procedure steps
1. From the Device Manager menu bar, choose VLAN, MLT/LACP. The MLT_LACP dialog box appears. 2. Click the VLACP Global tab. The MLT_LACP, VLACP Global dialog box appears. 3. To enable VLACP globally, select the VlacpEnable check box. 4. To disable VLACP globally, clear the VlacpEnable check box. 5. Click Apply.

Configuring port-based VLACP using Device Manager

Enable VLACP to configure a port for virtual LACP. Important: When you enable VLACP globally and on one or more ports on a switch, that switch is configured as a VLACP-end switch. A VLACP-end switch interrupts the transmission of VLACP protocol data units (PDUs), causing VLACP to transition to a failure state. Caution: Enabling VLACP globally and on one or more ports on a switch connected between two VLACP-end switches will cause a VLACP link failure and a loss of data. Important: When you configure a VLACP link across a virtual private network (VPN) or Layer 2 network, connections between VLACP peers must be point to point. Caution: Enabling VLACP on two different interface types (MLT, VLAN, FastEthernet, or GigabitEthernet) in the same network, causes the network VLACP state to be unstable, and a loss of data can occur.


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VLACP configuration using Device Manager

Procedure steps
1. Select a port. 2. From the Device Manager menu bar, choose Edit, Port. The Port dialog box appears. 3. Click the VLACP tab. The Port, VLACP dialog box appears. 4. To enable VLACP on the port, select AdminEnable check box. 5. Configure the remaining fields as required. 6. Click Apply.

Variable definitions
Use the data in this table to configure Port, VLACP dialog box fields.
Variable AdminEnable OperEnable FastPeriodicTimer Value Enables VLACP on the port. Indicates the operational status of VLACP for the port. Specifies the number of milliseconds between periodic transmissions using short timeouts. The value ranges from 200 to 20000 ms. Specifies the number of milliseconds between periodic transmissions using long timeouts. The value ranges from 10000 to 30000 ms. Specifies a long or short timeout control value. Assigns the value used to calculate timeout time from the periodic time for all VLACP enabled ports. Timeout = PeriodicTime x TimeoutScale. The range is 210. Indicates the VLACP protocol identification. The ID is in hexadecimal format. Indicates the multicast MAC address exclusively used for VLACPDUs. Indicates the VLACP port state.


Timeout TimeoutScale

EtherType EtherMacAddress PortState

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Link aggregation configuration using Device Manager


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Chapter 5: Link aggregation configuration using the CLI

This chapter describes how to configure and manage link aggregation using Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP), Virtual Link Aggregation Control Protocol (VLACP), MultiLink trunking (MLT), Split MultiLink trunking (SMLT), and InterSwitch trunking (IST). All information about statistics is documented in Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 Performance Management (NN46200-705).

LACP configuration using the CLI on page 69 MLT and SMLT link aggregation configuration using the CLI on page 77 VLACP configuration using the CLI on page 91

LACP configuration using the CLI

MultiLink Trunking (MLT) with Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) manages switch ports and port memberships to form a link aggregation group (LAG). Configure LACP to allow dynamic bundling of physical ports to form a single logical channel. LACP can be described in terms of link aggregation operations within a single system. You can configure a single piece of equipment so it contains more than one system (from the point of view of the link aggregation operation). Important: If you make a time change, restart LACP (globally or on the port) so the changes are consistent across the link. Important: Changes to LACP made at the global level override and reset all port level settings.

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Link aggregation configuration using the CLI

Important: Configuration changes to LACP timers are not reflected immediately. LACP timers are not reset until the next time LACP is restarted globally or on a port. This ensures consistency with peer switches. Important: When you reboot the switch, all spanning tree port parameters configured on LACP links will reset to default values.

LACP configuration using the CLI navigation

Job aid: Roadmap of LACP CLI commands on page 70 Configuring LACP globally using the CLI on page 72 Viewing global LACP configuration information using the CLI on page 73 Configuring port-based LACP using the CLI on page 74 Viewing port-based LACP configuration information using the CLI on page 76

Job aid: Roadmap of LACP CLI commands

The following table lists the commands and their parameters that you use to complete the procedures in this section. Table 2: Job aid: Roadmap of LACP CLI commands
Command Parameter

config lacp

aggr-wait-time <milliseconds> disable enable fast-periodic-time <milliseconds> info slow-periodic-time <milliseconds> smlt-sys-id <BaseMac> system-priority <integer> timeout-scale <integer>


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LACP configuration using the CLI



config <port-type> <slot/ port> lacp

aggregation <true|false> aggr-wait-time <milliseconds> disable enable fast-periodic-time <milliseconds> info key <integer> mode <active|passive> partner-key <int> partner-port <int> partner-port-priority <int> partner-state <hex> partner-system-id <mac> partner-system-priority <int> port-priority <integer> slow-periodic-time <milliseconds> system-priority <integer> timeout <long|short> timeout-scale <integer>

show lacp info show ports info lacp actor-admin <ports> actor-oper <ports> all <ports> extension <ports> partner-admin <ports> partner-oper <ports>

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Link aggregation configuration using the CLI

Configuring LACP globally using the CLI

Configure LACP globally to enable and configure LACP parameters on the switch. Important: Configuration changes to LACP timers are not reflected immediately. LACP timers are not reset until the next time LACP is restarted globally or on a port. This ensures consistency with peer switches. Important: If you make a time change, restart LACP (globally or on the port) so the changes are consistent across the link.

Procedure steps
Configure global LACP parameters by using the following command: config lacp

Variable definitions
The following table defines optional parameters that you enter after the config lacp command.
Variable aggr-wait-time <milliseconds> Value Sets the aggregation wait time (in milliseconds) for a specific port type. The value ranges from 200 to 2000 ms. Disables LACP globally on the switch. Enables LACP globally on the switch. Sets the fast-periodic time (in milliseconds) for a specific port type. The value ranges from 200 to 20000 ms. Important: If you make configuration changes to the fast periodic time value of an LAG member, you must make the same configuration changes to the fast periodic time value of all ports in the LAG and member ports of the protocol partner.

disable enable fast-periodic-time <milliseconds>


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LACP configuration using the CLI

Variable info slow-periodic-time <milliseconds>

Value Displays the current global LACP parameter configuration. Sets the slow periodic time (in milliseconds) for a specific port type. The value ranges from 10 000 to 30 000 ms. Important: If you make configuration changes to the slow periodic time value of an LAG member, you must make the same configuration changes to the slow periodic time value of all ports in the LAG and member ports of the protocol partner.

smlt-sys-id <BaseMac> system-priority

Sets the LACP system ID globally. Sets the LACP system priority globally. The value ranges from 0 to 65 535. The default value is 32,768. Important: Global LACP system-priority overwrites the LACP system-priority of all LAGs and ports. You must configure LACP systempriority for LAGs or ports on a switch to the same value as the global LACP systempriority of that switch.

timeout-scale <integer>

Sets a timeout scale for a specific port type. The value ranges from 2 to 10 and the default value is 3.

Viewing global LACP configuration information using the CLI

View global LACP configuration information to review and confirm the configuration of global LACP parameters.

Procedure steps
View global LACP configuration information by using the following command:

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

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Link aggregation configuration using the CLI

show lacp info

Configuring port-based LACP using the CLI

Configure port-based LACP to enable and configure LACP parameters on a specific port or multiple ports. Important: Changes made at the global level override and reset all port level settings.

Procedure steps
Configure LACP on a port by using the following command: config <port-type> <slot/port> lacp <port-type> is the port type identifier. Values are Ethernet (eth) or Packet over SONET (pos). <slot/port> is the slot and port identifier.

Variable definitions
The following table defines optional parameters that you enter after the config <port-type> <slot/port> lacp command.
Variable aggregation <true|false> Value Sets individual port or aggregation for a specific port type. true sets the port as aggregation. false sets the port as individual. aggr-wait-time <milliseconds> disable enable fast-periodic-time <milliseconds> Sets the aggregation wait time (in milliseconds) for a specific port type. Disables LACP for a specific port type. Enables LACP for a specific port type. Sets the fast-periodic time (in milliseconds) for a specific port type. Important: If you make configuration changes to the fast periodic time value of an LAG


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LACP configuration using the CLI


Value member, you must make the same configuration changes to the fast periodic time value of all ports in the LAG and member ports of the protocol partner.

partner-key <int> info key <integer>

The LACP partner administrative key. The integer value ranges from 0 to 65535. Displays the current LACP parameter settings for a specific port. Sets the aggregation key for the port. The value is an integer in the range of 0 to 65535. Sets active or passive mode for a specific port type. Sets the partner administration key value. The value is an integer in the range of 0 to 65535. Sets the partner administration port value. The value is an integer in the range of 0 to 65535. Sets the partner administration port priority value. The value is an integer in the range of 0 to 65535. Sets the port-partner administration state value. The hexadecimal value represents the LACP partner administrative state bitmap. Sets the port partner administration system ID. The value is the LACP partner administrative system ID MAC address. Sets the partner administration system priority value. The value is a number in the range of 0 to 65535. Sets the port priority value. The value is an integer in the range of 0 to 65535. The default value is 32 768. Sets the slow periodic time for a specific port type. The value ranges from 10000 to 30000 ms. Important: If you make configuration changes to the slow periodic time value of an LAG member, you must make the same configuration changes to the slow periodic

mode <active|passive> partner-key <integer>

partner-port <integer>

partner-port-priority <integer>

partner-state <hex>

partner-system-id <mac>

partner-system-priority <integer>

port-priority <integer>

slow-periodic-time <milliseconds>

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Link aggregation configuration using the CLI


Value time value of all ports in the LAG and member ports of the protocol partner.

system-priority <integer>

Sets the lacp system priority globally. The value is an integer in the range of 0 to 65535. The default value is 32,768. Important: Global LACP system-priority overwrites the LACP system-priority of all LAGs and ports. You must configure LACP systempriority for LAGs or ports on a switch to the same value as the global LACP systempriority of that switch.

timeout <long|short> timeout-scale <integer>

Sets the timeout value to either long or short for a specific port type. Sets a timeout scale for a specific port type. The value ranges from 1 to 10. The default value is 3.

Example of Configuring port-based LACP using the CLI

Procedure steps
config ethernet 1/2 lacp timeout long

Viewing port-based LACP configuration information using the CLI

View port-based LACP configuration information to review and confirm the configuration of LACP parameters for an individual port or multiple ports.

Procedure steps
View port LACP configuration information by using the following command: show port info lacp

Variable definitions
The following table defines optional parameters that you enter after the show ports info lacp command.


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MLT and SMLT link aggregation configuration using the CLI

Variable actor-admin <port>

Value Shows port LACP actor administrative information. <port> The port or list of ports for which you want to view actor administrative information. Use the format: {slot/port[-slot/ port][,...]}.

actor-oper <port>

Shows port LACP actor operational information. <port> The port or list of ports for which you want to view actor operational information. Use the format: {slot/port[-slot/port][,...]}.

all <port>

Shows all port LACP information. <port> The port or list of ports for which you want to view all port LACP information. Use the format: {slot/port[-slot/port][,...]}.

extension <port>

Shows port LACP timer information. <port> The port or list of ports for which you want to view port LACP timer information. Use the format: {slot/port[-slot/port][,...]}.

partner-admin <port>

Shows port LACP partner administrative information. <port> The port or list of ports for which you want to view port LACP partner administrative information. Use the format: {slot/port[-slot/port][,...]}.


Shows port LACP partner operational information. <port> The port or list of ports for which you want to view port LACP partner operational information. Use the format: {slot/port[-slot/ port][,...]}.

MLT and SMLT link aggregation configuration using the CLI

Multi-Link Trunking (MLT) and Split Multi-Link Trunking (SMLT) is a link aggregation or IEEE 802.3ad port trunking technology. It allows grouping several physical Ethernet links into one

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

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Link aggregation configuration using the CLI

logical Ethernet link to provide fault-tolerance and high-speed links between routers, switches, and servers.

MLT and SMLT configuration navigation

Job aid: Roadmap of MLT, SMLT, and IST CLI commands on page 78 Configuring a MultiLink trunk using the CLI on page 79 Viewing all MLT information using the CLI on page 81 Configuring a single-port SMLT using the CLI on page 82 Viewing single-port SMLT information using the CLI on page 82 Viewing SMLT information using the CLI on page 83 Configuring rate limiting using the CLI on page 83 Configuring an MLT-based SMLT using the CLI on page 84 Configuring LACP on an MLT using the CLI on page 84 Configuring an IST MLT using the CLI on page 86 Viewing MLT LACP information using the CLI on page 86 Viewing the IST configuration information using the CLI on page 87 Viewing MLT Ethernet error information using the CLI on page 88 Viewing MLT collision error information using the CLI on page 90

Job aid: Roadmap of MLT, SMLT, and IST CLI commands

The following roadmap lists the command line interface (CLI) commands you use to enable and configure link aggregation. Table 3: Job aid: Roadmap of MLT, SMLT, and IST CLI commands
Command Parameter

config ethernet <port> smlt <smltid> config mlt <mid> add vlan <vid> create delete add ports <ports> info


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MLT and SMLT link aggregation configuration using the CLI



name <string> ntstg <enable|disable> perform-tagging <enable|disable> remove ports <ports> remove vlan <vid> config mlt <mid> lacp info enable disable clear-link-aggrgate key <integer> system-priority <integer> config mlt <mid> smlt config mlt <mid> ist show mlt error collision show mlt error main show mlt info show mlt ist info show mlt lacp info show smlt

Configuring a MultiLink trunk using the CLI

Configure a MultiLink trunk to create and manage an MLT in your network.

Procedure steps
Configure an MLT by using the following command: config mlt <mid>

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Link aggregation configuration using the CLI

<mid> is the MLT identifier. Values range from 1 to 7 for FastEthernet ports, up to 7 MLTs (IDs 17) are supported. Values range from 1 to 31 for Gigabit Ethernet and 10 Gigabit Ethernet ports, up to 31 MLTs (IDs 131) are supported.

Variable definitions
The following table defines optional parameters that you enter after the config mlt<mid> command.
Variable add ports <ports> Value Adds ports or a VLAN to the MLT. Ports <ports>: Defines the list of ports to add to this group. Use the format: {slot/port[-slot/port][,...]}. Adds a VLAN to the MLT. VLAN <VID>: Specify a value (1 to 2000) that uniquely identifies the Virtual LAN you are adding to the group. The VID corresponds to the lower 12 bits in the Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.1Q VLAN Tag. The default VLAN ID is 1. Creates an MLT. Deletes an MLT. Important: Before you can delete an MLT that is configured as an IST, or delete the virtual local area network (VLAN) that contains the IST ports, you must first disable the IST. info Displays the following: Sub-Context: The names of the directories for the next command line interface (CLI) command level. Current Context: The parameter settings for the MLT. name <string> ntstg <enable|disable> Names an MLT. String: The name, from 0 to 20 characters. Avaya Spanning Tree Group (ASTG) is enabled by default. Disable ASTG to automatically enable the Cisco compatible Spanning Tree mode (bridge protocol data units BPDUs are sent on only one link of the aggregation group). Enables or disables tagging on the ports in an MLT. Removes ports or a VLAN from the group. Ports <ports>: Defines the list of ports to add to this group. Use the format: {slot/port[-slot/port][,...]}. Removes a VLAN from the group.

add vlan <vid>

create delete

perform-tagging <enable| disable> remove ports <ports>

remove vlan <vid>


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MLT and SMLT link aggregation configuration using the CLI


Value VLAN <VID>: Specify a value (1 to 2000) that uniquely identifies the Virtual LAN you are adding to the group. The VID corresponds to the lower 12 bits in the IEEE 802.1Q VLAN Tag. The default VLAN ID is 1.

