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8achelor 1hesls

Andersson & SLekovlc, 2011 !"#

Llnnaeus unlverslLv - a flrm focus on quallLv and compeLence

Cn 1 !anuarv 2010 vax[ unlverslLv and Lhe unlverslLv of kalmar meraed Lo form
Llnnaeus unlverslLv. 1hls new unlverslLv ls Lhe producL of a wlll Lo lmprove Lhe quallLv,
enhance Lhe appeal and boosL Lhe developmenL poLenLlal of Leachlna and research, aL
Lhe same Llme as lL plavs a promlnenL role ln worklna closelv LoaeLher wlLh local socleLv.
Llnnaeus unlverslLv offers an aLLracLlve knowledae envlronmenL characLerlsed bv hlah
quallLv and a compeLlLlve porLfollo of skllls.

Llnnaeus unlverslLv ls a modern, lnLernaLlonal unlverslLv wlLh Lhe emphasls on Lhe
deslre for knowledae, creaLlve Lhlnklna and pracLlcal lnnovaLlons. lor us, Lhe focus ls on
proxlmlLv Lo our sLudenLs, buL also on Lhe world around us and Lhe fuLure ahead.

Llnnus unlverslLv
SL-391 82 kalmar/SL-331 93 vax[
1elephone +46 772-28 80 00

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