Tiếp thị Du Lịch Thời Đại Internet

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Internet Marketing for Tourism & Hospitality

ISTM Phan Viet Dung

Websites & e-Marketing

MUC TIEU: Hieu va thc hien
1. Mot Website hu hieu 2. Ky thuat Web Marketing: SEO

3. Bn dch v du lch trc tuyn v ngoi tuyn 4. Cng c Bn phng Trc tuyn

ISTM Phan Viet Dung

A. META Tags, Keywords & Search Engine - Design & Contents -Web analyzing software.
1. META Tags: Title Tag (60 - 100 characters) - Description Tag (150 - 200) va Keyword Tag (870 - 1.000). 2. Kewords va SEs spider & robot - Keywords trong cac META Tags va trong trang (200 characters au tien) - Van e word/keyword spamming va SEs misguiding. 3. Design & Contents: Giao dien than thien - Homepage vs. Doorways - Dung lng 40Kb/page, download time max. 20s/p, min. font size 10-12 - Keywords trong 2030 t au tien cua trang - S hu ch cua cac trang/muc Newsletters (subcription), Travel News, Useful Info, Maps... - Navigation hyperlinks... 4. Web analyzing tool: Webalizer, NetGenesis... Muc ch

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Some key terms:

Meta tags
Meta tags are embedded in the the <head> section of a web page and don't affect how the page is displayed in a browser. Before a company registers or submits its site to search engines it has tohave meta tags set up. The most important meta tags that need to be on the page are Keywords, Description Author.

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Key Words: Pages that have searched-for words in their keyword META-tags will be given a high ranking on result pages. Most search engines will only include the first 1000 characters in a keyword list. Example: <meta name=keywords content="keyword1, keyword2, keyword3">

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Description META-tags are used to give a short description of a page. Many search engines will display this description below the title/link of the page .
Example of using description tag:

<meta name=description content="Learn how to play quake, read tips submitted by professioan quake players, free online quake guides and secrets">
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This tag just states name of the business or the name of the person who's page it is. The department META-tag is used to identify the relative department ownership / reference. Examples:
<meta name=author content="Name of the person"> <meta name=department content="Company name + department">

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Robot Meta Tags
Robot Meta tag is used to control if the spider should index current page or not . The reason why the company wants the robot to not index the page is it doesn't want its visitor to pop up on the "dead end page" from witch he cannot go anywhere else. Example of robot meta tag:
<META NAME=robots CONTENT="index | noindex | follow | nofollow">

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<META NAME=robots CONTENT="index follow"> - This

command instructs the robot to read the index file on your site, and then schedule any urls it locates on that page for further spidering. On a page which you don't want indexed, you would have the following: <META NAME=robots CONTENT="noindex nofollow"> This tells the spider not to index the page, nor follow any links which they might find.

ISTM Phan Viet Dung

1. Write a Page Title. Write a descriptive title for each page of 5 to 8 words. Remove as many "filler" words from the title, such as "the," "and," etc. This page title will appear hyperlinked on the search engines when your page is found. Entice searchers to click on the title by making it a bit provocative. Place this at the top of the webpage between the <HEAD></HEAD> tags, in this format: <TITLE>Web Marketing Checklist -- 32 Ways to Promote Your Website</TITLE>. (It also shows on the blue bar at the top of your web browser.)
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D c tm thy trn internet qua cc cng c tm kim (search engines) ng v tr Top Ranking vi nhiu t kho khc nhau khch thng s dng tm kim. Thu ht c nhiu ngi truy cp (visitors) Hon Vn u T v sinh li

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A. Toi u hoa website:


1. META Tags: Title Tag (60 - 100 characters hoc 5 n 8 t) Description Tag (150 - 200) va Keyword Tag (870 - 1.000) - 200 characters au tien 2. Keywords va SEs spider/robot 3. Design & Contents: Giao dien than thien - Dung lng 40Kb /page, download time max. 20s/p, min. font size 10-12 - Cac trang/muc hu ch 4. Web analyzing tools: Webalizer & Google Analytics 5. Web Marketing Checklist
ISTM Phan Viet Dung

B. 1. -


Ky thuat Web Marketing - eMarketing: Advertisements & S.E submission: FFAs, Directories & SEs The big Four S.Es (2009): - Google 82.5% - Yahoo 14.9% - MSN - AOL - Inktomi (Looksmart, MSN, Hotbot, Overture), Ask Jeeves, Fast (Lycos + All the Web), Netscape & iWon.

ISTM Phan Viet Dung


B. Ky thuat Web Marketing - eMarketing:
2. 3. Lien ket tren Internet - Internet Distribution Services (IDS) He thong Phan phoi Toan cau - Global Distribution System (GDS): VIP International - HotelBank - Sabre Galileo, Amadeus - Pegasus - Travelweb Worldres Worldspan, Genares. Dch vu Gi phong - Hotel Reservation Services (HRS): Agoda, Booking.com, Asia-Hotels, Asia-Travel - All-Hotels - Worldlodge - Best Hotels.... Links & Other travel related websites: Commissioned foreign TAs/TOs. Database & mass emails: Spamming & Courteous.