Viewing all MLT information using the CLI

You can view information about all MLTs configured on a switch.

Procedure steps
View all MLT configuration information by using the following command: show mlt info

Job aid: show mlt info output

The following table displays field descriptions for the show mlt info command. Table 4: Job aid: show mlt info output
Field MLTID DESIGNATED PORT IFINDEX NAME LACP ADMIN LACP OPER PORT TYPE VLAN IDS MLT ADMIN MLT CURRENT PORT MEMBERS Description Indicates the MultiLink trunk ID number. Indicates the designated port for the MultiLink trunk. Indicates the interface index number. Indicates the name of this MultiLink trunk. Indicates the administrative status of LACP on the MultiLink trunk. Indicates the operational status of LACP on the MultiLink trunk. Indicates the type of MultiLink trunk port: access or trunk. Indicates the number of VLANS on the MultiLink trunk. Indicates the status of MLT. Indicates the operational status of MLT. Indicates the set of ports that are members of this MultiLink trunk.

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Link aggregation configuration using the CLI

Field NT-STG

Description Indicates whether this STG is operating in Avaya mode or in Cisco mode. trueAvaya Mode falseCisco Mode.

Configuring a single-port SMLT using the CLI

Configure a single-port SMLT to use an individual port for scaling the number of split MultiLink trunks on a switch to a maximum number of available ports.

Procedure steps
Configure a single-port SMLT by using the following command: config ethernet<port> smlt <smltid> <port> is the slot and port identifier. <smltid> is the MLT-based SMLT identifier. Values range from 1 to 7 for FastEthernet ports, up to 7 MLTs (IDs 17) are supported. Values range from 1 to 31 for Gigabit Ethernet and 10 Gigabit Ethernet ports, up to 31 MLTs (IDs 131) are supported.

Variable definitions
The following table defines optional parameters that you enter after the config ethernet<port>smlt<smltid> command.
Variable create delete info Value Creates a single port split MultiLink trunk. Deletes a single port split MultiLink trunk. Shows the port SMLT information.

Viewing single-port SMLT information using the CLI

You can view single-port SMLT information only.


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Viewing SMLT information using the CLI

Procedure steps
View single-port SMLT information by using the following command: show ports info smlt <port> <port> is the identifier for the slot and port. Use the {slot/port[-slot/port][,...]} format.

Viewing SMLT information using the CLI

You can view MLT and single-port SMLT information.

Procedure steps
View SMLT and single-port SMLT information by using the following command: show smlt

Configuring rate limiting using the CLI

Configure rate limiting to limit all packets with broadcast and multicast addresses to control the amount of user traffic.

Procedure steps
Configure rate limiting by using the following command: config ethernet <port> bcast-mcast-rate-limit <percent allowed> enable <port> is the identifier for the slot and port. Use the {slot/port[-slot/port][,...]} format.

Variable definitions
The following table defines optional parameters that you enter after the config ethernet <port> bcast-mcast-rate-limit <percent allowed> enable command.

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Link aggregation configuration using the CLI

Variable bcast-mcast-rate-limit <percent allowed>

Value Specifies the rate limit to use, expressed as a percentage. The value can be from 1 to 100.

Configuring an MLT-based SMLT using the CLI

Create an MLT-based SMLT to improve the level of Layer 2/Layer 3 resiliency by providing nodal protection in addition to link failure protection and flexible bandwidth scaling.

Procedure steps
Create an SMLT by using the following command: config mlt <mid> smlt <mid> is the MLT identifier. Values range from 1 to 7 for FastEthernet ports, up to 7 MLTs (IDs 17) are supported. Values range from 1 to 31 for Gigabit Ethernet and 10 Gigabit Ethernet ports, up to 31 MLTs (IDs 131) are supported.

Variable definitions
The following table defines optional parameters that you enter after the config mlt <mid> smlt command.
Variable create smlt-id <1-31> delete info Value Creates an MLT-based SMLT. The ID for the SMLT is an integer from 1 to 31. Deletes an SMLT. Displays parameter settings for an SMLT.

Configuring LACP on an MLT using the CLI

Configure LACP on an MLT to provide dynamic link aggregation mechanisms.


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Configuring LACP on an MLT using the CLI

Important: Attach ports to an aggregator only if system priorities are the same; otherwise, they are considered to be operating in two different switches. You can attach ports to an aggregator only if their keys are the same.

Procedure steps
Configure LACP on an MLT by using the following command: config mlt <mlt id> lacp <mlt id> is the MLT identifier. Values range from 1 to 7 for FastEthernet ports, up to 7 MLTs (IDs 17) are supported. Values range from 1 to 31 for Gigabit Ethernet and 10 Gigabit Ethernet ports, up to 31 MLTs (IDs 131) are supported.

Variable definitions
The following table defines optional parameters that you enter after the config mlt<mlt id>lacp command.
Variable Value Clears link aggregation information for a specific MLT. Disables LACP for a specific MLT. Enables LACP for a specific MLT. Shows current level parameter settings and next level directories. Sets LACP aggregator key for a specific MLT. integer is the LACP actor admin key.

clear-link-aggrgate disable enable info key <integer>

system-priority <integer>

Sets LACP system priority for a specific MLT. integer is the system priority within the range 0 to 65 535.

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Link aggregation configuration using the CLI

Viewing MLT LACP information using the CLI

View MLT LACP information to review and confirm LACP aggregator configuration information. Important: MLT LACP information displays only for MLTs with LACP enabled.

Procedure steps
View MLT LACP information by using the following command: sho mlt lacp info

Configuring an IST MLT using the CLI

Configure an IST MLT to enable and manage an interconnection between two aggregation switches.

You must create an MLT before you can create an IST.

Procedure steps
Configure an IST by using the following command: config mlt <mid> ist


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

Viewing the IST configuration information using the CLI

<mid> is the MLT identifier. Values range from 1 to 7 for FastEthernet ports, up to 7 MLTs (IDs 17) are supported. Values range from 1 to 31 for Gigabit Ethernet and 10 Gigabit Ethernet ports, up to 31 MLTs (IDs 131) are supported.

Variable definitions
The following table defines optional parameters that you enter after the config mlt<mid>ist command.
Variable create ip <value> vlan-id <value> Value Creates an interswitch trunk from an MultiLink trunk: ip value is a peer IP address. vlan-id <value> is an integer value. delete disable Deletes an existing IST. You must disable an IST before you can delete it. Stops the IST function without interfering with the IST configuration. Important: Before you can delete an MLT that is configured as an IST, or delete the VLAN that contains the IST ports, you must first disable the IST. enable info Enables an IST. Shows current level parameter settings.

Viewing the IST configuration information using the CLI

You can view IST configuration information for the switch.

Procedure steps
View IST configuration information by using the following command:

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

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Link aggregation configuration using the CLI

show mlt ist info

Job aid: Viewing IST configuration information using the CLI

The following shows sample output for the show mlt ist info command:
ERS-8310:6# show mlt ist info ================================================================ Mlt IST Info ================================================================ MLT IP VLAN ENABLE IST ID ADDRESS ID IST STATUS ---------------------------------------------------------------6 2 true down

Viewing MLT Ethernet error information using the CLI

You can view information about Ethernet errors sent and received by a specific MLT or all MLTs on a switch.

Procedure steps
View Ethernet error information by using the following command: show mlt error main

Variable definitions
The following table defines optional parameters that you enter after the show mlt error main command. Table 5:
Variable Alignment Errors Value A count of frames received on a particular MLT that are not an integral number of octets in length and do not pass the frame check sequence (FCS) check. The count represented by an instance of this object is incremented when the alignmentError status is returned by the Media Access Control (MAC) service to the logical link control (LLC) (or other MAC user). Received frames, for which multiple error conditions occur are, according to the conventions of IEEE 802.3 Layer


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Viewing MLT Ethernet error information using the CLI


Value Management, counted exclusively according to the error status presented to the LLC.

Carrier Sense Error

The number of times that the carrier sense condition was lost or never asserted when attempting to transmit a frame on a particular MLT. The count represented by an instance of this object is incremented at most once per transmission attempt, even if the carrier sense condition fluctuates during a transmission attempt. A count of frames for which the first transmission attempt on a particular MLT is delayed because the medium is busy. The count represented by an instance of this object does not include frames involved in collisions. A count of frames received on an MLT that are an integral number of octets in length but do not pass the FCS check. The count represented by an instance of this object is incremented when the frameCheckError status is returned by the MAC service to the LLC (or other MAC user). Received frames, for which multiple error conditions occur are, according to the conventions of IEEE 802.3 Layer Management, counted exclusively according to the error status presented to the LLC. A count of frames received on a particular MLT that exceed the maximum permitted frame size. The count represented by an instance of this object is incremented when the frameTooLong status is returned by the MAC service to the LLC (or other MAC user). Received frames, for which multiple error conditions occur are, according to the conventions of IEEE 802.3 Layer Management, counted exclusively according to the error status presented to the LLC. A count of frames for which transmission on a particular MLT fails due to an internal MAC sublayer transmit error. A frame is only counted by an instance of this object if it is not counted by the corresponding instance of either the LateCollisions object, the ExcessiveCollisions object, or the CarrierSenseErrors object. A count of frames for which reception on a particular MLT fails due to an internal MAC sublayer receive error. A frame is only counted by an instance of this object if it is not counted by the corresponding instance of either the FrameTooLongs object, the AlignmentErrors object, or the FCSErrors object. The precise meaning of the count represented by an instance of this object is implementation specific. In particular, an instance of this object can represent a count of receive errors on a particular interface that are not otherwise counted. A value that uniquely identifies the MLT:


FCS Errors

Frame Too Long

IMacTransmit Error

IMac Receive Error


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

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Link aggregation configuration using the CLI


Value For 8348 modules, allowable MIDs are 1-7. For 8324 modules, allowable MIDs are 1-31.

SQE Test Errors

A count of times that the SQE TEST ERROR message is generated by the physical layer signaling (PLS) sublayer for a particular MLT. The SQE TEST ERROR message is defined in section of ANSI/IEEE 802.3-1985, and its generation is described in section of the same document.

Viewing MLT collision error information using the CLI

You can view information about collision errors in a specific MLT or all MLTs on a switch.

Procedure steps
View collision error informationby using the following command: show mlt error collision

Variable definitions
The following table defines optional parameters that you enter after the show mlt error collision command. Table 6:
Variable Excessive Late Value A count of frames for which transmission on a particular MLT fails due to excessive collisions. The number of times that a collision is detected on a particular MLT later than 512 bit-times into the transmission of a packet; 512 corresponds to 51.2 microseconds on a 10 mega bit per second (Mb/s) system. A late collision included in a count represented by an instance of this object is also considered as a generic collision for purposes of other collision-related statistics.


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

VLACP configuration using the CLI

Variable MLT ID

Value A value that uniquely identifies the MLT: For 8348 modules, allowable MIDs are 1-7. For 8324 modules, allowable MIDs are 1-31.


A count of successfully transmitted frames on a particular MLT for which transmission is inhibited by more than one collision. A frame that is counted by an instance of this object is also counted by the corresponding instance of either the ifOutUcastPkts object, the ifOutMulticastPkts object, or the ifOutBroadcastPkts object, and is not counted by the corresponding instance of the SingleCollisionFrames object. A count of successfully transmitted frames on a particular MLT for which transmission is inhibited by exactly one collision. A frame that is counted by an instance of this object is also counted by the corresponding instance of either the ifOutUcastPkts object, the ifOutMulticastPkts object, or the ifOutBroadcastPkts object, and is not counted by the corresponding instance of the MultipleCollisionFrames object.


VLACP configuration using the CLI

You can use Virtual Link Aggregation Control Protocol (VLACP) to detect an end-to-end failure in a point-to-point connection. This section describes how to configure VLACP on the Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 using the command line interface (CLI).

VLACP configuration using the CLI navigation

Job aid: Roadmap of VLACP commands on page 91 Configuring VLACP globally using the CLI on page 92 Viewing global VLACP configuration information using the CLI on page 93 Configuring port-based VLACP using the CLI on page 93 Viewing port-based VLACP configuration information using the CLI on page 95

Job aid: Roadmap of VLACP commands

The following table lists the commands and their parameters that you use to complete the procedures in this section.

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

August 2011


Link aggregation configuration using the CLI

Table 7: Job aid: Roadmap of VLACP commands

Command Parameter

config vlacp

disable enable info

config <port-type> <slot/ port> vlacp

disable enable fast-periodic-time <milliseconds> info slow-periodic-time <milliseconds> timeout <long|short> timeout-scale <integer>

show vlacp info show port info vlacp<port>

Configuring VLACP globally using the CLI

Configure VLACP globally to enable or disable the capability of the switch to detect end-toend failures. Important: When you enable VLACP globally and on one or more ports on a switch, that switch is configured as a VLACP-end switch. A VLACP-end switch interrupts the transmission of VLACP protocol data units (PDUs), causing VLACP to transition to a failure state. Caution: Enabling VLACP globally and on one or more ports on a switch connected between two VLACP-end switches will cause a VLACP link failure and a loss of data.

Procedure steps
Configure VLACP globally by using the following command:


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

Viewing global VLACP configuration information using the CLI

config vlacp

Variable definitions
The following table defines optional parameters that you enter after the config vlacp command.
Variable disable enable info Value Disables VLACP globally on the switch. Enables VLACP globally on the switch. Displays the current global VLACP parameter configuration.

Viewing global VLACP configuration information using the CLI

View global VLACP configuration information to confirm whether VLACP is enabled globally on the switch.

Procedure steps
View global VLACP configuration information by using the following command: show vlacp info

Configuring port-based VLACP using the CLI

Configure port-based VLACP to enable and configure VLACP parameters on a specific port or multiple ports. Important: When you enable VLACP globally and on one or more ports on a switch, that switch is configured as a VLACP-end switch. A VLACP-end switch interrupts the transmission of VLACP protocol data units (PDUs), causing VLACP to transition to a failure state.

