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This Year (10-11): Use collaboratively developed learning targets to create assessments, rubrics and teaching and learning

plans. Learning targets are at the heart of each discipline and should serve as the foundation of instruction. Course syllabi should serve as the roadmap for instruction and Professional Learning Community (PLC) work.
The course or grade-level subject has clearly articulated learning targets written in student-friendly language. Targets should be skill based such that the content is assessed through skill demonstration on assessment. Students can articulate what they should know and be able to do as a result of the learning in class.

Next Year (11-12) In addition to the goals and expectations outlined for 2010-2011, the following will be achieved:

Within Five Years (By the end of the 14-15 school year): In addition to the goals and expectations outlined for 2010-11 and 2011-2012, the following will be achieved:


The course or grade-level subject has clearly articulated learning targets written in student-friendly languagetargets have been reviewed and updated as part of the curriculum renewal process. All curriculum revision and renewal involves alignment to the Common Core Standards and ACT College Readiness Benchmarks. Students can articulate what they should know and be able to do as a result of the learning in class. Targets should be skill based such that the content is assessed through skill demonstration on assessment. District-wide all departments and courses have collaboratively determined what constitutes passing (i.e. passing all targets, or just passing certain ones or a certain number?). Personalized learning plans begin to develop. Instruction involves inquiry and higher levels of thinking. Instructional technology emerges as a major support to individualized instruction and assessment.

Each course and grade-level subject has clearly articulated learning targets written in student-friendly languagetargets have been reviewed and updated to align with the Common Core Standards and ACT College Readiness Benchmarks provided as part of the curriculum renewal process. Targets will be skill based such that the content is assessed through skill demonstration on assessment. District-wide all departments and courses have collaboratively reviewed and confirmed what constitutes passing (i.e. passing all targets, or just passing certain ones or a certain number?). Students can articulate what should know and be able to do as a result of the learning in class. Multiple opportunities for students to engage in project-based learning exist at all levels. Personalized learning is the focus of classroom instruction. Instructional technology is embedded throughout and serves as the major support to individualized instruction and assessment.


Learning Targets: Few in number and broad in scope. They describe the skills our students need to develop in order to be successful in the 21st century. Students can make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. I Can Statements: Are more precise and greater in number and describe the smaller knowledge and skills needed to show proficiency with the more global learning targets. I can understand and connect strategies used by others to solve problems. I can understand the meaning of a problem and restate it in my own words.

This Year (10-11):

Use collaboratively developed learning targets to create assessments, rubrics and teaching and learning plans. Learning targets are at the heart of each discipline and should serve as the foundation of instruction. Course syllabi should serve as the roadmap for instruction and PLC work.
Instruction is aligned to assessment and learning goals tightly; learning targets are posted in classrooms and referred to with students as part of the context for learning and need for mastery. Continuous developmental feedback is provided to students that is specific, honest and aligned to learning targets. Homework assigned and practice assignments given are directly linked to learning targets and provide students the opportunity to learn and practice without risk of penalty. This practice will help students gain a better understanding of the course material and of themselves as learners. Response to Intervention state regulations guide our learning and decision making as we ready for implementation. Committee work ensues and information is shared to all stakeholders. Curriculum and instruction aligned to learning targets helps assure access to high quality curriculum for all students.

Next Year (11-12)

In addition to the goals and expectations outlined for 2010-2011, the following will be achieved:

Within Five Years

(By the end of the 14-15 school year): In addition to the goals and expectations outlined for 2010-11 and 2011-2012, the following will be achieved:


Instruction is aligned to assessment and learning goals tightlyboth content and skills are taught that align to learning targets. Collegial observation and coaching are regularly used to be sure that there is a high level of instructional fidelity to the curriculum. High quality instructional strategies are used that cause students to use higher level thinking skills and performance in class and on assignments. Learning targets and daily activities are connected. Homework assigned and practice assignments given are directly linked to learning targets and provide students the opportunity to learn and practice without risk of penalty. This practice will help students gain a better understanding of the course material and of themselves as learners. Technology is used as a tool to deepen student engagement and expand differentiated learning experiences. School teams work to implement RtI principles and mandates with respect to universal instruction, high quality tiered intervention, progress monitoring and identification/re-identification of students with Specific Learning Disabilities. Integrated learning environments continued to be developed at all levels.