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C. Ban phong qua Internet: Online & Offline 1. Online bookings vs. Offline bookings: Xu hng at phong qua Internet. 2. Lien ket cac websites - Daily Room Allotment oi vi a@Res services v TA/TO. 3. Commission va cac ieu khoan can co trong Hp ong lien ket kinh doanh qua websites:
a. T le % HH tra cho GDS, HRS... b. Phng thc thanh toan: Thi gian hay so tien? c. No-show charge. d. Cancellation policy

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D. Internet Packages:

1. 2.

Muc tieu: Toi u hoa doanh thu - Thuan tien cho end users. Cac yeu to hap dan:
Free Use of Swimming Pool & Gym Center, Tennis Court, Internet Access, Local Calls... Welcome drinks, Wine, Meals, City tours, Airport Pickup, Taxi & Massage Coupons - Shopping Discount Coupons....


Sang tao va thc hien Packages cho cac th trng muc tieu khac nhau.

ISTM Phan Viet Dung

Website Khach san va Booking Engine

Mot Booking Engine ien hnh. Cac tien ch cua Booking Engine. Nhc iem cua Booking Engine. Marketing vi C S D Lieu Khach Hang cua Booking Engine. Mot Hieu Qua ien Hnh

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Ky thuat ban phong: Websites & e-Business

E. Quy trnh x ly online bookings.
Bookings Check-in S&M/ Resv Reception Reception Resv/S&M Accounting Room Div

ISTM Phan Viet Dung



Partner ?

Cc mng x hi (social networks) Facebook.com Twitter.com Myspace.com Google: sites.google.com/site/istmhospitalitymanage ment II. Blogs: YahooPlus; blogspot.com (google); my.opera.com, III. Cc dch v websites, photos, video min ph trn google, youtube I.
ISTM Phan Viet Dung

Ky thuat ban phong: Websites & e-Business

E. Quy trnh phan nhiem x ly online bookings SAMPLE: Packages.
1. Nguyen tac chung: a. Gia cua cac packges ban qua website a bao gom tat ca cac dch vu c ghi trong package va cac bo phan khac a c biet. b. Cac bo phan dch vu nh Tour, Nha hang, Massage ch thc hien cac dch vu cua mnh a c ban trong package khi khach a vouchers cac dch vu va khong thu tien. Tat ca vouchers cua packages c Tiep Tan a cho khach ngay khi khach check in.

ISTM Phan Viet Dung

Phn c thm Websites & e-Business

E. Quy trnh phan nhiem x ly online bookings: Packages.
1. Nguyen tac chung: c. Khach mua packages se thanh toan toan bo so tien tr gia cua package cho Tiep Tan khi check out va phai thanh toan them cac dch vu ngoai package (nhng cha thanh toan trc tiep tai cac bo phan) neu s dung them. d. Phong Ke toan ch tnh commission cho oi tac (neu co) theo tr gia cua package (khong tnh cac dch vu s dung them). Tuy nhien, neu khach lu tru them ngay, co the phai tnh them commission tren gia ngay/phong them (tuy theo H) nhng khong tnh commission tren cac dch vu khac.

ISTM Phan Viet Dung

Ky thuat ban phong: Websites & e-Business

E. Quy trnh x ly online bookings: Packages.

Phan nhiem thc hien cac packages:

S&M: Sang tao cac packages vi gia c cac phong ban thong nhat. In noi dung tat ca packages ban tren website va gi cac Phong Ke Toan, Tiep Tan,Reservation, Tour Desk, Massage, Nha hang e nam vng va phoi hp thc hien khi co package. S&M: In cac Vouchers theo noi dung cua packages gi Tiep Tan trc ngay khach en. Trong vouchers can ghi ro ieu kien s dung cac dch vu. Bao cho cac bo phan dch vu lien quan. Cham soc khach va am bao cac dch vu bao gom c thc hien tot. Resv: Khi nhan package qua mang, in va gi cac Phong Ban lien quan e thc hien cac noi dung lien quan.



ISTM Phan Viet Dung

E. Quy trnh x ly online bookings: Packages

2. Phan nhiem thc hien cac packages (tiep theo):

Ky thuat ban phong: Websites & e-Business

e. f.

Tiep Tan: Tiep nhan khach mua package check in. a tat ca Vouchers cho khach khi khach check in + thong bao Resv & S&M (e thong ke), nhac nh cac bo phan lien quan en cac dch vu bao gom trong package e chuan b thc hien (thong bao ten khach + so phong va dch vu a ban). Ra Hoa n khi khach check out, bao gom gia package + cac dch vu ngoai package (neu co) e khach thanh toan (ngoai tr cac dch vu khach a s dung them nhng tra tien trc tiep tai cac bo phan dch vu khac). Cac bo phan lien quan en package nh Tour Desk, Massage, Nha Hang, : Can nhan biet khach (co the hoi trc), nhan voucher khi khach xuat trnh va thc hien noi dung cua vouchers theo thong bao cua Reservation/Tiep tan. Ke Toan: Phan bo lai doanh thu & chi ph cho cac bo phan a thc hien cac dch vu cua package qua cac vouchers.

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