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

August 2011


Link aggregation configuration using the CLI

Caution: Enabling VLACP globally and on one or more ports on a switch connected between two VLACP-end switches will cause a VLACP link failure and a loss of data. Important: When you configure a VLACP link across a virtual private network (VPN) or Layer 2 network, connections between VLACP peers must be point to point. Caution: Enabling VLACP on two different interface types (MLT, VLAN, FastEthernet, or GigabitEthernet) in the same network, causes the network VLACP state to be unstable, and a loss of data can occur.

Procedure steps
Configure port-based VLACP by using the following command: config <port-type> <slot/port> vlacp <port-type> is the port type identifier. Values are Ethernet (eth) or Packet over SONET (pos). <slot/port> is the slot and port identifier.

Variable definitions
The following table defines optional parameters that you enter after theconfig <port-type> <slot/port> vlacp command.
Variable disable enable fast-periodic-time <milliseconds> Value Disables VLACP for a specific port type. Enables VLACP for a specific port type. Sets the fast-periodic time (in milliseconds) for a specific port type. The range is 200 to 20000 milliseconds. Displays the current VLACP parameter settings for a specific port. Sets the slow periodic time (in milliseconds) for a specific port type. The range is 10000 to 30000 milliseconds.

info slow-periodic-time <milliseconds>


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

Viewing port-based VLACP configuration information using the CLI

Variable timeout <long|short> timeout-scale <integer>

Value Sets the timeout value to either long or short for a specific port type. Sets a timeout scale for a specific port type. The default value is 3, and the value ranges from 2 to 10.

Example of Configuring port-based VLACP using the CLI

Procedure steps
config ethernet 1/2 vlacp enable

Viewing port-based VLACP configuration information using the CLI

View port-based VLACP configuration information to review and confirm the configuration of VLACP parameters for an individual port or multiple ports.

Procedure steps
View port-based VLACP configuration information by using the following command: show port info vlacp <port> <port> is the slot and port identifier.

Example of viewing port-based VLACP configuration information using the CLI

Procedure steps
show port info vlacp 1/2-1/6

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

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Link aggregation configuration using the CLI


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

Chapter 6: Link aggregation configuration using the ACLI

This chapter describes how to configure and manage link aggregation protocols, including Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP), Virtual Link Aggregation Control Protocol (VLACP), MultiLink trunking (MLT), Split MultiLink trunking (SMLT), and InterSwitch trunking (IST), using the Avaya command line interface (ACLI). All information about statistics is documented in Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 Performance Management (NN46200-705). Important: Standby mode for aggregation groups of largerthan eight ports is not supported in release 4.2.

LACP configuration using the ACLI on page 97 MLT and SMLT link aggregation configuration using the ACLI on page 108 VLACP configuration using the ACLI on page 127

LACP configuration using the ACLI

MultiLink Trunking (MLT) with Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) manages switch ports and port memberships to form a link aggregation group (LAG). Configure LACP to allow dynamic bundling of physical ports to form a single logical channel. LACP can be described in terms of link aggregation operations within a single system. You can configure a single piece of equipment so it contains more than one system (from the point of view of the link aggregation operation). Important: If you make a time change, restart LACP (globally or on the port) so the changes are consistent across the link.

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

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Link aggregation configuration using the ACLI

Important: Changes to LACP made at the global level override and reset all port level settings. When the LACP system priority is set globally, it applies to all LACP-enabled aggregators and ports. When LACP is enabled on an aggregator or port, it uses the global system priority value. Important: When you reboot the switch, all spanning tree port parameters configured on LACP links will reset to default values.

LACP configuration using the ACLI navigation

Job aid: Roadmap of LACP ACLI commands on page 98 Configuring LACP globally using the ACLI on page 100 Disabling LACP globally using the ACLI on page 101 Configuring LACP on a port using the ACLI on page 102 Disabling LACP on a port using the ACLI on page 104 Viewing LACP configuration information using the ACLI on page 105 Viewing LACP interface configuration information using the ACLI on page 107

Job aid: Roadmap of LACP ACLI commands

The following table lists the commands and their parameters that you use to complete the procedures in this section. Table 8: Job aid: Roadmap of LACP ACLI commands
Command Privileged EXEC mode Parameter

show lacp

actor-admin interface actor-oper interface extension interface partner-admin interface partner-oper interface

show lacp interface



Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


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LACP configuration using the ACLI



gigabitethernet mlt pos

Global Configuration mode


aggr-wait-time enable fast-periodic-time slow-periodic-time smlt-sys-id system-priority timeout scale

Interface Configuration mode (FastEthernet and GigabitEthernet)


aggr-wait-time aggregation clear-stats enable fast-periodic-time key mode partner-key partner-port partner-port-priority partner-state partner-system-id partner-system-priority priority slow-periodic-time system-priority timeout- scale timeout-time

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

August 2011


Link aggregation configuration using the ACLI

Configuring LACP globally using the ACLI

Configure global LACP parameters. Important: Changes to LACP made at the global level override and reset all port level settings.

Log on to the Global Configuration mode in the ACLI.

Procedure steps
Configure LACP globally by using the following command: lacp Important: Configuration changes to LACP timers are not reflected immediately. LACP timers are not reset until the next time LACP is restarted globally or on a port. This ensures consistency with peer switches. Important: If you make a time change, restart LACP (globally or on the port) so the changes are consistent across the link.

Variable definitions
The following table defines optional parameters that you enter after the lacp command.
Variable aggr-wait-time <milliseconds> Value Sets the aggregation wait time (in milliseconds) for a specific port type. The value ranges from 200 to 2000 ms. Enables LACP globally on the switch. Sets the fast-periodic time (in milliseconds) for a specific port type. The value ranges from 200 to 20000 ms.

enable fast-periodic-time <milliseconds>


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

LACP configuration using the ACLI


Value Important: If you make configuration changes to the fast periodic time value of an LAG member, you must make the same configuration changes to the fast periodic time value of all ports in the LAG and member ports of the protocol partner.

slow-periodic-time <milliseconds>

Sets the slow periodic time (in milliseconds) for a specific port type. The value ranges from 10 000 to 30 000 ms. Important: If you make configuration changes to the slow periodic time value of an LAG member, you must make the same configuration changes to the slow periodic time value of all ports in the LAG and member ports of the protocol partner.

smlt-sys-id system-priority

Sets the LACP system ID globally. Sets the LACP system priority globally. The value ranges from 0 to 65 535. The default value is 32,768. Important: Global LACP system-priority overwrites the LACP system-priority of all LAGs and ports. You must configure LACP systempriority for LAGs or ports on a switch to the same value as the global LACP systempriority of that switch.

timeout-scale <integer>

Sets a timeout scale for a specific port type. The value ranges from 2 to 10 and the default value is 3.

Disabling LACP globally using the ACLI

Disable LACP globally on the switch.

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

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Link aggregation configuration using the ACLI

Log on to the Global Configuration mode in the ACLI.

Procedure steps
Disable LACP globally by using the following command: no lacp

Configuring LACP on a port using the ACLI

Configure LACP parameters on specific ports. Important: Changes made at the global level override and reset all port level settings.

Log on to the FastEthernet or GigabitEthernet Interface Configuration mode in the ACLI for the port you are configuring.

Procedure steps
Configure LACP on a port by using the following command: lacp

Variable definitions
The following table defines optional parameters that you enter after the lacp command.
Variable aggr-wait-time <milliseconds> aggregation Value Sets the aggregation wait time (in milliseconds) for a specific port type. The value ranges from 200 to 2000 ms. Enables lacp aggregation.


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

LACP configuration using the ACLI

Variable clear-stats enable fast-periodic-time <milliseconds>

Value Clears lacp statistics. Enables lacp on the port. Sets the fast-periodic time (in milliseconds) for a specific port type. The value ranges from 200 to 20000 ms. Important: If you make configuration changes to the fast periodic time value of an LAG member, you must make the same configuration changes to the fast periodic time value of all ports in the LAG and member ports of the protocol partner.

key <integer> mode <active|passive> partner-key <integer> partner-port <integer> partner-port-priority <integer> partner-state <hex> partner-system-id <mac> partner-system-priority <integer> priority <integer> slow-periodic-time <milliseconds>

Sets the aggregation key for the port. The value is an integer in the range of 0 to 65535. Selects an active or passive mode type. Sets the partner administration key value. The value is an integer in the range of 0 to 65535. Sets the partner administration port value. The value is a number in the range of 0 to 65535. Sets the partner administration port priority value. The value is a number in the range of 0 to 65535. Sets the port-partner administration state value. The hexadecimal value represents the LACP partner administrative state bitmap. Sets the port partner administration system ID. The value is the LACP partner administrative system ID MAC address. Sets the partner administration system priority value. The value is an integer in the range of 0 to 65535. Sets the port priority value. The value is an integer in the range of 0 to 65535. Sets the slow periodic time for a specific port type. The value ranges from 10000 to 30000 ms.

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Link aggregation configuration using the ACLI


Value Important: If you make configuration changes to the slow periodic time value of an LAG member, you must make the same configuration changes to the slow periodic time value of all ports in the LAG and member ports of the protocol partner.

system-priority <integer>

Sets the lacp system priority globally. The value is an integer in the range of 0 to 65535. The default value is 32,768. Important: Global LACP system-priority overwrites the LACP system-priority of all LAGs and ports. You must configure LACP systempriority for LAGs or ports on a switch to the same value as the global LACP systempriority of that switch.

timeout-scale <integer> timeout-time <long|short>

Sets a timeout scale for a specific port type. The value ranges from 1 to 10. The default value is 3. Sets the timeout value to either long or short for a specific port type.

Disabling LACP on a port using the ACLI

Disable LACP globally on a specific port.

Log on to the FastEthernet or GigabitEthernet Interface Configuration mode in the ACLI for the port on which you want to disable LACP.

Procedure steps
Disable LACP globally by using the following command:


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

LACP configuration using the ACLI

no lacp

Viewing LACP configuration information using the ACLI

View LACP configuration information to review and confirm LACP configuration globally or for a specific parameter.

Log on to the Privileged EXEC mode in the ACLI.

Procedure steps
View global LACP configuration information by using the following command: show lacp

Variable definitions
The following table defines optional parameters that you enter after the show lacp command.
Variable actor-admin interface [interface type <slot/ port>]<vid> Value Displays the port lacp actor administrative information. interface typefastethernet or gigabitethernet vidVLAN ID. View information for only ports attached to a specific VLAN. Values range from 1 to 4000. actor-oper interface [interface type <slot/ port>]<vid> Displays the port lacp actor operational information. interface typefastethernet or gigabitethernet vidVLAN ID. View information for only ports attached to a specific VLAN. Values range from 1 to 4000. extension interface [interface type <slot/ port>]<vid> Displays the port lacp timer information.

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

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Link aggregation configuration using the ACLI


Value interface typefastethernet or gigabitethernet vidVLAN ID. View information for only ports attached to a specific VLAN. Values range from 1 to 4000.

partner-admin interface [interface type <slot/ Displays the port lacp partner administrative port>]<vid> information. interface typefastethernet or gigabitethernet vidVLAN ID. View information for only ports attached to a specific VLAN. Values range from 1 to 4000. partner-oper interface [interface type <slot/ port>] Displays the port lacp partner operational information. Interface type is fastethernet or gigabitethernet.

Job aid: show lacp output

The following table displays field descriptions for the show lacp command. Table 9: Job aid: show lacp output
Field Description Displays the system ID. Displays the global LACP system ID. Displays whether LACP is enabled or disabled globally. Displays global LACP system priority information. Displays global administration timeout information. Displays the global administrative fast-periodic time in milliseconds. Displays the global administrative slow-periodic time in milliseconds. Displays the global administrative aggregation wait time in milliseconds. Displays global operational timeout information.

SystemId: SmltSystemId: Lacp: system-priority: timeout-admin: fast-periodic-timeadmin: slow-periodic-timeadmin: aggr-wait-time-admin: timeout-oper


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


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LACP configuration using the ACLI


Description Displays the global operational fast-periodic time in milliseconds. Displays the global operational slow-periodic time in milliseconds. Displays the global operational aggregation wait time in milliseconds.

fast-periodic-time-oper slow-periodic-time-oper aggr-wait-time-oper

Viewing LACP interface configuration information using the ACLI

View LACP interface configuration information to review and confirm the LACP parameter configuration for all switch interface types or for a specific interface type.

Log on to the Privileged EXEC mode in the ACLI.

Procedure steps
View LACP interface configuration information by using the following command: show lacp interface

Variable definitions
The following table defines optional parameters that you enter after the show lacp interface command.
Variable fastethernet <slot/port><vid> Value Specifies the Fastethernet interface slot and port. <vid> is the VLAN ID. View information for only ports attached to a specific VLAN. Values range from 1 to 4000. Specifies the Gigabitethernet interface slot and port. <vid> is the VLAN ID. View information for only ports attached to a specific VLAN. Values range from 1 to 4000. Specifies MLT LACP information. <64-6174> is the Ifindex.

gigabitethernet <slot/port><vid>

mlt <64-6174>

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

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Link aggregation configuration using the ACLI


Value Important: MLT LACP information displays only for MLTs with LACP enabled.

pos <slot/port> <vid>

Shows Packet over SONET (PoS) interface LACP configuration. slot/portslot and port vidVLAN ID. View information for only ports attached to a specific VLAN. Values range from 1 to 4000.

MLT and SMLT link aggregation configuration using the ACLI

Multi-Link Trunking (MLT) and Split Multi-Link Trunking (SMLT) is a link aggregation or IEEE 802.3ad port trunking technology. It allows grouping several physical Ethernet links into one logical Ethernet link to provide fault-tolerance and high-speed links between routers, switches, and servers.

MLT and SMLT configuration navigation

Job aid: Roadmap of MLT, SMLT, and IST ACLI commands on page 109 Creating an MLT using the ACLI on page 110 Configuring a MultiLink trunk using the ACLI on page 111 Deleting an MLT using the ACLI on page 112 Removing MLT encapsulation using the ACLI on page 113 Deleting port members from an MLT using the ACLI on page 113 Removing an MLT name using the ACLI on page 114 Disabling ASTG using the ACLI on page 114 Configuring LACP on an MLT using the ACLI on page 115 Disabling LACP on an MLT using the ACLI on page 116 Viewing MLT information using the ACLI on page 116 Creating a single-port SMLT using the ACLI on page 117


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MLT and SMLT link aggregation configuration using the ACLI

Deleting a single-port SMLT using the ACLI on page 118 Creating an MLT-based SMLT using the ACLI on page 119 Deleting an SMLT from an MLT using the ACLI on page 119 Viewing the SMLT configuration using the ACLI on page 120 Configuring an IST MLT using the ACLI on page 121 Disabling an IST using the ACLI on page 121 Clearing an InterSwitch trunk configuration using the ACLI on page 122 Viewing the IST configuration using the ACLI on page 122 Viewing MLT Ethernet error information using the ACLI on page 123 Viewing MLT collision error information using the ACLI on page 125

Job aid: Roadmap of MLT, SMLT, and IST ACLI commands

The following roadmap lists the Avaya command line interface commands used to enable and configure link aggregation. Table 10: Job aid: Roadmap of MLT, SMLT, and IST ACLI commands
Command User EXEC Mode Parameter

show ist show mlt show mlt error show mlt error collision show smlt mlt Fastethernet Gigabitethernet
Global Configuration

mlt <mid>

enable encapsulation member ntstg vlan

mlt <mid> create

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

August 2011


Link aggregation configuration using the ACLI



mlt <mid> vlan <vlan-id> no mlt <mid> no mlt <mid> encapsulation <dotq1> no mlt <mid> member <portlist> no mlt <mid> name no mlt <mid> ntstg
Fastethernet or Gigabitethernet Interface Configuration Mode

no smlt smlt <1-512>

MLT Interface Configuration Mode


enable peer-ip <A.B.C.D>


enable key <integer> system-priority <integer>

no ist enable no ist [peer-ip] no lacp enable no smlt <1-31> smlt

Creating an MLT using the ACLI

Create an MLT to add a new MLT to your network.


