DPAC Minutes 09-24-2012

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s: Gord Byers - Chilliwack Middle DPAC President; Don Davis GW Graham - DPAC Treasurer; Kristina Daneluz, BCCPAC Rep Sardis Elementary; Corey Neyrinck, DPAC Vice President McCammon Elementary; Cynthia Watson Vedder Elementary; Michelle Dick Greendale Elementary; Linda Heath Central Elementary; Colleen Saunders Strathcona Elementary; Lori Wedel Promontory/Strathcona Elementary; Sherry Bass Robertson Elementary; Kristina Ganske Robertson Elementary; Wendy Crane Cultus Lake Elementary; Walter Krahn School Trustee Guest: Evelyn Novak, Superintendent Gord called the meeting to order at 7:00 The Representatives introduced themselves. Approval of the Agenda MOVED BY: Sherry MOTION CARRIED SECONDED BY: Linda

Approval of the minutes of the May 24, 2012 Meeting MOVED BY: Corey MOTION CARRIED SECONDED BY: Kristina

Presidents Report Gord addressed the matter of PAC constitutions. Discussion of the importance of having PAC constitutions signed by the PAC secretary and filed with the School Board office to ensure that future PAC executives will have access to the constitutions if they are not otherwise available and to permit any inquiries around the contents of the constitutions. BCCPAC website has a constitution template that PACs may use.

Treasurers Report Don presented the synoptic journal of the transactions of the DPAC for the year ended June 30, 2012. The current unencumbered balances in the accounts are: General Account - $1,953.40; Gaming Account - $564.75. The 2012-13 DPAC gaming grant of $2,500 has not yet been received. MOVED BY: Sherry SECONDED BY: Cynthia

That the Treasurers report be accepted as presented MOTION CARRIED

Old Business New Superintendent Gord welcomed Evelyn Novak to the DPAC meeting. Evelyn introduced herself and thanked everyone for the warm welcome she has received since arriving in Chilliwack in early August.

BCCPAC PAC memberships in BCCPAC are due by December 15th. All PACs are encourages to join or renew their memberships MOVED BY: Gord SECONDED BY: Kristina

That DPAC renew its membership in BCCPAC at a cost of $75.00 MOTION CARRIED Kristina reported on her research into the information available from BCCPAC and will report to DPAC on the highlights of the latest news and other items of interest from the BCCPAC website.

Communications Gord has requested from the School District that every PAC be issued a sd33.bc.ca email address. This will help ensure that DPAC, parents, PAC executives and the School District will have a consistent point of contact. Discussion ensued around the issue of auto-forwarding messages to existing emails. Evelyn Novak will check with the IT department as to the timeline for implementing these email addresses.

New Business Earthquake/Emergency Preparedness Discussion on what schools and PAC are doing; there are no standardized protocols with respect to supplies/shelters/other resources at school sites. Each school has a different approach to having supplies and food available for emergency situations; a policy binder would be helpful for PACs.

Recycling Kristina reported that the School District now has single stream recycling at all schools. The key is now to inform and educate students and staff to make full use of the recycling bins. Kristina is presenting the new recycling plan to Sardis Elementary and offered to present to other schools. Kristina will meet with Walt and Evelyn to consider a presentation to the Principals meeting.

Scholarships The matter of the name and the amounts of the 2013 awards were discussed. MOVED BY: Gord SECONDED BY: Colleen

That the name of the DPAC awards be referred to as Bursary: MOTION CARRIED MOVED BY: Gord SECONDED BY: Corey

That three (one per each secondary school) 2013 DPAC bursaries be awarded in the amount of $500.00 each. MOTION CARRIED

DPAC Presentation/Forum Gord is looking for suggestions for a parent presentation/forum to be hosted by DPAC during the school year. Possibly able to coordinate with a speaker already engaged to present to district/school staff on professional days. Gord to check with schools on their plans for professional days. Kristina to check with BCCPAC for any information on presenter and presentations. Any ideas for a DPAC presentation should be forwarded to Gord.

DPAC Meeting Dates By consensus, the DPAC meetings for the 2012-2013 school year will be on following dates: October 18, 2012 November 22, 2012 January 24, 2013 February 28, 2013 March 27, 2013 (Wednesday) April 25, 2013 May 23, 2013 (includes AGM)

All meetings will be held at the School District office at 7:00 PM

Superintendents Welcome Reception Walt invited all PAC executives (2 per PAC) to join all partner groups at the Welcome to Chilliwack Reception for Evelyn Novak on October 10th from 5:00 7:00 PM at the Coast Hotel.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:37 pm

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