Instruction is aligned to assessment and learning goals tightlyboth content and skills are taught that align to learning targets. Pre-assessment data are routinely used to correctly place students in courses and set the level of initial instruction for a lesson. Collegial observation and coaching are regularly used to be sure that there is a high level of instructional fidelity to the curriculum and learning processes. High quality instructional strategies are used that cause students to use higher level thinking skills and performance in class and on assignments. Homework assigned and practice assignments given are directly linked to learning targets and provide students the opportunity to learn and practice without risk of penalty. This practice will help students gain a better understanding of the course material and of themselves as learners. 24/7 technology access provides students the opportunity to engage in collaborative and individual learning activities beyond the traditional classroom. Race and socioeconomic status are no longer predictors of student achievement.


This Year (10-11): Use collaboratively developed learning targets to create assessments, rubrics and teaching and learning plans. Learning targets are at the heart of each discipline and should serve as the foundation of instruction. Course syllabi should serve as the roadmap for instruction and PLC work.
Targets should be skill based such that the content is assessed through skill demonstration on assessment. Assessments are collaboratively developed and aligned to learning targets incorporating the 5 Keys to Assessment as outlined by Carol Commodore. Proficiency rubrics are collaboratively developed incorporating a 5-point proficiency scale: 4 Advanced skills; 3 Proficient skills; 2 Basic skills; 1 Minimal skills; 0 insufficient evidence to make a judgment. These rubrics should be public and used by students so they have a clear understanding of learning and performance expectations for each assessment. Student assessment and work is collaboratively assessed and scored within job-alike PLCs. Blooms Taxonomy and Costas Levels of Questioning are used in assessment development.

Next Year (11-12) In addition to the goals and expectations outlined for 2010-2011, the following will be achieved:

Within Five Years (By the end of the 14-15 school year): In addition to the goals and expectations outlined for 2010-11 and 2011-2012, the following will be achieved:


Common formative and summative assessments are developed and scored collaboratively for inter-rater reliability. Assessments, rubrics, and performance tasks are created to allow students to demonstrate high levels of critical thinking skills in order to achieve proficient and advanced proficient scores. Rubrics, scoring guides and assessments are tightly aligned to learning targets and level of instruction. Students are able to demonstrate their understanding using a variety of assessment techniques. Students are given multiple opportunities to demonstrate proficiency. Students know and can articulate what is being assessed and how they are expected to demonstrate their knowledge. Students are engaged in selfassessment activities that foster selfawareness and self-advocacy.

Common formative and summative assessments are developed and scored collaboratively for inter-rater reliability. Assessments, rubrics, and performance tasks are created to allow students to demonstrate high levels of critical thinking skills in order to achieve proficient and advanced proficient scores. Rubrics, scoring guides and assessments are tightly aligned to learning targets and level of instruction. Students are able to demonstrate their understanding using a variety of assessment techniques. Students are given multiple opportunities to demonstrate proficiency. Students know and can articulate what is being assessed and how they are expected to demonstrate their knowledge. Students are engaged in selfassessment activities that foster selfawareness and self-advocacy.


This Year (10-11): Use collaboratively developed learning targets to create assessments, rubrics and teaching and learning plans. Learning targets are at the heart of each discipline and should serve as the foundation of instruction. Course syllabi should serve as the roadmap for instruction and PLC work.
Job-alike colleagues should have common e-gradebook set up with respect to learning targets or categories. Student progress on formative and summative assessments is reported via an e-gradebook on a consistent basis so there is little lag time between date of assessment and date of teacher report on an e-gradebook (less than 2 weeks). Grades should be calculated using at least 90% summative assessment information and no more than 10% formative assessment information. Feedback should be given to students about work/study habits, classroom behavior, etc., but those components should not be included in an academic grade. Student progress is monitored and reported in a timely fashion by learning target to ensure that a common language is being used to express learning goals and performance, as well as to ensure specificity to aid in the development of remediation and additional learning opportunities.

Next Year (11-12) In addition to the goals and expectations outlined for 2010-2011, the following will be achieved:

Within Five Years (By the end of the 14-15 school year): In addition to the goals and expectations outlined for 2010-11 and 2011-2012, the following will be achieved:



Student progress is monitored and reported in a timely fashion by learning target to ensure that a common language is being used to express learning goals and performance, as well as to ensure specificity to aid in the development of remediation and additional learning opportunities. Cumulative grading is used for all classes such that there are no longer quarter grades; rather there are three periods of progress reports at approximately 4 week intervals throughout the semester. Trend grading rather than averages is used to calculate students final semester grades so that instructors can examine a body of evidence upon which to base the overall grade.

Report cards and e-gradebooks are developed so that progress is reported according to progress/proficiency on learning targets. Class rank and letter grades no longer existwe have moved to an honors system (Laude) which would be determined by achievement of level of proficiency in the class.

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