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

MLT and SMLT link aggregation configuration using the ACLI

Log on to the Global Configuration mode in the ACLI.

Procedure steps
Create an MLT by using the following command: mlt <mid> create <mid> is the MLT identifier. Values range from 1 to 7 for FastEthernet ports, up to 7 MLTs (IDs 17) are supported. Values range from 1 to 31 for Gigabit Ethernet and 10 Gigabit Ethernet ports, up to 31 MLTs (IDs 131) are supported.

Configuring a MultiLink trunk using the ACLI

Configure a MultiLink trunk to create and manage a new MLT or manage an existing MLT in your network.

Log on to the Global Configuration mode in the ACLI.

Procedure steps
Configure an MLT by using the following command: mlt <mid> <mid> is the MLT identifier. Values range from 1 to 7 for FastEthernet ports, up to 7 MLTs (IDs 17) are supported. Values range from 1 to 31 for Gigabit Ethernet and 10 Gigabit Ethernet ports, up to 31 MLTs (IDs 131) are supported.

Variable definitions
The following table defines optional parameters that you enter after the mlt <mid> command.

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

August 2011


Link aggregation configuration using the ACLI


Value Creates and enables a new MLT. Used for IEEE 802.1Q encapsulation. Adds ports to the MLT: portlist: Defines the list of ports to add to this group. Use the format: {slot/port[-slot/port][,...]}. Important: Fast Ethernet ports can only be added to MLT IDs 1 through 7. Gigabit ports can be added to MLT IDs 1 through 31.

enable encapsulation dot1q member <portlist>


Avaya Spanning Tree Group is enabled by default. Disable ASTG to automatically enable the Ciscocompatible Spanning Tree mode (Bridge Protocol Data Unitss are sent on only one link of the aggregation group). To disable ASTG, enter the Global Configuration command no mlt <mid> ntstg. Adds a VLAN to the MLT: vlan-id: Specifes a value (1 to 4000) that uniquely identifies the Virtual LAN you are adding to the MLT. The VID corresponds to the lower 12 bits in the IEEE 802.1Q VLAN Tag. The default VLAN ID is 1.

vlan <vlan-id>

Deleting an MLT using the ACLI

Delete an MLT from your network. Important: Before you can delete an MLT that is configured as an IST, you must first disable the IST.

Log on to the Global Configuration mode in the ACLI.

Procedure steps
Delete a an MLT by using the following command: no mlt <mid>


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

MLT and SMLT link aggregation configuration using the ACLI

<mid> is the MLT identifier. Values range from 1 to 7 for FastEthernet ports, up to 7 MLTs (IDs 17) are supported. Values range from 1 to 31 for Gigabit Ethernet and 10 Gigabit Ethernet ports, up to 31 MLTs (IDs 131) are supported.

Removing MLT encapsulation using the ACLI

Remove encapsulation from an MLT to disable trunking on the MLT.

Log on to the Global Configuration mode in the ACLI.

Procedure steps
Remove encapsulation from an MLT by using the following command: no mlt <mid> encapsulation dot1q

Deleting port members from an MLT using the ACLI

Delete port members from an MLT to reduce the number of ports assembled in the logical link.

Log on to the Global Configuration mode in the ACLI.

Procedure steps
Remove port members from an MLT by using the following command: no mlt <mid> member <portlist> <mid> is the MLT identifier. Values range from 1 to 7 for FastEthernet ports, up to 7 MLTs (IDs 17) are supported. Values range from 1 to 31 for Gigabit Ethernet and 10 Gigabit Ethernet ports, up to 31 MLTs (IDs 131) are supported.

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

August 2011


Link aggregation configuration using the ACLI

<portlist> identifies a port of list of ports, in the format: {slot/port[-slot/port][,...]}

Removing an MLT name using the ACLI

Remove an MLT name.

Log on to the Global Configuration mode in the ACLI.

Procedure steps
Remove an MLT name by using the following command: no mlt <mid> name <mid> is the MLT identifier. Values range from 1 to 7 for FastEthernet ports, up to 7 MLTs (IDs 17) are supported. Values range from 1 to 31 for Gigabit Ethernet and 10 Gigabit Ethernet ports, up to 31 MLTs (IDs 131) are supported.

Disabling ASTG using the ACLI

Disable Avaya Spanning Tree Group (ASTG) to automatically enable the Cisco compatible Spanning Tree mode. The ASTG is enabled by default.

Log on to the Global Configuration mode in the ACLI.

Procedure steps
Disable NTSTG by using the following command: no mlt <mid> ntstg


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

MLT and SMLT link aggregation configuration using the ACLI

<mid> is the MLT identifier. Values range from 1 to 7 for FastEthernet ports, up to 7 MLTs (IDs 17) are supported. Values range from 1 to 31 for Gigabit Ethernet and 10 Gigabit Ethernet ports, up to 31 MLTs (IDs 131) are supported.

Configuring LACP on an MLT using the ACLI

Configure LACP on an MLT to provide dynamic link aggregation mechanisms. Important: Attach ports to an aggregator only if system priorities are the same; otherwise they are considered to be operating in two different switches. You can attach ports to an aggregator only if their keys are the same.

Log on to the MLT Interface Configuration mode in the ACLI.

Procedure steps
Configure LACP on an MLT by using the following command: lacp

Variable definitions
The following table defines optional parameters that you enter after the lacp command.
Variable enable key<integer> Value Enables LACP for a specific MLT. Sets the LACP key for a specific MLT: integer is the LACP aggregator key with a range of 0 to 256. system-priority <integer> Sets LACP system priority for a specific MLT. integer is the system priority with a range of 0 to 65 535.

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

August 2011


Link aggregation configuration using the ACLI

Disabling LACP on an MLT using the ACLI

Disable the LACP on an MLT to discontinue providing dynamic link aggregation mechanisms.

Log on to the MLT Interface Configuration mode in the ACLI.

Procedure steps
Disable the LACP on an MLT by using the following command: no lacp enable

Viewing MLT information using the ACLI

You can view configuration information about all MLTs or a specific MLT configured on a switch.

Log on to the Privileged EXEC mode in the ACLI.

Procedure steps
View MLT configuration information by using the following command: show mlt

Variable definitions
The following table defines optional parameters that you enter after the show mlt command.


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

MLT and SMLT link aggregation configuration using the ACLI

Variable <mid>

Value The ID (from 1 to 31) for a specific MLT for which you want to view configuration information.

Job aid: show mlt output

The following table displays field descriptions for the show mlt command. Table 11: Job aid: show mlt output
Field MLTID DESIGNATED PORT IFINDEX NAME LACP ADMIN LACP OPER PORT TYPE VLAN IDS MLT ADMIN MLT CURRENT PORT MEMBERS NT-STG Description Indicates the MultiLink trunk ID number. Indicates the designated port for the MultiLink trunk. Indicates the interface index number. Indicates the name of this MultiLink trunk. Indicates the administrative status of LACP on the MultiLink trunk. Indicates the operational status of LACP on the MultiLink trunk. Indicates the type of MultiLink trunk port: access or trunk. Indicates the number of VLANS on the MultiLink trunk. Indicates the status of MLT. Indicates the operational status of MLT. Indicates the set of ports that are members of this MultiLink trunk. Indicates whether this STG is operating in Avaya mode or in Cisco mode. trueAvaya Mode falseCisco Mode.

Creating a single-port SMLT using the ACLI

Create a single-port SMLT to use an individual port for scaling the number of split MultiLink trunks on a switch to a maximum number of available ports.

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

August 2011


Link aggregation configuration using the ACLI

Log on to the Fastethernet or Gigabitethernet Interface Configuration mode in the ACLI, for the port, on which you want to create an SMLT.

Procedure steps
Create a single-port SMLT by using the following command: smlt <1-512> <1-512> identifies the SMLT ID. Values range from 1 to 512.

Deleting a single-port SMLT using the ACLI

Delete an SMLT from and individual port.

Log on to the Fastethernet or Gigabitethernet Interface Configuration mode in the ACLI, for the port, from which you want to delete an SMLT.

Procedure steps
Delete a single-port SMLT by using the following command: no smlt

Configuring rate limiting using the ACLI

Configure rate limiting to limit all packets with broadcast and multicast addresses to control the amount of user traffic.


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

MLT and SMLT link aggregation configuration using the ACLI

Log on to the Interface Configuration mode in the ACLI.

Procedure steps
Configure by using the following command: bcast-mcast-rate-limit <percent value> enable <percent value> identifies the rate limit expressed as a percentage. Values range from 1 to 100.

Creating an MLT-based SMLT using the ACLI

Create an MLT-based SMLT to improve the level of Layer 2/Layer 3 resiliency by providing nodal protection in addition to link failure protection and flexible bandwidth scaling.

You must create an MLT before you can create an SMLT. Log on to the MLT Interface Configuration mode in the ACLI, for the MLT, on which you want to create an SMLT.

Procedure steps
Create an SMLT by using the following command: smlt <1-31> <1-31> identifies the SMLT ID. Values range from 1 to 31.

Deleting an SMLT from an MLT using the ACLI

Delete an SMLT from an MLT.

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

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Link aggregation configuration using the ACLI

Log on to the MLT Interface Configuration mode in the ACLI, for the MLT, from which you want to delete an SMLT.

Procedure steps
Delete an SMLT by using the following command: no smlt

Viewing the SMLT configuration using the ACLI

You can view SMLT information for an MLT, a Fastethernet port, or a Gigabitethernet port.

Log on to the User EXEC mode in the ACLI.

Procedure steps
View the SMLT and single-port SMLT configurations by using the following command: show smlt

Variable definitions
The following table defines optional parameters that you enter after the show smlt command.
Parameter mlt <mid> Description Displays MLT-based SMLT information. The ID (from 1 to 31) for a specific MLT for which you want to view SMLT information. Displays the Fastethernet port-based SMLTs. List one or more ports by using the format {slot/port[-slot/port] [,...]}. Displays the Gigabitethernet port-based SMLTs.

Fastethernet <ports>

Gigabitethernet <ports>


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MLT and SMLT link aggregation configuration using the ACLI


Description List one or more ports by using the format {slot/port[-slot/port] [,...]}.

Configuring an IST MLT using the ACLI

Configure an IST MLT to enable and manage an interconnection between two aggregation switches.

You must create an MLT before you can create an IST. Log on to the MLT Interface Configuration mode in the ACLI, for the MLT, on which you want to configure an IST.

Procedure steps
Configure an IST trunk by using the following command: ist enable peer-ip <A.B.C.D> <A.B.C.D> identifies the peer IP address for the IST.

Disabling an IST using the ACLI

Disable an IST to stop the IST function without interfering with the IST configuration. Important: Before you can delete an MLT that is configured as an IST, or delete the VLAN that contains the IST ports, you must first disable the IST.

Log on to the MLT Interface Configuration mode in the ACLI, for the MLT, from which you want to disable an IST.

Procedure steps
Disable an IST by using the following command:

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

August 2011


Link aggregation configuration using the ACLI

no ist enable

Clearing an InterSwitch trunk configuration using the ACLI

Clear an IST configuration to remove the IST from your network. Important: Before you can delete an MLT that is configured as an IST, or delete the VLAN that contains the IST ports, you must first disable the IST.

Log on to the MLT Interface Configuration mode in the ACLI, for the MLT, from which you want to clear an IST.

Procedure steps
Clear an IST configuration by using the following command: no ist peer-ip

Viewing the IST configuration using the ACLI

You can view the IST configuration on the switch.

Log on to the User EXEC mode in the ACLI.

Procedure steps
View the IST configuration on the switch by using the following command:


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

MLT and SMLT link aggregation configuration using the ACLI

show ist

Job aid: Showing the IST configuration using the ACLI

The following shows sample output for the show ist command:
ERS-8310:5(config)#show ist ================================================================ Mlt IST Info ================================================================ MLT IP VLAN ENABLE IST ID ADDRESS ID IST STATUS ---------------------------------------------------------------6 2 true down

Viewing MLT Ethernet error information using the ACLI

You can view information about Ethernet errors sent and received by a specific MLT or all MLTs on a switch.

Log on to the User EXEC mode in the ACLI.

Procedure steps
View Ethernet error information by using the following command: show mlt error

Job aid: show mlt error output

The following table displays field descriptions for the show mlt error command. Table 12: Job aid: show mlt error output
Field MLT ID Alignment Errors Description The ID (from 1 to 31) for a specific MLT for which you want to view Ethernet error information. A count of frames received on a particular MLT that are not an integral number of octets in length and do not pass the frame check sequence (FCS). The count represented by an instance of this object is

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

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Link aggregation configuration using the ACLI


Description incremented when the alignmentError status is returned by the Media Access Control (MAC) service to the ogical link control (LLC) (or other MAC user). Received frames, for which multiple error conditions occur are, according to the conventions of the Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.3 Layer Management, counted exclusively according to the error status presented to the LLC.

FCS Errors

A count of frames received on an MLT that are an integral number of octets in length but do not pass the FCS check. The count represented by an instance of this object is incremented when the frameCheckError status is returned by the MAC service to the LLC (or other MAC user). Received frames, for which multiple error conditions occur are, according to the conventions of IEEE 802.3 Layer Management, counted exclusively according to the error status presented to the LLC. A count of frames, for which transmission on a particular MLT fails due to an internal MAC sublayer transmit error. A frame is only counted by an instance of this object if it is not counted by the corresponding instance of either the LateCollisions object, the ExcessiveCollisions object, or the CarrierSenseErrors object. A count of frames, for which reception on a particular MLT fails due to an internal MAC sublayer receive error. A frame is only counted by an instance of this object if it is not counted by the corresponding instance of either the FrameTooLongs object, the AlignmentErrors object, or the FCSErrors object. The precise meaning of the count represented by an instance of this object is implementation specific. In particular, an instance of this object can represent a count of receive errors on a particular interface that are not otherwise counted. The number of times that the carrier sense condition was lost or never asserted when attempting to transmit a frame on a particular MLT. The count represented by an instance of this object is incremented at most once per transmission attempt, even if the carrier sense condition fluctuates during a transmission attempt. A count of frames received on a particular MLT that exceed the maximum permitted frame size. The count represented by an instance of this object is incremented when the frameTooLong status is returned by the MAC service to the LLC (or other MAC

IMacTransmit Error

IMac Receive Error

Carrier Sense Error

Frame Too Long


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MLT and SMLT link aggregation configuration using the ACLI


Description user). Received frames, for which multiple error conditions occur are, according to the conventions of IEEE 802.3 Layer Management, counted exclusively according to the error status presented to the LLC.

SQE Test Errors

A count of times that the Signal Quality Error (SQE) TEST ERROR message is generated by the physical layer signaling (PLS) sublayer for a particular MLT. The SQE TEST ERROR message is defined in section of ANSI/IEEE 802.3-1985, and its generation is described in section of the same document. A count of frames for which the first transmission attempt on a particular MLT is delayed because the medium is busy. The count represented by an instance of this object does not include frames involved in collisions.


Viewing MLT collision error information using the ACLI

You can view information about collision errors in a specific MLT or all MLTs on a switch.

Log on to the User EXEC mode in the ACLI.

Procedure steps
View collision error information by using the following command: show mlt error collision

Variable definitions
The following table defines optional parameters that you enter after the show mlt error collision command.
Variable <mid> Value The ID (from 1 to 31) for a specific MLT for which you want to view collision error information.

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

August 2011


Link aggregation configuration using the ACLI

Job aid: show mlt error collision output

The following table displays field descriptions for the show mlt error collision command. Table 13: Job aid: show mlt error collision output
Field MLT ID Description The ID (from 1 to 31) for a specific MLT for which you want to view Ethernet error information. A count of successfully transmitted frames on a particular MLT for which transmission is inhibited by exactly one collision. A frame that is counted by an instance of this object is also counted by the corresponding instance of either the ifOutUcastPkts object, the ifOutMulticastPkts object, or the ifOutBroadcastPkts object, and is not counted by the corresponding instance of the MultipleCollisionFrames object. A count of successfully transmitted frames on a particular MLT for which transmission is inhibited by more than one collision. A frame that is counted by an instance of this object is also counted by the corresponding instance of either the ifOutUcastPkts object, the ifOutMulticastPkts object, or the ifOutBroadcastPkts object, and is not counted by the corresponding instance of the SingleCollisionFrames object. The number of times that a collision is detected on a particular MLT later than 512 bit-times into the transmission of a packet; 512 corresponds to 51.2 microseconds on a 10 Mb/s system. A late collision included in a count represented by an instance of this object is also considered as a generic collision for purposes of other collisionrelated statistics. A count of frames for which transmission on a particular MLT fails due to excessive collisions.






Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

VLACP configuration using the ACLI

VLACP configuration using the ACLI

You can use Virtual Link Aggregation Control Protocol (VLACP) to detect an end-to-end failure in a point-to-point connection. This section describes how to configure VLACP on the Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 using the Avaya command line interface (ACLI).

VLACP configuration using the ACLI navigation

Job aid: Roadmap of VLACP ACLI commands on page 127 Configuring VLACP globally using the ACLI on page 128 Viewing the global VLACP configuration using the ACLI on page 128 Configuring port-based VLACP using the ACLI on page 129 Disabling port-based VLACP using the ACLI on page 130 Viewing the port-based VLACP configuration using the ACLI on page 130

Job aid: Roadmap of VLACP ACLI commands

The following table lists the commands and their parameters that you use to complete the procedures in this section. Table 14: Job aid: Roadmap of VLACP ACLI commands
Command Privileged EXEC mode Parameter

show vlacp interface

fastethernet gigabitethernet pos

Global Configuration mode

vlacp enable
Interface Configuration mode


enable fast-periodic-time slow-periodic-time

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

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Link aggregation configuration using the ACLI



timeout timeout- scale

Configuring VLACP globally using the ACLI

Configure VLACP globally to enable or disable the capability of the switch to detect end-toend failures. Important: When you enable VLACP globally and on one or more ports on a switch, that switch is configured as a VLACP-end switch. A VLACP-end switch interrupts the transmission of VLACP protocol data units (PDUs), causing VLACP to transition to a failure state. Caution: Enabling VLACP globally and on one or more ports on a switch connected between two VLACP-end switches will cause a VLACP link failure and a loss of data.

Log on to the Global Configuration mode in the ACLI.

Procedure steps
1. Enable VLACP globally by using the following command: vlacp enable 2. Disable VLACP globally by using the following command: no vlacp enable

Viewing the global VLACP configuration using the ACLI

You can view global VLACP configuration information.

Procedure steps
View global VLACP configuration information by using the following command:


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

VLACP configuration using the ACLI

show vlacp

Configuring port-based VLACP using the ACLI

Configure port-based VLACP to enable and manage the capability of an interface to detect end-to-end failures. Important: When you enable VLACP globally and on one or more ports on a switch, that switch is configured as a VLACP-end switch. A VLACP-end switch interrupts the transmission of VLACP protocol data units (PDUs), causing VLACP to transition to a failure state. Caution: Enabling VLACP globally and on one or more ports on a switch connected between two VLACP-end switches will cause a VLACP link failure and a loss of data. Important: When you configure a VLACP link across a virtual private network (VPN) or Layer 2 network, connections between VLACP peers must be point to point. Caution: Enabling VLACP on two different interface types (MLT, VLAN, FastEthernet, or GigabitEthernet) in the same network, causes the network VLACP state to be unstable, and a loss of data can occur.

Log on to the Interface Configuration mode in the ACLI.

Procedure steps
Configure port-based VLACP by using the following command: vlacp

Variable definitions
The following table defines optional parameters that you enter after the vlacp command.

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

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Link aggregation configuration using the ACLI

Variable enable fast-periodic-time <milliseconds>

Value Enables VLACP on the interface. Sets the fast-periodic time (in milliseconds) for a specific port type. The value ranges from 200 to 20000 ms. Sets the slow periodic time (in milliseconds) for a specific port type. The value ranges from 10 000 to 30 000 ms. Sets the timeout as long or slow. Sets a timeout scale for a specific port type. The value ranges from 2 to 10 and the default value is 3.

slow-periodic-time <milliseconds>

timeout <long|slow> timeout-scale <integer>

Disabling port-based VLACP using the ACLI

Disable port-based VLACP to terminate the capability of an interface to detect end-to-end failures.

Log on to the Interface Configuration mode in the ACLI.

Procedure steps
Disable port-based VLACP by using the following command: no vlacp enable

Viewing the port-based VLACP configuration using the ACLI

You can view port specific VLACP configuration information.

Procedure steps
View port specific VLACP configuration information by using the following command:


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

VLACP configuration using the ACLI

show vlacp interface

Variable definitions
The following table defines optional parameters that you enter after the show vlacp interface command.
Variable fastethernet gigabitethernet pos Value Specifies the Fastethernet port interface. Specifies the GigabitEthernet port interface. Specifies the PoS port interface.

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Link aggregation configuration using the ACLI


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

Chapter 7: MLT with LACP CLI configuration example

This configuration example shows how to configure and enable a MultiLink Trunk (MLT) using LACP. You must configure all aggregatable ports to use the same aggregator key used for the MLT. The following procedures show how to configure switch S1 and S2 in the following diagram as a MLT with LACP.

Figure 12: MLT within a VLAN

Configuring S1 1. Create VLAN 100 and add ports to the VLAN: ERS-8310:5# config vlan 100 create byport 1 ERS-8310:5# config vlan 100 ports add 1/1-1/2,2/1-2/2 2. Configure LACP on S1 switch ports: ERS-8310:5# config ether 1/1-1/2,2/1-2/2 lacp key 10 ERS-8310:5# config ether 1/1-1/2,2/1-2/2 lacp aggregation true ERS-8310:5# config ether 1/1-1/2,2/1-2/2 lacp enable 3. Create MLT 10 and configure LACP. Ensure the LACP key is the same as that configured in step 2: ERS-8310:5# config mlt 10 create ERS-8310:5# config mlt 10 lacp key 10 ERS-8310:5# config mlt 10 lacp enable Configuring S2 1. Create VLAN 100 and add ports to the VLAN:

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

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MLT with LACP CLI configuration example

ERS-8310:5# config vlan 100 create byport 1 ERS-8310:5# config vlan 100 ports add 1/1-1/2,2/1-2/2 2. Configure LACP on S2 switch ports: ERS-8310:5# config ether 1/1-1/2,2/1-2/2 lacp key 10 ERS-8310:5# config ether 1/1-1/2,2/1-2/2 lacp aggregation true ERS-8310:5# config ether 1/1-1/2,2/1-2/2 lacp enable 3. Create MLT 10 and configure LACP. Ensure the LACP key is the same as that configured in step 2: ERS-8310:5# config mlt 10 create ERS-8310:5# config mlt 10 lacp key 10 ERS-8310:5# config mlt 10 lacp enable


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August 2011

Chapter 8: SMLT CLI configuration examples

This chapter provides examples for common Split MultiLink Trunking (SMLT) tasks and includes the command line interface (CLI) commands you use to create the sample configurations. For more configuration examples, see the Technical Configuration Guide for Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 VLAN, Spanning Tree, and Link Aggregation using the ACLI. You can find this Technical Configuration Guide at under the Data Center Solution or Data Networking Solution products.

SMLT triangle configuration example using the CLI on page 135 Single-port SMLT with SLPP configuration example using the CLI on page 138 SMLT configuration example using the CLI on page 141 Square SMLT configuration example using the CLI on page 143 Full mesh SMLT configuration example using the CLI on page 147 SMLT and VRRP configuration example using the CLI on page 150

SMLT triangle configuration example using the CLI

This configuration example shows how to create an SMLT triangle using three Ethernet Routing Switch 8300s and a VLAN (VLAN 10), which carries user traffic.

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SMLT CLI configuration examples

Figure 13: SMLT triangle configuration example

The following procedures provide step-by-step instructions for configuring switch S1, S2, and S3.

Configuring S1 using the CLI

1. Create VLAN 10. ERS-8300:5# config vlan 10 create byport 1 2. Create MLT 1 and add ports 1/1 and 1/17 as MLT port members. ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 create ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 add ports 1/1,1/17 ERS-8300:5# config ether 1/1,1/17 untagged-frames-discard enabled 3. Add VLAN 10 to MLT 1. ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 add vlan 10

Configuring S2 using the CLI

1. Create IST VLAN 1900. ERS-8300:5# config vlan 1900 create byport 1 2. Create VLAN 10. ERS-8300:5# config vlan 10 create byport 1 3. Create MLT 5 and add ports 2/1 and 3/1 as MLT port members.


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

SMLT triangle configuration example using the CLI

ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 create ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 add ports 2/1,3/1 4. Enable tagging on MLT 5. ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 perform-tagging enable 5. Add VLAN 1900 and VLAN 10 to MLT 5. ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 add vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 add vlan 10 6. Configure the IP address for VLAN 1900. ERS-8300:5# config vlan 1900 ip create 7. Create IST MLT 5 and add VLAN 1900. ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 ist create ip vlan-id 1900 8. Create an SMLT. ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 create ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 smlt create smlt-id 1 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 perform-tagging enable ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 add vlan 10 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 add ports 1/1 ERS-8300:5# config ether 1/1 untagged-frames-discard enable

Configuring S3 using the CLI

1. Create IST VLAN 1900. ERS-8300:5# config vlan 1900 create byport 1 2. Create VLAN 10. ERS-8300:5# config vlan 10 create byport 1 3. Create MLT 5 and add ports 2/1 and 3/1 as MLT port members. ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 create ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 add ports 2/1,3/1 4. Enable tagging on MLT 5. ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 perform-tagging enable 5. Add VLAN 1900 and VLAN 10 to MLT 5. ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 add vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 add vlan 10 6. Configure the IP address for VLAN 1900.

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SMLT CLI configuration examples

ERS-8300:5# config vlan 1900 ip create 7. Create IST MLT 5 and add VLAN 1900. ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 ist create ip vlan-id 1900 8. Create an SMLT. ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 create ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 smlt create smlt-id 1 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 perform-tagging enable ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 add vlan 10 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 add ports 1/1 ERS-8300:5# config ether 1/1 untagged-frames-discard enable

Single-port SMLT with SLPP configuration example using the CLI

The single-port SMLT design is similar to the triangle SMLT design. The difference is that only a single port from each InterSwitch Trunking (IST) switch goes to the access server.


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

Single-port SMLT with SLPP configuration example using the CLI

Figure 14: Single-port SMLT

The following sections show how to configure two Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 switches for single-port SMLT with SLPP based on the network topology shown in the preceding figure.

Configuring ERS8300B using the CLI

1. Configure VLANs: ERS-8310:6# config vlan 1900 create byport 1 ERS-8310:6# config vlan 10 create byport 1 2. Enable SLPP and add VLAN 10: ERS-8310:6# config slpp add 10 ERS-8310:6# config slpp operation enable 3. Configure MLT 5 for the IST link and add the IST VLAN: ERS-8310:6# config mlt 5 create ERS-8310:6# config mlt 5 add ports 2/1,3/1 ERS-8310:6# config mlt 5 perform-tagging enable ERS-8310:6# config vlan 1900 add-mlt 5 4. Configure the IP address and IST. The IP address points to the partner IST node: ERS-8310:6# config vlan 1900 ip create

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

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SMLT CLI configuration examples

ERS-8310:6# config mlt 5 ist create ip vlan-id 1900 5. Configure single-port SMLT: ERS-8310:6# config ether 1/1 smlt 1 create 6. Enable SLPP packet reception on port 1/1: ERS-8310:6# config ethernet 1/1 slpp packet-rx enable

Configuring ERS8300C using the CLI

1. Configure VLANs: ERS-8310:6# config vlan 1900 create byport 1 ERS-8310:6# config vlan 10 create byport 1 2. Enable SLPP: ERS-8310:6# config slpp add 10 ERS-8310:6# config slpp operation enable 3. Configure MLT. VLAN 10 must span across the IST (MLT5): ERS-8310:6# config mlt 5 create ERS-8310:6# config mlt 5 add ports 2/1,3/1 ERS-8310:6# config mlt 5 perform-tagging enable ERS-8310:6# config mlt 5 add vlan 1900 4. Configure the IP address and IST. The IP address points to the partner IST node: ERS-8310:6# config vlan 1900 ip create ERS-8310:6# config mlt 5 ist create ip vlan-id 1900 5. Configure single-port SMLT: ERS-8310:6# config ether 1/1 smlt 1 create 6. Enable SLPP packet reception on port 1/1: ERS-8310:6# config ethernet 1/1 slpp packet-rx enable ERS-8310:6# config ethernet 1/1 slpp packet-rx-threshold 1 To view the status of all SMLT ports, and show SLPP configuration information, use the following commands: 1. ERS-8310:6#show port info smlt 1/1 2. ERS-8310:6#show slpp 3. ERS-8310:6#show ports info slpp 1/1 4. ERS-8310:6#show log file tail If port 1/1 is disabled on either ERS8300B or ERS8300C because either switch received its own SLPP-PDU, a message is logged and a trap is used.


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

SMLT configuration example using the CLI

SMLT configuration example using the CLI

This configuration example shows how to build and configure a triangle SMLT network.

Figure 15: SMLT configuration example

The following sections provide step-by-step procedures that show how to configure switch S1, S2, and S3 for this example.

Configuring S1 using the CLI

1. Create IST VLAN 1900. ERS-8300:5# config vlan 1900 create byport 1 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 create ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 add ports 1/1,2/1 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 perform-tagging enable ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 add vlan 1900

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

August 2011


SMLT CLI configuration examples

ERS-8300:5# config vlan 1900 ip create ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 ist create ip vlan-id 1900 2. Create the SMLT VLAN and add ports. ERS-8300:5# config vlan 100 create byport 1 ERS-8300:5# config vlan 100 ports add 3/1,3/2 ERS-8300:5# config vlan 100 add-mlt 5 3. Create SMLT. Ensure Keys match port and keys are same for both SMLT aggregation switches. ERS-8300:5# config mlt 10 create ERS-8300:5# config mlt 10 smlt create smlt-id 10 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 10 perform-tagging enable ERS-8300:5# config mlt 10 add vlan 100 ERS-8300:5# config ether 3/1,3/2 discard-untagged-frames enable

Configuring S2 using the CLI

1. Create IST VLAN 1900. ERS-8300:5# config vlan 1900 create byport 1 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 create ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 add ports 1/1,2/1 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 perform-tagging enable ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 add vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5# config vlan 1900 ip create ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 ist create ip vlan-id 1900 2. Create the SMLT VLAN and add ports. ERS-8300:5# config vlan 100 create byport 1 ERS-8300:5# config vlan 100 ports add 3/1,3/2 ERS-8300:5# config vlan 100 add-mlt 5 3. Create SMLT. Ensure Keys match port and keys are same for both SMLT aggregation switches. ERS-8300:5# config mlt 10 create ERS-8300:5# config mlt 10 smlt create smlt-id 10 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 10 perform-tagging enable


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

Square SMLT configuration example using the CLI

ERS-8300:5# config mlt 10 add vlan 100 ERS-8300:5# config ether 3/1,3/2 untagged-frames-discard <enable|disable>

Configuring S3 using the CLI

1. Create VLAN 100 and add ports. ERS-8300:5# config vlan 100 create byport 1 ERS-8300:5# config vlan 100 ports add 3/1-3/4 2. Create MLT 10. Ensure Keys match port and keys are same for both SMLT aggregation switches. ERS-8300:5# config mlt 10 create ERS-8300:5# config mlt 10 perform-tagging enable ERS-8300:5# config ether 3/1-3/4 untagged-frames-discard <enable|disable>

Square SMLT configuration example using the CLI

The main rule for a square configuration is that the IST pairs, ERS8300A and D, and B and C, each must have matching SMLT IDs. However, these IDs can differ between the two IST pairs. The initial configuration creates the IST links between A and B, and C and D. Note that the IST IP addresses differ; Avaya recommends that you use a different subnet for the IST IP addresses between the pairs.

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

August 2011


SMLT CLI configuration examples

Figure 16: Square SMLT example

Configuring ERS8300B using the CLI

1. Configure VLANs: ERS-8300:5# config vlan 1900 create byport 1 ERS-8300:5# config vlan 10 create byport 1 2. Configure MLT. VLAN 10 must span across the IST (MLT5): ERS-8310:5# config mlt 5 create ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 add ports 2/1,3/1 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 add vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 add vlan 10 3. Configure the IP address and IST. The IP address points to the partner IST node: ERS-8300:5# config vlan 1900 ip create ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 ist create ip vlan-id 1900 4. Configure SMLT.


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August 2011

Square SMLT configuration example using the CLI

The SMLT ID must be identical for each IST pair: ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 create ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 smlt create smlt-id 1 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 add vlan 10 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 add ports 1/1

Configuring ERS8300C using the CLI

1. Configure VLANs: ERS-8300:5# config vlan 1900 create byport 1 ERS-8300:5# config vlan 10 create byport 1 2. Configure MLT. VLAN 10 must span across the IST (MLT5): ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 create ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 add ports 2/1,3/1 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 add vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 add vlan 10 3. Configure the IP address and IST. The IP address points to the partner IST node: ERS-8300:5# config vlan 1900 ip create ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 ist create ip vlan-id 1900 4. Configure SMLT. The SMLT ID must be identical for each SMLT pair: ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 create ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 smlt create smlt-id 1 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 add vlan 10 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 add ports 1/1

Configuring ERS8300A using the CLI

1. Configure VLANs: ERS-8300:5# config vlan 1900 create byport 1 ERS-8300:5# config vlan 10 create byport 1 2. Configure MLT. VLAN 10 must span across the IST (MLT5):

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

August 2011


SMLT CLI configuration examples

ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 create ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 add ports 2/1,3/1 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 add vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 add vlan 10 3. Configure the IP address and IST. The IP address points to the partner IST node: ERS-8300:5# config vlan 1900 ip create ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 ist create ip vlan-id 1900 4. Configure SMLT. The SMLT ID must be identical for each IST pair: ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 create ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 smlt create smlt-id 1 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 add vlan 10 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 add ports 1/1

Configuring ERS8300D using the CLI

1. Configure VLANs: ERS-8300:5# config vlan 1900 create byport 1 ERS-8300:5# config vlan 10 create byport 1 2. Configure MLT. VLAN 10 must span across the IST (MLT5): ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 create ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 add ports 2/1,3/1 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 add vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 add vlan 10 3. Configure the IP address and IST. The IP address points to the partner IST node: ERS-8300:5# config vlan 1900 ip create ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 ist create ip vlan-id 1900 4. Configure SMLT. The SMLT ID must be identical for each IST pair: ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 create


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August 2011

Full mesh SMLT configuration example using the CLI

ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 smlt create smlt-id 1 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 add vlan 10 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 add ports 1/1 Use the show mlt info and the show smlt info commands to verify the status of the MultiLink trunks.

Full mesh SMLT configuration example using the CLI

The full mesh SMLT design is similar to the square SMLT, except more links are added to fully mesh the four nodes. As with the square configuration, all links within the SMLT group must contain the same SMLT ID, however, this ID need not be the same between each IST pair.

Figure 17: Full mesh SMLT configuration example

Configuring ERS8300B using the CLI

1. Configure VLANs: ERS-8300:5# config vlan 1900 create byport 1

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

August 2011


SMLT CLI configuration examples

ERS-8300:5# config vlan 10 create byport 1 2. Configure MLT. VLAN 10 must span across the IST (MLT5): ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 create ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 add ports 2/1,3/1 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 add vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 add vlan 10 3. Configure the IP address and IST. The IP address points to the partner IST node: ERS-8300:5# config vlan 1900 ip create ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 ist create ip vlan-id 1900 4. Configure SMLT. The SMLT ID must be identical for each IST pair: ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 create ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 smlt create smlt-id 1 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 add vlan 10 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 add ports 1/1,1/17

Configuring ERS8300C using the CLI

1. Configure VLANs: ERS-8300:5# config vlan 1900 create byport 1 ERS-8300:5# config vlan 10 create byport 1 2. Configure MLT. VLAN 10 must span across the IST (MLT5): ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 create ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 add ports 2/1,3/1 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 add vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 add vlan 10 3. Configure the IP address and IST. The IP address points to the partner IST node: ERS-8300:5# config vlan 1900 ip create


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

Full mesh SMLT configuration example using the CLI

ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 ist create ip vlan-id 1900 4. Configure SMLT. The SMLT ID must be identical for each IST pair: ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 create ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 smlt create smlt-id 1 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 add vlan 10 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 add ports 1/1,1/17

Configuring ERS8300A using the CLI

1. Configure VLANs: ERS-8300:5# config vlan 1900 create byport 1 ERS-8300:5# config vlan 10 create byport 1 2. Configure MLT. VLAN 10 must span across the IST (MLT5): ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 create ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 add ports 2/1,3/1 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 add vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 add vlan 10 3. Configure the IP address and IST. The IP address points to the partner IST node: ERS-8300:5# config vlan 1900 ip create ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 ist create ip vlan-id 1900 4. Configure SMLT. The SMLT ID must be identical for each IST pair: ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 create ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 smlt create smlt-id 1 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 add vlan 10 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 add ports 1/1,1/17

Configuring ERS8300D using the CLI

1. Configure VLANs: ERS-8300:5# config vlan 1900 create byport 1

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

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SMLT CLI configuration examples

ERS-8300:5# config vlan 10 create byport 1 2. Configure MLT. VLAN 10 must span across the IST (MLT5): ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 create ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 add ports 2/1,3/1 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 add vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 add vlan 10 3. Configure the IP address and IST. The IP address points to the partner IST node: ERS-8300:5# config vlan 1900 ip create ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 ist create ip vlan-id 1900 4. Configure SMLT. The SMLT ID must be identical for each IST pair: ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 create ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 smlt create smlt-id 1 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 add vlan 10 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 add ports 1/1,1/17 Use the show mlt info and the show smlt info commands to verify the status of the MultiLink trunks.

SMLT and VRRP configuration example using the CLI

In cases where the Ethernet Routing Switch provides the next-hop gateway and is in the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) mode, the Ethernet Routing Switch can provide additional VRRP benefits. In the following figure, ERS8300A acts solely as a Layer 2 switch, with a single VLAN 10 configured. The server in this example has a next-hop gateway configured for the VRRP IP.


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August 2011

SMLT and VRRP configuration example using the CLI

Figure 18: SMLT and VRRP example

Configuring ERS8300B using the CLI

1. Configure VLANs: ERS-8300:5# config vlan 1900 create byport 1 ERS-8300:5# config vlan 10 create byport 1 2. Configure MLT. VLAN 10 must span across the IST (MLT5): ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 create ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 add ports 2/1,3/1 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 add vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 add vlan 10 3. Configure the IP address and IST. The IP address points to the partner IST node: ERS-8300:5# config vlan 1900 ip create ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 ist create ip vlan-id 1900 4. Configure SMLT. The SMLT ID must be identical for each IST pair:

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

August 2011


SMLT CLI configuration examples

ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 create ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 smlt create smlt-id 1 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 add vlan 10 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 add ports 1/1,1/17 5. Configure VRRP. These commands add the VRRP virtual IP address of to VLAN 10 with BackupMaster enabled so that both ERS8300B and ERS8300C can respond to ARP. ERS-8300:5# config vlan 10 ip create ERS-8300:5# config vlan 10 ip vrrp 1 address ERS-8300:5# config vlan 10 ip vrrp 1 backup-master enable ERS8300:5# config vlan 10 ip vrrp 1 holddown-timer 60 ERS-8300:5# config vlan 10 ip vrrp 1 enable

Configuring ERS8300C using the CLI

1. Configure VLANs: ERS-8300:5# config vlan 1900 create byport 1 ERS-8300:5# config vlan 10 create byport 1 2. Configure MLT. VLAN 10 must span across the IST (MLT5): ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 create ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 add ports 2/1,3/1 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 add vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 add vlan 10 3. Configure the IP address and IST. The IP address points to the partner IST node: ERS-8300:5# config vlan 1900 ip create ERS-8300:5# config mlt 5 ist create ip vlan-id 1900 4. Configure SMLT. The SMLT ID must be identical for each IST pair: ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 create ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 smlt create smlt-id 1 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 add vlan 10


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August 2011

SMLT and VRRP configuration example using the CLI

ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 add ports 1/1 5. Configure VRRP. These commands add the VRRP virtual IP address of to VLAN 10 with BackupMaster enabled so that both ERS8300B and ERS8300C can respond to ARP. ERS-8300:5# config vlan 10 ip create ERS-8300:5# config vlan 10 ip vrrp 1 address ERS-8300:5# config vlan 10 ip vrrp 1 backup-master enable ERS8300:5# config vlan 10 ip vrrp 1 holddown-timer 65 ERS-8300:5# config vlan 10 ip vrrp 1 enable

Configuring ERS8300A using the CLI

Configure VLANs: ERS-8300:5# config vlan 10 create byport 1 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 create ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 add ports 1/1,1/17 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 add vlan 10 You can view the status of VRRP using the command show ip vrrp info.

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SMLT CLI configuration examples


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

Chapter 9: SMLT ACLI configuration examples

This chapter provides examples for common Split MultiLink Trunking (SMLT) tasks and includes the Avaya command line interface (ACLI) commands you use to create the sample configurations. For more configuration examples, see the Technical Configuration Guide for Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 VLAN, Spanning Tree, and Link Aggregation using the ACLI. You can find this Technical Configuration Guide at under the Data Center Solution or Data Networking Solution products.

Single-port SMLT triangle configuration example using the ACLI on page 155 Single-port SMLT with SLPP configuration example using the ACLI on page 158 SMLT configuration example using the ACLI on page 161 Square SMLT configuration example using the ACLI on page 165 Full mesh SMLT configuration example using the ACLI on page 169 SMLT and VRRP configuration example using the ACLI on page 173

Single-port SMLT triangle configuration example using the ACLI

This configuration example shows how to create a single-port SMLT triangle using three 8300 Series switches and a VLAN (VLAN 10), which carries user traffic.

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SMLT ACLI configuration examples

Figure 19: Single-port SMLT triangle configuration example

The following procedures provide step-by-step instructions for configuring switch S1, S2, and S3 for this example.

Configuring S2 using the ACLI

1. Create IST VLAN 1900: ERS-8300:5(config)# vlan create 1900 type port 1 2. Create VLAN 10: ERS-8300:5(config)# vlan create 10 type port 1 3. Create MLT 5 and add ports 2/1 and 3/1 as MLT port members: ERS-8300:5(config)#mlt 5 create ERS-8300:5(config)#mlt 5 member 2/1,3/1 4. Enable tagging on MLT 5: ERS-8300:5(config)# interface mlt 5 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# perform-tagging enable ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# end 5. Add VLAN 1900 and VLAN 10 to MLT 5: ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 5 add-vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 5 add-vlan 10 6. Configure a VLAN IP for VLAN 1900:


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

Single-port SMLT triangle configuration example using the ACLI

ERS-8300:5(config)# interface vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5(config-if)# ip address ERS-8300:5(config-if)# end 7. Create IST MLT 5 and add VLAN 1900: ERS--8310:5(config)# interface mlt 5 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# ist ip vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# ist enable ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# end 8. Create a single-port SMLT: ERS-8300:5(config)# vlan members add 10 1/1 ERS-8300:5(config)# interface fastethernet 1/1 ERS-8300:5(config-if)# smlt 1 ERS-8300:5(config-if)# untagged-frames-discard port 1/1 ERS-8300:5(config-if)# encapsulation dot1q port 1/1 ERS-8300:5(config-if)# end

Configuring S3 using the ACLI

1. Create IST VLAN 1900: ERS-8300:5(config)# vlan create 1900 type port 1 2. Create VLAN 10: ERS-8300:5(config)# vlan create 10 type port 1 3. Create MLT 5 and add ports 2/1 and 3/1 as MLT port members: ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 5 create ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 5 member 2/1,3/1 4. Enable tagging on MLT 5: ERS-8300:5(config)# interface mlt 5 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# perform-tagging enable ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# end 5. Add VLAN 1900 and VLAN 10 to MLT 5: ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 5 add-vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 5 add-vlan 10 6. Configure a VLAN IP for VLAN 1900:

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

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SMLT ACLI configuration examples

ERS-8300:5(config)# interface vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5(config-if)# ip address ERS-8300:5(config-if)# end 7. Create IST MLT 5 and add VLAN 1900: ERS--8310:5(config)# interface mlt 5 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# ist ip vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# ist enable ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# end 8. Create a single-port SMLT: ERS-8300:5(config)# vlan members add 10 1/1 ERS-8300:5(config)# interface fastethernet 1/1 ERS-8300:5(config-if)# smlt 1 ERS-8300:5(config-if)# untagged-frames-discard port 1/1 ERS-8300:5(config-if)# encapsulation dot1q port 1/1 ERS-8300:5(config-if)# end

Configuring S1 using the ACLI

1. Create VLAN 10: ERS-8300:5(config)# vlan create 10 type port 1 2. Create MLT 1 and add ports 1/1 and 1/17 as MLT port members: ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 1 create ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 1 member 1/1,1/17 ERS-8300:5(config)# interface fast 1/1,1/17 ERS-8300:5(config-if)# untagged-frames-discard port 1/1,1/17 3. Add VLAN 10 to MLT 1: ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 1 add-vlan 10

Single-port SMLT with SLPP configuration example using the ACLI

The single-port Split MultiLink Trunking (SMLT) design is similar to the triangle SMLT design. The difference is that only a single port from each InterSwitch Trunking (IST) switch goes to the access server. The following figure shows the network topology.


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

Single-port SMLT with SLPP configuration example using the ACLI

Figure 20: Single-port SMLT

The following procedures show how to configure two Avaya Ethernet Routing Switch 8300 switches for single-port SMLT with SLPP based on the network topology shown in the preceding diagram.

Configuring ERS8300B using the ACLI

1. Configure VLANs: ERS-8310-:5(config)# vlan create 1900 type port 1 ERS-8310-:5(config)# vlan create 10 type port 1 2. Enable SLPP and add VLAN 10: ERS-8310-:5(config)# slpp operation ERS-8310-:5(config)# slpp vid 10 3. Configure MLT 5 for the IST link and add the IST VLAN: ERS-8310-:5(config)# mlt 5 create ERS-8310-:5(config)# mlt 5 member 2/1,3/1 ERS-8310-:5(config)# mlt 5 encapsulation dot1q ERS-8310-:5(config)# mlt 5 add-vlan 1900 4. Configure the IP address and InterSwitch Trunk. The IP address points to the partner InterSwitch Trunk node:

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

August 2011


SMLT ACLI configuration examples

ERS-8310-:5(config)# interface vlan 1900 ERS-8310-:5(config-if)# ip address ERS-8310-:5(config-if)# interface mlt 5 ERS-8310-:5(config-mlt)# ist ip vlan 1900 ERS-8310-:5(config-mlt)# end 5. Configure single-port SMLT: ERS-8310-:5(config)# vlan members add 10 1/1 ERS-8310-:5(config)# interface fastethernet 1/1 ERS-8310-:5(config-if)# smlt 1 6. Enable SLPP packet reception on port 1/1: ERS-8310-:5(config-if)# slpp packet-rx ERS-8310-:5(config-if)# end

Configuring ERS8300C using the ACLI

1. Configure VLANs: ERS-8310-:5(config)# vlan create 1900 type port 1 ERS-8310-:5(config)# vlan create 10 type port 1 2. Enable SLPP and add VLAN 10: ERS-8310-:5(config)# slpp operation ERS-8310-:5(config)# slpp vid 10 3. Configure MLT 5 used for the IST link and add the IST VLAN: ERS-8310-:5(config)# mlt 5 create ERS-8310-:5(config)# mlt 5 member 2/1,3/1 ERS-8310-:5(config)# mlt 5 encapsulation dot1q ERS-8310-:5(config)# mlt 5 add-vlan 1900 4. Configure the IP address and InterSwitch Trunk. The IP address points to the partner InterSwitch Trunk node: ERS-8310-:5(config)# interface vlan 1900 ERS-8310-:5(config-if)# ip address ERS-8310-:5(config-if)# interface mlt 5 ERS-8310-:5(config-mlt)# ist ip vlan 1900 ERS-8310-:5(config-mlt)# end 5. Configure single-port SMLT:


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

SMLT configuration example using the ACLI

ERS-8310-:5(config)# vlan members add 10 1/1 ERS-8310-:5(config)# interface fastethernet 1/1 ERS-8310-:5(config-if)# smlt 1 6. Enable SLPP packet reception on port 1/1: ERS-8310-:5(config-if)# slpp packet-rx ERS-8310-:5(config-if)# end To view the status of all SMLT ports and show SLPP configuration information, use the following commands: 1. ERS-8310-:5(config)# show smlt fastethernet 1/1 2. ERS-8310-:5(config)# show slpp 3. ERS-8310-:5(config)# show log file tail If port 1/1 is disabled on either ERS8300B or ERS8300C because either switch received its own SLPP-PDU, a message is logged and a trap is used.

SMLT configuration example using the ACLI

This configuration example shows how to build and configure a triangle SMLT network.

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

August 2011


SMLT ACLI configuration examples

Figure 21: SMLT configuration example

Configuring S1 using the ACLI

1. Create IST VLAN 1900: ERS-8300:5(config)# vlan create 1900 type port 1 ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 5 create ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 5 member 1/1,2/1 ERS-8300:5(config)# interface mlt 5 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# perform-tagging enable ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# end ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 5 add-vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5(config)# interface vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5(config-if)# ip address ERS-8300:5(config-if)# end ERS--8310:5(config)# interface mlt 5


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

SMLT configuration example using the ACLI

ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# ist ip vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# ist enable 2. Create the SMLT VLAN and add IST: ERS-8300:5(config)# vlan create 100 type port 1 ERS-8300:5(config)# vlan add-mlt 100 5 3. Create SMLT: Ensure Keys match port and keys are same for both SMLT aggregation switches. ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 10 create ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 10 member 3/1,3/2 ERS-8300:5(config)# interface mlt 10 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# smlt 10 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# perform-tagging enable ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# end ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 10 add-vlan 100 ERS-8300:5(config)# interface fastethernet 3/1,3/2 ERS-8300:5(config-if)# untagged-frames-discard port 3/1,3/2

Configuring S2 using the ACLI

1. Create IST VLAN 1900: ERS-8300:5(config)# vlan create 1900 type port 1 ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 5 create ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 5 member 1/1,2/1 ERS-8300:5(config)# interface mlt 5 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# perform-tagging enable ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# end ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 5 add-vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5(config)# interface vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5(config-if)# ip address ERS-8300:5(config-if)# end ERS--8310:5(config)# interface mlt 5 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# ist ip vlan 1900

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

August 2011


SMLT ACLI configuration examples

ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# ist enable 2. Create the SMLT VLAN and add IST: ERS-8300:5(config)# vlan create 100 type port 1 ERS-8300:5(config)# vlan add-mlt 100 5 3. Create SMLT: Ensure Keys match port and keys are same for both SMLT aggregation switches. ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 10 create ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 10 member 3/1,3/2 ERS-8300:5(config)# interface mlt 10 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# smlt 10 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# perform-tagging enable ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# end ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 10 add-vlan 100 ERS-8300:5(config)# interface fast 3/1,3/2 ERS-8300:5(config-if)# untagged-frames-discard port 3/1,3/2

Configuring S3 using the ACLI

1. Create VLAN 100 and add ports: ERS-8300:5(config)# vlan create 100 type port 1 ERS-8300:5(config)# vlan members 100 3/1-3/4 2. Create MLT 10: Ensure Keys match port and keys are same for both SMLT aggregation switches. ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 10 create ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 10 member 3/1-3/4 ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 10 add-vlan 100 ERS-8300:5(config)# interface mlt 10 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# perform-tagging enable ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# end ERS-8300:5(config)# interface fastethernet 3/1-3/4 ERS-8300:5(config-if)# untagged-frames-discard port 3/1-3/4


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

Square SMLT configuration example using the ACLI

Square SMLT configuration example using the ACLI

The main rule for a square configuration is that the IST pairs, ERS8300 A and D, and B and C, each must have matching SMLT IDs. However, these IDs can differ between the two IST pairs. The initial configuration creates the IST links between A and B, and C and D. Note that the IST IP addresses differ; Avaya recommends that you use a different subnet for the IST IP addresses between the pairs.

Figure 22: Square SMLT example

Configuring ERS8300B using the ACLI

1. Configure VLANs. ERS-8300:5(config)# vlan create 1900 type port 1 ERS-8300:5(config)# vlan create 10 type port 1 2. Configure MLT. VLAN 10 must be spanned across the InterSwitch Trunk (MLT-5): ERS-8606:5(config)# mlt 5 create ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 5 member 2/1,3/1 ERS-8300:5(config)# interface mlt 5

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

August 2011


SMLT ACLI configuration examples

ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# perform-tagging enable ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# end ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 5 add-vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 5 add-vlan 10 3. Configure the IP address and IST. The IP address points to the partner IST node: ERS-8300:5(config)# interface vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5(config-if)# ip address ERS-8300:5(config-if)# end ERS-8300:5(config)# interface mlt 5 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# ist ip vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# ist enable ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# end 4. Configure SMLT. The SMLT ID must be identical for each IST pair: ERS-8300:5(config)# vlan members add 10 1/1 ERS-8300:5(config)# interface fastethernet 1/1 ERS-8300:5(config-if)# smlt 1 ERS-8300:5(config-if)# end

Configuring ERS8300C using the ACLI

1. Configure VLANs. ERS-8300:5(config)# vlan create 1900 type port 1 ERS-8300:5(config)# vlan create 10 type port 1 2. Configure MLT. VLAN 10 must be spanned across the InterSwitch Trunk (MLT-5): ERS-8606:5(config)# mlt 5 create ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 5 member 2/1,3/1 ERS-8300:5(config)# interface mlt 5 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# perform-tagging enable ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# end ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 5 add-vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 5 add-vlan 10 3. Configure the IP address and IST. The IP address points to the partner IST node: ERS-8300:5(config)# interface vlan 1900


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

Square SMLT configuration example using the ACLI

ERS-8300:5(config-if)# ip address ERS-8300:5(config-if)# end ERS-8300:5(config)# interface mlt 5 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# ist ip vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# ist enable ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# end 4. Configure SMLT. The SMLT ID must be identical for each IST pair: ERS-8300:5(config)# vlan members add 10 1/1 ERS-8300:5(config)# interface fastethernet 1/1 ERS-8300:5(config-if)# smlt 1 ERS-8300:5(config-if)# end

Configuring ERS8300A using the ACLI

1. Configure VLANs. ERS-8300:5(config)# vlan create 1900 type port 1 ERS-8300:5(config)# vlan create 10 type port 1 2. Configure MLT. VLAN 10 must be spanned across the InterSwitch Trunk (MLT-5): ERS-8606:5(config)# mlt 5 create ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 5 member 2/1,3/1 ERS-8300:5(config)# interface mlt 5 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# perform-tagging enable ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# end ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 5 add-vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 5 add-vlan 10 3. Configure the IP address and IST. The IP address points to the partner IST node: ERS-8300:5(config)# interface vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5(config-if)# ip address ERS-8300:5(config-if)# end ERS-8300:5(config)# interface mlt 5 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# ist ip vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# ist enable

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

August 2011


SMLT ACLI configuration examples

ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# end 4. Configure SMLT. The SMLT ID must be identical for each IST pair: ERS-8300:5(config)# vlan members add 10 1/1 ERS-8300:5(config)# interface fastethernet 1/1 ERS-8300:5(config-if)# smlt 1 ERS-8300:5(config-if)# end

Configuring ERS8300D using the ACLI

1. Configure VLANs. ERS-8300:5(config)# vlan create 1900 type port 1 ERS-8300:5(config)# vlan create 10 type port 1 2. Configure MLT. VLAN 10 must be spanned across the InterSwitch Trunk (MLT-5): ERS-8606:5(config)# mlt 5 create ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 5 member 2/1,3/1 ERS-8300:5(config)# interface mlt 5 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# perform-tagging enable ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# end ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 5 add-vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 5 add-vlan 10 3. Configure the IP address and IST. The IP address points to the partner IST node: ERS-8300:5(config)# interface vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5(config-if)# ip address ERS-8300:5(config-if)# end ERS-8300:5(config)# interface mlt 5 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# ist ip vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# ist enable ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# end 4. Configure SMLT. The SMLT ID must be identical for each IST pair: ERS-8300:5(config)# vlan members add 10 1/1 ERS-8300:5(config)# interface fastethernet 1/1 ERS-8300:5(config-if)# smlt 1 ERS-8300:5(config-if)# end


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

Full mesh SMLT configuration example using the ACLI

Use the show mlt info and the show smlt info commands to verify the status of the MultiLink trunks.

Full mesh SMLT configuration example using the ACLI

The full mesh SMLT design is similar to the square SMLT, except more links are added to fully mesh the four nodes. As with the square configuration, it is imperative that all links within the SMLT group contain the same SMLT ID, however, this ID need not be the same between each IST pair.

Figure 23: Full mesh SMLT example

Configuring ERS8300B using the ACLI

1. Configure VLANs. ERS-8300:5(config)# vlan create 1900 type port 1 ERS-8300:5(config)# vlan create 10 type port 1 2. Configure MLT. VLAN 10 must be spanned across the InterSwitch Trunk (MLT-5):

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

August 2011


SMLT ACLI configuration examples

ERS-8606:5(config)# mlt 5 create ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 5 member 2/1,3/1 ERS-8300:5(config)# interface mlt 5 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# perform-tagging enable ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# end ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 5 add-vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 5 add-vlan 10 3. Configure the IP address and IST. The IP address points to the partner IST node: ERS-8300:5(config)# interface vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5(config-if)# ip address ERS-8300:5(config-if)# end ERS-8300:5(config)# interface mlt 5 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# ist ip vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# ist enable ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# end 4. Configure SMLT. The SMLT ID must be identical for each IST pair: ERS-8606:5(config)# mlt 1 create ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 1 member 1/1,1/17 ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 1 add-vlan 10 ERS-8300:5(config)# interface mlt 1 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# smlt 1 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# end

Configuring ERS8300C using the ACLI

1. Configure VLANs. ERS-8300:5(config)# vlan create 1900 type port 1 ERS-8300:5(config)# vlan create 10 type port 1 2. Configure MLT. VLAN 10 must be spanned across the InterSwitch Trunk (MLT-5): ERS-8606:5(config)# mlt 5 create ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 5 member 2/1,3/1 ERS-8300:5(config)# interface mlt 5 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# perform-tagging enable


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

Full mesh SMLT configuration example using the ACLI

ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# end ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 5 add-vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 5 add-vlan 10 3. Configure the IP address and IST. The IP address points to the partner IST node: ERS-8300:5(config)# interface vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5(config-if)# ip address ERS-8300:5(config-if)# end ERS-8300:5(config)# interface mlt 5 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# ist ip vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# ist enable ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# end 4. Configure SMLT. The SMLT ID must be identical for each IST pair: ERS-8606:5(config)# mlt 1 create ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 1 member 1/1,1/17 ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 1 add-vlan 10 ERS-8300:5(config)# interface mlt 1 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# smlt 1 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# end

Configuring ERS8300A using the ACLI

1. Configure VLANs. ERS-8300:5(config)# vlan create 1900 type port 1 ERS-8300:5(config)# vlan create 10 type port 1 2. Configure MLT. VLAN 10 must be spanned across the InterSwitch Trunk (MLT-5): ERS-8606:5(config)# mlt 5 create ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 5 member 2/1,3/1 ERS-8300:5(config)# interface mlt 5 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# perform-tagging enable ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# end ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 5 add-vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 5 add-vlan 10 3. Configure the IP address and IST. The IP address points to the partner IST node:

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

August 2011


SMLT ACLI configuration examples

ERS-8300:5(config)# interface vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5(config-if)# ip address ERS-8300:5(config-if)# end ERS-8300:5(config)# interface mlt 5 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# ist ip vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# ist enable ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# end 4. Configure SMLT. The SMLT ID must be identical for each IST pair: ERS-8606:5(config)# mlt 1 create ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 1 member 1/1,1/17 ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 1 add-vlan 10 ERS-8300:5(config)# interface mlt 1 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# smlt 1 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# end

Configuring ERS8300D using the ACLI

1. Configure VLANs. ERS-8300:5(config)# vlan create 1900 type port 1 ERS-8300:5(config)# vlan create 10 type port 1 2. Configure MLT. VLAN 10 must be spanned across the InterSwitch Trunk (MLT-5): ERS-8606:5(config)# mlt 5 create ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 5 member 2/1,3/1 ERS-8300:5(config)# interface mlt 5

ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# end ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 5 add-vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 5 add-vlan 10 3. Configure the IP address and IST. The IP address points to the partner IST node: ERS-8300:5(config)# interface vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5(config-if)# ip address ERS-8300:5(config-if)# end ERS-8300:5(config)# interface mlt 5


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

SMLT and VRRP configuration example using the ACLI

ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# ist ip vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# ist enable ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# end 4. Configure SMLT. The SMLT ID must be identical for each IST pair: ERS-8606:5(config)# mlt 1 create ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 1 member 1/1,1/17 ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 1 add-vlan 10 ERS-8300:5(config)# interface mlt 1 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# smlt 1 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# end Use the show mlt info and the show smlt info commands to verify the status of the MultiLink trunks.

SMLT and VRRP configuration example using the ACLI

In cases where the Ethernet Routing Switch is providing the next-hop gateway, and is in Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) mode, the Ethernet Routing Switch can provide additional VRRP benefits. In this example, ERS8300A is acting solely as a Layer 2 switch, with a single VLAN 10 configured. The server in this example has a next-hop gateway configured for the VRRP IP.

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

August 2011


SMLT ACLI configuration examples

Figure 24: SMLT and VRRP example

Configuring ERS8300B using the ACLI

1. Configure VLANs. ERS-8300:5(config)# vlan create 1900 type port 1 ERS-8300:5(config)# vlan create 10 type port 1 2. Configure MLT. VLAN 10 must be spanned across the InterSwitch Trunk (MLT-5): ERS-8606:5(config)# mlt 5 create ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 5 member 2/1,3/1 ERS-8300:5(config)# interface mlt 5 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# perform-tagging enable ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# end ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 5 add-vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 5 add-vlan 10 3. Configure the IP address and IST. The IP address points to the partner IST node: ERS-8300:5(config)# interface vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5(config-if)# ip address


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

SMLT and VRRP configuration example using the ACLI

ERS-8300:5(config-if)# end ERS-8300:5(config)# interface mlt 5 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# ist ip vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# ist enable ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# end 4. Configure SMLT. The SMLT ID must be identical for each IST pair: ERS-8300:5(config)# vlan members add 10 1/1 ERS-8300:5(config)# interface fastethernet 1/1 ERS-8300:5(config-if)# smlt 1 ERS-8300:5(config-if)# end 5. Configure VRRP. These commands add the VRRP virtual IP address of to VLAN 10 with BackupMaster enabled so that both ERS8300B and ERS8300C can respond to ARP. ERS-8300:5(config)# interface vlan 10 ERS-8300:5(config-if)# ip address ERS-8300:5(config-if)# ip vrrp 1 ERS-8300:5(config-if)# ip vrrp backup-address 1 ERS-8300:5(config-if)# ip vrrp 1 backup-master enable ERS-8300:5(config-if)# ip vrrp 1 holddown-timer 60 ERS-8300:5(config-if)# ip vrrp 1 enable

Configuring ERS8300C using the ACLI

1. Configure VLANs. ERS-8300:5(config)# vlan create 1900 type port 1 ERS-8300:5(config)# vlan create 10 type port 1 2. Configure MLT. VLAN 10 must be spanned across the InterSwitch Trunk (MLT-5): ERS-8606:5(config)# mlt 5 create ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 5 member 2/1,3/1 ERS-8300:5(config)# interface mlt 5 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# perform-tagging enable ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# end ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 5 add-vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5(config)# mlt 5 add-vlan 10

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

August 2011


SMLT ACLI configuration examples

3. Configure the IP address and IST. The IP address points to the partner IST node: ERS-8300:5(config)# interface vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5(config-if)# ip address ERS-8300:5(config-if)# end ERS-8300:5(config)# interface mlt 5 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# ist ip vlan 1900 ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# ist enable ERS-8300:5(config-mlt)# end 4. Configure SMLT. The SMLT ID must be identical for each IST pair: ERS-8300:5(config)# vlan members add 10 1/1 ERS-8300:5(config)# interface fastethernet 1/1 ERS-8300:5(config-if)# smlt 1 ERS-8300:5(config-if)# end 5. Configure VRRP. These commands add the VRRP virtual IP address of to VLAN 10 with BackupMaster enabled so that both ERS8300B and ERS8300C can respond to ARP. ERS-8300:5(config)# interface vlan 10 ERS-8300:5(config-if)# ip address ERS-8300:5(config-if)# ip vrrp backup-address 1 ERS-8300:5(config-if)# ip vrrp 1 backup-master enable ERS-8300:5(config-if)# ip vrrp 1 holddown-timer 65 ERS-8300:5(config-if)# ip vrrp 1 enable

Configuring ERS8300A using the ACLI

Configure MLT on A ERS-8300:5# config vlan 10 create byport 1 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 create ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 add ports 1/1,1/17 ERS-8300:5# config mlt 1 add vlan 10 Use the show ip vrrp info command to view VRRP status.


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

Chapter 10: Customer Service

Visit the Avaya Web site to access the complete range of services and support that Avaya provides. Go to or go to one of the pages listed in the following sections.

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Getting help from a distributor or reseller

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Getting technical support from the Avaya Web site

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Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

August 2011


Customer Service


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT


August 2011

Index A
ACLI SMLT configuration examples .........................155 Adding an MLT-based SMLT ......................................58 Adding ports to an MLT ..............................................56 AlignmentErrors field ...........................................88, 123 AStgEnable field .........................................................55 ATSTG ......................................................................114 Deleting MLT-based SMLT using Device Manager .... 59 Deleting ports from an MLT using Device Manager . . .57

ExcessiveCollisions field .....................................90, 126

FCSErrors field ...................................................88, 123 FrameTooLongs field ..........................................88, 123 Full mesh SMLT configuration example using the ACLI ......................................................................169 Full mesh SMLT configuration example using the CLI 147

CarrierSenseErrors field .....................................88, 123 collision errors, MLT ...................................................90 Configuring a MultiLink trunk using the ACLI ............111 Configuring a single port SMLT ..................................60 Configuring a single-port SMLT using the CLI ............82 Configuring an IST MLT .............................................63 Configuring an IST MLT using the ACLI ...................121 Configuring an IST MLT using the CLI .......................86 Configuring an MLT ....................................................53 Configuring an MLT-based SMLT using the CLI .........84 Configuring an MultiLink trunk using the CLI ..............79 Configuring LACP globally using Device Manager ..... 44 Configuring LACP globally using the ACLI ...............100 Configuring LACP globally using the CLI ...................72 Configuring LACP on a port using Device Manager ...46 Configuring LACP on a port using the ACLI .............102 Configuring LACP on an MLT using the ACLI ...........115 Configuring LACP on an MLT using the CLI ..............84 Configuring port-based LACP using the CLI ..............74 Configuring port-based VLACP using the ACLI ........129 Configuring rate limiting using Device Manager .........62 Configuring rate limiting using the ACLI ...................118 Configuring rate limiting using the CLI .......................83 Configuring VLACP globally using Device Manager . .65 Configuring VLACP globally using the ACLI .............128 Configuring VLACP on a port using Device Manager 66 Creating a single-port SMLT using the ACLI .............117 Creating an MLT .......................................................110 ACLI ...................................................................110 Creating an MLT-based SMLT using the ACLI ..........119

Id field, static link aggregation group ....................55, 80 IEEE ...........................................................................14 802.1Q .................................................................14 IEEE 802.3ad overview ..............................................19 InternalMacReceiveErrors field ...........................88, 123 InternalMacTransmitErrors field ..........................88, 123 Interswitch trunk (IST) ................................................24 about ....................................................................24 IST ..............................................................................24 about ....................................................................24

LACP and Spanning Tree ...........................................39 MLT configuration ................................................39 LACP keys ..................................................................40 LACP modes ..............................................................41 LACP priority ..............................................................40 LACP timers ...............................................................40 LateCollisions field ..............................................90, 126 Link aggregation .........................................................37 configuration considerations ................................37 link aggregation configuration considerations ....15, 37, 38, 40 LACP parameters ................................................40 LAG rules .............................................................15 MLT with LACP ....................................................37 MLT with LACP and SMLT ...................................38 Loadsharing ................................................................23

DeferredTransmissions field ...............................88, 123 Deleting a single port SMLT .......................................61

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August 2011


MLT configuration .......................................................14 rules .....................................................................14 MLT network topology ................................................15 configuration examples ........................................15 MLT with LACP .........................................................133 CLI configuration example .................................133 MLT-based SMLT .......................................................30 single port SMLT ..................................................30 MLT, See static link aggregation .................................11 Multicast Distribution field, MLTs ................................55 MultiLink .....................................................................12 trunking ................................................................12 MultiLink trunk .......................................................1517 BPDUs .................................................................17 client/server configuration ....................................17 switch-to-server configuration ..............................16 switch-to-switch configuration ..............................15 MultiLink Trunking ......................................................18 with LACP ............................................................18 MultipleCollisionFrames field ..............................90, 126

SingleCollisionFrames field .................................90, 126 SMLT ..............................................2224, 26, 28, 3134 configuration example ..........................................24 end station configuration example .......................26 IP routing ..............................................................32 IST .......................................................................24 LACP support .......................................................31 network design .....................................................34 overview ...............................................................22 single port ............................................................28 about .............................................................28 topologies .............................................................24 traffic flow examples ............................................26 traffic flow rules ....................................................26 versus STP ..........................................................23 VRRP ...................................................................33 VRRP Backup Master ..........................................33 SMLT advantages ......................................................23 SMLT and IST .............................................................27 traffic flow example ..............................................27 SMLT and SLPP .........................................................34 SMLT and VRRP configuration example using the ACLI ......................................................................173 SMLT and VRRP configuration example using the CLI . .

Name field ..................................................................55

PortMembers field ......................................................55 PortType field .............................................................55

Removing an IST MLT ................................................64 Routed Split MultiLink Trunking (RSMLT) ..................22

show mlt commands ..............................81, 90, 123, 125 error collision ...........................................81, 90, 125 error main ...........................................................123 single port SMLT .........................................................28 about ....................................................................28 Single-port SMLT triangle configuration example using the ACLI .......................................................155 Single-port SMLT with SLPP configuration example using the ACLI .............................................158 Single-port SMLT with SLPP configuration example using the CLI ...............................................138

SMLT CLI configuration examples ............................135 SMLT configuration example using the ACLI ...........161 SMLT configuration example using the CLI ..............141 SMLT square ..............................................................38 SMLT triangle configuration example using the CLI . 135 Split MultiLink Trunking (SMLT) ..................................22 SQETestErrors field ............................................88, 123 Square SMLT configuration example using the ACLI 165 Square SMLT configuration example using the CLI . 143 static link aggregation ......................................11, 13, 14 IEEE 802.1Q tagging ...........................................14 media type ...........................................................14 port aggregation ...................................................11 span modules .......................................................14 supported media ..................................................14 traffic distribution ..................................................13 SvlanPortType field, MLT ...........................................55

tagging, on MLT ports .................................................80 traffic distribution , link aggregation ............................13

Viewing global LACP configuration information using the CLI .................................................................73


Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

August 2011

Viewing LACP configuration information using the ACLI ......................................................................105 Viewing LACP interface configuration information . . .107 ACLI ...................................................................107 Viewing LACP parameters using Device Manager .... 51 Viewing MLT collision error information using the ACLI ......................................................................125 Viewing MLT Ethernet error information using the ACLI ......................................................................123 Viewing MLT Ethernet error information using the CLI 88 Viewing MLT information using the ACLI ..................116 Viewing MLT-based SMLT information for the switch . 59 Viewing port-based LACP configuration information using the CLI .................................................76

Viewing single-port SMLT information using Device Manager ........................................................62 Viewing single-port SMLT information using the CLI ..82 Viewing SMLT information using the CLI ....................83 Viewing the global VLACP configuration using the ACLI ......................................................................128 Viewing the IST configuration information using the CLI .......................................................................87 Viewing the IST configuration using the ACLI ..........122 Viewing the port-based VLACP configuration using the ACLI .............................................................130 Viewing the SMLT configuration using the ACLI .......120 Virtual Link Aggregation Control Protocol ..................34 VlanIds field ................................................................55

Configuration Link Aggregation, MLT, and SMLT

August 2011


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